Ttc 2023

We call red heads Gingers in Canada too but not in like a crazy derogatory way haha
Ginger still gives me Gilligans Island vibes but it’s also cute!!! I see like no issues with most of the names on that list, sometimes people are just judgey cause they are miserable ugh.


@Beort12 - Honestly a breather and a step back to collect yourselves may not be a bad thing. We took a huge break from TTC and the stress of it and I’m definitely better for it. I’m not sure what our path forward looks like yet but I feel better and that alone feels better. I understand your frustration over everything and timelines for sure, it’s hard to quell that need/want for a baby!


CD21 here, nothing to really report. I don’t own any pregnancy tests and that’s driving me a bit nutty, I just want to pee on a stick, but also know it’s way too early based on when I might have O’d. Been trying to encourage myself to go to a clinic to get my referral again but just haven’t yet :sweat_smile: Is it so bad to just, hope the next pregnancy goes well with no intervention?! But then I remember I have adenomyosis and a history where I should be monitored… ugh. Why can’t this be easier?!
I’ve gotten no where on names, stuck in the Ramsay/Bennett/Gideon/Evander sort of area but don’t really love anything. Completely unsure for girls, Philippa is still in the running but I’m on the fence and have no other real ideas. A former friend announced her baby name on social media recently and my best friend immediately messaged me to tell me AND to make fun of it. It wasn’t overly unusual but was a word name from a different culture that isn’t theirs (Japanese name for a very not Japanese family) She made some solid points but at the same time, I know my tastes run a bit off normal here, and I just wonder if she’ll do the same about whatever name I choose. She was really receptive to Pippa though when I’ve mentioned it, but you also don’t make fun of a name after a deceased relative lol. Who knows, I’m hoping for divine inspiration and maybe luck in finding the right names.
Maybe it’s harder because I know I’ll likely only ever name one baby when I thought I’d have 4? :thinking::woman_shrugging:

Edit to add- I just created a thread if anyone wishes to weigh in!