Need middle name for Juliette!!

[name]Juliette[/name] [name]Corinne[/name]: [name]Corinne[/name] is a decent, harmless name, but it really doesn’t do anything for me. It looks nice on paper, but I’m not really a fan of the sound… kuh-[name]RIN[/name]. It’s not bad, or anything, just not interesting.

[name]Juliette[/name] [name]Delphine[/name]: I [name]LOVE[/name] this combo. It’s just so gorgeous and elegant, and has so much character! Plus it sounds like it holds meaning for you, which is good.

[name]Juliette[/name] [name]Coraline[/name]: I don’t like this one, partly because I don’t like the flow but mostly because it’s not a legitimate name. It was just recently made-up by [name]Neil[/name] Gaiman for his book-- according to him, out of a typo for [name]Caroline[/name]. It doesn’t even have as much history of use as other made-up names, like [name]Vanessa[/name] or [name]Perdita[/name]. [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Caroline[/name], [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Coralie[/name], or [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Cordelia[/name] would be wonderful, though…

You are close now! :o)

[name]Coraline[/name]: I like [name]Coraline[/name] because of the [name]Coral[/name] connection. [name]How[/name] are you pronouncing it? I [name]LOVE[/name] it if its pronounced core ah LEEN. [name]Juliette[/name] core ah LEEN, sounds better to me than [name]Juliette[/name] core a [name]LINE[/name]. (like the movie). however, it does kind of look like [name]Caroline[/name], and I am sure people will confuse it. But it is a middle name, so its not like it will happen daily.

[name]Corinne[/name]: I think that it is very pretty! [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Corinne[/name] [name]Murphy[/name] is a very pretty name.

[name]Delphine[/name]: I am really liking the EEN flow of the name. The meaning is great. Its very unusual…

What is your heart saying? What is your husband saying??

[name]Juliette[/name] [name]Delphine[/name]
[name]Juliette[/name] [name]Corinne[/name]

Dotsmom… I like [name]Juliette[/name] core rahl LEEN. I agree. LEEN sounds better than [name]LINE[/name].

I would like to announce my daughter

[name]Juliette[/name] [name]Delphine[/name] to the world!

Thank you everyone for your help in naming her!

YAY!! I absolutely love [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Delphine[/name]. Gorgeous!! And congratulations :slight_smile:

Woo-hoo!!! Congratulations!!! [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Delphine[/name] is one of the most gorgeous names I’ve ever heard! :slight_smile:

[name]Anneliese[/name] [name]Kate[/name] and [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Delphine[/name]. Wow!!! GORGEOUS!!!

I’m so happy you found a name you love! Yea!

Have a great (rest of the) night! :slight_smile:

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I [name]LOVE[/name] her name! Congratulations on her birth, I am soooo happy that you found a name that you love and that means so much to you (and little [name]Annelise[/name])!!! I love it. Honestly. Really wonderful name! Give her a kiss and try to get some sleep when you can. Congrats again!

Thanks guys! I am sooo happy with her name! See? I knew there was a reason I wasn’t feeling it with [name]Emmeline[/name] [name]Claire[/name]. LOL! I did some research on [name]Delphine[/name] and just fell in love with everything I have seen on it thus far.

Ahhh… [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Delphine[/name]. My sweet baby girl. :slight_smile:

So happy! [name]Love[/name] [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Delphine[/name]! Very fun and very French, mmmm!

Stunning name, a lucky little girl!! Congratulations a great decision.

I have come to this thread too late! I would have voted for [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Helene[/name]/ [name]Delphine[/name]/ [name]Maelle[/name] and [name]Claire[/name], all of which are so pretty.
Although [name]Claire[/name] matches more with her big sister’s name, I think you are right to have chosen the name that means the most to you and not the one that matches. it will always seem important and significant to you.
[name]Juliette[/name] [name]Delphine[/name] is a stunning name- congratulations!