July / August / September 2024 Babies

Hi, tentatively starting this thread.

I a BFP at 9 days DPO with increasing HCG according to the clear blue digital tests :crossed_fingers:t3:. Now
Pregnancy was very straightforward with my first 3 then I had an early miscarriage last month, so really hoping this one sticks. Now 14 DPO so EDD 9th July.

I work with babies and love chatting names and finding out why parents chose them. There are so many I love that i wouldnt use personally.

Hello to anyone else with a Summer 2024 baby!! :pray:t4::white_heart::crossed_fingers:t3:


I was wondering when someone was going to start this thread. Congratulations!


Thank you xxx

Attempting to be in this thread (was hoping to be the one to start it, actually…) but having some post combo-pill/PCOS issues :persevere:. We just started TTC in [name_u]August[/name_u] and I’m at cycle day 64 with 2 negative tests so…very confused. But still hopeful!

BIG congratulations to you. I am sorry for your miscarriage last month :frowning: won’t post again unless something happens but wanted to give a shoutout to you/other future moms! :slight_smile:


Everything crossed for you xxx

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I’ll cautiously join this thread. I’m currently around 5 weeks with and EDD of July 11th. :slight_smile:

Congratulations to you @Mumofgirls and @cms1512 I keep my fingers crossed to hopefully see you join us soon.


Congrats to you!!! Is this your first? :slight_smile:

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Thanks! Yes, it’s my first I’m really excited and a bit nervous. :slight_smile:

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Congratulations! And everything crossed for you xxx

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A few days ago i found out that my EDD is [name_u]July[/name_u] 24th :heartpulse:
[name_u]Happy[/name_u] to meet fellow [name_f]Summer[/name_f] 2024 parents!


Congratulations! Xxx

Wife and I have been lurking since we found out in [name_u]November[/name_u]. Due date is estimated at [name_u]July[/name_u] 6th, and we just hit 12 weeks. We’re both excited and anxious about it. Didn’t expect it so early.


Awwww welcome! Congratulations! Also I love your username. I didn’t know we couldn’t change when I made mine :confused:

Thank you! That sucks :/. I wonder if its still possible to change it.

Joining this thread as just found out this past week we’re expecting #4 in [name_u]September[/name_u] :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Cautiously joining this thread because I’m still VERY early on, but received my BFP this morning :smiling_face:


Well, officially bowing out of this thread with the arrival of my period since the earliest possible for me now is early/mid [name_u]October[/name_u]. [name_f]Blessings[/name_f] to you all on your new mama journey! :sparkles:


Was (shockingly) able to get right in to my ob for a confirmation appointment today. In-office urine test was negative which had me feeling awful and anxious all day (I just wanted to curl up on the couch and cry tbh) but got the call later today with my blood count— pregnancy confirmed! Which helped ease a lot of that awful feeling.

Now the anxiety is about my follow up blood draw on [name_m]Friday[/name_m] to make sure numbers are increasing :sweat_smile:

honestly I don’t think the anxiety will ever end, just be redirected, so I’m trying to just savor this moment for what it is and roll with the punches.

hoping for sticky babies :green_heart:


5 1/2 weeks along, first-time parents - due (according to my What to Expect app) [name_u]September[/name_u] 10th!

I have my first few appointments booked :smile: … just got bloodwork done at the end of [name_u]December[/name_u] though, and passed out from nausea (did not know I was already pregnant at the time!), so not looking forward to more upcoming bloodwork …


Cautiously joining this thread! Got a BFP today. EDD Sept 20. I have one 6 year old son who will be 7 in [name_f]April[/name_f]. I had a loss in [name_u]January[/name_u] 2019. Tried again for 2 years unsuccessfully, wasn’t ovulating. I am with a new partner now and have been on bc a year or so. [name_m]Just[/name_m] came off it in [name_u]November[/name_u] so we could start trying, and conception was prob 12/30. I didn’t expect it to happen this fast! I think I’m a little in shock and nervous about losing another, but definitely overjoyed. Congrats to everyone in this thread and sticky baby dust to us all!!