I’ve seen a few of these games around Nameberry and I’ve made my own because I’m a bit of a reality show sucker lately. I know the show has different versions in different countries so the country your game will take place in is your choice. Contestants have to be of legal drinking age wherever they’re from because the show does tend to have alcohol (I won’t embellish that very much here don’t worry.) This bachelorette will have 20 men, there will be dates and eliminations, and she will end up with one man at the end. Ages and hometowns are mostly your choice. Make sure to give everyone last names too.
Bachelorette: Full name, age, hometown, and occupation are entirely your choice!
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 1: He is of multicultural descent. His first name and middle name are of different origins, but the same continent. Occupation is your choice.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 2: His name and occupation are cottagecore.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 3: His name and occupation are stereotypical “hunk” attributes.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 4: His name is pretty standard but his occupation is outlandish.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 5: His occupation is pretty standard but his name is outlandish.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 6: His name is in the middle of the alphabet. His occupation is not a real job.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 7: He is of multicultural descent. His first name and middle name are of different origins, but from different continents. Occupation is your choice.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 8: His hometown is your choice but not from the same country as everyone else. His name matches that country and his occupation is very successful.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 9: His name is trending on Nameberry. His job is lucrative.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 10: His name are old favourites of yours. His occupation is minimum wage.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 11: His name is timeless. He is the boss of his own company.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 12: His name is a hippie/yuppie name. He is self-employed at a small business.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 13: His name is the same first name as another man, but he uses a nickname to differentiate. He works in medical.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 14: His name was popular in the 90s. He is a teacher or professor in a subject of your choice.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 15: His name is based from names you love but can’t use. He works with food in any way of your choice.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 16: His name is based from names you wish more people liked. His job saves lives.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 17: His name is suited for a rock star. He is in a band.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 18: His name is posh. His job is something fancy.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 19: His name is fun. He works with children.
[name_u]Man[/name_u] 20: Entirely your choice!
Week 1: Give the First Impression [name_f]Rose[/name_f] to the person whose first name is first in alphabetical order. That person is automatically safe from the [name_f]Rose[/name_f] Ceremony. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-12 dice four times for other Week 1 events.
Possible Week 1 Events
The contestant with the surname last in alphabetical order opens up about his family.
The contestant with the name you like least steals too much time with the bachelorette, angering the other men.
A contestant of your choice is disqualified after production realises he has a girlfriend back home. (This will eliminate the contestant from the game!)
A contestant of your choice is disqualified after getting drunk and yelling at everyone. (This will eliminate the contestant from the game!)
The contestant with the easiest job admits he has a deceased relative he greatly misses.
The contestant with strangest middle name accidentally embarrasses himself in front of the bachelorette while trying to impress her.
The contestant with the shortest full name overall accidentally gets too flirtatious too soon.
The bachelorette opens up about her life to a contestant of your choice.
The contestant with the cutest name gives the bachelorette a sweet gift.
Two contestants whose ages are farthest from the bachelorette’s age get into an argument.
The contestant with the job you like least complains he isn’t getting enough time with the bachelorette.
A contestant of your choice gets some sweet one-on-one time with the bachelorette until it’s awkwardly interrupted by another contestant.
ROSE CEREMONY: [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-20 dice 5 times to eliminate 5 men. If you roll on the number of the First Impression [name_f]Rose[/name_f] winner, ignore it and don’t eliminate him. If you roll on the number of a disqualified contestant, leave it as is and don’t reroll. There will be 5 men leaving unless you had disqualified contestants in the game whose numbers you did NOT roll. List the eliminated men.
Week 2: Give a one-on-one date to the contestant with the middle name alphabetically last. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a dice; if you get even, he gets a rose and is safe from the [name_f]Rose[/name_f] Ceremony. If you get odd, he gets no rose and is eliminated from the game. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] the 1-20 dice 6 times (if you roll a number of an eliminated contestant, skip and reroll) for a group date. The contestant on the group date with the career you’d most want gets the group date rose and is safe from the [name_f]Rose[/name_f] Ceremony.
ROSE CEREMONY: Before eliminating 3 men with the 1-20 dice, roll a 1-6 dice for a [name_f]Rose[/name_f] Ceremony Event. Anyone with roses is safe and exempt from being eliminated so skip if you land on their number. List the eliminated men after this is completed.
[name_f]Rose[/name_f] Ceremony Events
A contestant of your choice declines a rose when given one, leaving the game. (This will eliminate the contestant from the game! In this case, eliminate 2 men with the 1-20 dice rather than 3, since this contestant is already leaving.)
A contestant of your choice interrupts the ceremony to privately take the bachelorette aside and beg her to keep him.
A contestant of your choice interrupts the ceremony to say that the pressure of the show is getting to him.
A contestant looks way too visibly nervous and antsy at the ceremony.
A contestant of your choice interrupts the ceremony to privately take the bachelorette aside and tell her not to give another contestant of your choice a rose.
A contestant of your choice keeps making confessionals about how long it’s taking for his name to get called for him to get a rose.
Week 3: Give a one-on-one date to the original winner of the First Impression [name_f]Rose[/name_f]. If he’s already eliminated, give it to either contestant still in the game closest to him in the original list. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a dice; if you get even, he gets a rose and is safe from the [name_f]Rose[/name_f] Ceremony. If you get odd, he gets no rose and is eliminated from the game. Give a one-on-one date to any contestant you haven’t brought up much in this game. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a dice; if you get even, he gets a rose and is safe from the [name_f]Rose[/name_f] Ceremony. If you get odd, he gets no rose and is eliminated from the game. Give a group date to any 5 men of your choice but give the group date rose to the man in the game who shows the most villainous qualities.
ROSE CEREMONY: [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-20 dice and eliminate two men, skipping over anyone who is safe or anyone already eliminated. In a twist, one of the two eliminated men here (you choose which one) begs the bachelorette after the rose ceremony to give him another chance. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a dice; if it’s even, the bachelorette turns him down and he stays eliminated with the other eliminated man. If it’s odd, she gives him another chance to stay and he isn’t eliminated, only the other eliminated man goes home. List the eliminated contestant(s).
Week 4: Give a one-on-one date to the remaining contestant whose first name is alphabetically last. Give a group date to 4 men of your choice. Give another one-on-one date to any remaining man who has gotten a previous rose on either a group or one-on-one date. Before you settle the roses for this date, roll a 1-12 dice 3 times, one time for each date. All of the events will be affecting the contestant on a one-on-one date except for whichever event happens in the group date, in which you may choose any of the contestants in that date. Then do the same procedure for the one-on-one dates (unless the contestant was eliminated during an event) while giving the group date rose to the man you feel the bachelorette bonds with best.
Date Events
One of the contestants professes he had a previous lover who unfortunately passed away.
One of the contestants shockingly quits the game. (This will eliminate the contestant from the game!)
One contestant tells the bachelorette that another contestant of your choice is here for the wrong reasons.
A contestant tells the bachelorette that this type of date is scary but that he’s willing to face the fear for her.
A contestant scores a kiss with the bachelorette.
A contestant charms the bachelorette.
A contestant tells the bachelorette he is a single father.
A contestant admits he has had a divorce before.
A contestant admits he’s falling for the bachelorette.
The bachelorette is openly disgusted by a contestant and sends him home. (This will eliminate the contestant from the game!)
A contestant completely makes a fool out of himself in front of the bachelorette.
The bachelorette feels she and the contestant are in different paths in their lives and questions if it will work out in the long run.
ROSE CEREMONY: Eliminate one man who you felt the bachelorette bonded a lot with during the beginning of the game but isn’t connecting as much now. List the eliminated contestants.
Week 5: Take all remaining contestants on a group date. Give the group date rose to your favourite man. Give a one-on-one date to another man you think hasn’t connected as much now as he used to. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a dice; if you get even, he gets a rose and is safe from the [name_f]Rose[/name_f] Ceremony. If you get odd, he gets no rose and is eliminated from the game.
ROSE CEREMONY: Use the 1-20 dice on any men remaining who aren’t saved by roses. Eliminate men until 4 remain in the game. If there are already 4 at this ceremony, have the bachelorette make a dramatic speech but she she decides not to eliminate anyone. If there’s somehow fewer than 4, have the last eliminated contestant(s) dramatically come back to the game. List the eliminated contestants.
Week 6: Hometown Week: There are no dates. The bachelorette will visit every man’s hometown and eliminate 1 at the [name_f]Rose[/name_f] Ceremony. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-12 dice for hometown events.
Hometown Events
The contestant secretly doesn’t want to move to the bachelorette’s hometown and hopes she moves to his town if they have a future together.
A member of the contestant’s family doesn’t get along with the bachelorette.
The bachelorette has a sweet bond with the contestant’s family and they tell her that she is very welcome with them.
The bachelorette enjoys the sights at the contestant’s hometown.
The contestant argues with a family member who says he shouldn’t be with her.
The contestant’s family believes she will marry him someday and supports it.
The bachelorette has a good first impression with a family member of the contestant, who treats her like she’s family too.
The family of a contestant says that they truly like her but not if she has other men she’s falling for.
The family of a contestant do fun activities with the bachelorette and make the day light-hearted.
The contestant’s family tells him they enjoyed her. He tells the bachelorette he loves her.
The day starts out good but ends sour, leaving the bachelorette in tears.
The family shows many strict values and the bachelorette learns the contestant is strict like this outside the show.
ROSE CEREMONY: Eliminate one man whom you think is the worst fit for her.
Week 7: Final Dates: Everyone in the final 3 has a one-on-one date. One man is eliminated at the [name_f]Rose[/name_f] Ceremony. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] 1-12 dice for final date events.
Final Date Events
The contestant tells the bachelorette he loves her.
The contestant tells the bachelorette he is considering marriage someday.
The contestant says he likes her, but the bachelorette admits she’s falling for someone else…
The bachelorette asks the contestant a serious question due to her beliefs he’s not opening up enough to her. He answers the question truthfully.
The contestant isn’t keen on the idea of proposing to her in the finale but will make a meaningful relationship with her if she picks him in the end.
The contestant asks the bachelorette what she thought of his family last episode. She answers truthfully.
The contestant asks the bachelorette what it would be like for him to be part of her family. She answers truthfully.
The bachelorette and contestant talk about their opinions on having children in the future if they end up together.
Both the bachelorette and contestant open up on very personal stories.
The bachelorette confesses she never expected to fall for him as much as she does now but that she enjoys him greatly.
The contestant keeps asks the bachelorette for her opinion on the other remaining men. She states she cannot disclose that.
The contestant tells the bachelorette how much he adores her and believes he is the one for her.
ROSE CEREMONY: Eliminate one man whom you think is the worst fit for her.
Week 8: Finale: From the remaining two men, choose who she ends up with. Decide whether a proposal will happen in the finale or just retaining a relationship and feel free to decide why she chose him and what their future is like after the show.