What. Has. Happened?

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] @Tee_Time,

It must be a bit of a surprise for sure!

You might find this quick start guide helpful as you get to grips with the new platform. There is lots of basic info about navigation, new features, and where to go for extra help there.

As for the appearance, I am currently looking into bringing some more colour back in, so watch this space!

What was your old username? Your old account should still work and your posts shouldn’t have been lost. If you’re struggling to log in I will hopefully be able to help.

ETA: For timezone reasons, I’m logging off for tonight (it’s after midnight here). But please let me know your username, either here or via PM, and I’ll look into it tomorrow morning. Didn’t want you to think I was ignoring you if I don’t reply straight away!