Rank the following list of 25 T names from favorite to least favorite for a FIRST name.
If you think a name is simply unusable, create a discard pile so you don’t put them on your list but you signal to me you think I should get rid of them.
my top three are:
[name_f]Tulip[/name_f] - I love [name_f]Tulip[/name_f] so much, I think it’s the sweetest. I know it’s an animated movie, but in Storks, there is a girl named [name_f]Tulip[/name_f] and I fell in love with it!
[name_f]Thessaly[/name_f] - one of my favorite names. so beautiful, ethereal, and dreamy!
[name_f]Thisbe[/name_f] - magical, strong, and enchanting!
then I’ll order the rest as:
[name_f]Twila[/name_f] (this was so close to being third!)
Discard: [name_f]Tanith[/name_f] (beautiful associations, but I’m personally not a fan of the way it sounds/looks), [name_f]Tuilelaith[/name_f], & [name_f]Tisiphone[/name_f]
([name_m]Feel[/name_m] like I should add, some of these are obviously higher up in terms of usability, like [name_f]Tabitha[/name_f] and [name_f]Teresa[/name_f]. They just aren’t my favorite so I’m sure I listed them lower than most people would!)
The following ones are a bit too-much or a bit strange for me:
15. [name_f]Twila[/name_f]
16. [name_f]Tanwen[/name_f]
17. [name_f]Tanith[/name_f]
18. [name_u]Taliesin[/name_u]
Discard: (I don’t like the meaning or sound)
19. [name_f]Tirsa[/name_f]
20. [name_f]Tesni[/name_f]
21. [name_u]Thistle[/name_u]
22. [name_f]Thekla[/name_f]
23. [name_f]Tisiphone[/name_f]
24. [name_f]Tuilelaith[/name_f]
25. Trillium
I think [name_f]Tuilelaith[/name_f] is the only one I find unusable, just because you have [name_f]Tallulah[/name_f] on your list (and according to Behind the Name, they’re pronounced the same but sorry if I’m mistaken).
Beautiful list!
Tesni- such an overlooked Welsh name with a beautiful meaning
Teagan- personally I prefer [name_u]Tegan[/name_u], my brain just likes the symmetry
Tabitha- I love [name_f]Talitha[/name_f] as well!
Tanith- I actually knew a girl with this name in middle school so it feels quite wearable!
Tzipora (I prefer this spelling, though: [name_f]Tzipporah[/name_f].)
Thilda (But I would recommend the [name_f]Tilda[/name_f] spelling because it looks cleaner, imho.)
Tirsa (Kind of like [name_f]Tirzah[/name_f] better, though, myself.)
Discard: [name_f]Thisbe[/name_f], [name_u]Tempest[/name_u] (Though, this one in particular would be a really cool middle name!), [name_u]Taliesin[/name_u], [name_f]Thekla[/name_f], [name_f]Tanith[/name_f], [name_f]Tanwen[/name_f], [name_f]Thais[/name_f], [name_f]Tesni[/name_f], [name_u]Thistle[/name_u], [name_f]Tindra[/name_f], [name_f]Tisiphone[/name_f], Trillium, [name_u]Truth[/name_u], [name_f]Tuilelaith[/name_f], [name_f]Tulip[/name_f]
I’d disregard: [name_f]Titania[/name_f] (i wouldnt want to be a girl with a name starting tit tbh), [name_f]Thekla[/name_f] (reminds me of heckling), [name_f]Thais[/name_f] (not sure how to pronounce it), [name_u]Thistle[/name_u] (great as a middle), [name_f]Tisiphone[/name_f] (not sure on how this looks), [name_f]Teresa[/name_f] (a little dull and reminds me of [name_f]Theresa[/name_f] [name_f]May[/name_f]), Trillium (reminds me of an animal), [name_u]Truth[/name_u] (great as a middle) [name_f]Tuilelaith[/name_f] (I prefer how [name_f]Tallulah[/name_f] looks), [name_f]Tzipora[/name_f] (just not a big fan of the name)
May i annoyingly make the suggestion of [name_f]Tegwen[/name_f]?
[name_f]My[/name_f] list (these ARE my top 25 T names and I do really like them all!)
DH’s version (based on recollection of past conversations)
Discard [name_u]Truth[/name_u], [name_f]Tirsa[/name_f], [name_f]Tesni[/name_f], [name_f]Tindra[/name_f], [name_f]Thekla[/name_f], Tsipora, [name_u]Thistle[/name_u], [name_f]Tisiphone[/name_f], [name_f]Tanith[/name_f], [name_u]Teagan[/name_u], [name_f]Tanwen[/name_f], [name_f]Tuilelaith[/name_f], Trillium
Keep the responses coming as now I have a scorecard going with points.
[name_u]Truth[/name_u] (nice but I prefer [name_f]Verity[/name_f])
This was hard because I don’t hate any of them. I had to look some up because meaning can definitely sway me to really like a name I might not love at first glance. I got some in the middle out of order probably but let’s just say I like a lot of them
L O V E:
[name_f]Teresa[/name_f] NN [name_f]Tessa[/name_f]
[name_f]Titania[/name_f] (Like a midsummer night dream)
[name_f]Tallulah[/name_f] NN [name_f]Lula[/name_f]
[name_u]Taliesin[/name_u] (Its a VERY welsh boys name, and here in the uk at least its deffo not a girls name)
Tindra (this is actually a name of a sunkin(fire tribe) elf in a book I’m writing.Very rare as well!)
Tabitha (fantasy like and warm sounding. [name_f]Tabby[/name_f] is super cute also!)
Teagan (I know a teen named [name_u]Teagan[/name_u] and she is really cool. This name is so powerful.)
Twila (LOVE HER though I personally prefer the [name_f]Twyla[/name_f] spelling)
Tisiphone (first time I’ve heard this and I’m in love! Feels like a classy, elegant blend of [name_f]Persephone[/name_f] and [name_f]Tiffany[/name_f]) Like:
Tulip (very spring-y, why not? Pretty name.)
Titania (I picture the Titanic and it just sounds nice)
Teresa (so many wonderful role models!!!)
Truth (I prefer [name_u]True[/name_u], but so wonderful!)
Thilda (assuming it’s pronounced like the second syllable of [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] I am enchanted by this name’s simple charm.)
Taliesin (brings to mind the image of a hawk for some reason; quirky but powerful choice)
Tzipora (exotic sounding and energetic)
Thessaly (sweet yet harsh, very vigorous in an understated way)
Not Bad:
Thisbe (literally all I hear is thistle or frisbee. sorry! Not a bad name in any way, just sounds a bit strange to me and not my personal style. But I do sorta like it and many others do as well.)
Thistle (meh…)
Tallulah (ok I LOVED this so much a few years ago until I heard it pronounced TAL-You-luh and then it just sounded not right to me. I would love it pronounced [name_m]Tull[/name_m]-oOh-luh.)
Tirsa (not bad but not striking or beautiful (to me personally sorry no offense))
Tesni (sounds like a nickname. And I don’t know, maybe the t and the n together sounds off?)
Tanith (I mean I don’t NOT like it…)
Discard(all usable I guess though)
1.[name_f]Thekla[/name_f] (sorry just don’t like this one)
Tuilelaith (spelling, pronunciation, and I just have no clue how to say this name.It might be a big bother to constantly correct people (I know it is, I have that problem alllllllll the time))
Trillium (trill. [name_u]Bird[/name_u]. [name_f]Flower[/name_f]. Not bad associations, just this does not sound like a person’s name.)
Discard: Tisiphone, Thistle (possible middle but not first) and I prefer Taliesin for boys.
I know just making your list longer but you might like the name Teleri? It’s a welsh name that I heard once and always stuck with me!