Is Luna really that popular?

I dont think so. Dont know any personally or anyone with a baby / kid named that.

Does feel like a cat name, though, tbh.

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I know 3 lunas under the age of 5, and a lot of cats/dogs

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In the Western US, I have only met one human [name_f]Luna[/name_f]! She was in grade school.

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My husband is Puerto Rican and that’s one reason we chose [name_f]Luna[/name_f] was because it works well in Spanish! It seems pretty common in Latinx communities to have lots of people with the same name though, so I guess it’s not too big a deal even if she does meet a few others.

That’s good to know! We live in the Midwest rn but would like to eventually move west.

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Thank you! It’s not super popular in my state or area either, but we’ll likely move and I was just curious as to how often people really ran into it. I love the way t out described it, that’s exactly the kind of vibe I think it gives :heart_eyes:

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Aurora does seem a little more popular at the moment and it’s an equally beautiful name imo. But even the most popular names nowadays are still less popular than Top 10 names used to be because there’s such a variety of names people use now.


That’s good that it doesn’t feel overused! I love seeing others love it and show interest, I just don’t want it to feel like [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] or [name_f]Sophia[/name_f] where I know so many girls with that name.

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It seems most I know are pets lol but that doesn’t bother me

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I think it works wonderfully for a cat! It doesn’t bother me that she would share a name with sone people’s pets. [name_f]Bella[/name_f] and [name_u]Max[/name_u] are common pet names but I’ve met a lot of humans with these names. Sometimes a name just works for both!

Yes! I love that you noticed this trend too, because I think pet names say quite a lot about someone’s style. And I’ve met lots of little Bellas who are both canine and human! Lol I’m so glad you like [name_f]Luna[/name_f]. The simple pure sound is really what I find appealing about it too :slight_smile:

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I’m sure they and HP are the reason it’s become so popular! Though I do adore HP and am fond of [name_m]John[/name_m] [name_u]Legend[/name_u], so I don’t mind the associations overall.

That’s good to know! It makes me feel better hearing from teachers or others who come into contact with a lot of kids or names that they haven’t met many. What are some of the most popular names you’ve come across in recent years?

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Yeah it seems to have show up in 2016/2017 but I think it’s likely going to peak soon if it hasn’t already. I’ll be happy once it finally starts declining, which I think will happen a few years before I have any children, thankfully.

That makes sense! And truthfully 62 really isn’t that many. [name_f]My[/name_f] name is [name_f]Catherine[/name_f] and I know there are likely thousands who share my name but I think I’ve met maybe 10 in my entire life (I’m in my mid-20s) and most were as an adult. I think even a few thousands babies sharing her name really isn’t that many when you consider how large the US is.

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This is true! I do like that it has international appeal though. It’s cool to see names that inspire parents from all over the world! I expected it to be higher in Spain actually.

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That is true if you’re not around kids, how would you know? I do work with children and I’ve yet to meet or hear of any personal, but it’s not super popular in my state (ranked in the 70s, I think).

I’ll have to see what it’s ranked versus the population in the UK. Obviously it’s a smaller country than the US so you’ll come into contact with more people who have the same name, but I wonder how many babies were named [name_f]Luna[/name_f] compared to US stats!

Yewh seems we’d likely meet more Lunas if we lived in the UK or the western US, but I also think that comes down to size and population too. It’ll be interesting once we move to see if there’s several more Lunas in our area out west versus the Midwest. I’m positive there are, but again hopefully it’ll start falling before then!

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I know a [name_f]Luna[/name_f], it’s getting more popular and I think it will only increase in popularity.