Ttc 2016

I experienced this recently. We are looking at booking flights to a family wedding in [name_f]April[/name_f] 2017. We were discussing hotels and I said that we needed to be mindful that we may have a baby by then. My husbands stepmum basically said we should wait until after the wedding, and that we shouldn’t have a child until we are in our 30s! We are in our late 20s have been married for 2 years, own a home and have established careers…

We’ve had family try to talk us into TTC and we’ve had them tell us to wait. Last time we went for a visit my mom said she wanted grandkids soon at least 4 or 5 times. Hubs’ parents want us to wait until they are done having kids so that they don’t feel awkward about a grandchild potentially being older than their own child.
Our friends are generally disinterested because we’re all going and prefer to party. One friend of mine is insistent that we wait until we’re 27-29 before we even consider it. She’ll often ask when we’re having a baby and the follow up with, I would wait, you guys are young. 29 is a good age.

I just keep quiet about our actual plans and when it happens people can draw their own conclusions.

@lilea @thefuturemrsb. I’m glad I’m not the only one !

[name_m]How[/name_m] exciting!!! Congratulations!

@keagan @shalexis congrats!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

@sissylala @carysmarie I would advise starting folic acid tablets (400mcg) as soon as possible. Any excess passes straight out of your body and ideally you want to have been taking it for a month or 2 when you get pregnant as it can help to prevent spinal defects. Though of course absolutely no worries if you get pregnant before you start taking it - just start it asap when you find out. Other than that, I advise you to eat lots and lots, and preferably good stuff. Not only does this prime your body for babymaking (sends a signal that food is abundant) but you may find, as I did, that during your first trimester you lose your appetite and only want to eat bland, carby foods without many nutrients. If you’re a healthy weight or near to it, I would say that now is not the time to try and lose any.

Well looks like I’ll be sticking around for the new year. AF finally showed up. I’m starting to feel a little bummed since [name_u]January[/name_u] is our “last” month of trying until [name_u]June[/name_u]/[name_u]July[/name_u]. We are avoiding a winter baby due to where we live, I do not want to give birth during a blizzard!

A summer baby is preferable (but we’ll take spring/fall as well), because studies have found them to be healthier (it’s all correlation, but makes sense just because colds aren’t as common in the summer).

Sorry you’re stuck with us @moondreams. I get the concerns of having a winter baby…I’m a nurse at a paediatric hospital on infectious diseases. I’ve seen little ones with RSV and pertussis and just about everything else you can think of and it’s awful to watch them struggle. It’s something I worry about, but not something that would stop me personally from having a late fall or winter baby.

I’m in the TWW for the first time since my MC. Fairly certain I ovulated [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] [name_f]Eve[/name_f] or [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] [name_u]Day[/name_u] so I’m 5-6DPO today. Had some spotting yesterday and today (typical for me mid-luteal phase), hoping we’ll be first time lucky after our MC. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] everyone’s holiday was good, and you all have a happy new year!

AF decided to come the other day. So, we are officially TTC starting in [name_u]January[/name_u]! That will be our 5th cycle. Fingers crossed for a sticky baby! :slight_smile:

Well I got a BFN this morning. AF is supposed to come tomorrow so I guess I’ll just wait this out. I don’t have any of my normal PMS symptoms so I was pretty hopeful.

Also, we’re having a new years eve party tonight. Should I drink? Hold off? If I drink it will be just a bit of red wine. After two negative tests I’m probably being ridiculous.

@lainy - I’m in the “drink til it’s pink” camp. I don’t see any harm in having a few drinks in the TWW, and I’ll be having a few tonight. Definitely a personal choice but even if you do turn a test tomorrow, or a few days from now, I don’t think a bit of alcohol now would cause any issues.

[name_f]Lainy[/name_f], I’m with jessblonde on that one. A glass or two of red wine wouldn’t be too bad.
I have to work tonight but I’m still going to have a few drinks after work.

@moondreams and @lainy- sorry to hear. Here’s to 2016!

@jessblond that’s great you’re already around 6dpo! Fingers crossed for you.

I’m still waiting to ovulate. I haven’t actually been temping the last few days, it’s been too hard because we’ve been camping with a a big group of people, and haven’t had any service on my phone to input data anyway. I haven’t had a positive OPK though. My signs have been suggesting I’m fertile, so hope I ovulate soon.

I think a spring/summer baby would be ideal, so getting pregnant now would be perfect!
The baby I miscarried would have been due in the middle of winter though, and I was just so happy to be pregnant that the timing didn’t factor. Apart from making sure my husband got us a heap of firewood, which he did do.

Unfortunately our little bean didn’t stick, after some pain and spotting in the early morning a few days ago, we were told in the ER that my HCG levels had dropped significantly and I was miscarrying.
I think I’m coming off here for a little while, just to get my head round it a bit and hopefully relax a bit more. I might still drop in from time to time, I don’t know yet but I feel like I need a few weeks just to be, if that makes sense?

Wishing you all the happiest for 2016!

I’m so sorry [name_u]Keagan[/name_u]. Rest up and takes as much time as you need. I did the same thing when I lost my baby last year. If you ever need someone to talk to shoot me a message.

I’m so sorry keagan. You do whatever you need. There’s no right way to grieve a miscarriage and it’s different for all of us. I’m still up and down myself.
Here if you need to talk.

@keagan I’m so sorry, sending cyberhugs your way.

Hello all!

I recently made the decision to start a family in 2016! I’m so excited. I graduate with my Master’s in Library and Information Studies in the summer and have a great job, so I feel like the time is right. I’ll be 34 in just a few weeks and I have PCOS, so there are some factors affecting my fertility at this time. I’ll be working with my doctor to try and do all that I can to make the process as easy as possible. My goal is to lose 15-20 kg in weight over the next few months to help optimise my chances of conceiving.

I wish everyone success in adding to their families!

Thanks @jessblonde & @thefuturemrsb – I enjoyed a few glasses of red wine and had a great night. :slight_smile:

AF has not shown up. I took another test today with a negative result. I think I’m freaking myself out at this point.

I"m so sorry @keagan! @lainy good luck!

So sorry @keagan - it’s such a rollercoaster of emotions after a MC. I’m coming up on my “would have been due date” and it’s been hard. I have a cousin due with her third about the same time and although I’m happy for her it makes me feel sad. I’m here if you ever need to talk.