Name Rants

Does anyone else find those “top baby name” article-like things on the home page of this website extremely misleading? Right now, it says “top city baby names” with a giant picture that says “Number 1 [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Names in US Cities 2023” but proceeds only to show the most searched for or viewed names on this website. [name_m]Just[/name_m] because a name is searched for doesn’t mean it’s popular or ever going to be popular. I find it really annoying that they can’t just say “Most Searched for Names” so at least it’s accurate…


I feel the same, just say “Most Searched For Names”, I don’t know of anyone who would ever name their kid [name_u]Luxury[/name_u], just put most searched for names so I don’t think people are going insane.


YES! thanks for saying this. [name_f]Every[/name_f] time I’ve brought up my dislike for “Luxury” as a name, people have taken it the wrong way. The description of “Luxury” on here even says that “In the real world, only twenty baby girls were named [name_u]Luxury[/name_u] in 2022”. There were probably more people named “Sprinkles” or “Cupcake” but those don’t sound trendy so no one talks about it.


wait, WHAT!?!? I’ve low key lost a little faith in humanity for that one. Sprinkles or Cupcake would work good for a cat, not a human.

I agree. I actually met a 45 year old mom named Twinkle when I was 13 though :sob: and she was embarrassed of her name and always had to explain that her parents named her that


I would change my name, that’s just mean


No there were not.
Stop freaking out. There was never anyone recorded by the SSA named Cupcake or Sprinkles. This is publicly available information. You can look it up.


the lists are in order of appearance, so Mary was the first girls name ever recorded, Luxury was the 67800th


I know, it’s weird that she didn’t

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I was just using those as an example of similar sounding word names, ok? There’s no need to get so defensive, I wasn’t “freaking out” and I wasn’t even saying anything about how silly Sprinkles or Cupcake would be, just comparing them to “Luxury” because they’re the same style.

Unfortunately this similar and equally ridiculous name is actually in the top 1000, though:

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I know that you were just making an example. [name_f]My[/name_f] response was mostly aimed at the user who lost faith in humanity based on the assumption that you weren’t.


Maybe we can just stop calling other people’s name choices ridiculous? That would be great. A little respect goes a long way.


[name_m]Just[/name_m] a friendly reminder that these forums are built on a community of respect and kindness. :slight_smile: It is absolutely never appropriate to publicly shame someone on Nameberry, nor “gossip” about a user in this shared space. Please keep the conversation name-based, polite, and civil. Having a difference of opinion is fine and can aid in the discussion at hand. Shaming people for making different decisions or having a different opinion opinion than you is in no way productive and will not be tolerated.


Name block is so deeply upsetting. One second I’m coming up with combinations and finding new name loves left and right, and then all of a sudden it comes to a screeching halt. I’m so frustrated, and I have no idea how to inspire myself again. I’m running out of ideas somehow, and energy, to create new combinations and nothing is striking me like it usually does. Don’t you just hate when that happens? :slightly_frowning_face:


I apologize for utilizing this thread so often as of late, but it’s rather cathartic. :sweat_smile:


I actually don’t think [name_f]Princess[/name_f] is really so bad compared to Cupcake :joy:

I personally can’t wrap my head around [name_u]Royal[/name_u] even though I guess you could see it as a color name?

Anyway it doesn’t seem like expressing the opinion that [name_u]Luxury[/name_u] or [name_f]Princess[/name_f] is ridiculous is any worse than claiming they’re amazing. Both are just opinions.


I’m not sure if anyone else on the forums can relate to this but falling in love with my chosen name for a future child is just so :person_facepalming:

Obviously I love my chosen name to bits and think it suits me so well and most people in my life call me it, but I’m starting to really enjoy the thought of using it for a child as well so just lots of conflicting feelings ugh


I’m back! It’s been months and months and months since I have been able to even remotely think about names and it’s sucked and I’ve been struggling and now I’m back! I’m so happy!

Now I just think life is wonderful and names are so joyous and its so sad how I can’t feel like this all the time!

Currently loving [name_u]Emrys[/name_u], [name_u]Sascha[/name_u], and [name_u]Jude[/name_u]

I’m so incredibly happy!

don’t know if this is a rant. its a happy rant. im happy. and everyone else gets to know im happy


I can’t help but feel as if I don’t contribute as much as I’d like to here, which is due to my own naming insecurities and social anxiety. :slightly_frowning_face: I take more than I give, and I absolutely hate that fact. It makes me feel like I shouldn’t be on Nameberry, since I’m selfishly focusing on my own names rather than helping others. I want to assist others in their naming ever so much, but I feel inadequate and unable to. :sweat_smile: I feel like I’m not “good enough” at naming to aid anyone whatsoever. Regardless, I’m going to try my best to reciprocate more. :slightly_smiling_face:



I definitely feel you!! Like, I want to help others, but feel like what I suggest isn’t going to be good enough. This is the main reason I avoid answering name advice threads, because I’m insecure about my style or my names.
That being said, I’m sorry you feel this way. It’s a very awful feeling and it’s very frustrating, especially coming from someone who LOVES helping others. I’m glad you at least have the desire to help people, that’s an awesome start.


I’m so sorry that you can relate, it is an awful feeling. :slightly_frowning_face: I hope you and I both can become more comfortable giving name advice, along with others who feel the same way! Your names are simply lovely, for what it’s worth, and I hope you can see that as well! :yellow_heart: I’m not insecure in my style necessarily, as I love it and would use any of my names in a heartbeat…but there is still a small part of me that fears others’ judgement towards my names. They aren’t very…“Berry” names, after all. :sweat_smile: But that’s alright, everyone names differently, after all. :slightly_smiling_face: I wouldn’t change my style for the world, and I hope you feel the same way about yours, as your style is wonderful and it’s so you, so I hope you can come to realize how special that is! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Sorry for going on a tangent, I am very tired and disorganized today, and I have a lot on my mind, apparently. :joy:


These are my feelings exactly in one sentence.

Quite relatable. It’s very frustrating in a way.

I would also never change my style! Those are the names I love and think are beautiful, so that’s all that should matter. But I do suffer sometimes from fear of judgement.

Thank you so much for your kind words!! I really appreciate it. And I hope that we both, as well as anyone else who feels like this, can find more confidence in their naming styles and giving name advice. :blush: