Please help me!

[name]Hi[/name] Ladies

I’ve been visiting this site for quite some time now, but am only posting today for the first time, as I’ve realised that I can’t figure this out for myself and you all seem so wonderful and helpful, I was wondering if you may be able to spare a moment to help me out. I have a son, [name]Lachlan[/name], and 2 daughters, [name]Maeve[/name] and [name]Greer[/name]. I am currently expecting my second son. I love my children’s names so much, and I just can’t seem to come up with anything that fits for this new little boy. It’s really getting me down and I’m starting to despair. I’ve almost settled on [name]Angus[/name], [name]Dashiell[/name] and [name]Hamish[/name], but none of them seem to feel right, which is really upsetting. I just don’t feel ‘right’ about any name the way I do about my other children’s. I definitely need something either Irish or Scottish - preferably Scottish this time. I need it to feel soft yet strong, and be tasteful. I don’t want it to be trendy, and I want it to be unusual yet not weird. All in all, a very tall order I know, and it’s probably because I’m so fussy that I’m having such a tough time. But I hope maybe you ladies could help? I’d be so grateful. Can’t wait to hear suggsestions. Big thank you!!! :slight_smile:

[name]Hi[/name]! I’m so glad you posted!

[name]Lachlan[/name], [name]Maeve[/name], and [name]Greer[/name]? Wow! I love your kids’ names! :slight_smile:

(From your list, I love [name]Dashiell[/name]!)

[name]Alistair[/name] (has [name]Greer[/name]'s R ending, though)
[name]Campbell[/name] (unisex, though)
[name]Fergus[/name] (reminds me of [name]Angus[/name]…)
[name]Rowan[/name] (unisex, though)


I know I included names ending with N, but I think the non-N ending names are less matchy with [name]Lachlan[/name].

Once again, I love your kids’ names!

Best wishes to you! :slight_smile:

With [name]Lachlan[/name], [name]Maeve[/name] and [name]Greer[/name], I like:
I’m seconding jill’s suggestions of
[name]Campbell[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this
[name]Malcolm[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] [name]MALCOLM[/name]!!
[name]Rafferty[/name] - really like this one - playful nn of [name]Rafe[/name] but still very dignified as a full name I think

[name]Graeme[/name] - but maybe too similar to [name]Greer[/name]
[name]Dashiell[/name] - I like this one of your original list

[name]Lachlan[/name], [name]Maeve[/name], and [name]Greer[/name] are stunning! I agree with you about your other choices - they just aren’t quite right!

You say you want something Scottish preferably this time, but since both [name]Lachlan[/name] and [name]Greer[/name] are Scottish, and [name]Maeve[/name] is Irish, maybe Irish would be best to balance it out? I’ll suggest both…

[name]Bowie[/name] - “yellow haired”
[name]Brogan[/name] - “badger”
[name]Bryant[/name] - “son of [name]Brian[/name]”
Cargan - “little rock”
[name]Carlow[/name] - “quadruple lake”
[name]Cormac[/name] - “destroying son”
[name]Declan[/name] - “full of goodness”
[name]Dermot[/name] - “form of [name]Diarmuid[/name]”
[name]Donnel[/name] - “world leader”
[name]Farrell[/name] - “descendant of the man of valour”
[name]Oscar[/name] - “deer lover”
[name]Seamus[/name] - “supplanter”

[name]Brody[/name] - “name of a Scottish castle”
[name]Callum[/name] - “dove”
[name]Tyree[/name] - “island of off [name]Scotland[/name]”

My favorites with [name]Lachlan[/name], [name]Maeve[/name], and [name]Greer[/name] are [name]Bryant[/name], [name]Cormac[/name], [name]Dermot[/name], [name]Brody[/name], and [name]Callum[/name]. Good luck!

[name]Fergus[/name], [name]Conor[/name] and [name]Thady[/name] are my suggestions :slight_smile:

I love your kids names!
From your list I like [name]Dashiell[/name] the best, but I think [name]Callen[/name] or Callem would sound great with your other kids names!

What about [name]Conall[/name], it’s one of my favorites!

I really like [name]Cormac[/name], [name]Seamus[/name], and [name]Sullivan[/name] of the one suggested.

I didn’t look at the other posts, so sorry for repeats.

[name]Lachlan[/name], [name]Maeve[/name], and [name]Greer[/name] (wonderful names!) and…

love [name]Dashiell[/name]

[name]Finnian[/name] nn [name]Finn[/name]

I really like [name]Cormac[/name] or [name]Fergus[/name].

Thank you so much everyone, I’m really starting to love [name]Fergus[/name]. I was kind of aware of it in the back of my mind before but never properly considered it. I really like the way it flows with the other names. [name]Just[/name] a couple of things - our last name begins with an ‘F’ - how do you ladies feel about the same initial for a first and last name - does it matter? Also, do you think the ‘er’ sounds in [name]Greer[/name] and [name]Fergus[/name] are too matchy? I know they’re not exactly the same sound, but just wanted to make sure. More the way they look rather than sound - am I being silly? Let me know what you think, many thanks! :slight_smile:

I don’t think the -er in [name]Fergus[/name] and [name]Greer[/name] would bother me, probably because it doesn’t occur in the same part of both names. As for an F last name, alliteration can be good or bad depending on the specific name. I would say in general, [name]Fergus[/name] F___ would be ok if the last name doesn’t also have an r or g and if the last name is not two syllables.

I like [name]Beckett[/name] a lot. It is hard when one doesn’t jump out at you. [name]Just[/name] wait it will.

I’ve been thinking and although I really like the sound of [name]Fergus[/name] in its own right, I don’t think I can get along with it as my surname also begins with an F. Back to the drawing board! :frowning: Any more suggestions would be very gratefully received! x

Sorry for repeats! :slight_smile:


  • = my favs :slight_smile:

My favorites (from scottish and irish) are:

What do you ladies think of [name]Innes[/name] or [name]Ennis[/name]? :slight_smile:

bennet or brody?

I think I like the [name]Innes[/name] spelling better, but depending on where you live, pronounciation may be an issue. I think the pronunciation is more obvious with [name]Ennis[/name], but I like the I spelling. Then again, I think of an “innie” belly button. Hmm…Maybe [name]Ennis[/name] is a better bet?

I see that [name]Ennis[/name] is a form of [name]Angus[/name], and despite the whole beef association, I do think that [name]Angus[/name] is a cool name.

I see a -gus theme going on, and I’m wondering if you like the Scottish [name]Mingus[/name]? [name]Helena[/name] Christensen has a little [name]Mingus[/name], and he is beyond handsome.

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I think I like the [name]Innes[/name] spelling better, but depending on where you live, pronounciation may be an issue. I think the pronunciation is more obvious with [name]Ennis[/name], but I like the I spelling. Then again, I think of an “innie” belly button. Hmm…Maybe [name]Ennis[/name] is a better bet?

I see that [name]Ennis[/name] is a form of [name]Angus[/name], and despite the whole beef association, I do think that [name]Angus[/name] is a cool name.

I see a -gus theme going on, and I’m wondering if you like the Scottish [name]Mingus[/name]? [name]Helena[/name] Christensen has a little [name]Mingus[/name], and he is beyond handsome.

Good luck! :-)[/quote]

[name]Hi[/name] [name]Jill[/name]

I’ve been thinking, and I do kind of like [name]Mingus[/name]. We didn’t really want any of our children to have the same initial, but I’m wondering if I could let that go… I’m not sure.

You’re absolutely right about the ‘gus’ theme, I really am drawn to names ending in ‘s’, and with [name]Fergus[/name] and [name]Mingus[/name] you seem to have really got a sense of the type of feel/ sound I’m after. [name]Just[/name] not sure aboiut [name]Maeve[/name] and [name]Mingus[/name]. [name]Fergus[/name] or [name]Mingus[/name]? I don’t know!

If you think of any more with the same sort of flavour (don’t necessarily have to have the ‘s’ ending!) please let me know!

Many thanks :slight_smile: