Nicknames for Valentina?

I absolutely adore the name [name]Valentina[/name]. For a middle name, I love [name]Valentina[/name] [name]Loren[/name]. What do you think?

However my problem is the nickname possibilities! As a three syllable name, I know it will naturally be shortened. But I’m not a fan whatsoever of “[name]Val[/name]” or “[name]Tina[/name]” as nicknames (bad associations, and just not my style at all). And it’s unfortunately starting to put me off the name altogether.

Can you think of some other (hopefully more feminine) nicknames for [name]Valentina[/name] to help restore my love for this name?

[name]Lena[/name] or [name]Leni[/name], maybe.

[name]Ali[/name]? [name]Nina[/name]? [name]Vale[/name]? [name]Vana[/name]?

I love [name]Valentina[/name] too and have exactly the same issues as you re nicknames! What about [name]Tia[/name] maybe? Otherwise I like the suggestions of [name]Lena[/name] and [name]Vana[/name] that have been made!

I lovelovelove [name]Valentina[/name] nn [name]Leni[/name] (I say [name]LEN[/name]-ee, like [name]Lenny[/name], here, but I suppose you could say it [name]LAY[/name]-nee, too, though)! I think you could also use [name]Via[/name], [name]Allie[/name], [name]Nina[/name], or even [name]Laney[/name] or [name]Lena[/name].

[name]Valentina[/name] [name]Loren[/name] is very pretty! It sounds like the name of a runway model to me, haha.

Sorry for any repeats–I wanted to give you my immediate response without it being tainted by other wonderful suggestions!

[name]Valentina[/name] [name]Loren[/name] is gorgeous! Possible nicknames: [name]Val[/name], [name]Tina[/name], [name]Lenny[/name], Titi, V, [name]Ren[/name], and [name]Valo[/name].

Good luck!

There are many nn possibilities, [name]Vina[/name] (vee-nuh), [name]Vita[/name] (vee-tuh), [name]Lina[/name] or [name]Lena[/name] (lee-nuh), [name]Leni[/name] (lenny), [name]Ina[/name] (ee-nuh), or [name]Tia[/name] (tee-uh) would all work. And I love the middle name choice [name]Loren[/name]!

I like [name]Leni[/name], Teeny (makes me think of Ya-Ya Sisterhood) or [name]Ally[/name]

[name]Valentina[/name] is beautiful!


[name]Elena[/name] (all the letters are there)
[name]Lina[/name] / [name]Lena[/name]

[name]Valentina[/name] is lovely.

I like Vanta or Valta as nicknames. I think you could also get [name]Lina[/name] (“leen-a”) instead of [name]Tina[/name].

[name]Love[/name] [name]Lena[/name]/[name]Lina[/name] and [name]Tia[/name] as nns.

[name]Vale[/name] or [name]Nina[/name]

[name]Valentina[/name] is gorgeous! I would suggest [name]Vita[/name], [name]Valo[/name], [name]Leni[/name], [name]Lina[/name], [name]Nina[/name], or [name]Vale[/name].

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I like [name]Via[/name] Or [name]Lena[/name] best.

– [name]Tina[/name]
– [name]Lena[/name]
– [name]Val[/name]

We’re thinking about possibly using [name]Valentina[/name] with the nickname [name]Nina[/name].

I actually love [name]Nina[/name] more than [name]Valentina[/name] but our families (my mom specifically) aren’t thrilled with [name]Nina[/name] as a stand alone, so [name]Valentina[/name] seems like a good compromise.

[name]Valentina[/name] is is actually 4 syllables. :stuck_out_tongue: I like [name]Ali[/name], [name]Lena[/name], [name]Leni[/name], [name]Nina[/name].

Thanks so much everyone for all your wonderful suggestions. My favourites nicknames from these are:
[name]Ren[/name] (using middle name “[name]Loren[/name]”)

And am glad to hear everyone is a fan of [name]Valentina[/name]. I think you have successfully restored my love for this name!

Haha!! So it is! It was late at night (in Australia) when I wrote this…that’s my excuse anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
