Hi! Super early in my pregnancy (just found out last week!), but hubby and I are already discussing baby names … I think we’ve settled on a boy’s name.
Last night, however, I was trying to tell him I have the perfect baby girl name chosen - Daphne - and I couldn’t explain it, but it just feels RIGHT. However, his heart is completely set on Autumn.
(In either case, I think the middle name will be Willow.)
I love the name Autumn, but I have two concerns: 1) early September seems borderline not right for the name Autumn, especially because baby could be born at the end of August; 2) The initials would be AWK, like AWKward. There’s also the fact that hubby and I both have names ending in N, so if we go with Autumn would that mean our future kids’ names also need to end in N? The pro for Autumn, however, is that according to my MIL it was going to be my hubby’s name had he been a girl … so there is a meaningful connection there, and part of me wants to honour that (even though he didn’t know that fun tidbit, despite him being present when his mother told me that story).
Daphne, however, has meaning for me. My due date is very close to my grandmother’s birthday (11th) and my favourite aunt’s birthday (13th). My grandmother’s name starts with D, so I was reflecting on D names for that reason. My grandmother is also Deaf, and one of my favourite TV characters named Daphne is also Deaf. My aunt’s name means “laurel”, as does Daphne, so it would be a way to honour her as well. (I’m secretly hoping the baby comes on the 12th, between the two birthdays - it would be so perfect!)
I know I’m probably in the minority, but I’ve taken a more spiritual approach for the name, taking a variety of things into account - September due date, 95% sure baby will be a Virgo (unless SUPER late or early), and born in the Year of the Dragon. I’ve also been really attracted to the colour purple this week, and I feel like that needs to mean something. And I can’t fully explain all this to hubby - I tried, but he just asked why names have months attached to them. (“I don’t know, they just do!”, lol)
Hubby said the middle name doesn’t have to be Willow (although it is a name we both love) … his dad passed away a couple years ago though, so baby boy will have his name as a middle name, but since FIL and my hubby both have W middle names I thought giving baby girl a W middle name could still honour him.
So: Autumn Willow or Daphne Willow?
(But also, open to suggestions!)