Issues with Category feeds not scrolling down

@katinka It seems to work just fine on mobile! That’s very strange. I almost always use my laptop or a desktop, and it hasn’t worked on either of those two. [name_m]Just[/name_m] on mobile

@jules95 Which browser do you use? Have you tried any others?

Why would it work on mobile but not on desktop/laptop? :thinking:

@katinka I use Google Chrome if I’m on my breaks at work, and I use Firefox at home. I will double check when I get back to my house because now I’m second guessing whether or not it worked there!

Thanks, I appreciate the help!

Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but this is really difficult to navigate, even with the quick start guide.


Sorry to hear you’re struggling with it, @dreapress

Are there any specific things you’re struggling to work out?

It’s definitely going to take a bit of time for everyone to get used to the new interface (me included!)

Yeah, like, in the baby name games, how do I go to the next page? We used to just click at the bottom to skip to the next page of games but I can’t see where to do that now. Any idea? Lol… I feel dumb, haha…

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Ah, I see.

There are no pages now, you just scroll to the bottom and the next posts automatically loads.

If you want to skip to a particular point in a thread, you can use the blue scrolling timeline on the right (on desktop) or on mobile, tap the blue box with the post number in it at the bottom right of the screen (e.g. [11/116] – this would mean that you’re on post 11 out of 116) and you can skip to a post of your choosing.

Hope that helps!

Hi @katinka, firstly I just want to say thank you for all of the hard work you and the other mods have put into this update!

I’m also having issues navigating the forums, I know you said there are now no pages and the next lot of posts should load when you reach the bottom but this isn’t happening for me and I’m unable to see past what would have been one ‘page’ of threads :frowning: I’ve tried on multiple browsers and I can’t work out if I’m doing something wrong or if I’m just unlucky! Sorry to be a pain.


Not a pain at all! We really need to catch these things. Thank you, I will pass this on.

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Is this scrolling issue happening on every topic (thread)?

Could you please link me to a couple of example topics so I can try this out myself?

Okay, so where are all the games then? I scroll to the bottom and nothing happens. Are there only like, twenty games now?

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@katinka Thank you :slight_smile:
It’s happening on every topic I try. I was trying to browse the baby name games (Baby Name Games - Nameberry) but have also tried the all about NB (All About Nameberry - Nameberry) and Name Advice - Nameberry and they just won’t seem to scroll for me.

@charlottenina Ah, so the categories?

What about within individual threads? Do specific threads scroll correctly for you or are they not working properly too?

What do you see at the bottom, when it won’t scroll any further? Is there any text, or a loading symbol?

Yes, sorry the categories! There is no loading symbol or anything, it just appears as though the thirty or so threads that are listed are the only ones there, but if I toggle different options at the top and select to sort them by date/post count/etc. it will show me a different set of threads so there are obviously other threads actually in the system, if that makes sense?

@dreapress is this the same issue you’re having?

The threads themselves are loading mostly okay but I don’t seem to be able to see any posts from April except from today? It is listing the end of March as the last posted date in all threads that haven’t been posted in today, and even on ones that have it jumps from one month ago to x hours ago.


I’m experiencing the same issue as well. I just want to find the threads I love, like Love-like-lose, or Drop 2 add 1, etc.
Older threads seem to be gone forever.

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Older posts aren’t automatically loading in my case. I’m using Firefox 75.0, the latest version.

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I got access to a few of them from my browser history, they didn’t show up in the category.

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@katinka Update for you! I can scroll through the categories just fine at home on Firefox! I suppose it’s possible that my computer at work has something blocked that prevents me from scrolling, even though I looked through all the privacy settings and such. But at least I can use everything fine at home!

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Thank you for taking the time to test that @jules95!

Yes, it could be an extension or something in your cache at work. [name_f]Glad[/name_f] you can access it at home though :slight_smile:

@Kipperbo1 and @floatinthesky

[name_m]Can[/name_m] I ask you to test one more thing for me? Sounds really basic, but what happens if you refresh the screen when you’re in a category where the infinite scroll is broken? Any change?