The 2-entry Teaser Game!

The boy, [name_u]Cedar[/name_u], was staring right at me, [name_u]Briar[/name_u] whispering in his ear. Her voice was so quiet that even I couldn’t hear.

“Would you like a cloth?” I inquire, my voice hardly more than a whisper.

Next: voice

At the sound of that voice, I stop dead – you’re not dead, you’re not dead, you’re not dead – and maybe forget how to breathe. I’m not sure. I can’t think.


“Voice your concerns?” [name_u]Kieran[/name_u] repeats, a note of hysteria tainting the words. “What are you, middle-aged?”

“I’m literally four months younger than you.” It’s a weird comeback, but he laughs all the same. Thank [name_m]God[/name_m].

Next: forget

“I’m not going to forget about you!” [name_u]Basil[/name_u] shouted.
“You don’t have to forget,” [name_u]Juniper[/name_u] said, still smiling. Her smile was strange, like Grandmother’s smile on a ten-year-old. Havens–Grandmother. [name_f]Junie[/name_f] was wrong, just like she had been the night of the fire. [name_u]Basil[/name_u] could never learn to accept this.

“You forget yourself, Flamedancer.” The woman’s curious black eyes narrowed at [name_f]Fiora[/name_f].
“No, I don’t think I do,” [name_f]Fiora[/name_f] countered. “You’re the one who’s forgotten something.”
“Oh? And what’s that?”
“Your. . .” said [name_f]Fiora[/name_f], dragging the moment out. . . “ability. . . to. . .”
“My ability to what?” the woman snapped, losing patience.
“To not be a total weirdo!” [name_f]Fiora[/name_f] cried. “I mean, come on, I don’t even know you, and here you are, showing up in my flipping dreams like some kind of wishy-washy mystical blah blah blah–I don’t even care, lady! Who the flip are you?”

Next word: care

“Well,” Alfreed said. “Both of Ars’ parents are kind of absent and barely notice what their kids are doing half the time. When they do, it’s usually them nitpicking at a lot of stuff. Like, for example, nagging Ars about the stupid carpet. I mean, I suppose they actually do care about Ars and [name_f]Rena[/name_f], but still…”

Malort sighed and gave his mother a stern look. “Mother, I don’t care about your opinions on my life, my marriage, or how [name_f]Ostara[/name_f] and I raise our kids. We’re not teaching [name_f]Solara[/name_f] or [name_f]Luna[/name_f] dark magic! So just deal with it.”

Next: absent

“It’s very dark in here,” [name_u]Basil[/name_u] observed aloud. It didn’t scare him, though, or at least, not as much as it usually would. This darkness was as familiar and comforting as his own mind, which was admittedly not a whole lot, but at least it was only the absence of metaphorical light.

“You’re not my dad,” [name_f]Fiora[/name_f] said, crossing her arms. “I don’t have a dad.” This was of course not strictly true, but the subject of Fiora’s absent father had appeared so infrequently in her life that it had never crossed her mind to even wonder about him. She had Momma and Aunt [name_u]Rye[/name_u] and Uncle [name_m]Teo[/name_m]. Why would she need a stupid dad?

Next word: frequent

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From City Of Goblins:

“Apollo? Hey, it’s okay. You’re only dreaming. Everything is okay.” Gently, [name_f]Lily[/name_f] put her hand on his shoulder. “Wake up.”
“Get away! No! No!” [name_m]Apollo[/name_m] batted her hand away. Then, he opened his eyes and stared at her with a look of pure terror. “You’re real! You’re— Lily?” He shook his head, as if trying to get rid of the dream. He was breathing heavily and [name_f]Lily[/name_f] could see that he was trembling. “What are you trying to do?! Give me a heart attack?!”
“No. I heard you yell and came to make sure you were alright.”
“Oh. Thanks. I’m fine now.”
“What on earth were you dreaming about?”
“A monster.”
“That makes sense.”
“I shouldn’t even have nightmares like that. I’m far too old for them.”
“Everyone has nightmares sometimes. It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you dream the same thing every night?”
“No. Some nights are worse. [name_f]My[/name_f] favorite nights are when I don’t dream at all. But, tonight’s nightmare is pretty frequent.”
“Do you want to talk about it? I mean, that might help you calm down.”
“You shouldn’t have to listen to my fears.”
“I don’t mind, really. If you need someone to listen, I can listen.”
“Fine. When I was little, long before Vora, my greatest fear was this big shadow ape thing with red eyes, long claws, and fangs. I used to see that thing in my dreams at least three times a week. You could call it my imaginary enemy. Anyway, it eventually faded away and I all but forgot about it. But, since everything with my siblings, I’ve started dreaming about it again. Except it’s now enormous and can set things on fire just by looking at them. It destroys my house and kills my Workers, then turns to kill me. It’s terrifying. And I don’t have my arrow launcher or anything to defend myself.”
“That would be terrifying.”
“Some nights, including tonight, it starts by killing my siblings. I know, I know. That isn’t what really happened. But, it’s just as bad watching them die in the clutches of that beast as it was to lose them the ways I did. I couldn’t save them, either way.”

(Believe it or not, I apparently don’t use the word frequent a lot, sorry)

Next Word: Sorry

From The [name_f]Princess[/name_f] And Her Servant

“Maybe I’ve decided it’s time for a change. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you not like the person I’m trying to become?”
“I’d like the changes if I could believe them. But I can’t.”
“In other words, you don’t trust me.”
“Listen, [name_f]Princess[/name_f]. You’ve treated me horrible for ten years. Why should I all of a sudden believe you’re changing?”
“Because I am.”
“You can’t scream at someone, throw things at him, hit him with doors, call him names, and just overall be nasty and then expect him to just trust you can become a better person.”
“I told you that I was sorry!”
“How can you expect me to believe that? It’s easy to say you’re sorry. And, like I said, it’s nice to hear you apologize. But, it’s going to take a lot more than words to convince me that you mean it.”
“Why can’t you just trust me?!”
“Because I’ve spent ten years following you everywhere. I’ve seen how you act. And I won’t forget it.”
“Ugh! I don’t know why I’m even bothering to try and apologize! Clearly, you aren’t smart enough to accept the apology! And why do I care?! Why do I even care about—”
“About a nothing like me?” [name_u]Devin[/name_u] interrupted her. He sounded like he had been expecting those words and he didn’t seem surprised. [name_m]Just[/name_m] disappointed. And, though he was clearly trying not to let it show, it was obvious that the disappointment hurt. “I knew you never really changed for the better. You’re the same person you’ve always been.” He turned away from her and stared at the cave wall.
Malarrea sighed, wishing she had watched her mouth. If making amends was hard before, it was going to be even harder after that. And, she found that she actually did feel horrible about it. “I shouldn’t have said that.” But, [name_u]Devin[/name_u] didn’t respond. “You can ignore me. That’s fine. But I know you’re listening. Because you are usually listening.” No response. “I’m sorry. And you don’t have to believe that. But I am.”
“You don’t know what the last ten years have been like for me. This job I was forced into has robbed me of everything. [name_f]My[/name_f] home, my family, my life. It’s all gone. But you won’t understand.”
“I want to understand.”
“I try to act like I’m not hurting as much as I really am. Because I don’t want to give you and your father that satisfaction. To see that I’m broken. But, why am I bothering? You two won’t see anyway. So, here it is, [name_f]Princess[/name_f]. I’m broken.”
“I know that. And—”
“When I say I have nightmares, I don’t mean normal nightmares. Not always, anyway. Sometimes, when I’m awake, the memory of that night, the night this all began, just… it hits me. And I relive it. You want to know why I freeze sometimes? That’s it. That’s me watching helplessly as everything I loved was taken away. But you just yell at me and threaten to throw me in the dungeon.”
“I didn’t know—”
“And, you want to hear more? I don’t like swords either. Why would I? They’re the type of weapon that was used to kill my parents. And I don’t like guards either. Because guards were the ones wielding those swords.”
“Do you know how much I wish someone would try to kill you? Because then I would have to try to save you. Which would be a death sentence for me. And then, if I got to choose my last words, I could finally tell you that I resign! I could finally be free!”
“I wish I was someone you trust. I want to say something to hopefully make you feel better. But—”
“That’s the point. Your apologies can’t do that. No words can fix what’s broken. No words can turn back time and stop my existence from turning out like this.”
“Listen. I know I’m the reason that what happened happened. And you hate me. You have the right to.”
“I hate the way you act.”
“Acted. That’s over now.”
“I can’t believe that.”
“I know. But I’m going to change. Starting with how I treat you.”

From The Bridgetown Series

“Listen, I just want to talk to [name_f]Natalia[/name_f]. Let me through.”
“And I told you, Miss [name_u]Porter[/name_u] isn’t in the mood to talk right now. She’s very busy and she needs a break. Please try again in a million years.”
“Mr. [name_m]Hampton[/name_m], I would watch your tone with me. [name_f]My[/name_f] mother is—”
“Ill? Why, I’m so sorry to hear that.”
“You should go visit her then. Go on.”
“The door to the stairs is right here. Toodle-oo! And tell Madame [name_u]Hartley[/name_u] that I hope she feels better soon.”

Next Word: Soon

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Aleesa raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to tell me soon, at least?”
[name_u]Loren[/name_u] sighed. “Yes. Soon.”

[name_u]Basil[/name_u] opened his eyes blearily to find [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] shaking him awake. “I was on watch,” he said, “and you seemed like you were having a nightmare. Sorry to wake you. What were you dreaming about?”
[name_u]Basil[/name_u] wasn’t sure what possessed him to answer. He didn’t tell people things like this! “If you must know, it was a flaming coffee table.”
[name_m]Arnold[/name_m] winced sympathetically. “I bet it will get better soon.”
[name_u]Basil[/name_u] shrugged, saying, “Maybe,” and went back to sleep.

Next word: flaming

[name_u]Piper[/name_u] couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. Her mind was clouded with the flaming feeling of pure hatred for [name_u]Daniel[/name_u]. She didn’t know why she hated him so much; she just always had.

[name_f]Tessa[/name_f] climbed up to the roof and, sure enough, [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] was sitting on top of it, staring at the treeline.
“You see that?” he asked, startling [name_f]Tess[/name_f].
“What?” she didn’t know what he was talking about.
“The trees. They’re flaming.”
“Is it like a forest fire?”
“Probably. We get those a lot.”
“That’s probably not good.”
“Yeah,” was the only reply. [name_u]Nolan[/name_u] didn’t seem scared. He seemed… almost vulnerable. [name_f]Tessa[/name_f] didn’t know how to respond to that, so she just sat down next to him.

next word: forever

“Can we stay here forever?” [name_u]Basil[/name_u] murmured, his face curling into a soft smile. [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] had never seen anything like it before. Yes, he knew it was creepy to watch him sleep, but he wasn’t trying to be creepy, it was that dreams were the only time when [name_u]Basil[/name_u] showed any emotion more pleasant than his usual directionless agonized rage. If [name_m]Arnold[/name_m] saw even one of those smiles in real life, he would count himself the luckiest person he knew.

We’ll be friends forever. [name_u]Loren[/name_u] knew that would be the hardest line yet. He wasn’t sure why he was even bothering to write it, it wasn’t essential to the message, but he needed Aleesa to know. We’ll be, he wrote. So far so good. But as soon as he had formed fr, his Charge cut into him like a knife and it was all he could do not to shout aloud. Then the jig would be up for sure. He scribbled out the world’s messiest ‘i’ mostly by muscle memory, and had a stroke of luck, managing to fool the spell by convincing himself that the rest of the word was just ‘ends’.

Next word: lucky

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From The Eligible Trilogy

“Hey lady! Watch it!”
[name_f]Maretha[/name_f] stepped aside, rolling her eyes. She watched as the black and white stallion ran smack into a nearby tree. “You know, running into stuff isn’t going to make you look any more impressive.”
“Huh? Oh, you’re that mare from the dueling ring! You beat [name_m]Samson[/name_m] pretty good out there! He was so humiliated!”
“Not as humiliated as you were.”
“Today isn’t my lucky day. On my lucky days, I can knock ten stallions out of the ring at the same time!”
“I don’t think that’s even possible.”
“Not yet. But, I’ll do it! And then nobody will ever laugh at me again!”
“Good luck with that.”
“Hey, wait a minute! Where’re ya goin’?! We were talkin’! Hey!”
“What do you want?! Cause I’m not gonna go on a flight with you or just stand around and look pretty while you slam yourself into trees! For your information—”
“Chill out, lady! You’re scary when you’re mad!”
“Good! And just you try me! Because I haven’t been having a good day!”
“I just want tips on how to win a duel!”
“Wait… From me? But… But I’m a… I’m a mare.”
“You beat [name_m]Samson[/name_m]. He’s been the undefeated champion for like forever!”
“But… Wait…”
“Tell me your secret?”
“There’s no secret. It’s all about strategy. Thinking things through.”

From The Atarene Series

“Yes? I’m here.”
“I’ve always wanted to accomplish something great.”
“I know. And you will.”
“I already have. I formed a bond with a Deyeonad. Something no Edillo thought possible. I’m so glad I met you.”
“I’m so glad I met you too.”
“Lately, I’ve been wondering if the gods put you in my path on purpose. [name_u]Or[/name_u] was it a lucky mistake? I’ll never know. I wish we never had to part.”
“You’re welcome to stay with me as long as you want. I enjoy your company.”
“I’ll stay as long as I can. I’d stay forever if I could.”
“Forever with you? That would be wonderful.”
“We could leave the continent. Go somewhere where no one cares that I’m an Edillo and you’re a Deyeonad.”
“I’d follow you anywhere.”
“And I would do the same for you.”
“Can it ever be?”
“Oh… Who knows what the future holds. Could we bring my stepmother? I think she’d like you.”
“Of course. And I’d talk to my family. Perhaps they’d agree to come.”
“They’re welcome to.”
“If I die before—”
“You aren’t going to die.”
“What did [name_f]Varsha[/name_f] say?”
“She said… It doesn’t matter. You aren’t going to die.”
“If I die before our dreams become reality, I’m grateful that I at least got to know you. Had we not met more than once, I would have missed out on so much.”
“Oh, Sef… I’m grateful I got to know you too.”

Next Word: Tree

From The [name_u]Power[/name_u] Of [name_u]Four[/name_u]

“Hey! We need to talk to a Griffin—”
“Talon!” [name_f]Mia[/name_f] exclaimed. “You yourself said Griffins are dangerous and—” The [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] turned his head and saw them. Unfortunately, in that second that he was distracted, he forgot to swerve around a particularly tall tree and flew right into it. With a screech, he crashed to the forest floor. “Oh no!”
Starfire was the first to reach where the [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] had landed. “Are you alright?!” She exclaimed. “That was quite a crash!”
The [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] scrambled to his feet and growled. “Intruders!” He shrieked, glaring at the group with piercing yellow eyes. “Intruders! Trespassing on [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] territory!”
“Well… yes,” Starfire admitted. “I suppose we are. But, we have a valid reason.”
“A death wish, more like!”
“Just calm down and listen—”
“Listen?! To intruders?! Not the [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] way!”
“Told ya these things don’t listen to reason,” [name_m]Talon[/name_m] said. “Let’s go find a gnome. They see all and know all. And they talk like civilized beings, not—”
“Gnomes? See all and know all? What kind of fantasy are you living in, Shecanae?”
“Hey! He just called me crazy!”
“You all must be crazy! No sane creature—” The [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] looked closer at [name_f]Mia[/name_f]. “Is this a human?”
“Yes, she is,” Starfire replied.
“And you? You’re that Dragon!”
“I am.”
“Why are you here? Don’t you know—”
“Don’t you know that it is against [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] [name_m]Law[/name_m] to have a conversation with intruders?” [name_u]Four[/name_u] more Griffins swooped down from the sky. But it was none of them who had spoken. It was a large dark colored [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] who strutted over as if he was someone of great importance. For one second, [name_f]Mia[/name_f] wondered why he hadn’t flown like the rest. Then, she noticed that most of his right wing was covered by a length of faded striped cloth.
“Ashwing! I—”
“Silence, Fireclaw! I should have you punished. I’d like to have you punished.”
“But, Sir,” another [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] said. “He did sound the alarm. It’s not like—”
“Are you his friend, Greytalon? Would you perhaps like to join him as a Rank Five?”
“No, Sir.” Greytalon bowed his head. “I’ll keep my beak shut.”
“That’s what I thought.”

From A Failed Assassination

“Did you kids hear something?” I asked, half hoping that they hadn’t. The less trouble we ran into, the better.
“Yeah,” [name_u]Gus[/name_u] replied, looking around. “It was probably just a squirrel, though. Right?”
“That had to have been one big squirrel.” I didn’t want to alarm my young friends. But, if something dangerous was nearby, we needed to be ready. Either to fight or to run.
Suddenly, there was a cracking sound, like wood breaking, and a young lady fell out of a tree nearby. “Ow! Curses!” She exclaimed, clambering to her feet. She looked like a twig. About the skinniest girl I’d ever seen. Not sickly or underfed, just very thin. She was wearing a green ball gown and matching high heeled shoes. Her light brown hair was styled very fancily, though there were twigs and leaves tangled in it. It was almost funny. She did not look like the type of person who should have been in the woods. In fact, she looked like she belonged at a ball. Minus the twigs and leaves in her hair, that is.
“Well, would you look at that, kids!” I exclaimed jokingly. “It’s raining princesses!”
That earned me a glare from her. “Yes, I’m fine. Thanks so much for asking.”
“Sorry,” [name_u]Paisley[/name_u] apologized. She smiled sweetly. “It’s good that you’re okay.”
“I wasn’t talking to you, little girl. But, thanks for apologizing in place of your— what are you to these children exactly? Older brother?” The lady asked. She was still glaring at me, clearly expecting an explanation and an apology.
“They are my apprentices,” I replied. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to tell her exactly who they were.
“You’re a sorcerer?” She looked like she couldn’t believe that. I couldn’t blame her, I wouldn’t be able to either.
Still, might as well have a little fun trying to make her believe that I really could do magic. “Oh, yes. I’m the greatest sorcerer in all of Meracien! I’m—”
“He’s joking,” [name_u]Gus[/name_u] interrupted, ruining my moment.
“Well, I must say that’s a relief. Because he sure doesn’t look like the greatest sorcerer.” Now it was my turn to glare at her. She just stared right back, her eyes telling me that she had meant what she said.

[name_u]New[/name_u] Word: Apology

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From a currently untitled book:

“Cool. So, um, do you wanna go on a date sometime? Like maybe this evening? I don’t know where we’d go, but—”
“How about we go to Valdenius first? You’ll be safer there and you won’t need to hide. That way, we could actually go to a movie theater or a restaurant. [name_u]Or[/name_u] anywhere we want.”
“That sounds awesome. No Phibians around to bother us. Oh! Speaking of Phibians! You’ll never guess what [name_m]Ludwig[/name_m] said!”
“Did he apologize to you?”
“It wasn’t a genuine apology, but I took it. Not that we’re friends now. Because we’re not. Anyway, he said I’m brave and talented.”

From The [name_f]Princess[/name_f] And Her Servant (I may have already put this somewhere else):

“Are you awake?”
“No, I’m sleeping,” [name_u]Devin[/name_u] sighed. “What do you want?”
“I’ve been thinking.”
“Of ways to make my life harder?”
“No. About the last ten years. And, it occurred to me that you’re a person.”
“What’d you think I was?”
“You’re a person with hopes and dreams, fears and… feelings. You don’t exist just so I can boss you around.”
“Oh yes, I do.”
“And, the way I’ve been treating you, as less than a person, is wrong.”
“You’re [name_f]Princess[/name_f] Malarrea [name_m]Sophron[/name_m]. Therefore, nothing you ever do is wrong.”
“I’ve decided that, though nothing could ever make up for how nasty I’ve been, nothing can ever give you back the ten years you lost—”
“Nothing can bring my parents or [name_f]Vicki[/name_f] back to life. Nothing can ever fix the damage done in general.”
“I owe you an apology. So, I’m sorry. For everything. Yes, I know sorry isn’t good enough. It’ll never be good enough.”
“Either I’m dreaming or you’ve been put under a spell. Which is it?”
“Then what’s your motive? Why are you apologizing? How do I know you’re serious?”
“I am.”
“Well, you’re right. Sorry will never be good enough.”
“And you’ll never forgive me.”
“Nope. But, it’s nice to hear you apologize anyway.”

[name_u]New[/name_u] Word: Right

“Of course I’m right,” said [name_m]Dev[/name_m].
“Really?!?” [name_u]Loren[/name_u] asked, gasping in mock-surprise. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that before! Would you mind repeating it so that I can be sure it wasn’t a fluke?”

“That’s right!” said [name_u]Silver[/name_u] triumphantly. “You can do it!”
“Me?” asked [name_u]Basil[/name_u]. When no one else stepped forward, he added eloquently, “No.”
“Yes, you,” [name_u]Silver[/name_u] countered. “Unless you’re trying to tell me that night in Frosthaven was some kind of a fluke?”
“Well, no,” [name_u]Basil[/name_u] muttered, unwillingly, “But, no. I’m not doing that.”
[name_u]Silver[/name_u] was unimpressed. “As much as I dislike it, you’re the one of us who can. I’m not getting another spellcaster involved when we’ve had one under our noses this whole time.”

Next word: fluke

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From a currently untitled book:

“Wow. It’s like being dead for a while made [name_u]Landon[/name_u] a better archer,” [name_m]Gavin[/name_m] said, clearly impressed.
[name_f]Eliza[/name_f] frowned. “I say that’s not [name_u]Landon[/name_u]. [name_u]Landon[/name_u] couldn’t hit a still target, nevermind a moving one. This guy’s way too good to be him.”
“Maybe this is a fluke?” [name_u]Henry[/name_u] suggested, not sounding sure. “Maybe tomorrow he’ll be more like himself again?”

From Reprogrammed:

“It’s nothing but a fluke! He’ll be back to his usual ‘lasers initiated’, evil self by tomorrow! Ugh! You should know better!”
“But he saved me,” RoboSteve said quietly.
“And he let me walk away with my life! Like I said, it’s a fluke! [name_u]Edison[/name_u] made a mistake while repairing him! Unfortunately, that mistake wasn’t fatal!”

[name_u]New[/name_u] Word: Fatal

Cactus giggled, even as stone crept over her face. “That’s hilarious, Truthseeker. You really thought that this little Curse-of-Stonemover crap could get rid of me? Ha! Nothing the heck is gonna ever be even a little bit fatal. You know why? Cause I enchant the dragon Cactus of the SandWings to become a flipping ghost!”

“What’s wrong?” asked [name_f]Esperance[/name_f], concerned.
“It’s fatal,” said Farsinger flatly. “I can see it.”

Both of these are from my Wings of [name_u]Fire[/name_u] fanfic, I’m not just blatantly plagiarizing

Next word: concerned

@FictionWriterKate oml, i love those books! your fanfic sounds like it would be amazing

beatrice stopped talking midsentence and just stared at me with her deep brown eyes. this concerned me more than anything. she never shuts up, and now she was so quiet.

victoria’s brow furrowed, concerned. “what?! stop making that face,” ellie snarled in return.

next word: eerie

@rosemary.luella99 Yeah, WoF is the best! Here, enjoy my NightWing babies:

Brightestnight shivered. “That’s eerie.”
“Yeah, I know,” [name_f]Esperance[/name_f] sympathized. “You did ask for a scary story, though.”
Farsinger growled. “Not that scary! You said the monster only comes after NightWings!”
[name_f]Esperance[/name_f] shrugged. “I’m NightWing too.”
“You’re only half NightWing,” grumbled Farsinger. “I bet it comes even more after full NightWings, like us.”
Brightestnight brushed her wing against Farsinger’s. “Hey, we’re the most powerful NightWings in our generation. I bet we can take care of any stupid monster. And we’ll protect Espie, too!”

“The other dragons in the camp say I’m going to be the next Darkstalker,” Farsinger whispered, shivering in the cold night air. “What if they’re right?” Farsinger’s thoughts flashed back to Coldmoon’s words earlier that day. There’s too much power in that child. It’s downright eerie, is what it is.
“They’re not,” Brightestnight said with conviction. “You’re way cooler than stupid old Darkstalker ever was. Plus, even if you do start to act like him, I can be your Clearsight and yank that scary animus curse right out of you! I won’t even have to put you to sleep for a hundred million years. So there.”
Farsinger felt her lips curling into a smile, even though the worry wasn’t gone from her mind. “Promise promise?”
Brightestnight curled her tail around Farsinger’s. “Promise promise.”

Next word: scary

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From A Tale Of Sorrow And Woe:

“Because that so-called fiend has done nothing but try to help me from the moment I met him! I’d be a pile of ashes right now, except he redirected the obliteration spell cast by an actually evil sorcerer! And that’s what killed him, for goodness sake!”
“I still can’t believe you feel bad about that.”
“I feel awful about it. I always will. Because he died thinking that I hated him. And I never told him otherwise. And now… he’s so confused. He doesn’t remember the truth. He doesn’t remember anything. The world is new and strange and scary.”

From a currently untitled book (sorry if this has already been added in a teaser game, I think it might have been):

“Come on. Civilization and civilized human beings are this way,” [name_m]Aloysius[/name_m] led [name_f]Tesla[/name_f] through the forest. “Don’t look back. Don’t acknowledge him at all. He won’t hurt us. He’s too afraid to do anything.”
“Am not!” [name_u]Hunter[/name_u] [name_u]Nyx[/name_u] protested. “The day I’m scared of a bully like you will come when the king agrees to free all magical beings from this place. Meaning, never. Sorry [name_m]Ludwig[/name_m]. You’re just not scary.”

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@FictionWriterKate i love them!! nightwings were always my favorite :wink:

@GeographyDragon do you want to choose the next word?