You’ve got a good bunch that should work in both French & English but seeing as how I speak very little French [I can sing Fr”re [name]Jacques[/name] and that’s about it for my French]. Oh, and Pamplemousse; I can order Grapefruit and I’m done. I can’t really say with 100% certantity that it’ll work. I can say if I think it would, though!
[name]Atticus[/name] - If you don’t mind defending that he’s your fave character ever, then go for it. I think he’s pretty sharp sounding. Of course, I’d just name the Kid [name]Archibald[/name], call him [name]Cary[/name] and be done with it myself. [name]Cary[/name] [name]Grant[/name] really brought [name]Atticus[/name] [name]Finch[/name] to life.
[name]Jules[/name] - Here in the States, he’d better be able to back that up with something. [name]Jules[/name] is what a lot of the Jul- girls use as a nickname (See ‘Superbad’, if you don’t believe me) I’d happily name a boy [name]Julius[/name] and nickname him [name]Jules[/name]. But [name]Jules[/name] all by himself is a bit too nicknamey for middle school.
[name]Remy[/name] (look familiar?) - Indeed he does! He sounds great with a lot of surnames and I think works fantastically in just about any Latin based language.
[name]Asa[/name] - He’s a favorite of mine, so simple yet so strong! And he’s Biblical, so he’s likely to travel well.
[name]Calvin[/name] - I get a big religious vibe from [name]Calvin[/name], so can’t consider him myself but I like [name]Cal[/name] and the [name]Calvin[/name] & [name]Hobbes[/name] assocation is awesome. I can’t say if he’d travel well but I think he should.
[name]Enzo[/name] - I know he travels well, I’ve known Enzos here in the States born in the States. And known three Italian Enzos and two French ones back in the 80’s. I think [name]Enzo[/name]'s pretty snazzy and handsome!
[name]Florian[/name] - I love [name]Florian[/name] too, but my other half always shoots him down as “too flowery”. I think it’s fine, myself. So I hesitate to say yeah, but maybe with the right surname.
[name]Hugo[/name] - I think he’s ubertrendy in [name]France[/name], but I love [name]Hugo[/name]. I would happily use him myself but my other half makes “Huge [name]Hugo[/name]” jokes. Sigh men! Warm, friendly, happy [name]Hugo[/name].
[name]Marius[/name] - He travels. Anything from Ancient [name]Rome[/name] travels well, probably because they did too. I’ve got a Polish cousin named [name]Marius[/name]! I think he’s great. My other half tosses him out occasionally. He’s an [name]Ann[/name] [name]Rice[/name] Vampire though, which keeps him on the “OOH, I like him!” lists but that’s as far as I get.
[name]Rhys[/name] - Another one I can’t say for sure would work in [name]France[/name], but he’s really fantastic here in the States! I had him on the list for [name]Josephine[/name] but she didn’t need it.