MORE Myers-Briggs and Names!

So, this was inspired by a thread by @elanorelle, but I want to know if a certain personality type from the Myers-[name_m]Briggs[/name_m] 16 personalities test is more prevalent on here than others. Here’s a link to the test if you don’t already know yours: Free Personality Test | 16Personalities. So, what type are you?

  • INTJ
    • INTP
    • INFJ
    • INFP
    • ISTJ
    • ISTP
    • ISFJ
    • ISFP
    • ENTJ
    • ENTP
    • ENFJ
    • ENFP
    • ESTJ
    • ESTP
    • ESFJ
    • ESFP
0 voters

I’m an INFJ! I last took the test a while ago though, so I may need to do it again. It’ll be interesting seeing how popular certain ones are.

Edit: I just re-did the test and I’m now an ISTJ.

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I’m surprised to see so many fellow INFP peeps!



Cleared my error, thanks for the help MG1257!

I’m INFJ - or INFJ-T to be more precise. I’ve never met any one who has been identified as INFJs before so this is a nice surprise


If you click “show vote” at the bottom, you should be able to re-cast your vote

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I’m INFJ-T :grinning:

Oof only three types. Introverts who overthink things and procrastinate a lot. Makes sense!


After looking over all of the MBTI threads on here over the years, the most prominent types were INFP, ENFP, and INFJ. A lot of those users aren’t on here anymore, though, so the demographic may have changed.

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[name_u]Love[/name_u] how so far, we’re all introverted :joy:

Wait now we have one ENFJ


Who else spends time on forums? Lol


I voted INTJ but sometimes I get ISTJ. Some tests give you a percentage, and my N/S are always like 51/49. I identify more with INTJ though.

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All of the tests are inaccurate, even the professional ones because they don’t take into account cognitive functions and unhealthy types. For example, I generally test as a sensor (S), but am not one at all.

To truly know your type, I always recommend thoroughly researching your top results and seeing which one fits you the best. If none of them do, expanding your research to all of the types. This goes deeper into MBTI than most people want to though, so a lot of people end up thinking it’s inaccurate or that their personality changes over the years.


I voted based on what I previously was when I last self-assessed about 12 years ago. Then I took the quiz (I didn’t see the link until after the poll! I’m usually more thorough haha), and anyway I got the same thing. INFJ and apparently with the T attached. That was new to me!

I’m INFJ and hubby is ENFP

This meme is the perfect summation of our relationship… :joy::joy:

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Haha my literal thoughts reading through this thread :joy::grin:

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There’s plenty of kindred spirits on this website.


It’s so weird, apparently INFJ makes up less than 1% of the population, and yet there are so many here! INFP also makes up about 4% of the population. Interesting!

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Yes, and more common extroverted types – like ESFJs, ESTJs, and ESFPs – are nowhere to be found! Must say something about the NB community’s appeal to Introverts. Also, Intuitives are more represented here than Sensors. Very interesting.


I voted ENFJ but I was misremembering, I’m actually ENFP.

I accidentally voted for the wrong one :stuck_out_tongue: I’m ESFJ!