Name Rants

I think [name_m]Rory[/name_m] can work if you just insist on it! I know a lot of people with nicknames that “don’t make sense” (at least not right away) and it works if you just try to enforce it! And [name_m]Rory[/name_m] does make sense to me. Other than that, maybe [name_f]Georgie[/name_f], [name_f]Gia[/name_f], [name_m]Joey[/name_m], [name_f]Jo[/name_f], [name_f]Jojo[/name_f], [name_m]Georges[/name_m] (pronounced Zorz)?

More of a Nameberry rant than a name rant, but I’m in [name_m]Germany[/name_m] rn and because of the location change that means I’m getting ads on Nameberry and I keep getting startled by them :sob: I’m used to random blank spaces between posts, not flashy colours!!


Why does [name_f]Elsa[/name_f] have to be so tied to [name_f]Disney[/name_f]? I feel like it would be so high on my list otherwise :cry:


When you come back on here after the absolute busiest last three weeks you’ve ever had only to discover you’ve been kicked out of the Lounge… :flushed::rage:

Also… when you finally come back to NB as your online refuge hoping to talk in the Lounge… and it’s just gone…


Same happened to me- I came on yesterday and the Lounge had evaporated into thin air :rofl:
[name_f][/name_f]So annoying because some of my favourite threads are there!


It’s so annoying… screw the end of the school year for taking up all my time :rage:


That happened to me a while back! Still trying to earn it back lol.


oh my gosh guys… life is so exasperating now that I don’t have the Lounge. didn’t realize how much I took it for granted until I lost it lol


@OctaviaMay[name_f][/name_f], @CattheBat13579[name_f][/name_f], @auroracallista[name_f][/name_f] [name_f]My[/name_f] ultimate tip is to spend a day scrolling through all of the NOTD/GPOTD/OTD threads, old “Baby Berries [name_m]Born[/name_m] In XYZ-ZYX” threads, and the old Quick [name_m]Poll[/name_m] threads :wink:[name_f][/name_f] I fell out once and was able to gain access back in a few days this way! If you stay in for a year then, you can lock your trust level so you can’t be booted from the lounge after a period of inactivity. I did all of this over two years ago, though, so rules might have changed!!


OMG, @choupette! I though I was the only one who ever liked Isis. It was the first name with a bad association that I was drawn to, back when I was a pre-teen.

I was drawn to Jezebel before and Jadis after, and those two names most certainly have negative images. And those are only TWO names on my list that make me think, "Awww, man! Why do these names have to be dragged through the mud? It’s not right :confounded:

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Yes, I hate that too, @josieaitken. Aurora always comes out of my mouth as “Ah-ROE-ROE” whenever I say it, no matter how hard I try to pronounce it correctly :sweat_smile:

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I actually know someone who’s name is pronounced that way-- not [name_f]Aurora[/name_f], but [name_f]Ororo[/name_f] lol

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I REALLY love the nickname [name_m]Mars[/name_m] for a girl… except my dog’s nickname is [name_m]Mars[/name_m] (full name Marlow.) [name_m]Can[/name_m] I have two Mars’s at one time? SIGH


I also knew of a superior on a past job who’s last name was Chernenko. I was a security officer at one facility, and she was a Sergeant at another facility down the street, so I would’ve embarrassed myself if I’d had to contact Sergeant Chernenko over the walkie-talkie!

Only the [name_m]Lord[/name_m] knows how much I’m missing the Lounge right now, specifically @mellona’s Positivity Thread!


I hope to see you back in the Lounge soon! :slightly_smiling_face:[name_f][/name_f] I will be sure to start keeping up with the Positivity Thread again! :grin:[name_f][/name_f] Have a wonderful day!! :blush:[name_f][/name_f] :sunny:

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I miss the lounge so much too but it’s my own fault for only popping in once every few weeks (…or months :smiling_face_with_tear:[name_f][/name_f] grad school life…)


It’s been 6 years… my sister was pregnant and trying to find names she liked. I went through every name with her, and I was holding onto my absolute, most favourite name ever. She said, “just tell me, I’m probably not even going to like it, let alone use it.” And not only if she like it, she used it. And she made the middle name the name she said she didn’t like at all. It was the biggest slap in the face. We live so far apart and I’ve still not been able to fly back home to visit, and meet my niece in person, but she has my favourite name. And I don’t think I’ve ever forgiven my sister. We’ve never had the super close bond sisters usually have, and I stupidly thought she was reaching out to me during that time, to become close… alas, that didn’t happen.


This doesn’t really[name_f][/name_f] matter, but I feel like my style is consistent only in my own mind :sweat_smile:[name_f][/name_f] One day I’m obsessed with Cantemir and the next with [name_m]Daniel[/name_m] and it makes perfect sense to me! But it slightly bothers me that on the outside my style may look all over the place :sob:


This has me wondering if there were named after [name_m]Storm[/name_m] (the X-Men character)? :thinking:

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I’m sure this has been expressed on here before, but it pains me every day the name [name_f]Isis[/name_f] has such negative connotations that make it unusable :sob:


If it didn’t have these associations it would have the potential to be very very high on my list, but the way it stands it unfortunately has to be a guilty pleasure :(((


Of course [name_f]Iris[/name_f] is very similar, and I like it, but nowhere near as much sadly! Anyway, rant over.