[name]Madison[/name] (not digging the “-son” names for girls… or “Mc-” and “[name]Mac[/name]-” for that matter because they mean “son of”)
[name]Addison[/name] (see [name]Madison[/name]; also, I’m pretty sure this name didn’t become popular until [name]Grey[/name]'s Anatomy)
[name]Alexis[/name] (makes me think of “a [name]Lexus[/name]” and strikes me as trashy. Strangely, I used to love this name when I was a kid, and I have no idea what changed my opinion)
[name]Ashley[/name] (I’ve known a lot of trashy, attention-seeking girls named this)
[name]Taylor[/name] (gender ambiguity problems and reminds me of the '80s singer [name]Taylor[/name] [name]Dayne[/name])
[name]Brianna[/name] (I’ve known a lot of trashy girls named this, too. Again, I used to love it when I was younger, but high school pretty much ruined it for me)
[name]Hailey[/name] (this isn’t so offensive to me, but I still think of it as mildly trashy; also trying very hard to be cutesy, which would suck when the child is grown and starting out on a career)
[name]Kaylee[/name] (see [name]Hailey[/name] but this is much worse on the cutesy factor)
[name]Nevaeh[/name] (simply ridiculous)
[name]Makayla[/name] ([name]Michaela[/name]: okay; [name]Makayla[/name]: someone who can’t spell [name]Michaela[/name])
[name]Avery[/name] (gender ambiguity and painful trendiness)
[name]Riley[/name] (see [name]Avery[/name])
[name]Brooklyn[/name] (will always be a borough in New [name]York[/name] to me)
[name]Destiny[/name] (trashy)
[name]Sydney[/name] (the city, gender ambiguity, Alias… I think of all of these things before I think of a person, even though I have known a few Sydneys)
[name]Kylie[/name] (too cutesy)
[name]Brooke[/name] (I know a lot of snobby girls with this name who spent most of their time getting drunk at age 12)
[name]Peyton[/name] (… [name]Manning[/name]. And I just don’t like the sound and I have a similar reaction as I have to [name]Brooke[/name])
[name]Madelyn[/name] (looks like it is spelled wrong to me)
[name]Mackenzie[/name] (see [name]Addison[/name])
[name]Trinity[/name] (loved the Matrix, but the religious connotation is too much for me. I always picture little baby Trinitys converting to Judaism)
[name]Vanessa[/name] (there is actually nothing wrong with this name; I just know a girl named [name]Vanessa[/name] that I cannot stand)
[name]Bailey[/name] (…'s Irish Creme, plus the problems of [name]Avery[/name])
[name]Paige[/name] (same as [name]Brooke[/name]… although I know one wonderful [name]Paige[/name], my initial reaction to the name is very negative)
[name]Autumn[/name] (meh. too hippie)
[name]Payton[/name] (same as [name]Peyton[/name])
[name]Genesis[/name] ([name]Phil[/name] [name]Collins[/name])
[name]Gracie[/name] (too nicknamey and cutesy)
[name]Jayden[/name] (where did these ”ayden, -aden names come from? All of sudden they’re everywhere, and they are so painfully trendy! Strangely, I have less of a problem with [name]Aiden[/name], because it sounds less made-up to me)
[name]Mason[/name] (reminds me of [name]Mason[/name] jars and this guy in college who believed in a vast Masonic conspiracy and would constantly talk about how the Masons were trying to take over the world. I’m not sure if he was kidding.)
[name]Brayden[/name] (like [name]Jayden[/name], only worse, because it makes me think of braying, like a donkey)
[name]Hunter[/name] (”80s TV show)
[name]Hayden[/name] (see [name]Jayden[/name])
[name]Tristan[/name] (sounds feminine to me)
[name]Alex[/name] (too nicknamey)
[name]Jaden[/name] (see [name]Jayden[/name])
[name]Ayden[/name] (the spelling of this just drives me crazy and makes me lump it in not with acceptable [name]Aiden[/name] but with horrid [name]Jayden[/name])
[name]Caden[/name] (see [name]Jayden[/name])
[name]Kaden[/name] (see [name]Jayden[/name])
[name]Sebastian[/name]- I think this is my least favorite name ever. I will never understand the craze with this name.
[name]Nevaeh[/name]- I’m with everyone else, it just sounds trashy.
[name]Makayla[/name]- It’s the ugliest girl name i have ever heard. It makes me cringe for some reason.
[name]Sean[/name]/[name]Shawn[/name]- For some reason i think of a disease when i see this name and i don’t like the sound.
[name]Brayden[/name]- Really? Where did this even come from?
anything with [name]Anne[/name]. (except [name]Anastasia[/name])
[name]Astrid[/name] and [name]Ingrid[/name]- They just sound so harsh.
[name]Mary[/name], [name]Brianna[/name], [name]Taylor[/name], [name]Michelle[/name], [name]Emily[/name], [name]Alexis[/name], [name]Ashley[/name], [name]Amber[/name], [name]Peyton[/name], [name]Jessica[/name], [name]Morgan[/name]
most of these are overused, and incredibly boring.
I don’t like anything oddly spelled either.
I also hate any last name as a first name unless it’s for honoring family names.
[name]Madison[/name]-- it’s awful!
[name]Addison[/name]-- see above. plus, it sounds made-up
[name]Mia[/name]/[name]Amelia[/name]-- [name]Princess[/name] [name]Mia[/name] is all I see
[name]Alexis[/name]/[name]Alexa[/name]/[name]Alyssa[/name]-- I just…don’t like them…at all…
[name]Hannah[/name]-- [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Montana[/name] is evil
[name]Ashley[/name]-- way, way too over-used
[name]Ella[/name]-- I prefer “[name]Elle[/name]”…this is just…not a good name…
[name]Brianna[/name]- I can’t stand this name
[name]Anna[/name]-- boring!
[name]Kayla[/name]/[name]Kaylee[/name]-- soooo ugly!
[name]Savannah[/name]-- the [name]African[/name] savanna!
[name]Nevaeh[/name]/[name]Destiny[/name]/[name]Trinity[/name]/[name]Genesis[/name]-- you have GOT to be kidding me!
[name]Sofia[/name]-- hate the “f”
[name]Makayla[/name]-- an absolutely hideous name!
[name]Leah[/name]/[name]Kylie[/name]-- too manly
[name]Brooklyn[/name]-- I don’t believe in naming children after places (except [name]Sydney[/name]!)
[name]Brooke[/name]-- so awful!
[name]Evelyn[/name]-- I just…don’t like it! I always think “[name]Evelyn[/name] Evil”
[name]Kimberly[/name]/[name]Peyton[/name]/[name]Jocelyn[/name]/[name]Mariah[/name]/[name]Payton[/name]/[name]Charlotte[/name]-- makes me cringe
[name]Angelina[/name]-- ugh
[name]Andrea[/name]-- knew one, so fake
[name]Maya[/name]/[name]Valeria[/name]/[name]Gianna[/name]-- what?
[name]Aaliyah[/name]-- I don’t even know how to PRONOUNCE this name!
[name]Autumn[/name]-- It’s a season, not a name!
[name]Mary[/name]-- way, way, [name]WAY[/name] too overused.Retire this name already!
[name]Gracie[/name]-- Not as a name! Only a nickname
[name]Michael[/name]-- I have never met a [name]Michael[/name] I didn’t despise
[name]Christopher[/name]-- No!
[name]Jayden[/name]/[name]Brayden[/name]/[name]Brandon[/name]/[name]Jaden[/name]/[name]Kaden[/name]-- gimme a break
[name]Joseph[/name]-- knew one, hated him
[name]David[/name]-- know too many I now hate the name
[name]Ryan[/name]/[name]Caleb[/name]-- I dunno why, I just can’t STAND this name!
[name]Anthony[/name]/[name]Logan[/name]/[name]Dylan[/name]/[name]Landon[/name]/[name]Justin[/name]-- cringe-worthy
[name]Christian[/name]/[name]Johnathan[/name]/[name]Evan[/name]-- never been a fan
[name]Tyler[/name]-- has bad connotations for me
[name]Gavin[/name]/[name]Nicholas[/name]-- it’s really, really ugly
[name]Mason[/name]/[name]Hunter[/name]/[name]Adrian[/name]/[name]Wyatt[/name]-- what? seriously??
[name]Jose[/name]/[name]Julian[/name]/[name]Luis[/name]/[name]Angel[/name]/[name]Carlos[/name]-- I live in AZ. I hate these names!
[name]Jordan[/name]/[name]Robert[/name]/[name]Aaron[/name]/[name]Connor[/name]/[name]Owen[/name]/[name]Jason[/name]-- I can’t stand these
[name]Thomas[/name]-- one of my absolute LEAST favorite names ever. I can’t stand it!
[name]Cameron[/name]/[name]Hayden[/name]-- not for a guy…
[name]Austin[/name]/[name]Diego[/name]-- place name.
[name]Chase[/name]- bank.
[name]Jeremiah[/name]- was a bullfrog
[name]Brody[/name]/[name]Xavier[/name]/[name]Brady[/name]-- more cringe-worthy names
[name]Sebastian[/name]- the crab
[name]Jesus[/name]- NO!! Never! Another least-favorite-ever
[name]Alex[/name]/[name]Alexander[/name]-- hate them
[name]Eric[/name]/[name]Cole[/name]-- so boring!
[name]Bryan[/name]-- not a fan
[name]Carson[/name]/[name]Blake[/name]-- why? poor children…
[name]Ayden[/name]/caden-- yikes!
[name]Dominic[/name]/[name]Josiah[/name]/[name]Colton[/name]/[name]Kyle[/name]-- how awful…
[name]Makayla[/name]. For gods sake, spell it correctly - [name]Michaela[/name].
[name]Matilda[/name]. Probably because it’s the name of my crazy grandmother (the one who was upset that I was a girl instead of a boy…and told my dad that when I was born).
[name]Britney[/name] - see [name]Makayla[/name]. Spell it correctly or don’t use it at all.
Boys -
[name]Brayden[/name], [name]Jayden[/name]. Ugh. I can’t STAND made up names that have no meaning or history.
[name]Both[/name] genders -
Surname names that have no family history behind them.
Wow. That’s all I can say. It must take a lot of your energy to HATE all these names so much. I think everyone needs to remember that names aren’t just words, they actually represent people…so when you all make lists of the names you HATE you aren’t just sharing opinions you are being hurtful and offending people who happened to be named that.
It’s like making a thread on hating red hair or brown eyes, you can say that you’re not insulting the people just a characteristic but them having red hair or brown eyes is part of that person so you are actually insulting them. I mean you wouldn’t go up to someone named [name]Nevaeh[/name] and tell them you HATEd their name would you? or at least I’d hope not. What you’re doing here is exactly the same.
I was told to always keep negative opinions to myself. It’s just something I think is right. [name]Hope[/name] at least some of you agree with me and I hope everyone stops spreading HATE.
In defense of everyone here no one was saying they hated actual people with these names. It’s not really fair to say that’s what we were doing. This is a site about names and with all things there are going to be things that you like and things that you don’t. If I say I don’t like or even hate the color orange that doesn’t mean that I hate anyone who happens to love or wear that color. The fact that we can all get along here and not share the same taste or style in names is wonderful. I actually think it makes this place really diverse. Maybe hate was a strong word but everyone is definitely entitled to like or dislike any name they wish. If people aren’t allowed to express how they really feel about a name how can anyone expect to get honest opinions?
I’m sorry if any of this made you upset. No one was being spiteful or set out to cause anyone emotional harm.
No one on her dislikes [name]Olivia[/name]? I think it lost all of it’s beauty and mystery about it now that every other little girl (at least in my area) has the name…
I think I’ve come across as over sensitive. Nothing in this thread caused me ‘emotional harm’ and I never thought and wasn’t trying to say that just because you HATEd a name it meant you HATEd the person with it.
I also have absolutely no problems with people not liking a certain name or expressing their opinions, I myself have names I don’t like but I can’t think of any I HATE either. I just think that people can share in a more creative manner, like commenting on the names that are the focal point in other posts. I personally don’t see the point in making a whole topic on HATEd names and listing lots of names they claim to HATE, it just seems so negative to me.
People need to remember what HATE means and just how strong a word it is. If you don’t know then look it up before you post lists based on that. Oh and one last thing, yes it actually is offensive to tell someone you HATE their name or something they like. If you don’t believe me you should get someone to test it on you. Doesn’t feel good does it?
I agree “hate” is a strong word but the original poster had the freedom to use it in his/her topic’s title. No one in this thread was looking for opinions about certain names, instead we were just listing names from the top 100 of the SSA that we dislike or yes (gasp) even hate. There may be some very personal reasons for people “hating” names. That doesn’t mean a person would hate everyone with the shared name but the sound of the name might make a person cringe because of it’s personal bad association.
Lets say the word hate was changed to dislike would you still have an issue with this thread? I don’t think anyone would here would actually tell some one they met they hated their name. This web site serves as a safe haven for everyone to voice their true opinions about names. No one should be made to feel guilty or even be schooled in morals and ethics because we felt safe enough to share information here. I personally hope no one has been scared off from sharing their honest opinions. If the word hate bothers you so much I would suggest that you don’t open a thread with this word in it’s title.
Why are you making this personal? I agree with you completely that people are free to voice their opinions so doesn’t that include me? and as far as I know, I’m not scary and I wasn’t lecturing. And for the last time, I know you don’t HATE the people with those names! I never said that. I am also entitled to open and read any thread I want, whatever the title.
I didn’t mean to offend you or anyone else on nameberry as I love reading and posting on this site. I’m sorry disa_lan, I shouldn’t have started the argument.
I wasn’t taking anything personal I just felt like I needed to defend everyone else who may or may not have cared. I have no ill feelings towards you and respect that you spoke up. I guess my big sister/motherly instincts kicked in when I responded to your post. Maybe it was the moon…I’ll drop this if you will.
I don’t want to go down the road of “hating” names, because people will get hurt however much we preface it with “no offence” . (Whenever someone says, “Dont take this the wrong way, BUT . . . . . .” is another example of this). The only name I feel I can criticise is my own (and you all know my feelings about my middle name [name]Joyce[/name] so I apologise unreservedly to any Joyces out there).
However, I must say I had never heard of [name]Nevaeh[/name] until I joined Nameberry, so it must have been an American invention? I was also a bit slow on the uptake, and didn’t realise until someone pointed it out to me it was “heaven” backwards.
I just thought I would share with you the name [name]SENGA[/name] - no, don’t panic, I have not lost my mind, and no, it is not in my list of favourites. But I first came across this when I lived in [name]Scotland[/name] during my marriage. My mother-in-law pointed out to me that it was [name]Agnes[/name] back to front, and deliberately made up that way! I think (and hope) it is exclusively Scottish, given to poor baby girls in the 1920s/1930s.
I therefore think deliberate back-to-front names are a bit risky. Approach with caution!
[name]Jacob[/name]/[name]Jake[/name] - this is EVERYWHERE
[name]Noah[/name] - every other kid I know
[name]Jayden[/name]/[name]Aiden[/name]/[name]Caden[/name]/[name]Ayden[/name]/[name]Kaden[/name] - The “[name]Den[/name]” is to harsh an ending for me and they all seem like they are copying each other
[name]Logan[/name] - romance novel-esque
[name]Christian[/name]/[name]Angel[/name]/[name]Jesus[/name] - I understand the Hispanic angle I just don’t like them
[name]Caleb[/name] - nothing about this name appeals to me
[name]Isaac[/name] - very popular where I live but a fine name on it’s own
[name]Evan[/name] - not masculine enough for my taste
[name]Jordan[/name] - to gender ambiguous for me
[name]Lucas[/name] - [name]George[/name] [name]Lucas[/name] - I like [name]Luke[/name] much better
[name]Alexa[/name]/[name]Alexis[/name]/[name]Destiny[/name]- sounds cheap to me
[name]Kylie[/name]/[name]Ashley[/name]/[name]Hailey[/name]/[name]Kaylee[/name] - don’t seem like they will translate well in adulthood
[name]Melanie[/name] - 1980s
[name]Genesis[/name]/[name]Trinity[/name] - just seems like you are trying to hard
I may be touching on a topic that is already closed and I by no means want to start anything up again, but I just thought I would quickly share some of my opinions. To be honest I too have a hard time understanding the purposes of threads like these because I know we are all just discussing names here but going back and looking at some posts… some of them are a little insensitive. I’m not trying to offend anyone (please don’t get that impression). I just think its one thing to say about a name, “its not for me” “its not my style” “I knew someone I didn’t like with that name so its out” but completely another to call a name “trashy” or compare it to a sound an animal makes. Now, I will be completely honest with all of you, I am a mother of a [name]Braden[/name] and an aunt of a [name]Neveah[/name] (I know…I can hear all the moans ) so I am more likely to take things a little more personal for obvious reasons. [name]Just[/name] something we all should keep in mind (myself included) is that when we are writing on a site with so many diverse members its a good idea to try and be respectful. I think sometimes when we get going, pounding away on our keyboards with nothing but a computer screen to stare into, we tend to lose a bit of sensitivity. And for what its worth, I have read my son’s name and my neice’s name being torn to shreds on this site over and over and over…and I am not crying in the corner or lying awake at night So I’m not calling you awful people, or writing this in a wild fit of rage. [name]Just[/name] trying to make a suggestion because there are people out there who would take a big offense to some of the things being said. If we want to keep this a positive atmosphere where we can all disagree and get along than we should take into account people’s feelings and that should be reflected in our posts. Anyway…so much for “quickly sharing my thoughts” right? And my husband says I talk a lot…
Well I guess I’ll get on with replying to what this post was originally meant for:
Boy names that aren’t my style:
[name]John[/name]: I think I just think of the commonly used “[name]John[/name] [name]Smith[/name]” example
[name]Christian[/name]: Too close to my name
[name]Angel[/name]: Wouldn’t work in my family
[name]Kevin[/name]: Can’t really put my finger on why I don’t like this
[name]Thomas[/name]: ditto
[name]Jason[/name]: Knew a boy in high school who forever ruined this name for me (isn’t it funny how that works sometimes)
[name]Wyatt[/name]: something about this sounds a little too harsh for me
[name]Luis[/name]: ex-boyfriend ruined this one
[name]Xavier[/name]: ok, I am revealing one of my weird quirks with this one…I am a big “letter” person and for some reason I just don’t like names starting with X. Crazy, I know.
[name]Jesus[/name]: I know its hey-seus…but no matter how you say it, I still see gee-sus.
And girls:
[name]Madison[/name]: This was my favorite name in high school but its lost its flare for some reason
[name]Abigail[/name]: Though this is a nice classic name, its just not for me
[name]Chloe[/name]: Again, loved this in high school but not so much anymore
[name]Samantha[/name]: I personally don’t like girls names that have boy nn…just a personal preference so this ones out
[name]Taylor[/name]: I also personally don’t like unisex names
[name]Victoria[/name]: I just see “[name]Victor[/name]” For some reason when girl’s names have boy names inside of them all I can ever see/hear is the boy name
[name]Allison[/name]: not my stlye
[name]Julia[/name]: Very pretty, but again not for me
[name]Destiny[/name]: I am not into word-names
[name]Kimberly[/name]: it sounds a little out of date to me
[name]Alexandra[/name]: again with the boy name thing
[name]Maria[/name]: same as kimberly
Thanks so much! Why can’t we all just be more open minded and accept all names? Once upon a time, [name]Anne[/name] and [name]Mary[/name] were invented too. [name]Just[/name] because names like [name]Nevaeh[/name] and [name]Jayden[/name] have a short history, it doesn’t mean it CAN’T have a history. We need to give all names a chance, instead of covering our ears and trying to block them out. This is exactly like feminism. They say that women should be empowered and get jobs and be independent, but they are against women being stay-at-home moms and be dependent. So aren’t feminists actually…anti-feminists? Same with the whole [name]Nevaeh[/name] debate. I’m not saying that you can’t have your own opinions about it, but if you hate [name]Nevaeh[/name] for no other reason then “its made up” and “its [name]Heaven[/name] spelled backwards” and the infamous “its trashy”. Who is the judge of what’s trashy and whats not? Ok, maybe if there are 1000 trashy women in the world named [name]Nevaeh[/name], then perhaps we can say that. But there isn’t , and there probably never will be. Parents have every right to name their kids whatever they please. Us name nerds can name our Dorothys and Helens and they can name their Nevaehs and Jaydens, and we can all respect each other’s choices. Yes, hate is a very strong word, and I will say right now that as a mother, I may dislike some names, but as a name lover I respect every name and we all should as well. Hats off to creativity, freedom, and open mindedness.