Susan: Queen of Nameberry! (A Tribute Thread)

I posted this in the baby name games section a few days ago, but because I don’t think that it’s being viewed by everyone who loves [name]Susan[/name] and appreciates everything she does to help so many people on Nameberry, I’ll repost it here:

[name]Hi[/name], everyone! It’s long overdue, but I’m thrilled to finally begin a thread devoted to Nameberry’s creative gem, [name]Susan[/name]! :slight_smile: (Applause! Applause! Applause!)

I don’t know about you, but I personally can’t imagine Nameberry without the lovely and creative [name]Susan[/name], and I hope that she never stops posting here! She possesses an incredible grasp of names, ranging from the offbeat and quirky to the stunningly elegant and regal. [name]Susan[/name] is generous, gentle, and genuine, and has the ability to effortlessly reach, touch, and help every single poster here.

She is open, honest, caring, and kind, and has the uncanny ability to calm stormy waters should they arise. While I’ve never actually met [name]Susan[/name], I feel as though she is a true friend, and I know I’m not alone in feeling this way.

So, [name]Susan[/name], I’m now handing you a virtual crown (I just had extra diamonds added), because you are now the [name]Queen[/name] of Nameberry! :slight_smile:

If you have ever been helped by the wonderful [name]Susan[/name] or simply would like to pay tribute to her, here’s your chance!

  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]?

  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]?

  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…)

  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why?

  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be?

You’re the best, [name]Susan[/name]! :slight_smile:

Here was my answer:

  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]? [name]Susan[/name] is a true friend, and I value that infinitely. She never fails to stand up for others (trust me, I know), and does so with tact and grace. [name]Susan[/name]'s genuine personality and ability to express herself are things I treasure.

  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]? [name]Susan[/name] has made me love the name [name]Veronica[/name], and because of her, I also love the name [name]Susannah[/name].

  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…)
    I’ll go with diamond, because she’s strong, reliable, gentle, and graceful. (And diamonds are the best!) :slight_smile:

  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why? I’ll send her a virtual polar fleece bathrobe, because she types late at night, and I want her to be comfortable.

  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be? Yellow, because she’s warm, cheerful, and calming.

You’re the best, [name]Susan[/name]! :slight_smile:

[name]Susan[/name]'s reply:

[name]Jill[/name], you are so nice! Well, if I’m the queen, then you are the empress! Hmmm, how do you spell that? Is that right?
Thank you for all my presents! I am giving you a present, too - eighteen kids, what do you think?
I will show this thread to my family. They will be surprised and happy!
Since I am completely obsessed with names, it’s my joy to help people think of names for their babies. In fact in the past, before there was Nameberry, my sister and I used to say to each other that the best job ever would be to think of babies’ names. I think we were right!
I’m sure my husband loves the way I spend time on Nameberry posting about names rather than talking to him about them! He gets a break!

Here is what Kashed22 said:

  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]? She has great insight into names and I love how she is always interested in trends, things that she notices, always looking for hidden gems (the spirit of NB!) She should have her own thread for creating Outhip the Hipsters alone.

  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]? [name]Phoebe[/name] and [name]Lionel[/name] nn [name]Leo[/name] (Susans approval has actually made me brave enough to use it. In top 3. Oh and [name]Hollis[/name], that’s pretty daring and awesome…

  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…)
    [name]Opal[/name]…the best of all the gemstone names of course!

  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why?
    A camera so she could show us all the cool people and things she writes about in LA.

  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be?
    [name]Lavendar[/name] or a shade of [name]Iris[/name]

Thanks [name]Susan[/name]/great thread [name]Jill[/name] = )

[name]Susan[/name]'s reply and the next poster:

Re: [name]Susan[/name]: [name]Queen[/name] of Nameberry! (A Tribute Thread)
by susan on Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:21 pm

Dear Kashed 22,
Thank you for saying such kind things about me! I am happy that you like the Outhip the Hipsters thread. Yes, aren’t [name]Phoebe[/name], [name]Lionel[/name] and [name]Hollis[/name] great names? I’m glad you love them. Thank you for the opal and the camera. Here is a picture for you. Today I was standing on the sidewalk, and a dirty man in a black SUV came zooming the wrong way down a busy one-way street. All these cars honked at him and had to get out of the way
Thanks for the lavender color.
I love to read your posts, too.

Re: [name]Susan[/name]: [name]Queen[/name] of Nameberry! (A Tribute Thread)
by susan on Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:25 pm


  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]?
    She is so funny! - Thank you, [name]Alexis[/name]!
  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]?
    [name]Anna[/name] - Yes, it is one of my very favorites. So warm and comfy.
  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…)
    Rubies - Thank you! [name]Just[/name] love rubies, maybe they are my fave jewel.
  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why?
    Something funny, but subtle, cause’ shes hilarious - I love funny presents.
  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be?
    Yellow, it makes people happy - that’s so nice!
    You’re the best, [name]Susan[/name]! - So are you, [name]Alexis[/name]!
  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]? I appreciate [name]Susan[/name]'s opinion about names and can’t wait to read her replies. Because she lives in [name]California[/name] like I do I know that she understands the trends or can foretell the up-and-comers.

  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]? I’ve loved [name]Olivia[/name] before coming here but was a little put off by it’s popularity. Knowing that [name]Susan[/name] still loves it too has kept it on my short list. :smiley: Anyone who has named their child [name]Sebastian[/name] for a first or mn is a superstar in my book! I love [name]Sebastian[/name]!

  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…) [name]Lapis[/name] Lazuli for it’s cool blue serenity and golden streaks of pizazz.

  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why? [name]Art[/name] supplies so she can’t create a masterpiece.

  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be? [name]Indigo[/name]. Not only is it an amazing color but is a great name too.

[quote=“disa_lan”]1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]? I appreciate [name]Susan[/name]'s opinion about names and can’t wait to read her replies. Because she lives in [name]California[/name] like I do I know that she understands the trends or can foretell the up-and-comers.

Thank you, Disa! [name]Don[/name]'t you love living in [name]CA[/name]? Yeah, names are really different in [name]CA[/name]. [name]Francisco[/name] is high on the list for boys.

  1. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]? I’ve loved [name]Olivia[/name] before coming here but was a little put off by it’s popularity. Knowing that [name]Susan[/name] still loves it too has kept it on my short list. :smiley: Anyone who has named their child [name]Sebastian[/name] for a first or mn is a superstar in my book! I love [name]Sebastian[/name]! - [name]Olivia[/name] is so pretty! And I am glad I insisted on [name]Sebastian[/name] for my son’s middle name. Whenever I think of it, I feel happy. [name]Peter[/name] loves his middle name.

  2. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…) [name]Lapis[/name] Lazuli for it’s cool blue serenity and golden streaks of pizazz. - I love lapis lazuli! What a pretty color, thank you! And I will give you something lovely, a vintage emerald ring from the '20’s.

  3. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why? [name]Art[/name] supplies so she can’t create a masterpiece. - I am an artist and in the last couple of weeks I made collages of downtown L.A. and my church, a dove nesting on its Russian eggs next to a map of [name]Africa[/name] but it’s in a house with a lot of candles and hearts, and the Station [name]Fire[/name] in L.A. with fires, mountains, backfires and little wooden cabins and roads.

  4. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be? [name]Indigo[/name]. Not only is it an amazing color but is a great name too. - You are extremely perceptive to say [name]Indigo[/name], Disa. I can’t really tell you why, but just know that it truly is my color. It has something to do with my health. It makes me well.

  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]?
    She’s funny and gives lots of suggestions.
  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]?
    [name]Finnigan[/name], normally I would think it’s too Irish, but it’s cute.
  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…)
    Tanzanite; precious and rare. And of course, the color is stunning.
  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why?
    Lots and lots of water to put out those fires!
  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be?
    [name]Plum[/name], it’s warm and vibrant yet not obnoxiously bright.

Only have a minute to respond but I really appreciate [name]Susan[/name]'s posts. She is very open-minded and non-judgmental. She also is able to share the benefit of her experience while still relating to those half her age. Finally, she is my number one favorite poster because her daughter and mine have the same name, [name]Laura[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] (except that my [name]Laura[/name] is about 7 months old).

  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]?

  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]?

  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…)

  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why?

  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be?

I am also a late-night poster, so excuse me that I haven’t got to this before now. I like to check up on Nameberry after the children have gone to bed (or after they have TOLD ME they were going to bed anyway) and it is quiet.

ANYWAY didn’t I just say on the [name]Jill[/name] [name]Fan[/name] Club the other night that I thought [name]Susan[/name] should have her own fan club?! So this tribute doesn’t surprise me in the least.

What I like about [name]Susan[/name] is her down-to-earth common sense mixed with a sense of humour and compassion.

I like that she tried to make me feel good about my middle name ([name]Joyce[/name]) which I hate, and that we both have daughters called [name]Laura[/name], and love traditional names like [name]Catherine[/name] and [name]Elizabeth[/name].

Colour - aqua, definitely!

[name]Gem[/name] for her tiara - aquamarine, of course!

Gift for her: a little bejewelled notebook for all her name jottings

I am new to Nameberry, but picked out [name]Susan[/name] as one of its stars very early one.


[name]Ailsa[/name] (Redriding)

  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]?

  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]?

  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…)

  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why?

  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be?

I am also a late-night poster, so excuse me that I haven’t got to this before now. I like to check up on Nameberry after the children have gone to bed (or after they have TOLD ME they were going to bed anyway) and it is quiet.

ANYWAY didn’t I just say on the [name]Jill[/name] [name]Fan[/name] Club the other night that I thought [name]Susan[/name] should have her own fan club?! So this tribute doesn’t surprise me in the least.

What I like about [name]Susan[/name] is her down-to-earth common sense mixed with a sense of humour and compassion.

I like that she tried to make me feel good about my middle name ([name]Joyce[/name]) which I hate, and that we both have daughters called [name]Laura[/name], and love traditional names like [name]Catherine[/name] and [name]Elizabeth[/name].

Colour - aqua, definitely!

[name]Gem[/name] for her tiara - aquamarine, of course!

Gift for her: a little bejewelled notebook for all her name jottings

I am new to Nameberry, but picked out [name]Susan[/name] as one of its stars very early one.


[name]Ailsa[/name] (Redriding)

I mean “early on” not “early one”, of course. oops!

Dear Justthinkin’, thank you for your lovely post!

  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]?
    She’s funny and gives lots of suggestions. - I enjoy reading your posts, too. I have been to [name]Maine[/name], so maybe I drove near where you live.
  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]?
    [name]Finnigan[/name], normally I would think it’s too Irish, but it’s cute. - Yes, I think [name]Finnigan[/name] is going to get really popular.
  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…)
    Tanzanite; precious and rare. And of course, the color is stunning. - I will have to look that up because I don’t know what color that is. Thank you, I can’t wait to see it.
  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why?
    Lots and lots of water to put out those fires! - The fires are almost gone, and now the weather has cooled. I am concerned about potential flooding during the winter though. Hopefully we won’t have an [name]El[/name] [name]Nino[/name], or you will hear all about a lot of tragedies in the news.
  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be?
    [name]Plum[/name], it’s warm and vibrant yet not obnoxiously bright. - I love plum, one of my faves! My vintage couch is plum.
    You are very kind and wise, Justthinkin’. [name]Love[/name] the way you talk about names. I am a lot older than you, but we are kindred spirits because we both love names!

Isn’t it amazing that our daughters have the same name? [name]Laura[/name] is a wonderful name for a daughter’s whole life. It seems too grown up when she’s a baby, but she grows into into pretty quickly. My daughter absolutely loves her name. And her middle name, too!

I do seem to be hanging out with much younger people than myself lately. It’s a good thing - it keeps me young. [name]Young[/name] people say fresh and innovative things. They are like a blood transfusion for the world.

[name]Hi[/name], [name]Ailsa[/name]! [name]Haven[/name]'t heard from you lately! [name]Just[/name] kidding, [name]Ailsa[/name] and I have been madly emailing each other. I saw her picture, and she is lovely! It’s so funny to get to know someone on Nameberry and then to actually see what they look like. I wish I could see what all the posters look like. Then I would be able to remember each one of you so well.
Thank you for my presents! You’re right, I love aqua, I think I told you! Thank you for my bejeweled notebook, too.
[name]Love[/name] your name, it’s one of my faves!
I will give you a present, too - a new kitty, gray tiger with green eyes who loves to live with other kitties.

Oh, I was on vacation and totally missed this! I’m back now and so stoked to see a [name]Susan[/name] Tribute! :slight_smile:

  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]? Can I have a whole post for just this answer? :slight_smile: [name]Susan[/name] is kind and honest and trustworthy to say the very least. I love “hearing” her honest and constructive feedback. There’s always so much thought put into everything she types. She makes me see names in a whole new light. For example, the way she explains [name]Peter[/name] is so amazing to me. She explains that the “t” holds the two “e’s” together while the strong “P” and lovely “r” try and pull them apart. Amazing! I never think things like that and I love seeing what she comes up with. You learn to appreciate ALL sorts of names because of [name]Susan[/name]!

  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]?
    I think I have to go with [name]Sebastian[/name]. I don’t know why I didn’t like it before! I’m also seeing the beauty in all classic names since joining Nameberry. That has to be because of [name]Susan[/name]!

  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…)
    [name]Emerald[/name]. Its my favorite stone because of it deep, gorgeous beauty.

  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why? I would send a great collection of music to her. Some calming music for the fires and shootings and some fun, upbeat music to dance to! I just love dancing! :slight_smile:

  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be?
    [name]Red[/name], because she’s all heart!

Yay! [name]Susan[/name], you deserve this so much!

  1. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about [name]Susan[/name]? Her warmth, her tact (especially!), her kindness and her willingness to help, everything I know about her I love:). I also love that she is an artist. I would love to show you my work [name]Susan[/name] and see yours!

  2. What name do you now love because of [name]Susan[/name]? I love SO many new names because of nameberry. I hadn’t even heard of my daughter [name]Mirabelle[/name]'s name before I came here.

  3. What gem most reminds you of [name]Susan[/name]? (We’ll add it to her crown…) Some of the colourful opal they mine close to where I live or a pearl from the bay in front of my house.

  4. If you could send [name]Susan[/name] a gift, what would it be, and why? I would send her a pot of this lovely moisturiser I have been using lately, it’s called [name]Buttercup[/name] and has the nicest, happiest smell.

  5. If [name]Susan[/name] were a color, which would she be? A rainbow :smiley:

Thanks for being so wonderful [name]Susan[/name], [name]Queen[/name] of Nameberry!

Thank you [name]Susan[/name]! Not only are you [name]Queen[/name] of Nameberry, but I know we are going to be great friends.

Thank you.


[name]Hi[/name] [name]Susan[/name]! Did you drive up from [name]Boston[/name]? Because then you probably were pretty close. Tanzanite is a light purple-ish blue, it’s really pretty. Sort of like a pale sapphire. (Which I think is your birthstone, right?) Thanks for your kind words!

Dear Ricamaca,
Thank you for all the nice things you said! I want you to know that I appreciate your posts, too. When I see your name on a topic, I immediately look it up, because I know it will be fascinating. It is easy for me to talk about names because I am obsessed. My therapist that I had years ago informed me that I have an obsession - thinking about names. But I think she had an obsession. All she wanted to talk about was whale-watching.
I am glad you love the shape of [name]Peter[/name] and the name [name]Sebastian[/name]. [name]Love[/name] emeralds, music and the color red. The fires weren’t that close to me, but they were where we used to live, and so we know so many people that had to evacuate. But all their houses are safe. We even know a little baby named [name]Benjamin[/name] who had to evacuate.