Ttc 2023

[name_f]My[/name_f] husbands second sperm analysis came back, and all in all pretty similar to his first in [name_u]December[/name_u]. His concentration and volume increased, so obviously overall count did too (his saving grace is very good volume). Total count was technically normal on this one (~64 mil, “normal” is above 39 mil), but concentration was still only half of “normal” (8.78 mil/ml, “normal” is 15 mil/ml). I keep saying “normal”, because my understanding is that the cutoff for “normal” is the 5th percentile of men who get their partner pregnant in one year. So still pretty low. I have heard that optimal is actually more like 40 mil/ml, which is clearly never going to happen here.

Follow up with urology in a couple weeks. No genetic results yet, still praying it isn’t a genetic issue. The surgery schedule is all the way out in [name_u]August[/name_u] already, and the doctor won’t allow us to schedule before the follow up. I also learned from reproductive endocrinology that our consultation in [name_u]June[/name_u] doesn’t include any discussion of IVF, that that is a DIFFERENT consultation. Which also books months out. I took the very first slot available, but I have called them many times with different questions and they have never mentioned this. I even discussed the possibility of IVF once and they didn’t tell me! All of this feels like a real exercise in frustration and futility.


I should also add his motility actually went down a lot (it was just below normal on the last one). No idea why that would happen. So total motile sperm count was just about exactly the same as the first one. I guess good it isn’t worse, at least.

and congratulations, @Elmtree-94! That is wonderful. I am hopeful work will be more flexible and understanding than you anticipate, and I am so glad that it happened quickly for you.

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@Beort12 Thank you for sharing. I’m sorry you didn’t get better news or helpful feedback regarding exactly what consults were needed and how long it would talk - that’s so frustrating! Sending hugs. I hope the consults you have bookd in are helpful when they come around.

No genetic issues! Well, at least no Y chromosome microdeletion or other obvious chromosome issue. That is a relief, and the first time we have ever gotten anything approaching good news as it relates to fertility. I will say, though, that after we had done the testing I found a medical study that said that 95.4% of men with my husband’s level of low sperm have normal genetic results. If I had known that in advance we may not have spent the few hundred dollars on the testing when there was only a 1 in 20 chance of him actually having a genetic issue. Nevertheless it is a relief, and if we didn’t do the testing I probably would have been worried about it even knowing the statistical unlikelihood. Especially since statistically speaking we also didn’t have much of a chance of having this level of infertility at all, especially when we were 26 and 27 when we started trying! Definitely not the age at which you expect not to be able to conceive.

Going back to urology at the end of the week. I am guessing we will go forward with the surgery, although every medical study I have read indicates that while the surgery very often does raise counts the research is less clear on how much is raises rates of pregnancy, either spontaneously or with ART. Especially since we are still young and are hoping for more than one child I think we will take the chance anyways, in the hopes at a minimum it makes us better IUI candidates. I think a part of my husband just feels we should go straight to IVF, but I also don’t think he has a great grasp of what that entails. His sister and BIL did one round, transferred two fresh embryos, and had twins and I think his only experience of IVF is it being (relatively) extremely quick and successful.


Was feeling pretty hopeful as I’d had almost none of my usual pre-menstrual symptoms. And then a few hours ago the cramping really started.

This is cycle six that’s not been successful and I’m starting to worry. I’m trying to not get too worried for at least another 3-4 more, but part of me thinks maybe I should speak to a doctor to get the ball rolling. I’m pretty sure they’d just say to keep trying and wait until it’s been a year though.

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AF showed up strong here yesterday morning. I actually got a little excited and wasted a cheap test the morning before, as it was a bit later than I expected and we were inside the window last month–but it was early and only once, so I didn’t really expect pregnancy. Started spotting just a couple hours later.
But this is my second normal cycle after our loss, so we plan to start trying again this month :pray:
We decided to name our wee #4 [name_u]Shiloh[/name_u]. I’ve always liked it but never could decide boy or girl. Makes it seem more real to give the little one a name we can use :heart:


@Maerad feeling hopeful and then having it not work out is so hard! I also definitely understand the worry. 6 months isn’t that long, and more likely than not everything is fine. But I know for me I just had a nagging feeling something wasn’t right after about cycle 4. That was when I bought an at-home sperm test, just for my peace of mind and to “rule it out”. I also didn’t expect my doctor to do anything (and when I saw her for an annual after 6 months of trying I was correct, she didn’t do anything even though I brought it up), so the at-home route worked. Obviously we found an issue with my husband’s sperm, but if we hadn’t I may have moved on to one of those at-home fertility blood hormone panels. However, I am extremely type-A when it comes to this, so I am likely on the far side of the spectrum in terms of how quickly I wanted to investigate a problem. I was also very confident that we were timing our tries right - if we had been more relaxed about that I wouldn’t have let myself worry nearly as soon.

@auroradawn [name_u]Shiloh[/name_u] is such a sweet name to be able to use :heart:


I’m sorry you’re feeling stressed by it all. Six months is well within normal though. If seeing your doctor would help you feel better then why not, if it helps you sleep at night… but I suspect you are correct in thinking they’ll probably just tell you to keep trying and come back later. It might depend on the doctor though. :woman_shrugging: For a lot of places it has to be 12 months plus before they’ll refer you to a fertility specialist (here at least, anyway).

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Beautiful choice :heart: Shiloh has such a gentle, peaceful sound. Perfect for a sleeping angel.


Fertile window here, we’ve made a single attempt so far, I’m just so tired of it, not even sure what cycle we are on now. I have a phone call appointment with my fertility doctor later this month and I was hoping the call would be more about me being pregnant and how to make it successful but I’m feeling more like it will be a talk about how we can conceive.
I find myself looking at adoption listings a lot more lately, living in this big empty house is just getting sad… [name_f]My[/name_f] second house that a room just sits empty waiting for a baby.

Maybe this month though, he starts working away again next week so our chances will be hit or miss for the next year.


Hello everyone. I don’t know if anyone remembers me from the ttc 20/21/22 thread. Perhaps some of you might.
I went by the name Artemis31 now I am [name_u]Artemis[/name_u] Returns :joy:
I decided to come of nameberry because I was finding the whole TTC journey very stressful and affecting my morale.

I have very recently after 2 years and I think 4 months of trying, found out I am pregnant with my third baby!!
I have sons [name_m]Zachary[/name_m] and [name_m]Alexander[/name_m] who are 5 and 8.

This is exceptionally early days. And I am a complete bag of nerves of course but got a BFP on a cheapy test and then a pregnant on a digital. I’m so excited and very nervous and actually feel very sick already.


Officially stopping birth control tonight, which is scary but exciting. Now comes the waiting to see what this next cycle is like physically and emotionally. I meet with my psychiatrist next week, but I won’t really have a good sense of whether I will need medication for PMDD until the end of the month. Ttc might also get delayed to [name_u]July[/name_u] depending on the stress of the upcoming move (which also got delayed a couple of weeks) and whether I need more time to figure out the medication piece to be in an ok mental space

I’m sad about the idea of waiting longer, especially because I am convinced we aren’t going to be lucky people who conceive on the first try.

@Artemis_returns congratulations!


I saw my doctor today. He has had me on Metformin for quite awhile now, to try to help with PCOD. He is increasing my dosage, which he says will help regulate my cycles. I’m not sure how any of that works but I hope it does. We’re quickly approaching 2 years of TTC, so I’m more willing to dip my toes in the waters of medical intervention than I was before. I wish it wasn’t such a process though…

Edit: I’m not optimistic with this current cycle. Circumstances just weren’t the best for ttc this time around but we’ll see.


Artemis_returns!! I was thinking about you just today, I really was! Huge congratulations! I hope everything goes well.


[name_u]Welcome[/name_u] back and congratulations :slight_smile: I remember you from the 2021 thread, I’m happy to hear you have had success. I’m now also expecting #2. You’ll have to start a due date thread for 2024!

ETA: whoops just seen there is already one :slight_smile:


Thanks so much. I’m more nerves than excitement it’s very early days …
Good luck with your move and happy coming off birth control day!

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:eyes::eyes:!!! Hah
It’s been a long time. I honestly didn’t think I’d be back on this forum. But I am so pleased that I am. How are you? I’ve not had chance to go through the thread yet!

Wow brilliant news! When are you due?

Gosh it’s so early days for me yet. Almost feel bad for saying so early but I haven’t even told my partner yet lol!!! So I was bursting with wanting to share with someone. This is when I remembered nameberry :blush:

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Doing pretty well right now, thanks!
We were very excited when I got pregnant back in [name_u]February[/name_u], but we lost the little one at just 7 weeks :broken_heart: I’ve had a couple normal cycles since, and we’re planning to try again starting this month. The kids are getting so big–5, 3, and almost 2 :flushed:

Oh how funny I was on here pretty soon after my first positive test too, it’s nice to have somewhere to talk about it! Have you told him yet?

I’m 8 weeks today due around [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] :face_with_peeking_eye:

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