Pronounce Cassia

Curious how people would pronounce [name]Cassia[/name] if you saw it? [name]Cash[/name]-a or [name]Cass[/name]-ee-a?
For me, I see [name]Cash[/name]-a b/c only ever met one and that’s how she said it. Is there a correct? or both acceptable?


Used to be [name]Cass[/name]-ee-uh. Now that I’ve heard of a [name]Cassia[/name] (as Cahsh-ah), I think I’d ask if I saw it in writing first.

I would say it [name]CASS[/name]-ee-uh. I’ve never heard of the [name]CASH[/name]- pronunciation.

[name]Cass[/name]-ee-uh definitely

I would say cass-ee-uh, cuz I’ve met someone with that name before. But if I have never met her, I might pronounce it as cash-a just because I’m familiar with the male name [name]Cassius[/name] being pronounced as cash-us.

I am surprised at all the [name]Cass[/name]-ee-a responses b/c I really dislike that pronunciation. I much prefer [name]Cassia[/name] but I think if the vast majority would say [name]Cass[/name]-ee-a, that would be reason enough to shy away from it.

This name was in a book I was reading and I hated that I didn’t know which way was intended by the author which made me pronounce it differently every time it popped up, which was a lot because she was the main character! In the end I think I tended to say [name]CASS[/name]-ee-uh more often simply because it resembled the nickname [name]Cassie[/name] which I was familiar with already. [name]CASH[/name]-uh sounds a lot nicer, but it just didn’t sound right to me at the time. I think both ways are perfectly acceptable almost like how you could say [name]Caroline[/name] or [name]Lucia[/name] different ways. [name]Hope[/name] this helps :slight_smile:

I pronounce it like the nature name “cash-uh” (rhymes with [name]Sasha[/name]). There are some people who say it with three syllables and still others who swear it should be “[name]KAY[/name]-shuh”. It’s one of those names like [name]Lucia[/name] where you get to pick your favourite pronunciation.

Ok thank you everyone…that makes sense of course there are lots of name w/ multiple pronunciations. I love [name]Cash[/name]-a (rhyme with [name]Sasha[/name]) but really dislike [name]Cass[/name]-ee-a.

I’d assume [name]Cass[/name]-ee-a, maybe Cah-see-a.

I would say cah-shuh rhymes with sasha

I am glad I found this thread. I loved the name when I thought it was pronounced [name]Cass[/name]-ee-ah, but then I read it was supposed to be pronounced [name]Cash[/name]-ah which I hate because it reminds me [name]Kesha[/name]. So I lost interest in the name. If I could use it and still pronounce it [name]Cass[/name]-ee-ah I would be so happy!

I would pronounce it as “[name]Cass[/name]-ee-a” like [name]Cassidy[/name]

I love [name]Cassia[/name]!
I say [name]Cass[/name]-ee-a, although I can understand the [name]Cash[/name]-a pronunciation because of [name]Cassius[/name].I agree with what @mischa said about [name]Lucia[/name]- you can say lou-see-a, lou-sha, or lou-chee-ah if you’re Italian.

But I think the name is unique enough so even though people might be inclined to pronounce [name]Cassia[/name] [name]Cass[/name]-ee-a, you can correct them with the [name]Cash[/name]-a pronunciation and you won’t run into problems after that moment. If the name was something like [name]Eva[/name], and you pronounced it like [name]Ava[/name] (like [name]Eva[/name] Mendes) people might be confused. I think you’ll be fine! :]

Before nameberry I would’ve pronounced it [name]Cass[/name]-ee-uh, after I think I would probably think [name]Cash[/name]-uh, although the way I say it it doesn’t rhyme with [name]Sasha[/name]…

My name is [name]Kassia[/name] and it’s pronounced Kuh-see-uh (emphasis on the “see” not the “kuh”).
[name]KASS[/name]-EE-UH and [name]KASH[/name]-A are acceptable, of course. It’s just how people choose to pronounce it :slight_smile:

(Sigh. Why oh why did I have to be given a name with such prevalent pronunciation alterations. Not that I don’t love it, but…)

When I first saw the name several years ago, I would have said [name]Cassie[/name]-[name]Ah[/name]. Nowaways, I go with [name]Casha[/name]. I really like both pronunciations and if I’m lucky enough to get a daughter named [name]Cassia[/name], I’d make it so she could go by either, sort of like making one way a nickname. I have a friend named [name]Helena[/name] who doesn’t really care about how her name is said and she answers to both pronunciations.

I’d assume [name]CASS[/name]-ee-uh, but if possible I’d probably ask before saying it out loud.

cash-uh does not rhyme with [name]Sasha[/name] in my accent and in any case rhymes-with-sasha sounds like the food kasha, and would to me be reminscent of calling a child Oatmeal.

I prefer [name]Cassius[/name] said cash-us. I don’t mind either cass-ee-uh or cash-ah for [name]Cassia[/name] but to rhyme it with [name]Sasha[/name] would kill it for me.