Create a Family Together: New Writer’s Game

Taylor is not a father. He thought he was but it turned out to not be the case.

Welcome to the mind of CherryBomb50. The weird person who likes to throw in fake pregnancy scares with completely unprepared every once in a while and then makes it super relieving when it’s negative. I remember Sawyer being my first.

However if Taylor does end up causing some pregnancy then I wouldn’t care because I have a whole club of (more prepared) characters who didn’t mention a pregnancy in their bio but later turn out to be pregnant/cause a pregnancy later on in someone else’s bio. In fact, sometimes I laugh whenever one of my characters joins this apparent club, but it’s totally welcome and I love the way you wholesome individuals implement these pregnancy plots. I still question how my characters get so fertile, the explanation will never be known. Taylor is quite young though only being 16, although my youngest club member is 17. There is very little prerequisite to which characters get in because it’s so unexpected but males in their 20s/were in their 20s at the time tend to be the vast majority for club members. Sometimes I have tempted these NGL.


Known Characters of Mine who got/got someone else pregnant in bios after my Character’s Bio: