Is it too much “Mary” to have Rosemary as a first name for one daughter and Marigold as the middle name for another? I pronounce Marigold with a short i sound as opposed to a y sound, but I’m wondering if it is still too similar. Your thoughts?
Rosemary ____ & ____ Marigold is too much for sisters.
In my opinion, [name_f]Lotus[/name_f] [name_f]Theresa[/name_f] is the one that sticks out. [name_m]Robin[/name_m] [name_m]Lysander[/name_m] and [name_f]Tabitha[/name_f] [name_f]Ruth[/name_f] feel more matched to me. But I think the three of them together are still fine, it’s not really a problem.
The reference to the real person is fairly obscure (I don’t even know who that is), and you probably can’t avoid every name that has ever belonged to a bad person unless you invent a new name anyway. So honestly [name_m]Forrest[/name_m] Gump is the only association I’d worry about and how much that bothers you.
I’ve polled on this topic before, but I must make another. I’ve a relatively new character who I planned on naming Jerusalem “Salem” Koehler, but I decided that Jerusalem was just too heavy of a name, regardless of his nickname. So, after thorough research, I decided that Harrison was the only name that really clicked with me. However, I’ve noticed just one problem with this name: Harrison’s father is named Bradford Koehler, nicknamed “Ford.” Would it be a problem if a father-son duo were named Ford and Harrison respectively?
I don’t see a problem, and I don’t see the connection between “Harrison” and “Ford.”
I don’t see a problem, but I made the connection between “Harrison” and “Ford.”
I see a problem; I saw the connection immediately.
I see a problem, but I didn’t make the connection immediately.
Reasoning (view after voting): For anyone familiar with Star Wars and Indiana Jones, you may know that Harrison Ford is a famous actor in both franchises. I don’t want to risk an unintentional reference to a real person if I can help it.
Do you believe I’m overthinking it?
Yes, it’s not as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be.
if they’re actually a duo in the story (like, people would refer to them as [name_m]Harrison[/name_m] and Ford) then it’s too much for me. if it’s that there’s a character named [name_m]Harrison[/name_m] and it comes up sparsely that he has a dad named [name_m]Ford[/name_m], I wouldn’t be as concerned.
I’m somewhat at my wit’s end. I’ve done a lot or research into finding the perfect name for Harrison, and I’m not that willing to venture back into the wild and search for alternatives. Based on the majority opinion of the above polls, I’m thinking that I should just change Bradford’s name to something else. What do you think?
Keep Harrison’s name and find another name for Bradford.
Keep Bradford’s name and find another name for Harrison.