Pronouncing Dashiell, and thoughts on our choices!

[name]Hi[/name] all, long-time reader first-time poster as they say. Turning to the expert Nameberry community as we are fast approaching the due date of our boy in 6 weeks & can’t seem to quite settle on a name. [name]Dashiell[/name] is the front-runner, but my one concern is that we prefer a pronunciation that is not traditionally correct. We like to say [name]DASH[/name]-ull, not De-SHEEL. [name]How[/name] do most of you pronounce it? The name seems to be getting more popular, and I’m wondering if [name]DASH[/name]-ull is growing in acceptability.
The other names in the running are [name]Arlo[/name] and [name]Felix[/name], which my husband likes. I am also enamored with [name]Rufus[/name] and [name]Jasper[/name], but my husband has vetoed both as being “a dog’s name” and “too trendy,” respectively. We have an [name]Indian[/name] last name, and I like that [name]Jasper[/name] has a vaguely [name]Indian[/name] flavor to it (maybe because of Jaipur); I would love to find another name that has a similar quality but still has vintage Western appeal. Sigh. This has been a difficult process! Would love any advice. Thanks!

I agree with you on the pron. and the database I usually refer to for pron. guide says it is ([name]DASH[/name] yell) which is very similar. What country are you in? I have never heard the name pronounced da-sheel…

[name]Hi[/name]! I pronounce [name]Dashiell[/name] like you do (dash-uhl), and know of a baby [name]Dashiell[/name] with this pronunciation. A celebrity (I can’t recall who at the moment) named her son Dashel, and while I dislike that misspelling, I think it illustrates that a lot of people do indeed pronounce [name]Dashiell[/name] as you do.

If I remember correctly, [name]Dashiell[/name]'s mommy (a former Namberry poster) said that most people didn’t know how to pronounce his name, but it was no big deal. She loves his name, and is so happy she chose it.

I think that [name]Dash[/name] is a great nickname, and I also love [name]Arlo[/name], [name]Jasper[/name], and [name]Felix[/name]! :slight_smile:

You could always use [name]Dashiell[/name] in the middle (I think it works with [name]Arlo[/name] up front) if you’re concerned about pronunciation.

Good luck!

I know a few dashiell’s and they pronounce it [name]Dash[/name]-ull. I feel like this name is super trendy I like [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Jasper[/name] [name]WAY[/name] more.

I’ve never heard of the da-sheel pronunciation, I’ve always heard dash-ull so I think you’ll be ok there. I love this name and the nn [name]Dash[/name]!

I have always pronounced this name as [name]Dash[/name]-y-ell, I guess I was pretty far off. If you want the name pronounced [name]Dash[/name]-ul then you may want to consitter spelling it as Dashul, instead of Dashiel.

[name]Just[/name] wanted to add that the accepted pronuncation of this name is [name]Dash[/name]-ull, which is I think the way you like it. Please spell it the normal way–[name]Dashiell[/name]–if someone doesn’t know how to say it, you can correct them. I don’t think you’ll have to correct anyone more than once. In my opinion, correcting a mispronunciation every once in a while is better than purposefully misspelling a name which will then have to be spelled all the time. [name]Dashiell[/name] is such a handsome name I think it is a shame to see Dashel or Dashul - when I see these spellings it makes me think that you [name]DON[/name]'T want [name]Dashiell[/name] ([name]Dash[/name]-ull) and are trying to get duh-shell or something.

I second this! :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the responses! I was going by the pronunciation of [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Hammett[/name]'s name (De-SHEEL) as well as the origin of the name (it means from the Chiel region, so would also sound like De-SHEEL from the French). It sounds like in its Americanized and/or modern form “[name]DASH[/name]-ull” has become the norm, so I’m happy that’s the case! I’m a stickler for the correct thing sometimes, hence the question - & I would NEVER deliberately misspell a name :slight_smile:
Thanks for all the replies.

I think it’s such a handsome name, and think it’s great that you may use it! (I totally forgot about [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Hammett[/name], which is odd considering that I recently watched the movie “[name]Julia[/name].” I think he’s only referred to as “[name]Dash[/name]” in the movie, though…)

[name]Do[/name] you have a middle name picked out?

Have a great night!

I really like [name]Dashiell[/name]. I have been pronouncing it [name]Dash[/name]-ul.
[name]Indian[/name] flavor/western appeal- [name]Kiran[/name], Ashwin, [name]Rohan[/name], [name]Jay[/name]

I have a nephew named [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Peter[/name] who just celebrated his first birthday. His parents are both artists and professors, and I expected they would chose a somewhat unusual name. They pronounce their baby’s name [name]DASH[/name]-ull and don’t want him to be called [name]Dash[/name]. His nickname is “[name]Dashiell[/name] P.” ([name]Peter[/name] is a family name.)

I have always pron. [name]Dashiell[/name] “[name]DASH[/name]-ee-ull” and prefer it this way, but of the two pron.'s you listed I prefer [name]Dash[/name]-ul. And I agree, I would spell it just the way it is and correct people if needed. :slight_smile: Good luck!

My son’s name is [name]Dashiell[/name] (I’m the one [name]Jill[/name] mentioned, I’m starting to re-emerge!).

I think maybe two people have pronounced his name right the first time after only reading it, and he’s nine months old. And we live in Southern [name]California[/name], which I thought was a little fashion-forward in terms of names, but maybe not! Once people learn how to pronounce it ([name]Dash[/name]-ull) they say it right from then on, not too big a deal.

For a little while I wished I’d spelled it Dashle or Dashel or something so that people might say it right, but those just look hideous.

Oh, my brother insists on calling him Duh-sheel. It’s annoying, but he’s 19 so he’s still at the annoying stage, if you don’t have anyone in your family like that then you’re probably in the clear!

Also, if you choose this name be prepared for a lot of, “Oh, like The Incredibles!” comments. And comments from grandparents like, “I read in the paper that boys just like to be called normal names, ‘Like [name]Al[/name]’ and unusual names give them low self-esteem’ etc.” and “Hmm, [name]Dash[/name]… I suppose he’ll be able to live with that”.

Ok, after that long, drawn out comment I’ll just say that I 100% recommend this name! I honestly love it more every single day and I can’t imagine my son not loving his name when he gets older.

[name]Lyndsay[/name]!!! Oh my gosh, it’s so good to see you! I think about you and [name]Dashiell[/name] every time I suggest his name, and I’m so happy you’re back!

I hope you’re doing well!

I think that [name]Dashiell[/name] is a handsome name, very classic and individual and charming.

I would only ever use the traditional spelling, and I would of course say [name]Dash[/name] ull.

[name]Don[/name]'t spell it phonetically, the world has to learn how to spell it correctly.

I agree. [name]Dashiell[/name] is a very handsome name spelled the correct way. [name]Love[/name] [name]Dash[/name], too!

The correct pronunciation of [name]Dashiell[/name] is duh SHEEL so says the Library of Congress, the [name]Hammett[/name] family, and the CBS News pronunciation adviser. In his pronunciation guide for CBS News, the pronunciation use in the film “[name]Julia[/name]” he wrote, “[name]Dash[/name] shul, [name]Dash[/name] shul, [name]DASH[/name] shul is wrong, wrong, wrong. The correct pronunciation is duh SHEEL.” Also the [name]Hammett[/name] family prefers that pronunciation. It was [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Hammett[/name]'s, the author’s full name, mother’s maiden name. Some sources says that the meaning dating back to 1225 [name]AD[/name] says that the name means ‘the sky’.

In San [name]Francisco[/name] where [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Hammett[/name] once worked and wrote, duh-SHEEL is the commn way that the name is pronounced. Please check for the pronunciation. The name has been my name since 1948.

I’ve always said [name]DASH[/name]-ull and everyone I know says that.
Never heard anyone say De-SHEEL and never knew it was an option.

I’d say it Da-sheel, though I’ve never met anyone with the name to have been corrected on it. In the UK, if that makes a difference too. I’d keep to the original spelling whatever pronunciation issues you have though.