Create a Family with a Twist!

[name_f]Maisie[/name_f] [name_f]Nicole[/name_f] [name_u]Carter[/name_u] (4) is Maeena’s best friend who is the oldest sister of twins. Her little brother and sister are only a few months old and she loves them both a lot. The twins are actually her half-siblings, born to her dad and stepmom. She never knew her mom who left a few weeks after her birth. The reasons are unknown to her as her dad wants to wait until she’s older. All she knows is that her mom couldn’t stay but it wasn’t her fault. [name_f]Maisie[/name_f] doesn’t dwell on that much though as she sees her stepmom, who married her dad two years ago, as her real mom.

She is a very friendly girl and loves having playdates with Maeena as well as another girl that the two are friends with. [name_f]Maisie[/name_f] started taking gymnastics a week ago and thinks it’s the best thing ever. Her parents are glad she’s found something she really likes to do and support her wholeheartedly. Like Maeena, [name_f]Maisie[/name_f] really wants a kitten and her parents agreed to take her to the local shelter soon.


[name_f]Arabel[/name_f] [name_f]Ginger[/name_f] [left] & [name_m]Winston[/name_m] [name_m]Marius[/name_m] [right] [name_u]Carter[/name_u] (8 months) are Maisie’s younger twin half-siblings. They’re so close with their parents and inadvertently brought [name_f]Maisie[/name_f] even closer with her sweet stepmother. The two love wagons and playing around the house. They’re close with [name_f]Maisie[/name_f] and play “Peek-a-Boo” with her. They miss her a lot when she plays gymnastics and are always happy when she’s home from it, but their parents reassure them when they’re older, they will love her skills. They love both their parents and love snuggles. Their best friends are the Simmonsbeck triplets and all of them love being a multiple birth.

[name_f]Marina[/name_f] [name_u]Ray[/name_u] [name_m]Freeman[/name_m] (nee Herald) [31] is aunt to [name_f]Arabel[/name_f], [name_m]Winston[/name_m], [name_f]Maisie[/name_f] through her sister, Maisie’s step-mom/the twins’ mom. She’s pretty free-spirited like the rest of her side of the family but comes down to earth for her job as a city planner. She has three children of her own and is actually currently pregnant again! However the baby isn’t hers, she’s simply acting as a surrogate for her third sister who is unable to carry. The three sisters are very close so when [name_f]Marina[/name_f] was asked she happily said yes, especially since her previous pregnancies went off without a hitch. She loves being an aunt to her three nieces and nephews and is looking forwards to being an aunt to the one she’s having as well.


[name_f]Juliette[/name_f] " [name_u]Jules[/name_u] " [name_u]Arden[/name_u] Herald-Carter (29) is Marina’s sister, mother of the twins and stepmom to [name_f]Maisie[/name_f], not that blood distinguishes how she treats the children. Pedestrian as some may call it, [name_u]Jules[/name_u] met her husband through work: they both work for the same antiques business, him being a valuer of items, while she’s an archivist, who also does freelance work at local museum’s to justify her degree in history [her own words]. While she’s definitely the shyest Herald sister, [name_u]Jules[/name_u] and her future husband quickly clicked when they were asked to do inventory together, and they ended up in hysterics after finding some very unusual items [many of which weren’t actual antiques, just bric-a-brac people wanted to rid themselves of], the highlight of which being a chicken jug which someone was clearly trying to rid themselves of [it’s packaging revealed it was a poorly chosen wedding present]. When he asked for her number and to grab a cup of coffee, she was more than happy to accept, and the rest - as they say - is history.

She respected that her then-boyfriend was careful about when he introduced her to [name_f]Maisie[/name_f]. [name_u]Jules[/name_u] knows that her mother was motivated to leave by wanting to reconcile with an ex boyfriend, a very complicated situation given Maisie’s birth. Her older daughters biological mother treated her relationship with Maisie’s dad as a rebound of convenience, and upon becoming pregnant she made it clear she wasn’t ready for a child, something he accepted, on the grounds she saw their baby at least once a month to give her some connections to her maternal family. This agreeement was derailed when the man she was so obsessed by reached out, asking to get back together. A child, however, would complicate things, and she took off, leaving no means for Maisie’s father to contact her. He did manage to find her on Facebook about four months ago, however she’s married the man she was so infatuated with - proudly displayed everywhere you can see - and he decided to refrain from even confronting her, given the recent birth of the twins and the fact he couldn’t imagine what would happen to [name_f]Maisie[/name_f] if this woman sporadically decided she did want to come back into her life.

[name_u]Jules[/name_u] may be quiet but she’s a very understanding person with a lot of compassion, and she’s supported her husband throughout this process. While she’s Maisie’s mom in every way that matters, she understands there’s a chance the woman to birth her may reappear in their lives at some point, which must be prepared for. Primarily though, she’s focused on the children and their happiness, as well as the impromptu dates she and her husband go on together, usually to galleries or heritage sights where they love the sense of calm [not that the mania of three kids is ever resented]. [name_u]Jules[/name_u] is a metalworker in her spare time who crafts jewellery for her loved one’s and has made necklaces for her children with their birth gemstones, although she hasn’t given [name_f]Maisie[/name_f] her’s yet as she knows the twins will want theirs and they’re a bit too young right now - so instead she’s made the eldest a little broach she wears on her bag all the time, depicting a star. As for that unsightly chicken jug? Well the couple ended up keeping it, and it’s a frequent source of amusement for family, friends and guests alike.


cw: mention of infertility issues

[name_f]Felicity[/name_f] [name_f]Ada[/name_f] [name_u]Reilly[/name_u] (nee Herald) [30] is the middle sister of [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] and [name_f]Marina[/name_f], aunt to their various children, and soon to be mother to the child that [name_f]Marina[/name_f] is carrying. After several ER trips related to terrible period pain as a teenager, [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] was diagnosed with severe uterine fibroids meaning while she ovulated normally the adhesions and growths in her uterus meant she would not be able to carry a pregnancy to term. At the time it was just more information to have about herself as she felt at the time that she didn’t want children or to be a mother, but upon meeting her husband in college she realized that her feelings had changed. She desperately wanted to have a child with him but knew that she would be unable to.

After their wedding they looked into some treatments, some alternative, some experimental, none worked to improve her condition. The couple distracted themselves from their issues with hobbies, taking many vacations and trips to various sightseeing locations since they might as well enjoy the ease of travel without children. Their twenties were spent doing these things as well as taking to crafts of their own. [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] becoming obsessed with pottery and her husband taking up oil painting. But no amount of travel souvenirs, pots, or paintings on their shelves and walls could fill the voids in their hearts that longed for s child.

At a sisters dinner with [name_f]Marina[/name_f] and [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] was venting to her siblings about the struggle her and her husband were in when [name_f]Marina[/name_f] interrupted her and offered to become a surrogate for her. [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] was so shocked that she started to decline the generous offer but [name_f]Marina[/name_f] insisted that it was at least worth a look, citing her three healthy pregnancies and how [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] had done more than enough for her and [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] throughout their lives (not to mention the babysitting she had done for her nieces and nephews) and it was something she wanted to do. A few doctor’s visits and a couple months later and [name_f]Marina[/name_f] was expecting for the fourth time. The child is biologically [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] and her husbands, so technically that makes [name_f]Marina[/name_f] a ‘gestational carrier’ instead of simply surrogate but it’s much easier to keep things simple and call her the former. The family’s reaction to the sister’s decisions was pretty divided with some of them being happy for [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] and her husband and some of the more traditional members thinking it to be ‘unnatural.’ Marina’s children are old enough to understand that the baby she’s having is going to be their cousin not their sibling so thankfully that wasn’t an issue.

[name_f]Felicity[/name_f] is very much a type A person and has been trying to get everything ready before the baby’s arrival. She’s also been texting [name_f]Marina[/name_f] constantly as the pregnancy progresses ‘How are you feeling?’, ‘Have you felt the baby move today?’, ‘When’s your next prenatal appointment?’ and other questions which [name_f]Marina[/name_f] has been all too patient and answered promptly each time. Felicity’s husband has managed to talk her into not finding out the sex of the baby until they’re born, but only after he promised something else in return. If it’s a girl, then her middle name has to be [name_f]Marina[/name_f]. Her husband happily made the deal.



Felt like moving [name_u]Elie[/name_u] here now! Warning for plane accident (no fatalities) and marooning.

[name_u]Eliott[/name_u] “ [name_u]Elie[/name_u] ” [name_m]Jason[/name_m] [name_m]Freeman[/name_m] (32) is Marina’s brother-in-law and is excited to see [name_f]Marina[/name_f] carry Felicity’s baby. He’s a tennis pro and loves to hang out with his in-laws, particularly the kids. He’s taught them some basic tennis and ping pong skills and the thing they like about [name_u]Elie[/name_u] the most is his energy. He’s always happy and confident with himself when he’s around. [name_u]Elie[/name_u] never got along with his elder brother and felt borderline bullied by the man, who was constantly very selfish. Personally [name_u]Elie[/name_u] wishes his brother wasn’t like this and sometimes he’ll visit the children when his brother wasn’t around so they can bond with him without worrying about their father. [name_u]Elie[/name_u] loves his tennis career but he’s always interested in what everyone else does as well. He’s quite the conversationalist and often gets caught up talking about the happiest (although most pointless) stuff.

[name_u]Elie[/name_u] was on a small plane two weeks ago which ended in crazy circumstances. [name_u]Elie[/name_u] was travelling alone but the plane had a few other passengers, all there for various reasons, Elie’s being his return home from a major tennis tournament. Due to a malfunction in the plane, the plane had to make an urgent emergency landing. Everyone was freaking out, [name_u]Elie[/name_u] even heard the sound of a 1-year-old baby crying next to the couple on the plane who raised this baby, the first time he heard a baby cry on a plane and didn’t feel scorn. [name_u]Elie[/name_u] himself wanted to scream but he was too scared to open his mouth, or his eyes even, and closed his eyes the entire time during the landing. The landing was a safe landing. Not a fiery crash, a pretty good landing although the plane was scratched up and was made worse given its prior malfunctions. This would mean the plane was unusable and couldn’t be flown back. [name_u]Elie[/name_u] opened his eyes. He was marooned on an island. It was believed they landed into one of the smaller [name_f]Channel[/name_f] Islands off the [name_f]English[/name_f] [name_f]Channel[/name_f] but [name_u]Elie[/name_u] didn’t know which one.

[name_u]Elie[/name_u] tried to calm himself down from the panic. He didn’t know how long he’d be marooned but he was grateful it didn’t end worse for him and the other passengers. From it, everyone evaded the plane and he met up with the other passengers. He talked to the couple first because he knew they were the most shaken up, especially with the baby being there. He noticed there was another family on this plane and felt bad because this family was likely trying to get a fun vacation or something. He wasn’t the only one who traveled alone but he did feel lost. The first day was the craziest. Nobody was expecting anything and people were still in panic mode. [name_u]Elie[/name_u] and the family got into an argument on the first day. The family wanted to sleep in the plane for shelter because it was the best chance at warmth rather than being outside at night. [name_u]Elie[/name_u] understood but argued that the plane was very unstable due to malfunctions and it wouldn’t be safe to sleep there. [name_m]Just[/name_m] then, the plane engine exploded. The family was grateful [name_u]Elie[/name_u] saved them by talking them out of it, but everyone was still in panic mode, especially now given that it felt like any wrong move could be fatal in the aspects of survival. However that day, another survivor found a clean source of water, which made things much easier and more helpful. [name_u]Elie[/name_u] himself learned a skill that day, he can make fire without matches.

[name_f]Every[/name_f] day, everyone immediately focused on getting enough food, water, and warmth for the day. The couple was very focused on letting the baby have more than they did, which [name_u]Elie[/name_u] felt bad for, especially since the couple was younger than him. It’s just approached two weeks and everyone is alive, although some people are still freaking out. The eldest passenger, who seems to be coming down with the flu, keeps yelling at the pilot for everything that happened and trying to break up these arguments have made people scared. The baby actually isn’t that scared, but only because it’s too unusual for a 1-year-old to comprehend. It’s made him really feel for that baby, especially since [name_f]Marina[/name_f] is carrying a baby for [name_f]Felicity[/name_f]. Also, he couldn’t imagine any of the existing children ever going through island survival. Because [name_u]Elie[/name_u] is a fit athlete and he’s a single traveler, he’s often shared his rations to the families since he has more agility to provide for himself. Granted, the next-youngest after the 1-year-old is a 13-year-old who is part of a family travelling but [name_u]Elie[/name_u] still believes the teenagers should be safe too and enjoys talking to them. He and one of the other solo travelers have formed a good bond and [name_u]Elie[/name_u] has madly admired her wisdom, especially since she was the one who found the water source. They both agreed to make sure to get enough food and water for everyone else and control how it’s used every day. While it’s been scary and unexpected, the passengers still make time to enjoy one another and learn about one another’s lives. They all feel like friends in some sense and they’ve even had some fun, telling scary stories at campfire and playing in the ocean when it’s warm. [name_u]Elie[/name_u] can’t wait to get home and especially see his brother and the sisters-in-law but he’s making the most of his time while he’s still stranded.


[name_f]Breena[/name_f] [name_f]Michelle[/name_f] Vogt (20) is the mother of the 1-year old baby girl who is also trapped on the island with [name_u]Elie[/name_u]. She is currently engaged to the baby’s father. Her father died when she was only 8 years old. It was hard for her, but her mom remarried, and now she has a stepbrother.

@kitkatcookie @I_meme_it @A.B.Galaxy


[name_f]Aveline[/name_f] " [name_f]Ava[/name_f] " [name_f]Xanthe[/name_f] Voheart (1) is Breena’s daughter, whose youthful innocence means she’s the least emotionally affected by their circumstances [something upheld by the fact her mom’s working hard to ensure Ava’s protected from any negative repercussions]. Her surname is a combination of her parents - Vogt and Gedheart - as they wanted to honour their respective heritages without making her name double barrel, due to the fact they already had [name_f]Aveline[/name_f] and [name_m]Maximilien[/name_m] as their options for both genders when [name_f]Breena[/name_f] was pregnant; feeling there would be too many syllables if they didn’t combine their names. Given [name_f]Ava[/name_f] and her mom were en route to a vacation with Breena’s mom, stepdad and stepbrother, Ava’s had the situation forged into a psuedo holiday in the meantime. Her greatest sadness isn’t unexpected but pains [name_f]Breena[/name_f] still: [name_f]Ava[/name_f] misses her dad terribly and wants to be reunited with him quickly, something her mom’s hoping will happen as soon as possible.


[name_m]Augustus[/name_m] [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] [name_u]Monroe[/name_u] (24) is Ava’s step-uncle and Breena’s stepbrother. Apart from his family, he has also bonded some of the solo survivors, especially [name_u]Elie[/name_u] when he made fire the first day and another solo woman who found clean water the first day. There’s also a few other solo survivors, some closer to his own age, that he and [name_f]Breena[/name_f] befriended. [name_m]Augustus[/name_m] is still admittedly trying to find his skills while marooned but feels a connection with the other survivors, they never know what to expect. He loves his family and will support and defend them, really finding a great connection with his stepmother. [name_m]Augustus[/name_m] always grew up closer with his paternal relatives and just really enjoyed seeing his father so happy. He too came to vacation, he’s been busy working two jobs as a minimum wage worker just to afford rent, and had to put off university until later. In his defence, he honestly doesn’t know what career path to take or even what to major in university. He knows his stepsister was very young having her daughter but [name_m]Augustus[/name_m] surprisingly defends this. People act like it’s “wrong” for consenting adults to be engaged with children because they’re seen as “too young and unready”. Yet nobody says that about knowing and choosing a career path, in fact it’s expected around that age to choose it. Why is it like that? They’re both lifelong decisions. Granted [name_m]Augustus[/name_m] is aware that the couple has struggles of their own, especially since Ava’s father also has to work two jobs. But now that he, [name_f]Breena[/name_f], [name_f]Ava[/name_f], their family, and the rest of the people from that plane are marooned, the forefront of everyone’s minds is survival.

Unlike the survivors who know how to find sources, [name_m]Augustus[/name_m] doesn’t know too well about that and is trying to find a way of rescue. He saw a ship coming to save the survivors — oh wait, no he didn’t. That wasn’t even close to being real, that was a dream he had one night, which disappointed him when he woke up. Unable to get back to sleep, he tended the fires for warmth and walked around the island trying to make more rescue signals. He got lost but managed to go back to the shelters. However, he accidentally walked into the wrong shelter. The shelter he thought was his family’s was actually the other family, who were an older couple in their 50s and their children, the youngest being 13. He accidentally woke them up, apologised, and left to his own family’s cabin. The next day, he explained what happened and apologised again and they forgave him. It was the best move for him to leave their shelter that night instead of stay, given the awkwardness but also that the eldest family member had still been recovering from the flu. Having learned from his paternal side of the family, many of his relatives working in the medical field, [name_m]Augustus[/name_m], supported this family but felt like there should be some separation between anyone sick to prevent spreading illness. So he and a few members from both of the families constructed a special isolated “infirmary“ shelter alongside repairing a few of their existing shelters. He’s gotten a good bond with this other family now, but he still hasn’t forgotten his original family — they’ve helped him a lot through this.


[name_f]Belinda[/name_f] [name_f]Caroline[/name_f] Axford [22] is another survivor of the marooning, she’s also been hanging close to [name_f]Breena[/name_f] and asking her a lot of questions about pregnancy and motherhood. The reason being that she’s begun to suspect that she might be pregnant, but being that she can’t test for sure, she can’t really know until enough time continues to pass. The entire situation has made her anxious for a number of reasons, mainly being that if she is pregnant then unless they get rescued in the next handful of months, she might be giving birth on the island. The prospect of that idea has been keeping her up most nights.

The only person who knows about her ‘maybe-baby’ is Breena’s stepdad and Augustus’ dad. She hadn’t intended for the older man to be the sole bearer of her secret but told him by accident when the two were randomly paired together for foraging and she ended up accidentally spilling her guts to him, partially due to the strange familiarity she feels around him. He reminds her a little of her own father who walked out on her and her mother when she was a kid.

Thankfully he agreed to help keep her secret and the two have grown strangely close now, often going together to fish or to ensure the makeshift structures aren’t leaky or coming down from the winds. Being a girl scout as a child she’s semi-familiar with the ideas and skills that are needed to survive in the wilderness, except of course the one that she really needs right now. To find out for sure if she’s really pregnant!



[name_f]Crystal[/name_f] [name_f]Emma[/name_f] (Lansing) DeSouza (32), pictured with her beloved [name_m]German[/name_m] [name_m]Shepherd[/name_m] - and technical colleague - [name_u]Saturn[/name_u], is one of the rescuers who’s just arrived to see the survivors safely returned home. Although it isn’t always a necessity for [name_u]Saturn[/name_u] to accompany her and the crew on missions, [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] enjoys bringing her along as her presence puts people at ease more usually, given she’s such a sweet, easygoing dog. This is a unique scenario for [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] to be facing, however she’s relieved to know everyone survived the crash and that there’s less imminent danger compared to other situations her job’s brought her into.

A cool, calm and collected archetype of a rescuer, [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] does have a good sense of humour, however she knows to save it based on situations and doesn’t come in cracking jokes. Among her colleagues she does her best to keep spirits more positive, and keep them focusing on what can be salvaged opposed to any mistakes. She wasn’t inspired by a personal experience of disaster, but instead always knew she wanted to help others from a young age, considering numerous career paths before deciding to pursue rescue work thanks to her flexibility being ideal for tighter spots.

Having been involved in search and rescue extensively, Crystal’s entered more of a laidback role since the birth of her daughter 4 years ago. Her pregnancy was unplanned - her husband’s an EMT who works long hours too - but the couple adapted well to parenthood, and absolutely cherish their little girl, having plans on conceiving again in the imminent future. With her daughter, Crystals’ fun side always comes out, and they’re always going on impromptu trips to the park or visiting her mom who lives 15 minutes away. Given her experience in motherhood, she’s someone [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] knows would be ideal to ask about accessing a pregnancy test, although this has been held off while checks over everyone are being carried out to ensure nothing serious is going on.


[name_u]Jupiter[/name_u] [3] and [name_f]Kendra[/name_f] [name_f]Gracie[/name_f] [name_m]Beecher[/name_m] [29] are the littermate of [name_u]Saturn[/name_u] and her owner respectively. Though they hadn’t seen one another since puppyhood [name_u]Jupiter[/name_u] seemed fairly excited when footage of the rescue played on the TV for a reason that [name_f]Kendra[/name_f] couldn’t figure out. Though she may not be a rescuer saving lives like her sister, [name_u]Jupiter[/name_u] is well known in her own circle. She’s an agility champion! Her and [name_f]Kendra[/name_f] have been competing in their sport across the country and are starting to make a pretty good name for themselves, as well as making decent money now after [name_f]Kendra[/name_f] was getting a little close to getting evicted from her apartment due to repeated late rent payments.

Recently [name_f]Kendra[/name_f] has met somebody new, another competitor. They kept running into one another at competitions as if their dogs were trying to pull them together. At first they agreed to go out together as a joke to ‘appease the pooches’ but they ended up falling for each other. They’ve had to go long distance though since they currently live on opposite sides of the country, only seeing each other at competitions. Hopefully that will all be changing soon, there’s a proposal in the works!

And that’s not the only thing in progress, [name_u]Jupiter[/name_u] and the other dog grew very close as well much like their dating owners. Lately Jupiter’s been a little lethargic and hasn’t been wanting to run the practice courses. A trip to the vet later revealed that she’s expecting a litter of puppies!


Dr. [name_m]Peto[/name_m] [name_m]Mario[/name_m] DeSouza (32) Kendra’s brother-in-law, Crystal’s husband, and likely adoptee of at least one of the puppies - after all, he wants [name_u]Saturn[/name_u] to have reunification with a “grandpup”! He may consider taking in two sibling puppies - after all, he too is not an only child. Still, [name_m]Peto[/name_m] takes [name_u]Saturn[/name_u] seriously as a rescuer; he knows some people were found because of [name_u]Saturn[/name_u] and the dog brings emotional support to those in distress as well. “Never underestimate a loyal dog,” he says, and this is coming from an EMT. [name_m]Peto[/name_m] has treated the rescued civilians and made sure they are in good health or back to good health. He was especially cautious of [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] given her pregnancy, and due to this, she was hospitalised longer for the sake of both her and the unborn child. But some co-workers confirmed she and the child are in great condition and [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] was just recently discharged, being told to stay up to date on her prenatal care appointments.

He’s also never underestimated his 4-year-old daughter, who he and [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] cherish and see so much potential within, which [name_f]Kendra[/name_f] agrees with. She’s such a kind little girl and looks up to her parents but also looks out for them, showing she loves them and will be there for them when they’re around her. [name_m]Peto[/name_m] loves playing with her and the two enjoy fun toys with multiple purposes like clay or beanbags. He and [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] are romantically in love and are hoping for their marriage to “never change”: it wouldn’t be as good any other way. [name_m]Peto[/name_m] knows [name_f]Kendra[/name_f] is in a good long-distance relationship of her own, and he’s only seen her partner a few times. However, given Kendra’s mutual commitment despite the distance, [name_m]Peto[/name_m] knows it’s only closer and better from here on. He roots for [name_f]Kendra[/name_f] during competitions but is having respect for her partner too.


[name_m]Milton[/name_m] [name_m]Thorne[/name_m] Rajata is Peto’s neighbor, as well as Belinda’s boyfriend and father of their unborn child. Hearing about the plane crash was nerve-racking as he waited for news about his girlfriend, also losing sleep at the same time [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] was unbeknownst to him. He followed the news like a lifeline and was thrilled to hear that she had been rescued, rushing to the hospital he had been told she was taken to for a happy reunion. Though he was quite shaken when the nurse had told him “Both of them are recovering well.” and enquiring what she had meant by that and then being informed that [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] was pregnant. However once the shock wore off the couple began to enjoy the blessing that comes with having a child on the way.

He’s been a very proactive father-to-be and has been the one arranging things for their baby’s upcoming arrival, though they still have several months to go. Milton’s always been sort of a ‘fixer’ and has always been the one in his family who tries to reduce the stress of others around him even if it means the detriment of his own tension levels. Belinda’s been one of the few people who’s been able to get through to him and remind him to be cognizant of his own needs as well before that of others.

Milton’s family is Indonesian and he and [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] are both planning on immersing their baby in his culture. Belinda’s particularly looking forward to it since being adopted as a newborn herself and not knowing her origins other than the fact that’s she’s clearly of mixed race, she’s never really identified much with any kind of culture which has always made her feel sort of like a drifter, but she’s happy to be putting down roots with [name_m]Milton[/name_m].


[name_f]Kathy[/name_f] [name_f]Laras[/name_f] Rajata (31) is Milton’s elder sister and the eldest Rajata sibling. Unlike [name_m]Milton[/name_m], she’s single and not ready to mingle, given that she’s had a divorce finalised 2 years prior. Granted, it was an amicable divorce and she’s still friendly with her in-laws and is nice to her ex-husband [name_u]Jude[/name_u] when he’s around. She and [name_u]Jude[/name_u] find no reason to treat each other like they’re “not human” and still respect each other, they’re just not in love. She knows her ex-husband [name_u]Jude[/name_u] adopted a little boy as his son post-divorce and she’s happy for both of them even if she’s not the child’s legal mother because she knows this adoption has made both the father and son feel good about themselves. [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] herself didn’t want children and still isn’t feeling it, but she’s worrying about the future and feels by the time she wants kids, she won’t have a good chance at conceiving due to her age. To make her feel better, she froze her eggs so that it will be easier for her when the time comes. While she finds it wonderful [name_u]Jude[/name_u] has a son, she’s glad this wasn’t a child they have together as she feels the divorce would have been more awkward and less amicable with a child into the mix.

She wishes the best for the spouses of the Holbeck brothers and recently she’s bonded with Tijah the most. As an Indonesian and Tijah a Malaysian, the two bond on their Southeast [name_f]Asian[/name_f] heritage and they’ve been closer now to talk about culture. [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] also feels Tijah is a wonderful person despite what she’s been put through and admires Tijah’s career in counsel, divorce, and domestic violence. [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] works as a hotline operator for similar cases. [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] has donated to charities and volunteered at organisations to stop domestic violence and she’s strong about the cause as well.

But even though [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] doesn’t feel ready to be a mother, being an aunt is something she’d adore. While she and [name_m]Milton[/name_m] have much different opinions on love and children, it hasn’t diminished their bond otherwise. He’s been there when [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] was struggling with the fact that she was falling out of love with [name_u]Jude[/name_u] and her difficult but worthwhile decision to get divorced. She has learned from [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] that [name_m]Milton[/name_m] deserves to think of his own needs as well and from it, [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] has been returning favours for him in addition to giving herself self-love. She feels [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] should do a DNA test on her own ancestry and is very intrigued by Belinda’s desire to know her own culture. Secretly, while she means nothing against Belinda’s adoptive parents, she wishes they didn’t indirectly strip [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] of whatever cultures she had and she’s grateful her ex-husband [name_u]Jude[/name_u] isn’t doing that with his own adoptive son. [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] sees [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] like a sister regardless of her origins and while she comforted [name_m]Milton[/name_m] the entire time, she too worried if [name_f]Belinda[/name_f] would be safe. However thanks to [name_f]Crystal[/name_f], [name_u]Saturn[/name_u], and the rescue crew, everyone from that incident is alive and well!

Jude was created by me.

Tijah was created by @I_meme_it.


[name_f]Leanna[/name_f] " [name_f]Leah[/name_f] " [name_f]Denise[/name_f] [Lowry] Newforth (32) is Kathy’s best friend - the pair having met when they were 12 at a summer camp - and expectant mother, just for ironic contrast as she loves to tell people. Having supported [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] through her divorce - in a sense of helping her close that chapter of life, opposed to engaging in some malicious campaign of terror - she’s delighted to see how happy her friend is going forwards in life, while maintaining good relationships with her ex and former in-laws. [name_f]Leah[/name_f] herself grew up in a household dominated by a separation: not her own parents but her uncle [dad’s brother] and aunt, who were constantly fighting throughout the legal proceedings. She admitted to [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] when they were both 14 that she was relieved she didn’t have any cousins born to that marriage, as she couldn’t have imagined what emotional turmoil would ensue seeing the venom both parties resorted to hurling.

A little ironically, [name_f]Leah[/name_f] married a divorce lawyer, although at the time the couple met, he wasn’t sure what field he’d like to practice in. Regardless of her background, she wholeheartedly supported his decision to pursue the family court side of things, especially as her husband’s parents went through a bitter custody battle regarding him and his brother, so seeing other children spared this is important to both of them.

They met attending the same lecture at college, although [name_f]Leah[/name_f] was a philosophy student, who was asked to attend as part of her own degree. She’s heard every joke about what she majored in - including by [name_f]Kathy[/name_f] of course, best friend privileges y’know - but is genuinely happy in her job as an assistant lecturer and exam marker at a local community college, where she puts her all into the work as she hates the idea money should dictate the standard of education [and yes she’s alright being called Comrade [name_f]Leah[/name_f] by her younger brother].

Learning she was pregnant again was a big shock for [name_f]Leah[/name_f], who’s firstborn is only fifteen months right now! While she and her husband are more than financially stable enough to have a second child so quickly, [name_f]Leah[/name_f] was worried their daughter wouldn’t get enough quality time just with them before the new baby needed the majority of attention, so she’s been devoting her maternity leave to their relationship. In her spare time, [name_f]Leah[/name_f] enjoys making felt artwork and crafting handmade toys for her daughter, as well as her friends’ kids; although she reminds people she can’t do anything outrageously fancy. She’s always been a homebody in spite of her confident approach to teaching and projecting her beliefs, but by no means is [name_f]Leah[/name_f] ever opposed to the idea of doing something more spontaneous…as long as it doesn’t involve a high risk of suburn as she cooks far too easily.


[name_u]Umber[/name_u] [name_f]Maren[/name_f] Newforth (15 months) is Leah’s daughter and an only child…for now. [name_u]Umber[/name_u] loves her parents and takes a lot of pride as their child. Having a name starting with U, the least common first letter, and being the least common zodiac sign Aquarius, [name_u]Umber[/name_u] was born unique. Having that uniqueness will definitely come in handy, especially given the fact that a new baby will be coming. [name_u]Umber[/name_u] has gotten subtle hints that she will be a big sister but she’s also exceptionally happy her family is dedicating time to her while she’s still the only child.

Being around her parents is always the best, but she is very happy around other relatives too. She loves tulips, pastel and earthy colours, and playing with her rag doll [name_f]Sosie[/name_f], which she got from a relative on her first birthday. She goes to daycare and has a bestie who is the child of [name_f]Leah[/name_f] and Kathy’s friend and the two love pretending to be cowgirls. [name_u]Umber[/name_u] doesn’t know the gender of her sibling-to-be but she’s feeling more welcoming now with her family by her side.



[name_m]Torben[/name_m] [name_u]Robert[/name_u] Newforth (nb) is the little brother of [name_u]Umber[/name_u], and the son of [name_f]Leah[/name_f]. [name_f]Leah[/name_f] had an amazing home water birth with [name_m]Torben[/name_m], and she wanted another unique name for her son. Torben’s middle name, [name_u]Robert[/name_u], honors Leah’s late grandfather.

[name_m]Jovian[/name_m] [name_m]Darnel[/name_m] Newforth (32) is Leah’s husband and father of [name_u]Umber[/name_u] and [name_m]Torben[/name_m]. While he’d never divorce [name_f]Leah[/name_f], he can understand why people want to divorce, although if kids are involved, he will treat them fairly and never as though they’re property and not human. That’s why he and [name_f]Leah[/name_f] were adamant about giving [name_u]Umber[/name_u] as much time as she could to enjoy her “only child” status before welcoming [name_m]Torben[/name_m]. [name_m]Torben[/name_m] was born earlier than his due date but [name_m]Jovian[/name_m] and [name_f]Leah[/name_f] still believe they had the best time they could give with [name_u]Umber[/name_u] before Torben’s birth and Umber’s cute smile shows it.

Jovian’s older brother has gotten married to a lovely wife as well. They were only in their early 20s when they had their daughter, now a teenager. She’s an only child due to her parents being young and trying to focus on just her without throwing another baby in the mix. Now in their mid-30s, they’re not opposed to another child although they know it will be harder to conceive. There is a new addition to their side of the family - they’ve taken in a foreign exchange student! She’s the same age as their daughter and will be staying in the family’s country for the year.

Celebrating the birth of [name_m]Torben[/name_m] was an exciting moment for [name_m]Jovian[/name_m] and [name_f]Leah[/name_f] and even [name_u]Umber[/name_u] was excited. She loved the idea of a party and sure enough, there was one. [name_m]Jovian[/name_m] and [name_f]Leah[/name_f] spent their time with [name_u]Umber[/name_u] during the usual time when a baby shower would happen. They did consider a baby shower for [name_m]Torben[/name_m] but given his early birth, the planning for it went awry. But now they’re having a “baby party” for [name_m]Torben[/name_m] and welcoming his life into the world with a celebration. [name_u]Umber[/name_u] got to help too, choosing the cake. The event was fun and both sides of the family bonded, even the foreign exchange student had a good bond, and it’s brought them so much closer. The sides say it was a fun and cool event; but [name_f]Leah[/name_f] and [name_m]Jovian[/name_m] smile, “Just wait until he has his first birthday.”

It’s my birthday today, so why not have a celebration theme here? :blush::birthday::partying_face:


Meili ’ [name_f]Mei[/name_f] ’ Hualing Newforth, nee Wu (37) is Jovian’s sister-in-law and mother to his niece. Being just 21 at the time of her pregnancy meant [name_f]Mei[/name_f] went through a steep learning curve, one of which she’s grateful for now, however she’s always been open about the struggles this caused at the time. A trainee cosmetologist when she fell pregnant, [name_f]Mei[/name_f] opted to put her career on hold in favour of focusing on raising her daughter and ensuring the relationship with her then-boyfriend was strong enough to ensure they could at least parent properly.

Their subsequent happiness was a surprise - [name_f]Mei[/name_f] admits she has a pessimistic streak to her, attributed to her father, an insurance lawyer who’s seen a lot of the worst of people’s natures - but one she’s wholeheartedly embraced. The fact [name_m]Jovian[/name_m] himself is a lawyer leads to a lot of jokes between [name_f]Mei[/name_f] and her brother-in-law, who’ve always gotten along (and daresay she’s certain he was hoping things would work out between her and his brother). Singaporean-American, Mei’s ensured their daughter has as much connection to her cultural history as possible, including choosing a middle name for her to honour this, and she’s also introduced their foreign exchange student to this, to ensure she doesn’t feel excluded from the family dynamics.

Now working as a hairstylist who specialises in unique coloured dye, Mei’s done the hair of her daughters’ friends, although they have an agreement she won’t tell any embarassing childhood stories while dying and styling. While she’d love to have another child, [name_f]Mei[/name_f] is realistic and isn’t basing all her happiness around a conception - especially as she and her husband have only just got a rescue kitten for their daughters’ 16th birthday present, and fawning over their newest family member has gotten everyone joyous.