Ttc 2023

@Beort12 - Has your doctor checked your progesterone levels via blood test after ovulation? [name_m]Just[/name_m] to ensure it’s rising enough, sometimes low progesterone is the cause of that kind of spotting! Also [name_u]Alma[/name_u] is such a pretty and under used name, I’d love to meet a little [name_u]Alma[/name_u]!

@_thelittlefairywren - Boys names ARE so difficult. I have exactly none, but the middle will likely be [name_m]Philip[/name_m] after my Dad.

@namergirl3 - I haven’t tortured [name_m]Andrew[/name_m] with the discussion yet this time around because I’m so unsure myself!

Right now my best idea for a boy is [name_m]Evander[/name_m] [name_m]Philip[/name_m]. For a girl, still maybe [name_f]Philippa[/name_f], but I’m waffling (see my thread name advice!) I’m really hoping for a girl if I’m being honest.

Slightly random need of advice, anyone who has TTC after loss may be able to help


Trying three months after loss and woke up the morning after with boobs that felt heavier than normal like when I was breastfeeding my son. Could it be that s*x has triggered something involved in milk production that didn’t fully clear from my body after the miscarriage? [name_u]Or[/name_u] is it just coincidence? Never had this after TTC (or otherwise) before.

@Kibby awe, I hope you guys can find some options that you love! [name_m]Evander[/name_m] [name_m]Philip[/name_m] is so handsome…love it!
Kind of hoping for a girl this time around too! This will 99.9% most likely be our last baby, so having one of each would be nice. Part of me is nervous because mothers and daughters don’t have the best history in my family, from each generation to the next. Tbh, I think I would just be sad about not getting to use my favorite girl name if we had another boy…but would be happy to have another son. I don’t know…

@SoJoCo hmm, I have no clue! Sounds like something is going on with hormones but I don’t know what it could be. I don’t recall any of that happening after any of my losses.


Evander is such a lovely name. We had it on our list for quite a while. It has lovely, strong vibes. And Philip is a classic.

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@Kibby I have a doctors appointment next week so I am going to ask them very directly about that. From what I have read different providers have very different opinions about utility of testing blood progesterone. I am glad [name_u]Alma[/name_u] gets a positive response - I work in education and meet a TON of people that way (I’m a social worker not a classroom teacher so I know literally hundreds of kids and parents at any one time) and I actually have encountered at least 5 Alma’s in the last few years, but somehow that hasn’t bothered me. Also, [name_m]Evander[/name_m] is lovely but I actually REALLY like [name_m]Phillip[/name_m]. It feels so classic and underused.

@SoJoCo I don’t have an answer, but I will say my breasts definitely grew during (and actually I think after) my loss and I don’t think they have fully gone back down in size even through a full cycle.

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If we (hopefully, one day) have a girl she’d be [name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Naomi[/name_f]. [name_m]Easy[/name_m], simple, done. It’s been our girl name for over 5 years now and we still love it. For a boy we have some front runners (Russell, [name_u]Basil[/name_u] or [name_m]Colin[/name_m]. Maybe - I like one more than the others, he likes one more than the others, one we both like but it’s neither of our favourites).

I have had 2 days of spotting. Very very light (‘wipe only’) and only lasting about 1-2 hours each day, lots of cramping. [name_f]My[/name_f] friend says I should treat this as a period and count it as CD 1 for the purposes of working out a cycle/that I don’t need to see the doctor anymore. I’m not convinced, I’ve not had an un-birthcontrol period type bleed for over a decade, but I know what I experienced wasn’t anything like those uncontrolled one or anything I experienced on BC.

We’ve just moved house so I’m setting up seeing a new GP anyway, so hopefully in the next few weeks I’ll get that sorted and get a check in appt where I can just bring this all up anyway.


@Maerad I love [name_f]Alice[/name_f]!
It’s unfortunately way too close to my daughter’s name (I seem to be fixating on names with the same sounds) so it’s in the list of the favorite names I can’t use.


12dpo and my cycle is due to restart [name_f]Tuesday[/name_f], BFN. In all my other pregnancies I’ve had a positive test by now so I think I’m very likely out this time. I think I was too hopeful that maybe we’d get lucky quickly and not have to endure more months of trying, so I’m feeling a little heartbroken. Sometimes I take for granted the idea that I WILL be pregnant and a mother one day, when there’s really no guarantee it will happen for us. It might not, who knows. I’ll be 34 by the time any baby is born, I always thought we’d be on baby 3 or 4 by now. [name_m]Just[/name_m] kind of venting, I’ve realized lately that I don’t have a lot of community and support for these feelings outside of Nameberry, I don’t know anyone trying for a baby in real life or anyone struggling with infertility, and it’s one of those things that if you don’t know it, it’s hard to understand. Feeling alone.

@Maerad — I think [name_f]Alice[/name_f] is just lovely! And adore [name_m]Colin[/name_m] from your boys choices!! [name_m]Russell[/name_m] is a name I really want to like, but it’s the name of my Moms boyfriend haha so…. However, it also makes me think of Up, the Pixar movie which is a fantastic reference and makes it accessible for a child. [name_m]Rusty[/name_m] as a nn for [name_m]Russell[/name_m] has always made me smile too.

I’m also very happy to hear [name_m]Evander[/name_m] [name_m]Philip[/name_m] is perceived by everyone positively so far!! [name_m]Evander[/name_m] has been on and off my list for years, never quite in the top spot but it hits a lot of good points. I love [name_m]Anders[/name_m] as a nn, and it honours my Fiancé [name_m]Andrew[/name_m] as well as my Dad. I haven’t mentioned it to him in years, but he didn’t have negative thoughts on [name_m]Evander[/name_m], references the Boxer Holyfield and his infamous fight with [name_m]Mike[/name_m] [name_u]Tyson[/name_u]. I’m not sure I’ll bring it up as an option quite yet just because there’s no baby to name yet. He’s a very pragmatic person and won’t see the point in the discussion until I’m pregnant!

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Sending love to you, @Kibby. Hopefully you get the BFP soon, and you’re not alone, we’re all here for you. Yes we’re just names on the other side of a device from random places around the globe but we’re all on on journeys that we can support each other in. Oh, and [name_m]Evander[/name_m] [name_m]Philip[/name_m] is lovely!

I’m playing the waiting game for another week but I’ve been feeling a slight weirdness in my stomach the last couple of days, no idea what it is as I’ve never had that with my other pregnancies. Probably just nerves, hoping it’s a good thing but fearing it’s not.

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I feel the same @Kibby - I know one person who is currently TTC and we’re quite good friends but for a variety of reasons we’re also in very different positions and it doesn’t feel like I can talk to her about it. None of my friends are having kids at the moment and the two friends I have who have kids are long distance ones who are very busy. It’s nice to have this forum to talk to people about it all! Also, I love [name_m]Evander[/name_m] [name_m]Phillip[/name_m], it’s very handsome! [name_m]Evander[/name_m] and [name_m]Lysander[/name_m] are names on my long list! (DH would never agree)

I’m still trying to work out if I’ve had a ‘period’ or not and it’s very frustrating. It definitely doesn’t fit the long post Kibby wrote, but also it might be that my body just needed a blip to get itself going? SIgh. Bodies are such a scam.

Loved the long post btw Kibby! Some of it didn’t apply because different countries and different healthcare systems, but still an interesting read!

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Hello! I’ve been reading all of your updates and following your ttc journeys. I send you all the baby dust.

I’m here to process my thoughts so thanks ahead of time for listening/reading. For those of you who don’t rember from the 2022 chat, I have two kids (6yo adopted and 2yo biological) and last year we were in talks about adding another bio baby to our family. What pushed us over was the timing. [name_f]Summer[/name_f] 2023 seemed perfect. I got my iud out days before I ovulated and conceived a baby with a may 31st due date (the dream for those with a spouse in education). I lost the baby at 5.5 weeks. A lot changed in those weeks and 2023 didn’t seem so perfect to add another member.

We’ve been leaving a window to make the decision and in my mind [name_u]February[/name_u] would be the last month then we’d get back on an iud if it was a no. Then this week I started feeling a little queasy before lunchtime. We all had a stomach bug two weeks ago so I thought my stomach just wasn’t healed yet. Then it happened again at the same time the next day (Friday) . I checked my ovulation cycle and realized AF was due that day. I’ve been fairly regular since the [name_u]October[/name_u] miscarriage with a 26 day cycle. I took a test yesterday (Saturday) morning, and it was negative. Still no sign of AF, but the midday queasiness and nighttime exhaustion have remained :grimacing:

I’m not sure what to think at this point. While it would be kind of a relief to have the decision made for us, the due date would be 3 days after my daughter’s birthday and 15 days after my son’s. [name_f]My[/name_f] daughter cannot handle another cute younger sibling with a birthday before hers! I’d have to hold it in and make sure it came after :sweat_smile: I’m also thrown by the symptoms VS negative test. Maybe it’s nothing, but maybe it’s everything. Negative pregnancy tests are annoying. They don’t really determine anything.


I’m starting to wonder if a pregnancy would be possible for me this early. [name_f]My[/name_f] period ended around 3 weeks ago and the first time we got to “try” was around a week ago. I have absolutely no clue when anything happens in my cycle or if I ovulate at all. Anyway, last night I was seriously eating a couple of boxes of snacks, right after a filling dinner. Craved a different snack until the idea made me sick. Woke up today slightly queasy and my chest a bit sore.

But it seems way too early, right?? [name_m]Even[/name_m] if we caught an egg that day, it just seems way too early to feel much of anything. I do remember a tight timeline with my pregnancy with my son though. Something like finished my period in mid [name_f]May[/name_f] and found out I was pregnant in the first days of [name_u]June[/name_u]. I don’t remember exactly but I do remember being thrown that it happened so quickly.

But of course, symptom spotting is often looking for fools gold. It could be something, nothing or anything. I do hope it is “something” good…but I’m just rather confused right now.

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I really appreciate the support :two_hearts::two_hearts:

I’m on CD1 out of nowhere now. I do not understand what my body is doing, my period came on heavy and strong last night at 9:30, several days early making it a 25/26 day cycle. Which means very unfortunately that it’s thrown off my next ovulation date, he will get home CD12, so we aren’t “out” for next cycle, but we’ll be lucky if we are able to catch the egg, I’m not sure what my body is doing with ovulation here. I think I will go sit in a clinic to get that referral back to my fertility doctor this week. I’m not eager to try medication but I’m not sure what else to do here.

Based on what you’d said, I’m not sure I’d consider a couple days of spotting a period either. It sounds confusing for sure. Have you talked to your doctor at all yet? There might be some medication they can give to help induce a proper period and get things moving forward for you, the waiting games our bodies play are the worst.

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With my first pregnancy I had symptoms at about 3 or 3.5 weeks. I started having food aversions, I only wanted to eat crackers and this salty cream cheese kind of dip here, and I generally just felt weird. It’s possible!

@Kibby I’m glad you have this space, but I’m sorry you’re feeling alone. I do hope we can help you feel a little less so.

My expat community has had two big baby waves in the last three years. There are lots of people getting pregnant, but they’re so pro baby, it can make it hard to talk to them. They don’t understand our doubts and concerns about timing or our current kids or other upcoming opportunities. To them, a baby is always an obvious yes.

This seems to be a common thread this week :sweat_smile: We’ll see what it means for everyone.

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Frustratingly, because we’ve just moved house (new city) I don’t currently have a doctor I can easily access, but I’m planning to do all the paperwork for a new medical practice tomorrow. They say on the website that when you sign up they offer an appointment just to get medical history and check in, so fingers crossed I can get that ticked off this week and talk to them about TTC and the fact I haven’t had much, if any, cycle for the last 10 weeks.

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[name_u]Man[/name_u] lots going on here!

@Maerad if you didn’t have red bleeding I probably wouldn’t count is as a period, but maybe the spotting means it is finally on its way! I can’t imagine how frustrating this has been for you.

@namergirl3 I hope this is a good sign! [name_u]Or[/name_u] at a minimum perhaps a sign that you ovulated and progesterone is causing those symptoms?

@Kibby I have been trying to talk to people in my real life about what is going on, and just being more open about my emotional state. I have a close friend who plans to start TTC at the end of the year, and another good friend who is done having children now but who had some very difficult struggles in getting and staying pregnant and talking to her helps. I also talk to my sister who is planning to start TTC maybe even this year, but who likely will have a pretty serious uphill battle to get pregnant (hypothalamic ammenhorea due to a history of ED - has been a healthy weight again for a while, but her body was pretty damaged in the process). I feel very grateful to have these people around me to talk with, although with the people I am less close to (my sisters-in-law for instance) I find it hard to bring it up without feeling like I am asking for pity, especially from people who recently had babies.

No real news here…I should ovulate middle of this week, so we will try again and just see. I have noticed as a point of interest that after early loss my breasts stayed much larger all through my first cycle, but went wayyyy down at the start of this one. Not sure if that is a good or bad sign or no sign at all, but it is interesting!

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Positivity is good but I can understand that it can also feel like, or at least I feel like, I am being silly and wasting my time.
I am terrified of my age, I am 31; 32 by the time my Partner and I start TTC, we may be trying mid-late this year or next, it is dependent on a few reasons such as I want to be healthier mentally and physically (lose my tummy by going to the gym and eating properly), more consistency with my step-children and would prefer youngest to be better with comprehension and understanding (another year older for Youngest would be best in our opinion).
I thought I would be having my 4th by now but life throws curve balls and mine have been massive.
I’ve 3 losses - one took 3.5 years to conceive (never went to a doctor just kept trying), one a surprise and the other took a year.

I can understand the feeling of not having community outside Nameberry, I even feel bad that I use Nameberry to also vent about things in regards to fertility etc on occasion but I don’t think friends would understand where I am coming from.

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[name_m]Temp[/name_m] shift yesterday so just entered the TWW! We covered this month’s window very well :grin: so we shall see. Looked at my chart more carefully and realized that AF will be due the very week of our ice competition. What a treat that will be, if this month didn’t stick :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I took another test today, and it was negative. SO picked it up last night, and it’s a really cheap one that I’ve had bad results with in the past so I don’t feel like I have my answer. I’m still feeling like I have early pregnancy symptoms, and there’s still no sign of AF. I’ll test again in a few days and talk to the doctor if AF still hasn’t arrived.

The negative test makes me feel like I’m going crazy. Am I imagining the symptoms? Are they something else and I’m incorrectly attributing them to pregnancy? This is what happened with the last one that ended in miscarriage at 5.5 weeks. I had symptoms but was testing negative so I thought I was just imagining it or I was wrong. Then I finally got a faint line and then lost it a week later.