I posted this in the baby name games section a few days ago, but because I don’t think that it’s being viewed by everyone who loves [name]Susan[/name] and appreciates everything she does to help so many people on Nameberry, I’ll repost it here:
[name]Hi[/name], everyone! It’s long overdue, but I’m thrilled to finally begin a thread devoted to Nameberry’s creative gem, [name]Susan[/name]! (Applause! Applause! Applause!)
I don’t know about you, but I personally can’t imagine Nameberry without the lovely and creative [name]Susan[/name], and I hope that she never stops posting here! She possesses an incredible grasp of names, ranging from the offbeat and quirky to the stunningly elegant and regal. [name]Susan[/name] is generous, gentle, and genuine, and has the ability to effortlessly reach, touch, and help every single poster here.
She is open, honest, caring, and kind, and has the uncanny ability to calm stormy waters should they arise. While I’ve never actually met [name]Susan[/name], I feel as though she is a true friend, and I know I’m not alone in feeling this way.
So, [name]Susan[/name], I’m now handing you a virtual crown (I just had extra diamonds added), because you are now the [name]Queen[/name] of Nameberry!
If you have ever been helped by the wonderful [name]Susan[/name] or simply would like to pay tribute to her, here’s your chance!
What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]?
What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]?
What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…)
If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why?
If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be?
You’re the best, [name]Susan[/name]!