Romy and ...? We got our g/b twins!

Seems like you’re narrowing it down…
[name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Reeve[/name] is beyond handsome imo. And I don’t have a problem with “Benjo [name]Hansen[/name]” when I hear it. Maybe it’s because I’m in the midwest and names like Johansen are fairly common.

[name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Eve[/name] is beautiful but I just realized that I don’t really like the [name]Reeve[/name] and [name]Eve[/name] at the end of the two names - not sure if this would bother you. Hmmm. Would you need the single syllable name at the end of both?
[name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Delia[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is still one of the most beautiful combos I’ve seen on nameberry, and I love that it has a D and J.
Although, I think it would be kind of cute to do the reverse initials - it sort of happened by accident before but I’m liking it now!

For me, I don’t see [name]Frederick[/name] working quite as well with your set as some of your other picks. I would classify your kids’ names as timeless classic, whereas [name]Frederick[/name] is more clunky grandpa-chic, [name]IMO[/name].[/quote]

See, I think [name]Frederick[/name] IS a timeless classic. I think it goes in the old classic category, such as [name]Thomas[/name], [name]William[/name] and [name]John[/name]. While I would put [name]Zachary[/name], [name]Benjamin[/name], [name]Alexander[/name], [name]Nicholas[/name] and [name]Christopher[/name] in the same category, modern classics. I have other categories of classics, too, like quirky classic maybe? [name]Nathaniel[/name] and [name]Theodore[/name] would be in that category. :smiley: So, I completely agree that [name]Benjamin[/name] works the best with his siblings, I think [name]Frederick[/name] would be great too.

On to [name]Benjamin[/name]! I’m glad to hear you have your frontrunner! My fave combo from the beginning was without a doubt [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Reeve[/name] and I’m so excited he’s still in the running! And I don’t get the Benjo [name]Hansen[/name] issue, it’s not like Benjo is even a name, or Johansen is uncommon. I’m sure when he says his name, people have no doubt that it’s [name]Ben[/name] Johansen. I love the way both [name]Ben[/name] and [name]Benjamin[/name] sound with your last name!

Now as for [name]Rosemary[/name]… Is [name]Julia[/name] out for a middle? I thought you said that was your favorite name ever? I could have misread, but in case I didn’t, I think [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Julia[/name] ____ would be gorgeous! I admit [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Julia[/name] [name]Eve[/name] doesn’t have perfect flow, but it looks beautiful and I love it anyway. I also really love [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Delia[/name] [name]Jane[/name]. I also love the idea of reversed initials, and I actually think it’d be really cute if their second middles were [name]Reeve[/name] and [name]Eve[/name]. [name]How[/name] many people are every going to notice that, ya know? I think it’s sweet.

Well, I love [name]Benjamin[/name]. It’s classic, and curiously fun to say. Also, it’s so neutral, not in a plain way but in the way that it just seems to fit any situation, any person, and almost any sibling group. [name]Ben[/name] is a rare thing for one-syllable names/nicknames - clearly male, but soft and easy. [name]Benji[/name] is a lot of fun, and I completely adore it. I think [name]Benjamin[/name] Johansen sounds just fine, maybe a little long but nothing I’d consider problematic. I think [name]Ben[/name] Johansen is good, too, as the variation in syllable length means that I don’t really notice the double N endings. [name]Benji[/name] Johansen is harder to say, but if it’s just you calling him [name]Benji[/name], how much would you really be saying it with his surname? [name]Even[/name] if he goes by [name]Benji[/name] to many people, I think it’s an uncommon enough nickname that he can be just [name]Benji[/name], there’ll be no need for [name]Benji[/name] J (I’m basing this on the fact that I’ve met many a [name]Ben[/name], but only one [name]Benji[/name]).

I also like [name]Adelaide[/name]. It’s actually a lot of fun to say, too, [name]Heidi[/name] is just so adorable and very, very cool. [name]Benjamin[/name] and [name]Adelaide[/name] are great together. However, I do have to admit that I love [name]Rosemary[/name] more than [name]Adelaide[/name]. [name]Romy[/name] just feels that little bit more unexpected to me. I like unexpected :slight_smile:


I love both [name]Benjamin[/name] and [name]Frederick[/name], so I’m not really going to be much help here! I also think [name]Dashiell[/name] is just brilliant, so I am completely lobbying for that in the middle. And reverse initials? Adorable. Plus, semi-bizarrely, I like that it would then narrow down your middle name options for [name]Romy[/name] (or [name]Adelaide[/name]). I think you mentioned that these will be your last children, and I imagine it would be hardest to settle on names for the last child(ren), knowing that names you leave out now will never be used on future children. I like [name]Eve[/name] in the middle, though, too, so … I don’t suppose you’re up for [name]Edward[/name]? Definitely too [name]Cullen[/name]? Maybe [name]Everett[/name]? Or [name]Evander[/name]?

I think [name]Frederick[/name] goes with your other children’s names very well, and I can never see it being too much - approximately 1/5 of the males I know are [name]Frederick[/name] (the other fifths belong to [name]Alexander[/name], [name]Jack[/name], [name]Charles[/name] and miscellaneous, in case you were wondering). It’s in the ranks of classic rather than vintage for me, and although I know it is quite a bit less popular in the US (I checked and it’s at #536, according to the SSA) it’s by no means reached the not-in-the-top-1000 ranks of a really rare choice.

If you do go with reverse initials, how about :
[name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Reeve[/name] and :
[name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Delia[/name] [name]Blythe[/name]
[name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Delia[/name] [name]Belle[/name]
[name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Delphine[/name] [name]Beatrix[/name].

[name]Frederick[/name] [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Reeve[/name] and :
[name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Delia[/name] [name]Florence[/name]
[name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Delphine[/name] [name]Fiona[/name].


Everyones so beyond helpful here…thank you all SO much. I’m exhausted and not feeling well at all right now, so my responses will be intermittent, but seriously thank you so much. I really appreciate having people to talk to about this, and you’re all brilliant and wonderful people! I still wish [name]Derrick[/name] shared my interest in names, of course, but this is second best. Speaking of him, he still keeps bringing up [name]Dylan[/name] (as a first name!) no matter how much I tell him no.

In other news, the entire apartment is all packed up and all the Johansens are ready to move (early tomorrow morning). :slight_smile:

Guess it’s time for an update: we’ve officially settled on [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Reeve[/name] for our boy’s name. Nothing else seemed quite right and I think it’ll work the best with the others and whatever we settle on for our girl’s name. :slight_smile:

[name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Reeve[/name] is gorgeous! Well done!

:slight_smile: Thank you.

That is quite honestly one of the most handsome names I’ve seen here! And I hope you’re settling into the new house nicely.


That is quite honestly one of the most handsome names I’ve seen here! And I hope you’re settling into the new house nicely.


Really? Thank you, that means a lot to me - D’s unsure about [name]Dashiell[/name], but I really like it. We both love [name]Benjamin[/name] though so it was pretty much a given.

Eh, the new house is alright lol. It’s kind of big and lonely so far. Maybe we need the added excitement of the twins before it feels like home.

Oops…[name]Derrick[/name] found this thread (and my last one) tonight when googling [name]Benjamin[/name]'s full name and isn’t too thrilled that I’ve given out so much personal information. Is there a way to make it not show up on google without deleting the thread?

Anyway, we talked about names a lot tonight which is unusual for [name]Derrick[/name], lol. He suggested some new girls’ names since he knows I’m not 100 percent sure about [name]Rosemary[/name]. He came up with a lot of really dated names ([name]Amanda[/name], [name]Amy[/name], [name]Michelle[/name], [name]Jessica[/name]…) and some way too common names ([name]Sophie[/name], [name]Chloe[/name], [name]Isabel[/name]) but he also suggested [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Catherine[/name]. I love both of these names so much but I worry that [name]Abigail[/name] is increasing in popularity since I do hear it quite often, and that [name]Catherine[/name] sounds weird as a twin name to [name]Benjamin[/name].

If we used [name]Catherine[/name] we’d probably call her [name]Catherine[/name] until she came up with her own nickname, but I have to admit that we’d use [name]Abby[/name] for [name]Abigail[/name] pretty much right away, lol. Any thoughts?? I still do love [name]Romy[/name], of course, but I keep worrying that [name]Rosemary[/name] isn’t ready for a comeback yet.

I don’t have time to comment on the names at the moment, but you could go back and edit your posts (and ask anyone who has repeated whole names of children or any other personal information), so that numerals/symbols replace some of the letters, e.g. [name]El[/name]!z@beth R0se - I’m almost certain that that wouldn’t come up in a search unless you googled the name with those symbols.


Thank you! I think it’s the last name issue that bothered him mostly - so instead of going through everything I only ask that if anyone wrote my last name spelled correctly, just switch it to Johansson or something. I think I was the only one who did that though lol.


First, omg omg omg I am sooooooooo Excited that you picked [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Reeve[/name]! Wow! I don’t know if my favorite from day one has ever been the name actually chosen. I love it so much! Ahh! Seriously, I am super stoked!

For the record, I do think [name]Rosemary[/name] is ready for a comeback. And I also think it is great (if unexpected) with [name]Benjamin[/name]. I think it works well with your other kids names, but it’s doesn’t have the modern classic feel the rest of them do. And if you aren’t sure about it, I’m glad you’re still looking for alternatives :slight_smile:

I don’t see how [name]Catherine[/name] sounds weird with [name]Benjamin[/name], I think they’re a great match! [name]Benjamin[/name] and [name]Catherine[/name], [name]Catherine[/name] and [name]Benjamin[/name]. I like that they’re both long. I also like that their initials are B and C. The only thing I don’t like is that she would share her initial with [name]Camille[/name], but that’s not such a big issue.

[name]Abigail[/name] I love. It’s in the top 10 I believe, but [name]Benjamin[/name] and [name]Zachary[/name] are very popular too so it doesn’t really matter. This time their initials are A and B which is adorable I think. I love that they both have a prominent B sound, along with shared As and Is, and they each have a J or G right there in the middle! [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Benjamin[/name], [name]Benjamin[/name] and [name]Abigail[/name]. [name]Ben[/name] and [name]Abby[/name], [name]Abby[/name] and [name]Ben[/name]. Ummmmmm, I gotta say. I think they are meant for each other! They are fantastic twins, and [name]Abigail[/name] goes best with the rest of the sibset as well, and just overall seems more your style. Yep, I’m switching my vote to [name]Abigail[/name]! Oh, by the way my niece’s name is [name]Abigail[/name] and I have found that it’s a really great name. It’s got tons of history, but it’s also current. And the nn [name]Abby[/name] is just fantastic, it’s a great name to say, and hear, all the time. Well, all of your names are.

As for deleting the info. You can go in and edit your posts and delete whatever you to from them. Is it the last name you’re concerned about? You could ask everyone to delete it from their posts.

I’m sure your new house will become a warm home quickly! You should throw a virtual housewarming party! :smiley:



Oops again! Seriously, what the heck?

Oh yes, I remember you saying that you loved [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Reeve[/name], and of course [name]Dashiell[/name] in the middle. I love everything about my future son’s name! It’s a perfect mix of popular but classic, relatively rare but interesting, and honoring important relatives. I could go on forever about how excited I am that [name]Derrick[/name] actually agreed to a full name that I love, lol. I might just have to nickname the kid [name]Dash[/name] too from time to time. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s so hard to explain how I feel about [name]Rosemary[/name]. I love it in theory, and I love it as an herb/nature name, and of course I adore [name]Romy[/name], but sometimes all I see is literally [name]Rose[/name] + [name]Mary[/name] and it makes it feel really different from the rest of my kids’ names - it’s not a modern classic, like you said. I don’t know; I had to convince [name]Derrick[/name] of it initially and now he loves it.

Yeah that was our main issue with [name]Catherine[/name] as well - but if our girl is born second, I think it could be cool to have both the oldest and youngest girls with C names. You’re right though, it doesn’t sound bad now that I really think of it. I really, really wish we could use the name [name]Caroline[/name], but it’s [name]Mia[/name]'s middle name. [name]Benjamin[/name] and [name]Caroline[/name] sounds so perfect to me.

I love [name]Abigail[/name] too! You know what? I think I’m switching my vote too lol. It really fits our family so perfectly, and goes so well with [name]Benjamin[/name]. I think I just have to admit to myself that my children have very popular names and they’ve all been fine so far, lol. As long as they’re not too trendy, I’m okay with it. And maybe something less common in the middle! I’m thinking along the lines of [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] ____ (something short and uncommon) lol.

Haha I hope it does, I’m too afraid to sleep in this house (and yeah, I’m a 35-year-old guy, lol) so I’m running on no sleep in two days, just passing the time here instead. I guess this is my housewarming party :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, so I don’t know why I posted like 5 times! :oops:

Yeah, you could call him [name]Benny[/name] [name]Dash[/name], that’d be a cute lil nickname. I just realized that my first crush was [name]Benny[/name] Stripe (kindergarten - third grade, I guess I was into long term relationships!). His mom taught me how to jump rope. And he asked me on a “date” which consisted of going to the monkey bars and playing shark and fish, haha. That was a big deal in first grade, let me tell you! Anyway, so that’s a silly tangent but it’s late! And I think that’s the reason I love [name]Benjamin[/name] so much! Oh! [name]Will[/name] you please play your son that [name]Bob[/name] [name]Marley[/name] song? The one about Jammin’? I play it in my head when I see [name]Benjamin[/name] written out, love that! Oh! And when [name]Chris[/name] told his friend [name]Tyrone[/name] that he liked the name [name]Dash[/name] if we had a boy, [name]Tyrone[/name] adopted the name for himself because he thought it was awesome with his last name. I guess lots of people call him [name]Dash[/name] [name]Reed[/name] now, which of course reminds me of [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]Reeve[/name]!

Oh my gosh, [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] is beautiful! [name]Do[/name] you like [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Eve[/name]? I love it, but I’m not sure if the flow is great or not. Definitely [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] is amazing… [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Jane[/name]? Oh, shoot, you said something less common! Would you like something a little more on the modern side? I am trying to think and the only thing in my head is [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Pearl[/name], I have a feeling you won’t like that (but I do! Lol). Sorry for the lack of ideas, I’m really tired!

Well, if this is your housewarming party, you will need some gifts! I’m giving you a variety pack of Yankee Candles, a seasonally appropriate one for each month of the year :smiley: I’m also giving you a sleep number mattress so you can sleep! A noise machine for you now, and one for when the babies are born. A pack of homemade muffin mix, frozen homemade lemonade from my lemon tree (you can’t get that in NY!), a framed embroidered gnome with the saying “every home needs a gnome”, a magazine rack and a one year subscription to Country Living, a personalized coat rack with a place for everyone in the house’s coat, and Egyptian cotton sheets!