this game is inspired by the many dice games on this site and one of my favorite movie series’, the mcu. i hope you enjoy, i really did my best to make it as fun as possible. i made the game take place in america for sake of simplicity.
You’ll need a dice to play this game. Here’s my favorite site if you need it! - Roll a Die
Hero Team:
You’ll start by rolling for your team. Roll a d6 + 2 for how many people are on your team. Roll a d10 for genders. 1 or 10 for nonbinary, otherwise, odds for boys and evens for girls. Roll a d20 + 15 for their ages.
Roll a d10 for each team members name.
1 - Futuristic Baby Names
2 - Names That Mean Victory
3 - Short Baby Names
4 - Classic Baby Names
5 - Names That Mean Strong
6 - Superhero Names
7 - Rare Baby Names Worth Rescuing
8 - Biblical Names
9 - Boy Names ALWAYS In The Top 1000 / Girl Names ALWAYS In The Top 1000 / Popular Unisex Names
10 - Mythological Names
Roll any die for their last names.
Even - Last Names — A generated list of random family names
Odd - Family name: ranking, popularity, genealogy - Geneanet
Roll a d4 for their superhero alias.
1 -
2 -
3 - Superhero Name Generator - FanBolt
4 - Seventh Sanctum - Superhero/Villain Name Generator
Roll a d12 for each team members superpower.
1 - A Water-based Power (Water Manipulation, Water Physiology, etc.)
2 - A Shapeshifting Power (Animal Shifting, specific Animal Shifting, into any person, etc.)
3 - A Flight Power (Flight, Levitation, Gliding, or Wing Manifestation)
4 - An Electical-based Power (Electricity Manipulation, Electric Phisiology, Technology Manipulation, etc.)
5 - A Fire-based Power (Fire Manipulation, Fire Physiology, etc.)
6 - A Mental-based Power (Telepathy, Telekinesis, Astral Projection, etc.)
7 - An Earth-based Power (Earth Manipulation, Earth/Rock Physiology, etc.)
8 - An Super Ability (Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Flexibility, etc.)
9 - An Air-based Power (Air Manipulation, Air Physiology, etc.)
10 - An Ice-based Power (Ice Manipulation, Ice Physiology, etc.)
11- A Transportation Power (Time Travel, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, etc.)
12 - Roll twice for 2 powers
Roll a d20 for their everyday job. If they are younger than 18, roll a d6 (the first 6 are school age friendly) and they will also be in high school. If they are still too young to be in the career you roll, they can be a college student studying that major (or you can reroll).
1 - A Restaurant Job (Waiter, Host, Fast Food Service etc.)
2 - A Music Career (Singer, Songwriter, Dancer, etc.)
3 - A Retail Job (Cashier, Shelf Stacker, etc.)
4 - A Small Business Owner (they can sell stuff on etsy, babysit, etc.)
5 - A Counselor (for summer camps, for an afterschool care, etc.)
6 - Unemployed
7 - A Film Career (Actor, Director, etc.)
8 - A Law Career (Lawyer, Judge, etc.)
9 - An Enginner (Civil, Aerospace, etc.)
10 - A Business Career (CEO, Entrepreneur, Receptionist, etc.)
11 - A Journalism Career (Journalist, Newspaper Editor, etc.)
12 - A Finance Career (Accountant, Financial Consultant, etc.)
13 - A Teacher Career (pick any grade or age group)
14 - A Heath Career (Nurse, Doctor, Physical Therapist, etc.)
15 - A Beauty Career (Fashion Designer, Makeup Artist, Hairdresser, etc.)
16 - A Creative Career (Painter, Photographer, Interior Designer, etc.)
17 - A Politician (Mayor, Govenor, Schoolboard Director, etc.)
18 - An Animal-related Career (Veteranarian, Zoologist, etc.)
19 - A Trade Service Job (Electrician, Carpenter, etc.)
20 - Your Choice
Lastly, roll any die for the team name.
Evens - Superhero Team Names
Odds - Superhero Team Name Generator - Superhero team names
Start this portion by rolling any die for how many villains. On an even, it’s 1 person. On an odd, it’s 2 people. Roll a d10 for genders. 1 or 10 for nonbinary, otherwise odds for boys and evens for girls. Roll a d20 + 18 for their ages.
Roll a d10 for their names.
1 - Names That Mean Dark
2 - Unique Nature Names
3 - Villainous Names
4 - Long Baby Names
5 - Rare Animal Baby Names
6 - Names That Mean Fire
7 - Dystopian Names
8 - Winter Baby Names
9 - Time Names
10 - Names From Horror Films
Roll any die for last names, using the last name chart above.
Roll a d12 for their power(s), using the superpower chart above.
Roll a d4 for their villain name(s), using the superhero alias chart above.
If you have 2 villains, roll any die for their group name.
Evens - Seventh Sanctum - Superhero/villain Organization Generator
Odds - Evil Group Names
Roll a d8 for their villanous goal. These will be pretty general, feel free to go more in depth in a backstory kind of way.
1 - Revenge (getting back at the world, the heroes, or a specific hero)
2 - Love (loved died, loved one hurt, family, in love with a hero(?), etc.)
3 - Gain Acceptance (they’re an alien species or a minority?)
4 - Fear (for themselves, family, or friends)
5 - Desperation (their daughter died, they lost all their money, their country is dying)
6 - Altruism (saving the world, protecting the weak, protecting nature, etc.)
7 - Chosen One Mentality (a prophecy or did they interpret a tarot card reading wrong)
8 - Your Choice
The Backstory:
Roll a d20 for the US city your story takes place in.
1 - Atlanta, Georgia
2 - Austin, Texas
3 - New York City, New York
4 - Seattle, Washington
5 - Los Angeles, California
6 - Omaha, Nebraska
7 - Albequerque, New Mexico
8 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
9 - Chicago, Illinois
10 - St. Louis, Missouri
11 - Detroit, Michigan
12 - Miami, Florida
13 - New Orleans, Louisiana
14 - Colombus, Ohio
15 - Baltimore, Maryland
16 - Washington DC, USA
17- Las Vegas, Nevada
18 - Boston, Massachusetts
19 - Jersey City, New Jersey
20 - Your Choice
Roll a d6 for how your team was formed.
1 - They were brought together by a government agency to fight the villain(s).
2 - They were at a school for superpowered children together.
3 - They found each other completely by accident.
4 - They were all fighting the villain(s) separately but came together for their common goal.
5 - They were in an accident together, resulting in their powers.
6 - Your Choice
Roll a d6 for how your group gets along.
1 - They are a family. Everyone looks out for each other and gets along with minimal arguments.
2 - They get along for the most part, only occassional small arguments.
3 - They don’t have any deep relationships. They are purely work collegues.
4 - They don’t get along but somehow work well enough together to defeat the villain.
5 - There are essentially 2 or 3 sides that often argue but work together for a common goal. The sides are close with the people within them though. (Who’s on what side?)
6 - They are very good friends. Not quite family but close.
Roll a d4 for the team leader.
1 - The oldest member
2 - The most powerful member
3 - The member with the highest paying job
4 - Your Choice
Feel free to add any additional information (birthdays, appearances, character specific backstories, family, etc.). I didn’t do it here because the game was long enough already but it might be fun to.
this is it for this part. i should have the next part posted soon-ish. i have so many ideas and i’m so excited!!