I only know of the Australian actress named [name]Jacinda[/name] [name]Barrett[/name].
I think it’s lovely. Could the nickname “[name]Indi[/name]” work with it?
What do you think?
I only know of the Australian actress named [name]Jacinda[/name] [name]Barrett[/name].
I think it’s lovely. Could the nickname “[name]Indi[/name]” work with it?
What do you think?
Stunning. [name]Love[/name] it. Your take on a nickname just makes it all the better.
I think that [name]Jacinda[/name] is a gorgeous name, and I love how it’s on the exotic side like your daughters’ names. I love your idea of [name]Indie[/name] as a nickname! I think it’s adorable!
Good luck!
[name]Hi[/name], [name]Tara[/name]!
I think [name]Jacinda[/name] is a pretty name. It sounds very grown-up and feminine. [name]Indie[/name] could work, but I also like the spunky [name]Jacey[/name]!
Are you considering this one with [name]Juliette[/name], [name]Bella[/name], [name]Mia[/name], and [name]Leo[/name]?
Very, very pretty name! Actually, it’s beautiful!
I don’t know if I’ve got the guts to actually use it. I just remembered my hubs saying a few years ago that he really liked it. I’m not sure how it sounds with the other kiddos…it might be a bit too unusual to pair with their names.
What do you think?
I would say it’s pretty, and I like the nickname, but how do you say it?
Ja-cin-da…rhymes with [name]Linda[/name]. [name]Do[/name] you like it?
That name is great! And I [name]LOVE[/name] the nn! AWESOME!
Okay, so it’s said nothing like [name]Jacinta[/name], but in the obvious English way. Yes, I fully support it.
I like the name, but I think, personally, that it might be a bit too much with your other girls’ names, in particular. [name]Juliette[/name], [name]Bella[/name], and [name]Mia[/name] are fairly common (especially [name]Bella[/name]), whereas I’ve never heard of a [name]Jacinda[/name] in my life. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it - just something to consider…
I think it’s beautiful, and I was surprised to learn that’s it’s Greek.
There was a [name]Jacinda[/name] at my old work. She was a young woman (about 22) with dark hair, brown eyes, small build, very quiet and pretty. She said sometimes she went by [name]Jess[/name]/[name]Jessie[/name] but we all called her [name]Jacinda[/name].
Yay, triplicate!
I thank you for your support!
Geesh! I know!
I don’t loooove it but I really quite like it. I’m just not sure we could pull it off. I want to have the guts to use it but I’m not sure I could commit.
But you do think it’s too far off base with the other kiddos names?
I like the name. In fact, I thought there was a children’s book character named [name]Jacinda[/name], but a cursory Google search revealed nothing.
[name]Jacinda[/name] makes me think of intelligent English women, with a bit of spirit.
I love it!! Gorgeous name.
I much prefer [name]Jacinta[/name] or [name]Hyacintha[/name]-- [name]Jacinda[/name] makes me think of [name]Cindy[/name] and [name]Linda[/name], so it seems dated.
Geesh! I know!
I don’t loooove it but I really quite like it. I’m just not sure we could pull it off. I want to have the guts to use it but I’m not sure I could commit.
But you do think it’s too far off base with the other kiddos names?
Honestly? Yes. I’m sorry, [name]Tara[/name]!
For some odd reason it makes me think of Aunt [name]Jemima[/name]. Weird, I know.
I agree with pp of also being reminicsint of [name]Cindy[/name]/[name]Linda[/name].
I immediately thought of [name]Jacie[/name]/[name]Jacey[/name] for a nn, but [name]Indie[/name] would work too!