Create a Family with a Twist!

Here’s how the game works: I will post a link to a picture and give a full name and age for my fictional person. Then I will write a paragraph, give or take, about the person. The next poster will create a person that is related to the previous one in some way (It doesn’t have to be by blood, it could be a neighbor, friend, coworker, anything). Ready?

[name_u]Lindsey[/name_u] [name_f]Nicole[/name_f] Lanzetta (30) is a single mom to three beautiful kids. She currently works in a nursing home. She does dance classes at her local dance studio, is in church choir, and the thing that she does love the most is theater. She loves all animals, especially dogs, and loves her three beautiful young children.

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[name_f]Leonie[/name_f] [name_f]Violet[/name_f] Lanzetta (4) is [name_u]Lindsey[/name_u] [name_f]Nicole[/name_f] Lanzetta’s daughter. She is a little dancer- her mother has been trying to teach her since she could walk, but plans on enrolling her in a professional course when she turns 5! She loves going to church and singing louder than all the other little girls and boys, she sees it as a competition! She does love the theatre! She’s a huge animal girl, and is BEGGING her mum for a cat or a dog!

[name_u]Lane[/name_u] [name_u]Ryan[/name_u] Ikola (22) is [name_f]Leonie[/name_f]’s stepdad and [name_u]Lindsey[/name_u]’s fiancé. He loves fathering [name_f]Leonie[/name_f] and her two siblings. He just graduated from college and is planning to become a nurse. He is planning on surprising [name_f]Leonie[/name_f] with a puppy for her 5th birthday.

[name_m]Harvey[/name_m] [name_m]Wyatt[/name_m] Lanzetta (6) is [name_f]Leonie[/name_f]'s older brother. He’s completely different to his sister - he prefers to be left alone and doesn’t talk much. He’s very interested in space and often gets in trouble for staying up late looking at the stars.

[name_f]Violet[/name_f] [name_u]June[/name_u] Semple (16) is the baby-sitter of [name_f]Leonie[/name_f], [name_m]Harvey[/name_m], and [name_u]Lindsey[/name_u]'s final kid. She enjoys dancing with [name_f]Leonie[/name_f], and tries her best to get [name_m]Harvey[/name_m] in bed on time, but she sometimes bakes cookies for him and lets him sit outside until the late hours of the night. She wants to talk to [name_u]Lindsey[/name_u] & [name_u]Lane[/name_u] about getting him a telescope for his 7th birthday. She is an aspiring model, hoping to make it big one day.

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[name_m]Otto[/name_m] [name_m]Garrett[/name_m] Ikana (1) is the baby of the family and [name_u]Lindsey[/name_u]'s only child with [name_u]Lane[/name_u]. He’s very similar to his sister, they both share a sunny disposition and enjoy the company of others. However, he does enjoy quiet time and is more than content to play by himself - very similarly to [name_m]Harvey[/name_m]. He’s very adventurous, and can be a handful for whoever’s watching him.

[name_f]Madeline[/name_f] [name_f]Rose[/name_f] Cerpa (27) is [name_u]Lindsey[/name_u]’s coworker from her old child care job. She used to be a competitive dancer, and she still works at the daycare. She and her husband have three daughters.

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[name_f]Winifred[/name_f] ‘Winnie’ [name_u]Holly[/name_u] McGowan-Cerpa (4) is Madeline’s oldest daughter. A sweet, shy little girl, she’s absolutely enamored with the family puppy [name_m]Dougie[/name_m], having always had a natural love and passion for animals. She wasn’t too sure about becoming a big sister the first time, but by the time her youngest sibling was born, [name_f]Winnie[/name_f] had come to love having companions and playmates. In spite of being nervous around strangers, she loves exploring the back garden and is fascinated by the natural world, loving going on walks with her parents.


Harlow Rose McGowan-Cerpa (2) is Madeline’s second daughter and the younger sister of Winnie. Harlow is a very outgoing little girl who loves meeting new people. She loves running around the house when her younger sister is taking a nap. She looks up to her older sister and tends to mimic things she does.


[name_f]Clementine[/name_f] " [name_f]Mina[/name_f] " [name_f]Erin[/name_f] McGowan-Cerpa (3 months) is Madeline’s youngest child and the sister of [name_f]Winnie[/name_f] and [name_u]Harlow[/name_u]. Mina’s a very easygoing, sleepy infant whose calmness is very much a blessing where her parents are concerned given how little fuss she requires. [name_f]Madeline[/name_f] and her partner have decided [name_f]Mina[/name_f] will be their last child though - at least for now - as raising so many under 5s is going to be a lot of hardwork and they don’t want any of the girls to feel overlooked or insignificant!

@kitkatcookie @I_meme_it @lucyxo @TeaJay @avenmaide @lemon_swirlxx


[name_m]Oscar[/name_m] [name_m]Matthew[/name_m] McGovern (30) is Madeline’s partner and the father of [name_f]Winnie[/name_f], [name_u]Harlow[/name_u] and [name_f]Mina[/name_f]. In contrast to [name_f]Madeline[/name_f], Oscar’s never been someone who enjoys any kind of spotlight, working as an animal welfare officer: a job he absolutely adores. Through his work, [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] met [name_f]Madeline[/name_f] while she was volunteering at the shelter he was based in, coming to bond with her on the grounds she grew up with a Pitbull as her family pet who often experienced unfair assumptions about being dangerous. [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] is thoroughly against stereotyping of all animals and feels they all deserve compassion, care and to be treated well. This was when he was 24 and she was 21, with many of Oscar’s co-workers playfully pointing out [name_f]Madeline[/name_f] had a crush on him, but it took a while for either party to act, as they were worried about ruining their friendship if their romance didn’t last.

Thanks to his job, the family have had numerous foster animals live with them, but the only long-term home resident has been their elderly tabby cat [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f], who [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] found when he was only 18, having been abandoned at the side of the road. This changed when [name_m]Dougie[/name_m] was the only of his litter not adopted from the shelter and Winnie’s determination to see the family gain another pet won out. [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] was raised by a single mother, alongside his half-sister who’s older than him by six years, and she’s a frequent guest at the family home, sometimes mingling with Madeline’s family who are considerably larger - her being one of 5 kids and she has a stepdad too. A fair bit introverted, [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] was terrified about meeting the Cerpa’s initially, as he worried he wasn’t good enough for [name_f]Madeline[/name_f] - however one family pool party later he’d relaxed considerably and is especially close with Madeline’s older brother.


@moonwriteen @chamwue @szinkle @CherryBomb50 @elffff - what’s this? A CAF (With a Twist) I haven’t seen before!?


[name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] " [name_f]Trix[/name_f] " [name_f]Eleanor[/name_f] Cerpa (21) is Madeline’s younger sister, Oscar’s sister-in-law and aunt to their daughters. Like [name_f]Madeline[/name_f], [name_f]Trix[/name_f] grew up dancing, however her interest in performance led to her pursuing acting instead of remaining as a ballerina; something partially inspired by how Trix’s father is a theatre owner, and would regularly take his kids to performances there. In particular, the works of [name_m]Ibsen[/name_m] captivated her once she entered her teens and unlike many of her fellow drama students who long for the silver screen to be their final destination, Trix’s focus is entirely on theatre itself. This hasn’t stopped her accepting roles in a couple of short films and webseries throughout her later years of college though, having an especial talent for accents which she credits to her success as it grants versatility filmmakers desire to give the illusion of the wider world. Part of [name_f]Trix[/name_f] can’t help but worry sometimes - not something she’s comfortable admitting to anyone outside of a chosen few, including her sister closest in age (who’s between her and [name_f]Madeline[/name_f] in the birth order) - that she won’t see her dreams become a reality, but she remains staunchly against asking her dad for any help as she considers it unfair and doesn’t want to steal work from existing actors at the building he owns given they’ve performed amazing shows and displayed serious talent.

Right now, Trix’s in the process of moving into a shared house with a couple of university friends, although only one was on her acting course as the musical theatre crowd drove her half-mad with their impromptu [name_m]Hamilton[/name_m] recitals. Not that she looks down on this field of work but a warning would’ve been appreciated when she was trying to learn her lines. She isn’t exactly the baby of her family but being the second youngest has meant people keep an eye on her with a touch of overprotectiveness attached; resulting in her university time being especially important to [name_f]Trix[/name_f], giving her not just a taste of freedom but also furthering her understanding of responsibility. Having gained her driver’s license when she was sixteen, travelling around in her very old car has given her impromptu mechanics classes, and she’s even given her older siblings a bit of advice - which [name_f]Madeline[/name_f] and [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] find absolutely hilarious. Trix’s knowledge comes from her boyfriend: a trans man who’s studying engineering and someone she deeply loves, although they aren’t the sappiest of couples. Him coming out to her is something [name_f]Trix[/name_f] remembers well due to how nervous he was and she goes out of her way to accompany him to trans related protests and events, determined to let him know he has all of her support.


Or so I thought I finally posted something in a reasonable timeframe and stopped my blatant forgetfulness. But then I check what other stuff I’ve been tagged for. And it turns out I didn’t even realise this one until over a month later. :neutral_face: :neutral_face: Why am I like this lol?

Fred Onni Ikola (21) is Trix’s boyfriend. He is Lane Ikola’s cousin. He and Lane are close and he knows Lane is surprising Leonie with a puppy. He knows some dance as well from Trix, Madeline, and Lindsey and when he has children in the future, he’s open to teaching them about dance. He ignores when some people say he can’t still like dancing “because he’s a man now” and opposes gender roles. Fred is a proud engineering student and proudly transgender and he is pro-STEM and pro-LGBTQUIAP+. He was quite nervous coming out to her in fears that she wouldn’t accept him or she’d perceive him as less of a man but she adores his bravery and confidence. He is also into acting but more as a hobby than a profession since he would rather be in engineering but knows about the lifestyle since he and Lane’s grandmother is a playwright. He’s also good buddies with several of Trix’s friends.

Lindsey, Lane, and Madeline were created by @Lindseylloyd052399.

Leonie was created by @eileithyia.


tw: mentions of transphobia and lack of acceptance

[name_f]Isabelita[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Alita[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Vittoria[/name_f] [name_m]Pelayo[/name_m] (22) is one of Fred’s friends and a trans woman, who he met through [name_f]Trix[/name_f], as they’re very close. [name_f]Alita[/name_f] and Trix’s friendship stems from their career paths overlapping - Alita’s a makeup artist and hair stylist who’s looking to break into the TV/movie sphere now she’s established her career working at an LGBTQUIAP+ owned salon. While she doesn’t feel good moving on from the business that allowed her to flourish and build confidence, [name_f]Alita[/name_f] doesn’t want to abandon the dream she’s had since before she came out as trans - and with mainstream media becoming more experimental in terms of visual presentation, she hopes this path will be more possible.

Revealing her gender identity was a long process for [name_f]Alita[/name_f]. Although she wasn’t faced with overt transphobia, several members of her extended family clearly weren’t comfortable with her expression and her maternal uncle even went to her mother behind her back and tried to pressure her into ‘talking her child out of this phase’. This has led to a degree of estrangement between Alita’s family and other relatives, a backlash that she sometimes feels guilty about, and [name_f]Trix[/name_f] has always been someone to support her, talking [name_f]Alita[/name_f] out of blaming herself for these fractures that came about from intolerance and bigotry others’ held in themselves.

Her greatest source of support has always been her brother - who’s just turned 19, now attending college himself (the same one Fred’s at) - who was vocal in the defense of his sister and refused to let anyone, including his uncle, talk badly about [name_f]Alita[/name_f]. This has always been their dynamic, amusingly, as she’s the far more quiet, laidback sibling while he’s the firecracker. She’s definitely the ‘mother hen’ of her friend group (in spite of not being the oldest) and has a strong maternal energy in how she conducts herself around others.


@A.B.Galaxy just another tag!


[name_m]Vincenzo[/name_m] ‘ [name_m]Vine[/name_m] ‘ [name_m]Pepito[/name_m] [name_m]Pelayo[/name_m] (19) is Alita’s younger brother and biggest supporter. Like his nickname suggests, he loves nature and likes watching survival shows. He loves being seen as the “firecracker” and feels he can really be one with the wild in nature survival but he’s not stupid, he won’t go out in the forest without preparation, survival training, and supplies. [name_m]Vine[/name_m] pretty much considered [name_f]Alita[/name_f] a woman as soon as she came out to him, even before she chose her new identity and started coming out to others, although he made sure not to out her as it was her own decision to do so. He is currently dating a student at the college he attends and he is studying biology. He doesn’t get along with his maternal uncle but is great friends with his maternal cousins, who have also broken the boundaries their uncle has tried to set. He is pansexual and currently works at an LGBTQUIAP+ owned party store due to his love for fun parties although again, he’s not stupid, and hates reckless parties. He loves Pride Parades and loves to go all out. He just turned 19 on the 19th of [name_f]May[/name_f] so for his [name_u]Golden[/name_u] Birthday, he had a wild and fun lakeside party, combining a juxtaposition of the outdoorsy and the festive sides of him.

tw: panic attacks

Tsukasa " [name_f]Kassie[/name_f] " [name_f]Annabelle[/name_f] Uzuhara (20) is Vine’s colleague at [name_u]Banner[/name_u] & Punch - a party supplier store owned by and frequented by LGBTQUIAP+ people, although they source out to a large array of occasions, including Christening’s for certain churches. Kassie’s biracial - her dad’s Japanese-American, whereas her mom was born in [name_m]Amsterdam[/name_m] and shares duel citizenship with there and the States, as her maternal grandma’s [name_m]Dutch[/name_m] - and unlike [name_m]Vine[/name_m], the eldest child of her parents: having a younger sister and non-binary sibling. Heritage is highly important for Kassie’s family: not just reflected in how all three kids have Japanese first names, but the fact they’re fluent in the language and cook traditional dishes at least three times a week; although [name_f]Kassie[/name_f] can also speak [name_m]Dutch[/name_m] and has the most interest in her maternal ancestry too.

Her interest in being employed at the store was due to [name_f]Kassie[/name_f] feeling unable to come out as bisexual - having been with her girlfriend for 2 years now - to her former employers at a small boutique she was working at, based on certain comments she overheard her managers making. Ultimately she felt her principals were too compromised by staying there and she handed in her notice. What she misses most are her colleagues, as most of them were genuinely kind people (a few being queer themselves), as socialising has never been Kassie’s greatest strength and she’s found navigating the established friendships at [name_u]Banner[/name_u] & Punch a little difficult.

Often she wishes her bluntness was a little less severe and that she comes across less awkward, but her parents have assured her she shouldn’t have to become a different person just to be well-liked, as it’d never pay off. [name_f]Kassie[/name_f] opted against attending university thanks to having experienced a lot of social anxiety since her mid-teens too - having had numerous panic attacks when facing exams, one time not even being able to participate thanks to how overwhelmed she was - and ultimately, doubts it’ll ever be for her. What she really hopes on pursuing is work in galleries and museums, especially thanks to the Japanese artwork displayed there, which she wants to improve education on and understanding of to the wider public.


Hi I hope you don’t mind if I join I’ve been watching these games for awhile and they seem like a lot of fun… Hopefully this is a good character and doesn’t contradict anything because sometimes I have a hard time with following along.

Sakiyama “Sam” Julian Uzuhara [19] is Kassie’s younger nonbinary sibling. They use they/them pronouns and only came out in January of last year. Most of their family has been accepting for the most part, but their father was a little hesitant at first to accept the new pronouns, but he has started to come around to the idea.

Sam likes to cook, and is in culinary school. They are often the ones to make the traditional dishes for their family, and have gotten pretty advanced in the skill. They once joined a cooking competition and got 4th place, which isn’t bad for their first competition and seeing that they are so young. They have a girlfriend who they met at this competition, as she won 2nd place, and Sam went to congratulate her.

Sam is good friends with Vine and Alita and is acquaintances with Fred and Beatrix. Sam has supported Alita through her struggles with her non-accepting uncle, and sometimes goes hiking with Vine in the forest and learns about survival techniques.

Sam is very outgoing and loves to welcome others and often cooks people their favorite foods when first meeting them. Sam also really likes animals and they work at a doggie daycare at the same time that they attend culinary school. Sam has two pets of their own, a chameleon named Flip and a guinea pig named Scooter.


@mynameis1 Please go ahead, you don’t have to ask! Apologies for the ‘lore’ of sorts we’ve created :sweat_smile:


@mynameis1 YAY! I love seeing cool people come in and play! Hurrah! Huzzah! Just a few things to remember.

Things to Remember
  1. There are an insane amount of games so don’t feel bad if you can’t get to all of them or if you forget some of them because that is literally me and I have proven it in this thread…and many others.
  2. @kitkatcookie constantly wins MVP awards on these threads and she is our queen and master and we are her peasants. LOL JK but she’s a true MVP and we are genuinely honoured to play with her.
  3. @I_meme_it is also a legend and tends to apologise too much out of pure kindness. If @I_meme_it messages you with purely kind compliments, it is common courtesy to give compliments back or to just say “No U”.
  4. Do not worry about how much the arcs change, it is all natural for the characters. Feel free to continue arcs, make new arcs, or add elements to existing arcs, provided you stay relevant with your character and the previous character.
  5. That being said don’t be surprised if an arc is revived or briefly mentioned because I tend to reintroduce past characters a lot, not even for the sake of quality, but because all these characters live rent free in my head and I am powerless to stop it.
  6. When introducing a sensitive or dark topic, it is best to use the spoiler tag like this and warn what is being censored. In mild cases it may be uncensored as long as it is warned before.
  7. Take pride in Sam. My first character I ever made is a woman named Koko and I have a personal bias that she’s my fave character I ever made and I don’t even remember which thread she was on because I am a lunatic.
  8. You have mad potential and everyone here is rooting you on.

Ok onto the character!

Madoka “ Maddie “ Cecily Uzuhara (16) is the youngest of the three and the only juvenile. She plans to work for an LGBTQUIAP+ business when she is an adult and would try applying as a juvenile, but has no time and needs to focus on school so she can get into her dream university. Maddie is very school-oriented, trying to get good grades, loves STEM, and is very focused on her future. She is a self-proclaimed “nerd” and loves it when her friends call her that. Maddie knows she is attracted to women but is still questioning her sexuality and doesn’t know yet how other genders may attract her. She doesn’t have an official significant other but she successfully asked a girl out to a dance and is hoping everything will be awesome for her and her date, regardless of whether it becomes a relationship or not. She is becoming great friends with Violet Semple, who she met at school but didn’t really know her well until Sam dated Violet’s older sister. Maddie also loves to look at the stars and loves her telescope and agrees Violet giving children a telescope is a great way to casually introduce them into STEM.

Violet was created by @eileithyia.