We have 4 daughters and 2 sons. We are expecting our seventh child in 6 weeks. We are having a real hard time with a name. Our kids names are pretty unique so this one has got to be too. We want a strong Boy name. I like [name]Seven[/name] [name]Tru[/name] or another middle name. But we like meaningful names too, [name]Seven[/name], he is the seventh and God’s number that He rested from all His work.
What do you think???
Our kids are:
[name]Taylor[/name] [name]Rose[/name]
[name]Willow[/name] [name]Payton[/name]
[name]Raven[/name] [name]Kennedy[/name]
[name]Ryker[/name] Woods
[name]Quest[/name] [name]Zaiden[/name]
[name]Favor[/name] [name]Bleu[/name]
And we need some help with this next one!!! [name]Seven[/name]? Or does it sound like we have just run out of names and decided to number them?? lol.
Thanks again for ideas!!
Sorry but I do think that “[name]Seven[/name]” might imply that you & Dad are just creatively tapped out when it comes to kid-namin’.
The names of the out-of-womb-six are beautiful & creative, I think that you guys can muster up one more!
It’s just my opinion & you ARE talking to me here so take it only for what it’s worth. I’m new here & during the next (at least) 9 months you’ll be vulnerable to my sometimes odd & always unconventional thoughts & opinions.
I can’t help but be reminded of an episode (I’m showing my age) of ‘[name]Blossom[/name]’ when [name]Blossom[/name]'s best friend Six reveals the origin of her name. “It was the number of beers my Mom had on the night I was conceived.”
Of course I would certainly compelled to, at the very least, nick-name my seventh child '[name]Lucky[/name]"!
See I told you I’m not quite right.
- Fugitive-
I do think [name]Seven[/name] is a little bit like “numbering” but maybe as a middle name. [name]How[/name] about [name]Tru[/name] [name]Seven[/name]. I love the way [name]Seven[/name] sounds though.
[name]How[/name] about finding the word of [name]Seven[/name] in different languages?
[name]Just[/name] a thought…
Awesome idea [name]Tallulah[/name]!
Or words that are associated with [name]Seven[/name]. Leaving out, of course, the Deadly Sins!!
thats pretty much every language going! lol
I’m Welsh and in my language is Saith (Sigh-th) which has a nice sound to it…
While [name]Seven[/name] would be a strong name, it does sound a little like you ran out of ideas …
Traditionally, the seventh child would be called [name]Septimus[/name]. Also, although it is actually now the ninth month, [name]September[/name] means ‘seventh month’ (which it originally was), although if he is not born in [name]September[/name] then it would probably be best to avoid that one …
You could also use the name of one of the seven archangels … Zerachiel, [name]Gabriel[/name], [name]Uriel[/name], Raguel, [name]Raphael[/name], Remiel, [name]Michael[/name] and Jeremiel (I know I listed eight - different archangels are mentioned in different texts, and they sometimes contradict each other).
Good luck!
[name]Seven[/name] is also the name that [name]George[/name] Costanza on Seinfeld wants to name his child. [name]George[/name] likes it because he thinks it would be a great way to honor his basball hero, [name]Mickey[/name] Mantle, who wore the jersey number 7. [name]Just[/name] throwing that out there…
I don’t “hate” the name [name]Seven[/name], but I do feel like you could do better.
I’m loving some of these other ideas. Here’s a few more
[name]How[/name] about one of the [name]Seven[/name] [name]Heavenly[/name] Daughters of [name]Atlas[/name] and Pleione:
[name]Maia[/name], [name]Electra[/name], Taygete, [name]Alcyone[/name], Celaeno, Sterope (also Asterope), and Merope.
Or The [name]Seven[/name] Hills of [name]Rome[/name] (within the walls of the ancient city):
Aventine [name]Hill[/name] (Aventinus), Caelian [name]Hill[/name] (Caelius), Capitoline [name]Hill[/name] (Capitolinus), Esquiline [name]Hill[/name] (Esquilinus), [name]Palatine[/name] [name]Hill[/name] (Palatinus), [name]Quirinal[/name] [name]Hill[/name] (Quirinalis), and Viminal [name]Hill[/name] (Viminalis)
Or The [name]Seven[/name] Wonders of the Ancient World:
[name]Pyramid[/name] of [name]Giza[/name], Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of [name]Zeus[/name] at [name]Olympia[/name], [name]Temple[/name] of [name]Artemis[/name] at Ephesus, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of [name]Rhodes[/name], Lighthouse of [name]Alexandria[/name]
I like:
I think [name]Seven[/name] is cool but it reminds me of the classic Seinfeld episode where [name]George[/name] wants to name his kid after [name]Mickey[/name] Mantle’s # and then a friend likes the name and steals it and [name]George[/name] tries to convince them to name the kid Soda if I remember correctly.
Also, I believe [name]Erykah[/name] Badu and [name]Andre[/name] 3000 of Outkast named their son seven.
I think it would go best in the middle, and I love other’s suggestions of finding an alternative that means or symbolizes seven.
Also, this may or may not bother you but I wanna say “up” after it.
Good [name]Luck[/name]!
***oops! sorry I didn’t see [name]Page[/name]'s post. Good to know there is another Seinfeld fan around!
[name]How[/name] about a name that sounds kind of like [name]Seven[/name]?
Nameberry isn’t very positive about the name [name]Seven[/name].
I’m going to be the odd one out here by saying I really like [name]Seven[/name]. I wouldn’t suggest it though if your other children had more classic names but they don’t so I think it fits. I like it even if he/she were an only child. Now that that’s out I do like the suggestion of finding seven in a different language. I’ll try to suggest a few, bare with me they might be off the wall.
Here is what I found -
Ashwin - the seventh Hindu month. Could nn [name]Ash[/name].
Nanami - Japanese meaning seven seas.
Rangsey - Cambodian meaning seven colors.
[name]Caspian[/name] - one of the seven seas.
[name]Quintin[/name]/[name]Quinton[/name] - means fifth. If you have another girl she will be the fifth and you can call her [name]Quin[/name].
Sivan - Hebrew means 3rd month. If baby is the 3rd son. It also sounds reminds me of [name]Seven[/name].
I really like [name]Caspian[/name] and Sivan! I actually like [name]Seven[/name], as well. I don’t think it looks like you ran out of ideas, because judging from your other children’s names, I don’t think you are a picky namer and you have a lot of options available. Using the name [name]Seven[/name] would seem more of a symbolic choice to me!
Another name I like which others have listed is [name]Soren[/name]. I also love [name]Seren[/name], though it can be used for a girl name–you might not see it as a strong enough name.
[name]Sven[/name] is another clever option.
I’m not sure if I like or don’t like the concept. It’s a bit like you are running out of names and just numbering your children now, as OP had mentioned. But I’m also thinking if you had seven children, and you wanted to use [name]Seven[/name] as a name, now is the best time to choose this name.
Or what about [name]Eleven[/name]. It is sort of like [name]Evelyn[/name]. Uh. When I was a teen, I started to outline a story I wanted to write (never got into the writing thing, as it turns out), and I made up a name Elevengine (like [name]Evangeline[/name]). It wasn’t a realistic story, it was going to be about fairies or gnomes or some fantasy involving the moon or something. Besides the chain of convenience stores, 7-11, I think [name]Eleven[/name] is kind of neat without enumerating your children, and there won’t be (or I don’t think so) an immediate recognition that he or she is your #7, although some people may ask why that’s their name.
So anyway, you picked out some offbeat names… I’m not concerned with what people will think about the name [name]Seven[/name] - how will [name]Seven[/name] feel if that is his or her name. I put myself in that position and ultimately vote… kind of bad. I think you can honor your 7th child with a better name than [name]Seven[/name], given your track record. Unless you really love the number and it has some mystical properties for you that makes it a superior naming opportunity, it’s kind of weak compared to the others and sort of borders on having a joke at your child’s expense. Fine for a sitcom character, but in reality, this name will last your child’s lifetime and be a matter of record forever.
I like the ideas of using other language’s word for seven, but I think I’d still rather you just let it go and think of something else.
I don’t think you should name your child [name]Seven[/name] because First is where we all want to be.
You have a nature theme with [name]Willow[/name] and [name]Raven[/name] so here are a few suggestions.
[name]Ciel[/name] (means sky in French)
also from Nature
and [name]Freya[/name]
[name]Flower[/name] Names
[name]Grant[/name] or [name]Grantham[/name]
[name]Solomon[/name] nn [name]Sol[/name] meaning [name]Sun[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] (reference to [name]Olive[/name])
Although I wouldn’t use [name]Seven[/name] personally, both because I know I can do better, and because I think that if I were the seventh child and my parents named me [name]Seven[/name] I’d feel terribly insignificant, and feel like my parents didn’t want me at all, or was too busy loving the others to find me a proper name, or something like that… I would actually rather name him One or Uno to tell him that he’s every bit as important as if he were the first…
You also have a fantastic theme with all your other children, using nature/word/virtue names for all of them, a theme that has boundless opportunity for greatness without too much hassle! You even used [name]Quest[/name]! I love that!!!
[name]Just[/name] looking through my boy’s names I find so many names that would fit right in with your others, and I’ll just list them all, even though some are stranger than most would appreciate ^^
[name]Drummond[/name] (nickname [name]Drum[/name], cutest ever!!)
[name]Just[/name] ([name]Justus[/name])
[name]Lakeland[/name] ([name]Lachlan[/name])
[name]Thyme[/name] (or the Norwegian word for this, Timian, which is utterly cute)
and so on and so on!! You could use practically anything, and it would fit right in with the rest of your children!! You have a unique opportunity to give your baby a magnificent and unusual name, USE IT!
(I’m actually adding your [name]Favor[/name] to my list now ^^)
[name]How[/name] about [name]Stellan[/name] [name]Tru[/name]? It sounds similar, flows slightly better than “[name]Seven[/name]” and gives you the unique type of name that I think that you are looking for.
[name]Elisabeth[/name] Pani
[name]Baby[/name] Name Examiner
[name]Love[/name] the suggestion Remiel as one of the 7 angels.
I immediately thought of the Seinfeld episode, too! I think [name]Seven[/name] is too much of a number, not a name. [name]How[/name] about [name]Nolan[/name]?
I don’t care for it.
Also reminds me of Seinfeld episode!
But the welsh word for seven that was suggested above is not bad.