The Elusive Evie – Full Names for this Nickname?

[name]Hi[/name] there, Berries!

I’m working on my top five for each gender…As you can see, the boys’ list is nearly done, and I’ve finally settled on a [name]Lucy[/name] combo. So the next challenge I need to tackle is finding a full name for [name]Evie[/name]!

I tend to love nicknames for their connections, and [name]Evie[/name] is no exception. I associate her with [name]Evie[/name] Carnahan/O’[name]Connell[/name] from The Mummy and her infinite pride in being a librarian (with which I deeply identify) and [name]Evey[/name] [name]Hammond[/name] from V for Vendetta, my number one movie of all time…“E…V…of course you are.”

Initial choices: Everleigh, [name]Evangeline[/name], and [name]Reverie[/name] (all vetoed by Hubs)

Probably ruled out: [name]Eve[/name] (entirely too simple for my taste) and [name]Evelyn[/name] (seems so….normal).

Potential brothers: [name]Zion[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name], [name]Solomon[/name] [name]Fable[/name], [name]Caspian[/name] [name]Noah[/name], [name]Gideon[/name] [name]Wolf[/name], [name]Malachi[/name] [name]Sparrow[/name]

Potential sisters: [name]Alice[/name] [name]Willow[/name], [name]Lucia[/name] [name]Pearl[/name], [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Fawn[/name] (or [name]Ophelia[/name] [name]Wren[/name])

Can you think of any [name]Eve[/name] names that inspire you, or that mesh well with my favorites? Combo suggestions are also welcome…maybe someone has a middle name that will sell me on Miss [name]Evelyn[/name]?


At this point, the list includes:
Evening (as a middle, would go by Evie. This is normal in my family; my sister has gone by her middle name since birth)
Elowen V— or another E— V— combo
Elisheva (I have some concerns about this one: Does it go with the sibset or is it too unusual? My husband especially prefers our “formula” of a “normal” FN with a more out-of-the-box middle. And is it too similar to Alice?)
And the wild card: Annevieve. I cannot get over how this one feels! All the things I love about Eve, Genevieve, and Anneliese in one name…and for middles, Annevieve Lily immediately springs to mind.

Thanks everyone!

[name]Genevieve[/name]! It seems to fit with your other names well! A more trendy sounding option is [name]Everly[/name]. Or a more GP styled name is [name]Evening[/name]. But I think [name]Genevieve[/name] is lovely!

I was going to say [name]Genevieve[/name] as well! We were planning to call our [name]Genevieve[/name] “[name]Evie[/name]” until my [name]SIL[/name] named my niece [name]Neva[/name] a month before [name]Genevieve[/name] was born. [name]Evie[/name] and [name]Neva[/name] just seemed way too close. But I adore [name]Evie[/name]!

I love [name]Evelyn[/name]. I probably pronounce it differently than you, but I think it’s gorgeous and magical. [name]Evelyn[/name] Nimue? Difficult with the n’s maybe… [name]Evelyn[/name] Pareesa.

Others are [name]Evelina[/name], which comes from the same source as [name]Evelyn[/name]. Evernia, as in the little bushplant, and gorgeous Evelune. [name]Evadne[/name]? It’s got the same warmth as your other names, but maybe weirder… I love Danish Hillevi (pronounced like hill-evie). And I love [name]Eva[/name] too, it would be beautiful with the other names, I think.

Good luck my sweetiepie!

[name]Evie[/name] is an adorable nickname! I agree with you about [name]Evelyn[/name]; it does seem very ordinary in comparison with your other names. What about [name]Evelina[/name] instead?
Some suggestions; they’re kind of all across the board but maybe you will like some!:
[name]Evadne[/name] (though the Greek mythology namesake is not ideal, I think it’s a pretty name)
[name]Geneva[/name] ([name]Eve[/name] in the middle!)

What about doing a first name that begins with E and a middle name that starts with V? Intials EV could get a nickname of [name]Evie[/name]! Good luck!

Anything based on [name]Stephen[/name] would work:

[name]Stephanie[/name]? [name]Etienette[/name]?

[name]Caoimhe[/name] (keeva)
Lieve (lee-va)

I would suggest [name]Evelina[/name]! It has [name]Eve[/name] in it plus it is cute and versatile.

I’m an [name]Eve[/name] lover as well.

[name]Genevieve[/name] and [name]Guinevere[/name] are both ones I really like!

If you’re adventurous there’s also [name]Beverly[/name] which I think is ready for a revival.

[name]Devina[/name] could also work though it’s more “made up”

[name]Geneva[/name] is also very close to my heart, though I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

[name]Eveline[/name] pronounced ev-eh-LEEN like the end of [name]Evangeline[/name]

dance – I do like the softness of [name]Genevieve[/name], but I abhor the nn [name]Jenny[/name] and all her relatives…[name]Do[/name] you think [name]Jenny[/name] would be more intuitive than [name]Evie[/name]? [name]Everly[/name] I love, though I prefer the -leigh variant, but Hubby vetoed. [name]Evening[/name] is glorious but would have to be a middle…any ideas on what to pair it with?

shieldsc – [name]Evie[/name] and [name]Neva[/name] are somewhat similar, but different enough that I think if you love it, you should go for it :slight_smile:

otterlily – ooh, really? [name]How[/name] do you pronounce [name]Evelyn[/name]? And [name]Evelina[/name] for that matter. Nimue is a bit N heavy, but Pareesa is so pixie dust! Hillevi and [name]Eva[/name] aren’t really my style, and Hubs has nixed [name]Evadne[/name]. But Evernia is perfection! Such a lacey, frilly little plant! I love it. Evelune is gorgeous too, moonlit and magical. Thank you, darling!

tigerlily7 – I’m not sure how I feel about [name]Evelina[/name]…how do you say it? eev or ehv? vee or vuh? lee-na or lie-na? and where does the accent fall? Everild and [name]Ever[/name] are my favorites of your suggestions, but not sure Hubby will like them. I like your initials idea, it ties in with the V for Vendetta association. Any suggestions on E and V names?

renrose – [name]Stephanie[/name] is not my style at all, but [name]Yvette[/name] and [name]Elisheva[/name] are intriguing! [name]How[/name] do you pronounce [name]Elisheva[/name]? It’s an [name]Elizabeth[/name] variant, right?

oboeplayer – thanks! I might like it better once I figure out how to pronounce it, haha.

kala_way – wow, we have similar taste in girls’ names! I see my [name]Alice[/name], my [name]Lucy[/name], and my [name]Evie[/name] on your list! I’m pondering [name]Guinevere[/name]…I love that she’s so Arthurian, but she’s not at all my favorite character from the legend. I vastly prefer [name]Everly[/name] to [name]Beverly[/name]. I like [name]Devina[/name], but I knew a nasty one growing up, so she’s out for me.

aubrey - I definitely like the LEEN sound…is that eev-uh-LEEN, ehv-uh-LEEN, or just eev-LEEN?

Evarra - a last name that I think sounds perfectly usable for a girl’s first name.


Anything with the initials “EV”: from [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] to [name]Elowen[/name] [name]Verity[/name]. Endless possibilities there.

[name]Eavan[/name] (Eoibhin?)
[name]Keeva[/name] / Keevy ([name]Caoimhe[/name])

It would be ehv-uh-LEEN like [name]Evelyn[/name] only with the long “E” at the end. I have seen it spelled Evelien, I think both spellings are nice. I prefer the E at the end, but it would be more likely misread, I think.

Sessh, I say [name]Evelyn[/name] like EEV-lin, and [name]Evelina[/name] is eev-uh-[name]LEE[/name]-nuh.

It is :slight_smile: I believe it’s pronounced ‘eh-lee-sheh-vah’.

I like [name]Evan[/name] for a girl. It was to be my godson’s name were he a girl, [name]Evan[/name] nn [name]Evie[/name].

I love the idea of [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Verity[/name] or another E.V. name. I also love [name]Elisheva[/name], though I pronounce it Eh-leh-Shee-vah.

Evandra ‘[name]Evie[/name]’

[name]Hi[/name], sleepysessha! :slight_smile:
For you I like [name]Yvaine[/name], Nyneve, and maybe…
[name]Sunniva[/name] – which I’m tentatively pronouncing (mispronouncing?) /sun-EEV-a/
Ivalu – or Ivalo, as seen on Denmark’s [name]Princess[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Sophia[/name] Ivalo [name]Mathilda[/name] (b. 2011); so, another Nordic (well, Greenlandic) name I’m not entirely sure how to pronounce, but think is /EE-vah-loo/ (adorable!). She was the title heroine of Ivalu; en roman fra polareskimoernes land, a 1930 novel written by Danish polar explorer and author [name]Peter[/name] Freuchen (in tribute to his late wife, Navarana, an Inuit woman who died in the Spanish flu pandemic in 1921).

Or: [name]Eavan[/name] ([name]Aoibheann[/name]), Erelieva ([name]Theodoric[/name]'s mother; perhaps derived from Old High [name]German[/name] era, “honor,” + liub, “love”), Evarete (from Greek eu, “good, well,” + arete, “virtue”), Evryali (Euryale), [name]Vevina[/name]
Anglo-[name]Saxon[/name] names (beyond [name]Sunniva[/name]): Aileva (Latinized form of the Old English Ælfgifu, “elf gift”), Leviva (from Leofgifu, “dear gift”)
Smush names: Annevieve, [name]Eva[/name]-[name]Lotta[/name] ([name]Astrid[/name] Lindgren character), [name]Mari[/name]ève (=[name]Marie[/name]-Ève?)

ALSO, the previous suggestions I’d second: [name]Evadne[/name], [name]Evanthe[/name] (or the lengthier Evanthia /eh-vahn-THEE-ah/), Everild (hmm, Everdeen? or just [name]Ever[/name]?), Hillevi (variations include Lillevi and Ellevi)

Thanks, this was fun! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh I love [name]Evie[/name]!
The only [name]Evie[/name] name I don’t think I saw yet was: