what's with...

I decided to delete my South Pas list. Sorry-I did it yesterday.
People do eat vegetables and drink milk in the U.S., but it is hard to find them when you’re on vacation unless you go to the more expensive restaurants. In Europe, I think it’s easier to find vegetables and milk when you’re traveling. This is a good tip for pregnant women.

[name]Hi[/name] everyone,

I, too, am new to Nameberry. I know I have made a few mistakes in my posts (like repeating ideas) that [name]Jill[/name] and others were very kind to correct, but I never mean to offend or annoy anyone. It is very different to say things on the Internet than in person, as you can’t really show exactly how you feel. That is why, I am sure, we are all very grateful for [name]Jill[/name]'s signature smiley faces!

I feel sorry that some of you long-time posters have been hurt by new ones like me, and I am sorry that you feel some of us are destroying the peace and serenity that Nameberry employs. I would love to thank you all for being so awesome all the time, and giving great suggestions to people.

I believe the Internet can be like a knife- useful, though you can get hurt from it. I had even more reason to believe that when I read about what had happened to some of you and the insensitive posts that people are leaving scattered about the forums.

You guys are what make Nameberry what it is, and I sincerely hope that none of my posts [name]EVER[/name], [name]EVER[/name], [name]EVER[/name] hurt anyone. It is great that on Nameberry there are a lot of people who like many of the names that I like. I hope that in the future we can all get along and discuss names in a friendly manner.

[name]Happy[/name] naming!

  • [name]Sally[/name]

P.S. [name]Melissa[/name], [name]Ernestine[/name] rocks!

Oh, [name]Sally[/name], you’re a sweetheart! This thread wasn’t created by [name]Lynsday[/name] in reference to you whatsoever. If you look at the date on the first post, [name]Lyndsay[/name] started this thread in early [name]March[/name], when an army of new posters began posting nasty, offensive messages on this site. The posters were very, very rude, trashy, and offensive, and it was a complete shock.

Other name boards are overflowing such posters, but historically, Nameberry hasn’t been one of them! I think the comments to which this thread referred have been deleted, but trust me when I say that this thread was very necessary at the time, because regular posters were pretty much in shock.

You’ve never done a thing to bother anyone, and I’m sure everyone enjoys reading your posts as much as I do! :slight_smile:

[name]Just[/name] know that this thread wasn’t about you in [name]March[/name], and doesn’t apply to you now–or ever. :slight_smile:

Have a great day, and have fun posting away! :slight_smile:

Yup, [name]Sally[/name], as [name]Jill[/name] said, I definitely was not referring to you! I wish I had worded that first post differently so people wouldn’t always think I was talking about them! It was a whole bunch of rude people that didn’t ever read rules and were just obnoxious in every way. Thankfully, they’re gone! But I didn’t mean that I don’t like ANY new people! I think anyone who tries to provide constructive feedback is great! My biggest pet peeve is when people don’t read the thread before they respond. Especially if it’s only been replied to a couple times! Which is why I said something pretty (read: very) rude to someone a few days ago. I almost deleted it, too, but didn’t. Everyone probably thinks I’m so mean, but I swear I’m not! Sometimes I just have to speak my mind! Anyway, I tend to ramble, but my point is that I hope you didn’t take this personally and I certainly was not talking about you! [name]Hope[/name] you stay on nameberry, I enjoy reading your posts!

Awe, [name]Lyndsay[/name], I don’t think you’re mean at all! I think you’re great, and your posts are awesome. I was so relieved when you started this thread during the “influx” (that terminology still cracks me up), I and love it how you speak your mind! [name]Dash[/name] is very lucky to have you as his mommy! :slight_smile:

You’re going to raise an intelligent, confident little boy with a strong sense of self, and I think that’s wonderful! :slight_smile:

You guys are great, and have welcomed me so warmly! I appreciate it.

P.S. [name]Lyndsay[/name], you are in no way mean! At all! :slight_smile: