Create a Family with a Twist!

[name_m]Booker[/name_m] [name_m]Paul[/name_m] Newforth (36) is Mei’s husband and also one with cool dyed hair being naturally blonde. He doesn’t work with hair, he actually works for a cause that supports education. [name_m]Booker[/name_m] believes everyone deserves a right to education, especially in countries with low literacy rates but also believes everyone who wants to attend college should be able to with cost not being an issue. His hair dyeing came from a fundraiser with the group at a local school their teenage daughter attends. Students were told to donate school supplies and the class with the most donated would win a pizza and ice cream party on [name_m]Thursday[/name_m] and the day off on [name_m]Friday[/name_m]. For fun, [name_m]Booker[/name_m] made a promise that he would let his wife [name_f]Mei[/name_f] dye his hair if they reached their goal in the fundraiser. And the winning class got to choose the colour(s)! It was a great fundraiser and the winning class chose his icy blue and white colour accordingly. [name_m]Booker[/name_m] actually loves it and doesn’t want to change it back - he felt blonde wasn’t for him anyway. He’s Jovian’s older brother but people naturally assume he’s younger for the hair - which he feels complimented by because he loves feeling like he’s not old.

The addition of a foreign exchange student was completely a mutual decision by both [name_m]Booker[/name_m] and [name_f]Mei[/name_f], with the support of their daughter. Their foreign exchange student is well immersed in her culture as the family learns more while also introducing them to their culture and heritage, especially Mei’s Singaporean descent. Their daughter is also very happy lately, not only is family life going well but she loves her new rescue cat, a cutie the whole house enjoys. [name_m]Jovian[/name_m], [name_f]Leah[/name_f], [name_u]Umber[/name_u], and [name_m]Torben[/name_m] visit from time to time and [name_m]Jovian[/name_m] finds the lawyer jokes truly hilarious. [name_f]Leah[/name_f] likes to joke about [name_m]Booker[/name_m] having a “book” :open_book: name and working for education, which [name_m]Booker[/name_m] says it’s meant to be. Both brothers have passionate careers but are happy-go-lucky at heart. It also helps that the families are in good places in their lives despite the fact that some things weren’t expected and that they’ve all just really enjoyed life.


[name_f]Isla[/name_f] Siti Newforth [16] is [name_m]Booker[/name_m] and Mei’s daughter. She’s currently wearing her natural hair color again after spending most of her adolescence experimenting with different hues and shades with her mother’s help, now she wants to spend a little time healing her hair and trying to restore some of it’s health. Instead of playing with color she’s now been playing with the different hairstyles she can do with her hair like complex braids and updos, as well as some good fallbacks for when she needs to wash her hair. Isla’s also been known to occasionally try her hand at doing hair of her little cousin, [name_u]Umber[/name_u]. Her hair is a little too short for certain looks though.

She loves her Singaporean heritage and her middle name is like a badge of honor for her. [name_f]Isla[/name_f] actually went by her second name of Siti for a year in school when she shared a class with another [name_f]Isla[/name_f]. Sharing her culture with the foreign exchange student has been so much fun and the two teens have become very close friends since. They’re both already dreading the day when they have to go back and are making plans to stay in touch.

Her circle of friends is sort of small, just her new foreign bestie, her new rescue kitten (a brown tabby named [name_u]Harley[/name_u] by the way), and a few friends from middle school. Though she doesn’t mind. Quality over quantity is key for her relationships and her schoolwork. Which is why she’s been known to miss a few assignments here and there, a habit that she’s really trying hard to kick for good.


[name_u]Aiden[/name_u] [name_u]Jameson[/name_u] (18) is Isla’s classmate and close friend from middle school. They met in the seventh grade and quickly bonded over their shared love for music and art. [name_u]Aiden[/name_u] is a talented musician and plays in a local band with some of his friends. He’s also an aspiring artist and spends most of his free time sketching and painting. [name_u]Aiden[/name_u] has a laid-back personality and is always up for hanging out and trying new things.


[name_f]Eira[/name_f] [name_u]Jameson[/name_u] (16) is Aiden’s younger sister and involved with the band her brother plays in. She is very close with him and although she doesn’t act like the “little one,” she looks up to him as a role model and is so proud when he succeeds. [name_f]Eira[/name_f] also is inspired by her white rabbit [name_f]Icy[/name_f], who she finds completely adorable and loves to feed and play with him. She is also close with [name_f]Isla[/name_f] and the foreign exchange student, almost a little too hyped on intrigue by the student’s culture. [name_f]Eira[/name_f] is often a very happy and energetic individual which is why she loves performing with the band so much and why she has such a good mood around people.

She loves fun stuff and is aspiring to be a DJ. She doesn’t really care for school much but she has nice teachers which makes it better this year. Like [name_u]Aiden[/name_u], she’s known [name_f]Isla[/name_f] since middle school although she didn’t know [name_f]Isla[/name_f] as well the first year of middle school due to sharing no classes together. That changed the next year when she was in lots of classes with [name_f]Isla[/name_f], always working with her in group projects. She’s integrated well with Isla’s friend group due to her positivity and from her brother Aiden’s mutual involvement. [name_f]Eira[/name_f] has also helped get the foreign exchange student integrated into the group and also wants to keep in touch when the year ends.


cw: financial issues, MLMs

[name_f]Mehri[/name_f] ’ [name_f]May[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Avis[/name_f] Churchhouse (16) is Eira’s best friend, and a fairly frequent face at the [name_u]Jameson[/name_u] house. Although she isn’t a musician herself, May’s collaborated with [name_f]Eira[/name_f] and Aiden’s band, Frame, in the form of her artistry: May’s designed flyers and EP covers for them using her digital art, which have helped promoting them within the local area. Sometimes [name_f]May[/name_f] finds herself towing the line between playing hype-woman and also a voice of reason, as she’d hate to see her friends’ set up for failure through false promises, quite a personal issue where she’s concerned.

The Churchhouse family have been through some stress recently, after May’s aunt became involved with an MLM business that caused a lot of financial stress for her dads’ brother and his wife, never mind their three young children. As the oldest cousin in the family, [name_f]May[/name_f] took it upon herself to shield them from the disruption and discord, as she didn’t want her 13-year-old brother being sucked into things too much.

Her aunt and uncle almost divorced over the situation, and only now are they back on track with their finances, however it’s made [name_f]May[/name_f] determined to be responsible with what information she gives others by tenfold. It has led to some people considering her nature to be twice as abrupt as before, however [name_f]May[/name_f] doesn’t want to abandon her principles and see anyone talked into something they’ll later regret: a sentiment she also applies to dating, currently not wanting to be involved with anyone while she’s got family stuff to focus on. She tends to be the calming influence on [name_f]Eira[/name_f] too, especially when it comes to the foreign exchange student staying with [name_f]Isla[/name_f].


[name_f]Lila[/name_f] [name_f]Grace[/name_f] Kimura (17) is one of May’s closest friends from school. They met in middle school and have been inseparable since. [name_f]Lila[/name_f] is of Japanese descent and has long dark hair and bright brown eyes. She’s known for her quirky personality and love for all things vintage. [name_f]Lila[/name_f] is passionate about photography and often takes candid shots of [name_f]May[/name_f] and their friends during their adventures around town. She’s also an avid thrift shopper and loves finding unique pieces to add to her wardrobe. [name_f]Lila[/name_f] is supportive of [name_f]May[/name_f] and her family’s struggles and often lends a listening ear whenever [name_f]May[/name_f] needs someone to talk to.


[name_f]Giselle[/name_f] [name_f]Amanda[/name_f] [Warren] Kimura (51) is the mother of [name_f]Lila[/name_f] and her older brother, who’s currently attending college. A history professor at a local community college, [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] has unfairly been labelled a hands off parent by some, however she merely believes her children have a right to healthy privacy, and that it isn’t fair to hover or ask questions constantly. She was raised by helicopter parents herself, something that led to [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] attending university in another state to get some reprieve from having her life constantly queried or criticised. While not entirely estranged from her parents now, [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] was careful when letting her own kids spend time with them while young, as she feared seeing them constrained or disparaged the way she and her younger brother were throughout their childhood’s.

[name_m]Even[/name_m] though she jokes about having no sense of style, [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] loves accompanying [name_f]Lila[/name_f] thrifting, and shares a lot of jokes with her her friends about how her daughter’s responsible for her best outfits. Since Lila’s interests flourished, [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] has introduced her to fashion history and it’s led to their mother-daughter bond strengthening even more. When [name_f]Lila[/name_f] was little, [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] would always help her play dress up and managed to talk her son into accompanying them sometimes, leading to some very funny photos being taken of all three. For how her students can consider her a bit no nonsense when it comes to punctuality [see assignment completion], [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] was definitely the softer parent in the house, convincing her husband to let the kids get their first dog for [name_u]Christmas[/name_u]: an adorable rescue whippet puppy named [name_u]Dash[/name_u], who’s now 11 years old and still the darling of the family - forever doted upon by Lila’s friends too when they come round and [name_u]Dash[/name_u] greets his adoring public.

For how she prefers things being completed in a timely manner, Giselle’s very compassionate to the struggles her students experience and face - and once she’s aware, she’s fully in their corner, allowing for extensions and offering them help accessing counselling services if needs be. Sometimes she wishes she could express this side of her in a public sense, however Giselle’s family appreciate her nature and ensure she knows this - returning it with how she supports them in every possible way. [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] also completely supports her husband in ensuring their children are involved in their Japanese heritage, including helping her son get lessons so he can now speak and write the language fluently.


[name_f]Maya[/name_f] [name_f]Emiko[/name_f] Takahashi (35) is a colleague and close friend of [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] at the community college where they both teach. She teaches Japanese language and culture and often collaborates with [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] on interdisciplinary projects. [name_f]Maya[/name_f] has long black hair and warm brown eyes, and she always wears colorful outfits that reflect her love for traditional Japanese textiles. She’s passionate about promoting cross-cultural understanding and often takes her students on field trips to local museums and cultural events. [name_f]Maya[/name_f] and [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] often have lunch together in the faculty lounge and share stories about their families and travels. [name_f]Maya[/name_f] is married with two young children, and she often seeks Giselle’s advice on parenting and work-life balance. They also share a love for cooking and often exchange recipes.


tw: war related injury

[name_m]Adam[/name_m] [name_m]Zachariah[/name_m] Walerstein (36) is Maya’s husband and the father of their two children. The couple met while [name_m]Adam[/name_m] was on military leave when they were in their early-20s, both being invited to a party of a tenuously known mutual friend that was uneventful for them, aside from the fateful meeting they both enjoyed. It was a mutual pride in their heritages - Japanese and Jewish - that led to [name_f]Maya[/name_f] and [name_m]Adam[/name_m] bonding, as they shared stories, having both belonged to Cultural Integration Groups at their respective high schools, encouraging people to express themselves and their backgrounds.

At 27, shortly after becoming engaged to [name_f]Maya[/name_f], [name_m]Adam[/name_m] lost his arm to a landmine while serving his duty. His memories of the incident are a haze, something he’s happier about - although he sees a therapist on a monthly basis, in part to prepare for anything resurfacing in his mind - and in truth, his biggest concern was the reaction of his loved one’s. The one thing [name_m]Adam[/name_m] dreaded was being coddled or seen as breakable because of his injury, when he felt lucky to have survived with a minimal injury, when compared to some of his comrades and close friends.

Since being given an honourable discharge and returning home, Adam’s retrained as a history teacher, as well as teaching Hebrew on the side within his local Jewish community. Two years after he came home, [name_f]Maya[/name_f] fell pregnant with their eldest, and there’s nothing more important to [name_m]Adam[/name_m] than spending time doting on his family. His kid’s think he’s a superhero, a very flattering statement, and both of their parents have taught them about their multiculture, with [name_m]Adam[/name_m] having learned Japanese from [name_f]Maya[/name_f] over the years of them being together (although he doesn’t consider himself fluent).


[name_f]Rikku[/name_f] “ [name_m]Yves[/name_m] “ Nakamura (26) is Maya’s little cousin on her maternal side, and a good friend of [name_m]Adam[/name_m]. [name_m]Yves[/name_m] uses she/they pronouns and despite their much younger age is very close with [name_f]Maya[/name_f] and adores her children, often coming over to babysit for them when she can. [name_m]Yves[/name_m] lives in [name_u]Southern[/name_u] [name_u]California[/name_u] and enjoys the freedom of living in such a big city with her two roommates, who she’s been friends with since practically forever. They love their friends and consider them to be a close-knit second family.

[name_m]Yves[/name_m] is an artist, and their art amazes everyone in their family- while [name_m]Yves[/name_m] loves their parents, she found their attention to her art and the constant pressure to be the best a bit overbearing. [name_m]Yves[/name_m], as the oldest of four and a “gifted artist”, often found herself to be constantly burnt out, even though they still feel that art is their passion.

[name_m]Yves[/name_m] went to college for art in [name_u]California[/name_u] and while they were excited, they were extremely overwhelmed with assignments and work. They expected their second semester to be better than her first, but it was even more tiresome and frustrating, especially for someone like [name_m]Yves[/name_m] who has such a short attention span and is prone to procrastination. They dropped out and have never been better- their parents were shocked but supportive, which she’s happy for.

[name_m]Yves[/name_m] makes a living selling their paintings at art galleries, and through a part time job as a retailer, which they dislike but keep just to make the extra income. They may consider college again when they’re more mentally prepared for it, but for now [name_m]Yves[/name_m] is happy right where she is and wouldn’t trade it for the world.


Warning for aforementioned plane crash and marooning (no fatalities).

[name_f]Souko[/name_f] Nakamura (25) is Yves’s sister and sibling closest in age who has a “friendly long-distance relationship” with one of Yves’ SoCal friends. They’re not quite dating but they do seem to like one another and this is part of Souko’s “experimenting” because [name_f]Souko[/name_f] is bi-curious. For a long time, she’s liked men but now she really likes her and thinks that there could be potential attraction. [name_m]Yves[/name_m] and the other roomie laugh this off but support them and support [name_f]Souko[/name_f] no matter what gender she ends up falling for. [name_f]Souko[/name_f] lives in an apartment with just her [name_f]Betta[/name_f] fish, [name_f]Sadie[/name_f] and [name_u]Sunny[/name_u].

[name_f]Souko[/name_f] knows about the pressure her parents place on them, even if it’s just out of love and appreciation, and [name_f]Souko[/name_f] wants to make them happy. [name_f]Souko[/name_f] isn’t rebellious per sé but she’s also not the type to try and impress people due to this pressure. Sometimes this can put a bad first impression on people, when [name_f]Souko[/name_f] came off as uninterested when [name_f]Maya[/name_f] introduced her to [name_m]Adam[/name_m]. Thankfully, [name_m]Adam[/name_m] is a great person and never judged [name_f]Souko[/name_f], believing she could change her mind about him the more she knows him. This has proven true, given now [name_f]Souko[/name_f] finds [name_m]Adam[/name_m] a very brave and amazing person, with a kind humbility. [name_f]Souko[/name_f] herself would never know what it’s like to lose a limb so awfully, although she did have a scary moment when she was marooned on an island after a plane crash. Thankfully everyone survived with the help of [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] and other rescuers but it was a scary moment after weeks of marooning and she still contacts some fellow survivors and keeps up with their lives. Talking to people long-distance is something [name_f]Souko[/name_f] is used to, especially because of her somewhat-romance. [name_f]Souko[/name_f] is afraid of flying, but [name_m]Adam[/name_m] and [name_f]Maya[/name_f] have encouraged her to overcome this in preparation to visit [name_m]Yves[/name_m] and her roomies in-person at SoCal. [name_f]Souko[/name_f] repays the Takahashi-Walerstein duo as much as possible - after all, she’s the bus driver for the school their oldest child attends!

Crystal was created by @I_meme_it.


Hazuki " Zusie " [name_f]Eliska[/name_f] Walerstein (4) is [name_f]Maya[/name_f] and Adam’s younger child, making her a cousin-once-removed to [name_f]Souko[/name_f] and [name_m]Yves[/name_m]. Having recently started attending nursery for a full day, instead of just for morning sessions, Zusie’s been coming out of her shell a little more, although it’s still clear she’s someone who shies away from masses of attention. For Zusie, what’s best is being with those she knows very well and has close bonds with, usually letting someone else do the majority of talking.

She’s known her best friend since they were only 8 months old, as their parents - Zusie’s best friend was born to a nonbinary person who’s known as ‘renna’ by their daughter - attended the same parent and baby group, where [name_f]Maya[/name_f] became something of a mentor to her new friend, thanks to her being there with her second child.

Zusie’s also a little jealous her older sibling gets to see [name_f]Souko[/name_f] so much on the bus. She’s very much in awe of her mom’s cousins, although around them she can be a little bit of a shrinking violet, preferring to use [name_m]Adam[/name_m] as a literal shield when possible. What can get Zusie out of her shell is asking about space: she’s absolutely amazed by other planets, rockets, and of course, aliens - although they’re actually on the back burner now compared to how Zusie’s determined to memorise as many constellation names as possible, in both Japanese and [name_f]English[/name_f].





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[name_f]Emi[/name_f] [name_f]Sakura[/name_f] Walerstein (6) is Zusie’s older sister. [name_f]Souko[/name_f] and [name_f]Emi[/name_f] are very close, being that [name_f]Emi[/name_f] rides to school on Souko’s bus! They have cute little traditions like getting ice cream after dropping off everyone on Fridays or going to the playground.

[name_f]Emi[/name_f] is very curious about the world, and her father’s prosthetic arm is very cool to her. She is more than happy to explain why he has no arm to people, and is very very proud of her family. She loves to play outside and look for new things. Her little sister, Zusie, has always been very special to her, but the sweet little girl is very clingy and always wants to play. [name_f]Emi[/name_f] sometimes prefers reading or coloring by herself, and making up stories is her favorite thing. She will walk around the backyard singing and telling herself stories. She does read to Zusie sometimes, but its’ mostly from memory because she can’t read very well yet. Recently, she and Zusie found a stray cat in their backyard, and they have been feeding it. Their parents say that she might be pregnant with kittens, so [name_f]Emi[/name_f] and Zusie are super excited about meeting “Pippi”'s babies. [name_f]Emi[/name_f] would really like to keep them all, but her parents are less enthusiastic about that.

[name_f]Emi[/name_f] loves art club and swim team. She and all of her besties (she has a lot) play together and make up stories. Emi’s best friend is named [name_u]Aria[/name_u], and the two of them have been besties since they were a few months old. [name_f]Emi[/name_f] is also friends with Renna’s older child, [name_m]Maxim[/name_m]. His little sister [name_f]Kalina[/name_f] is friends with Zusie. They met when they were 2.


[name_u]Aria[/name_u] [name_u]Hyacinth[/name_u] [name_m]Reeves[/name_m] (nearly 6) is Emi’s best friend. The two of them started kindergarten earlier in the year and have the same teacher! [name_f]Emi[/name_f] and Aria’s moms met at an international mom group when they were both 2 months old. Arias mom is originally from [name_f]Italy[/name_f] and moved here when she was in middle school with her mom while Arias dad is Canadian and moved here in college. Like [name_f]Emi[/name_f], [name_u]Aria[/name_u] has younger sister, which has positively benefited [name_u]Aria[/name_u] and Emi’s relationship. Additionally, [name_u]Aria[/name_u] enjoys a close bond with her twin brother, engaging in playful pranks on their younger sibling. All of the [name_m]Reeves[/name_m] siblings love to watch [name_f]Paw[/name_f] Patrol together, with [name_u]Aria[/name_u] having a special spot in her heart for [name_u]Sky[/name_u], her favorite character. In fact [name_u]Aria[/name_u] dressed up as [name_u]Sky[/name_u] for Halloween.

Recently, the [name_m]Reeves[/name_m] family visited the [name_f]Amalfi[/name_f] [name_u]Coast[/name_u], where Aria’s mom’s extended family resides. During their stay, [name_u]Aria[/name_u] connected with a friend of her mom’s who has a son Aria’s age, and she developed a little crush on him. The two youngsters enjoyed swimming together and played tag at Aria’s grandma’s house. During their [name_f]Amalfi[/name_f] [name_u]Coast[/name_u] trip, Aria’s grandma bestowed upon her a unique necklace (depicted above). This heirloom is a tradition, it is given to every eldest girl in the family and crafted by a special jeweler who incorporates ember into its design. [name_u]Aria[/name_u] treasures this special gift, but her mom limits its wear to special occasions, expressing concern that she might lose or break it. For Aria’s upcoming birthday on [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] [name_f]Eve[/name_f], her mom has chosen to gift her a necklace of lesser value, ensuring that [name_u]Aria[/name_u] won’t feel disheartened about not wearing the cherished family heirloom regularly.


[name_f]Margaretta[/name_f] [name_f]Zinnia[/name_f] [name_m]Reeves[/name_m] (3) is Aria’s sister who loves her big sis [name_u]Aria[/name_u] and has a lot of passion for dreaming. Often times she’s loud so if she’s quiet, she’s probably daydreaming. The necklace idea is kept away from her, after all it’s not her business as the younger one, but she is excited for the holidays anyway. She is ready to see [name_u]Aria[/name_u] and her twin brother turn 6, the family doesn’t celebrate [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] [name_f]Eve[/name_f] because of the joint birthdays but they definitely do fun stuff over the holidays as well! While most people are just relieved about the holiday stress being over, or sad that it’s over, or bored taking back unwanted gifts, the [name_m]Reeves[/name_m] honestly love that time of year between [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] and [name_u]New[/name_u] Years’. A time to reflect on the year while enjoying the year’s presents. [name_f]Margaretta[/name_f] thinks this will be a fun year and she feels a sense of puppy love between [name_u]Aria[/name_u] and the other little boy at [name_f]Amalfi[/name_f] [name_u]Coast[/name_u], although she doesn’t see it as much as Aria’s twin brother does, who basically knows everything on that. [name_f]Margaretta[/name_f] and her older brother bond on their love for trains and why [name_m]Thomas[/name_m] the [name_m]Tank[/name_m] Engine is such a great character. She also likes painting her face with face paint. She loves both her parents and their cultures, often asking when the next time she’ll see the people and places again. In addition, she’s also asking about the international group her mother is in and about [name_f]Emi[/name_f] and Zusie.

[name_u]Luca[/name_u] [name_m]Admon[/name_m] [name_m]Reeves[/name_m] (nearly 6) is [name_f]Margaretta[/name_f] and Aria’s brother. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though it is hard for [name_u]Luca[/name_u] to be the only boy in his family he is still close to his sisters, he loves watching cartoons and animated movies with his sisters and has just watched the movie [name_u]Luca[/name_u]! One perk about having two sisters is that [name_u]Luca[/name_u] gets to have his own room. One of Luca’s hobbies is building with legos (he wants to be a “house builder” when he grows up) and wanted his room to be Lego Themed. Luca’s mom is an interior designer and got him these Lego sheets that he can build legos on, he also got a super duper cool loft bed with a quilt that looks like it’s made from different Lego pieces. For his birthday [name_u]Luca[/name_u] really wants these cool Lego sneakers that light up when you step.

[name_u]Luca[/name_u] didn’t start Kindergarten this year and is instead is doing preschool another year. He has some developmental delays and isn’t ready for kindergarten quite yet. His parents also thought it could be good for the twins if they aren’t in the same grade. [name_u]Luca[/name_u] often depends on [name_u]Aria[/name_u] and the two often distract each other in academic environments. This year Luca’s teachers say that he is thriving and has made a lot of progress. On [name_m]Friday[/name_m] [name_u]Luca[/name_u] had his holiday concert, his mom took a video of the whole class preforming and you can see [name_u]Luca[/name_u] was singing and dancing along. Since the [name_m]Reeves[/name_m] are only going away for a few days to [name_f]Canada[/name_f] they signed him up for a musical theater camp! [name_u]Luca[/name_u] is nervous and excited at the same time because at the end of the week they are going to preform a show and get to wear costumes and everything. [name_u]Luca[/name_u] feels a little bit better about the experience knowing that his best friend will also be doing the play and that his sister will be doing a soccer camp right next door to him.


[name_f]Lorena[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Lori[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Ellen[/name_f] [name_u]Spruce[/name_u] (32) is Luca’s favourite of the preschool teachers, a title very much appreciated by the woman in question. She’s got the most experience working with children who have learning disabilities and development delays, partly thanks to her taking specialist courses at university, but also as a product of having a younger sister with Downs Syndrome, who [name_f]Lori[/name_f] has a wonderful relationship with, striking a balance between offering advice and encouraging her sister’s career as a model.

Known for her patience and calming influence, [name_f]Lori[/name_f] admits she only feels stress when it comes to the well-being of her own child, who’s recently celebrate her 3rd birthday. Although [name_f]Lori[/name_f] and her wife want to have more children, their careers are in evolution right now, and they don’t want their daughter missing out because of time divisions. Coming home to have manic painting sessions and serving as the fairy godmother to a heroic princess are everything to [name_f]Lori[/name_f] as it is!

She and her wife have been together 11 years, having had a special anniversary last year to celebrate their milestone of a decade, and it was made even better by the lovely cards Lori’s students, with Luca’s having a special place of pride amidst the display. They became a couple in college, shortly after [name_f]Lori[/name_f] recognised her own sexuality fully, after a few years wondering if she was gay or bi (it’s the former in Lori’s case). Her family have always accepted [name_f]Lori[/name_f] for who she is, and thankfully her in-laws are exactly the same, creating a strong unit for Loris’ daughter that’s priceless.


[name_f]Dayami[/name_f] " [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] " [name_u]Cassowary[/name_u] [Anam] [name_u]Spruce[/name_u] (32) is Lori’s wife. [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] is grateful she met her wife [name_f]Lori[/name_f] in college because secretly, she didn’t want college. She knew it wasn’t for her but her schools growing up always pressured her that she wouldn’t have a good life if she went into the workforce without a college degree. She’s grateful her parents paid some of her tuition or she’d regret it even more. [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] always felt like college took her away from her real passions in filmmaking and that she actually lost interest in that afterwards. She never wanted to leave college though, she was very strong in finishing what was started. But by all means she’s grateful for [name_f]Lori[/name_f] since it made her college experience worthwhile. Although their daughter is only 3, [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] is hoping she grows up not giving into college simply due to stigma against people who choose not to attend. Currently [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] is in evolution with her career, feeling her choice of major may have closed some doors on other possibilities but she’s hanging in there in terms of working in a bank even though she feels it wasn’t for her. She agrees with [name_f]Lori[/name_f] not to force any new kids into the picture yet but to be the best parents every day to their little one.

Her maternal cousin is Tijah Holbeck, who she was maid of honour at Tijah’s wedding and who played maid of honour at her own wedding. She finds Tijah the sweetest and most wholesome cousin ever and the two are very close with their Malay culture. [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] has one sibling as well and they’re close too despite them feeling weird about each other growing up since [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] is 6 years older. She doesn’t really see herself in the “older sibling role” and just sees herself as any sibling, which is why she always felt odd growing up because she didn’t want to “baby” anyone (which looking back, both are glad for that). She is always close with Tijah but there’s no favouritism between either person and [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] loves both for who they are. Dayah’s family has always been supportive of [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] having a wife and being lesbian, which helped tremendously in how close she is with her family. She loves her sister-in-law, Lori’s sister, and talks with her often. She also supports Lori’s sister pursuing a model career and thinks she’s amazing and not one to be underestimated. [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] cuts her own hair and does her own makeup but laughs she’s not sure of her abilities on others. She still grooms her dog [name_m]Sago[/name_m], which she very much enjoys. [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] loves to sing although admittedly she cannot sing - but at least her sweet daughter likes it!

Tijah was created by @I_meme_it.


[name_f]Penelope[/name_f] Puteri “Penny” [name_u]Spruce[/name_u] (3) is [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] and Lori’s daughter. [name_u]Penny[/name_u] was adopted by her moms at birth, her biological mom was not able to care for her and thought that [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] and [name_f]Lori[/name_f] were the perfect parents (they are!) . [name_u]Penny[/name_u] has always known that she was adopted and knows that [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] and [name_f]Lori[/name_f] will always be there for her even if in the future she decides to find her birth parents. The moms want to support [name_u]Penny[/name_u] with whatever path she decides to take in life, recently she has taking an inkling in singing. [name_f]Dayah[/name_f] is a big swiftie and recently rented the eras tour for the family to watch and [name_u]Penny[/name_u] started singing and dancing her heart out. [name_u]Penny[/name_u] is also very curious and has loved exploring her grandmommy’s old house. [name_u]Penny[/name_u] has a very close bond with her grandmommy and spends every [name_m]Friday[/name_m] afternoon at her house.