Create a Family With a Twist


[name_m]Giovanni[/name_m] [name_m]Marco[/name_m] Vivaldi-Adams (7) is [name_f]Darla[/name_f] and Vincenzo’s younger child and happy son. He is enjoying life to the fullest. He spends time with his family and friends, indulging in the activities and hobbies that he loves. He doesn’t think much about the past or the hardships that he’s faced. He feels content and happy, surrounded by people who love and care for him.

His birth was easy and uncomplicated and the family was happier than ever. [name_f]Sierra[/name_f] is also thriving as a parent. She and [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m], her co-parent, have formed a strong partnership in raising their kids. They work together seamlessly and provide stable and loving houses for their children. They’re not romantically involved, but they share an unspoken understanding and connection that goes beyond that. They are content and satisfied with the family they’ve built.

He plays a happy role in keeping family together as family despite his paternal grandparents. [name_f]Miranda[/name_f] is a cousin he adores dearly and always finds her amazing. Still, he is grateful not to be an only child as he wanders the grass and swings on the monkey bars.

He’s excited every day!

Warning for aforementioned age gap and bad surrogacy decisions, alongside judgemental parents.

[name_m]Brian[/name_m] [name_m]Walter[/name_m] [name_m]Adams[/name_m] (64) is the father of [name_f]Darla[/name_f] and [name_f]Sierra[/name_f] [name_m]Adams[/name_m], and the maternal grandfather of [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m]. He loves being a grandfather to 4, and both he and [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m] love the fresh air. Admittedly, he wasn’t sure what to think of his younger daughter marrying a man in his forties. He knew [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m] Florentini wasn’t a manipulative or creepy person, but he knew [name_f]Sierra[/name_f] and [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m] were rushing into this. Sometimes he can’t help but find the irony in a grandson also named [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m], though this was not intentionally named after Sierra’s then-boyfriend. [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m] Vivaldi-Adams was born before [name_f]Sierra[/name_f] met her ex. He wanted to dissuade the surrogate-client relationship from happening since he felt it was unprofessional with his daughter’s role in [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m] F. becoming a father. But he never knew anyone else who was a surrogate before meeting [name_f]Jenna[/name_f] [name_m]Vivaldi[/name_m], so he didn’t entirely understand how it worked. He’s heard a lot of people be picky about wanting a surrogate or sperm donour to look attractive, which gave the impression that the client was falling for them. Granted, [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m] and [name_f]Sierra[/name_f] liked each other for more than looks, as seen by their co-parenting ethic, but they weren’t meant to be as a couple.

That doesn’t mean [name_m]Brian[/name_m] isn’t excited to see his grandchildren from both daughters. He loves how Darla’s are such cool and friendly older cousins to Sierra’s. He knows that his son-in-law [name_m]Vincenzo[/name_m] is also the uncle to [name_f]Jenna[/name_f] and Giorgi’s kids and appreciates how [name_f]Darla[/name_f] fits well into the aunt role. [name_m]Brian[/name_m] tries to be nice with his daughters, since his parents raised him well, only to get fussy when [name_m]Brian[/name_m] was considering getting married to his wife. It didn’t change anything and his wife did get on good ground with his parents. He just didn’t like that they judged her first before seeing her out, even if it was a major move for them to see their son marry. It took them a while to admit they were wrong, to his disdain. When they did, they acted like it was a chore to own up rather than a genuine concern for forgiveness. [name_m]Brian[/name_m] and his wife moved on, they like to be part of one another’s families, but don’t focus their days on who to impress. [name_m]Brian[/name_m] works at an airport terminal, which isn’t bad, just boring in his eyes. He can handle it though, since he can handle boredom easier than bossiness. Understandably, it’s made him more happy to be outside and touch grass and he’s grateful his grandson [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m] agrees.


[name_f]Dawn[/name_f] [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] Vivaldi-Adams (10) is Brian’s granddaughter and Giovanni’s sister. She looks up to [name_m]Vincenzo[/name_m] and [name_f]Darla[/name_f] very much and loves her younger cousins. Her cousins are very cool and her closeness is unmatched. She loves the sea and underwater sports and dreams of this when she grows up.
She doesn’t get much time alone but her time is spent well. She loves cats and birds and wants to get a pet bird when she can prove she’s responsible. Nevertheless, she’s more responsible that her younger brother but loves him dearly.

In her life, she likes to have a little glamour. Though not everything is glitz and pearls, she likes to try lip gloss. She loves movies and enjoys drinking slushies while watching them. While she’s close with her friends, she doesn’t care about peer pressure and what others think if she says no.

Her family always excites her with fun and games. She loves riding her bike and checking out the carnival rides. She often treats each day like a special sunrise and doesn’t bother others in their separate worries. Her life is for her and she’s glad to live it.

Warning for dangerous situations and somewhat-parentification.

[name_f]Rebekah[/name_f] “ [name_f]Becka[/name_f] “ [name_f]Maryelle[/name_f] [Myers] [name_m]Adams[/name_m] (64) is the maternal grandmother of [name_f]Dawn[/name_f] and [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m] from Darla’s side, and [name_f]Leonora[/name_f] and [name_f]Natalia[/name_f] from Sierra’s side. She’s the proud wife of [name_m]Brian[/name_m], and while she was rather disappointed at first with [name_f]Sierra[/name_f], she was never mad at her. She knows [name_m]Giovanni[/name_m] Florentini is a good co-parent and she’s tried not to belittle [name_f]Sierra[/name_f] or make her feel like she’s anything lesser or more fragile than [name_f]Darla[/name_f]. [name_f]Becka[/name_f] never would have thought growing up that her children would have an 8-year age difference. She always thought she’d have them only one year apart or even have twins. [name_f]Becka[/name_f] has a younger brother herself, who is three years younger. While this feels minimal now, it felt big when they were kids – especially as young kids. When [name_f]Becka[/name_f] met her baby brother, she was so determined to be an empowered older sister. That changed when he was three and she was six. They were chasing their mother around while she was getting the mail when a neighbour wanted to chat with their mother. She told [name_f]Becka[/name_f] to watch after her high-energy brother, but the second she turned her back, the kid ran into the street. A car was coming, though it thankfully stopped for the boy, though [name_f]Becka[/name_f] was traumatised. Especially when she felt that she had been a horrible supervisor for her little brother. Her mother naturally blamed her, and although she did cool off, it dramatically changed how [name_f]Becka[/name_f] saw herself, feeling incompetent.

She’s far accepted now that she was only 6 years old at the time and her mother should have been the one supervising them both. [name_f]Becka[/name_f] really wasn’t meant to watch after a smaller kid, even if he was her brother. Would [name_f]Becka[/name_f] hire a 6-year-old to be a babysitter? Of course not. The fact that her brother almost got killed or seriously harmed made this so much worse, but at least her own brother was understanding that she just couldn’t be in that position. [name_f]Becka[/name_f] knows her mother genuinely felt bad about that, even though [name_f]Becka[/name_f] used to grow up thinking her mother wasn’t self-aware. Like Brian’s parents, Becka’s parents were incapable of understanding how to own up. Though [name_f]Becka[/name_f] never overstates, especially because despite her chaos, she had a good childhood overall. Not perfect, but once she was super happy, hardly anything would grump her. Becka’s used this past with her mother motivation to avoid parentifying [name_f]Darla[/name_f] or making constant compares and contrasts between her daughters. [name_f]Becka[/name_f] and her brother are very close now and they don’t feel their age difference, so she’s glad to be close with him. Sometimes [name_f]Becka[/name_f] can be shy, especially since her job doesn’t involve much interaction with people, which she’s just not comfortable with. She hates getting wrongly criticised, and most of those jobs are from people she doesn’t know who don’t understand what they’re talking about. That being said, she loves all her grandchildren equally. She can be timid around the Vivaldis but she’s real about how she wishes they had a better life. She’s really motivated by the son of [name_f]Giorgi[/name_f], who has a limb difference, but simply perceives it as “just a difference”.

Leonora was created by @elffff.

Natalia was created by @TeaJay.


[name_m]Antonio[/name_m] [name_m]Luca[/name_m] [name_m]Vivaldi[/name_m] (6) is Giorgi’s adoptive son, a true inspiration for [name_f]Becka[/name_f]. His limb difference never stops him from being him, and he motivates his family every day. He loves the tall and gallant feeling of prosthetics as legs and considers it a mighty touch to advance his life.

He talks to his cousins weekly and his mother daily. He is grateful for opportunities in his life and for people like [name_f]Becka[/name_f] to be inspired by him. He enjoys running and skipping, taking in the joys of childhood and living his life to the fullest. He finds people to be so admirable and sweet in a noble way of being, thanks to all the glorious memories of the relatives keeping him uplifted.

He loves bears, finding them adorable and strong, but cute and huggable beyond other stuffed animals. Inspiring people is a gift he has, but so is his cherished toys and time he spends for himself in youthfulness. He loves to say hello and meet new people, and adores new kids coming to play with him.

[name_f]Every[/name_f] minute, he gets a chance. He was the only person who could get a shot at certain things his other relatives couldn’t see from his eyes. Perspectives of him are very positive, and he mutually matches this thanks for the values in family. He never feels like he doesn’t belong and gives warm hugs of hope.

cw: loss alluded to; medical conditions

Tuuli Catharina Dasik (5) is a friend of Antonio, who matches his energy at every turn. While she loves playing with her sisters, Tuuli does have appreciation for friends outside the family home, given it’s a relationship she gets more of a break from. Being the oldest means Tuuli is starting to wonder if she should take some responsibility for her sisters, although her parents are trying to stop this becoming ingrained in her head, given how it could impact her. So playdates and hangouts with Antonio and her other friends are a priority where Tuuli’s schedule is concerned.

When she’s not spending time with her friends, Tuuli enjoys gymnastics and climbing, being known as Spider-T by her dad for how she’ll try scaling just about anything if given a chance. She insists that the family cat, Snori, has taught her these ways, something that does endear her parents, in spite of how exasperating calling her back down can be.

There’s some greater sadness in the family Tuuli is aware of thanks to the losses that have impacted both sides in a vague sense. Although lot of details are vague to her, deliberately, it has made her a bit more contemplative recently, even if she hasn’t spoken of it much. She’s also very proud of being fluent in ASL and tries to include her sister closer in age as much as possible in her adventuring, although her medical conditions mean there’s supervision whenever Tuuli announces their new great quest.

Helmi’s credited to @olivelovesnames :hatching_chick:


TW: medical issues; child loss

Sinikka " [name_f]Sini[/name_f] " Carolein Dasik (3) is Tuulis’ sister and the middle child of their parents. Having been diagnosed with spina bifida and hearing loss at birth, as well as epilepsy more recently, [name_f]Sini[/name_f] is treated with more delicacy than her siblings, not just by her parents but the wider family and those who know her. She’s started attending a specialist nursery recently, and getting a chance to make new friends has brightened her sunny nature even more. There’s a great deal of consideration and care always provided to her, especially by her mom and dad, whose endurance of a miscarriage has led to them being very thoughtful where their daughters are concerned.

[name_m]Even[/name_m] though she has less of a wild streak than [name_f]Tuuli[/name_f], no-one can deny [name_f]Sini[/name_f] isn’t determined herself. She’s always the first to try and cheer up someone else if she notices they’re sad, and absolutely loves making other people laugh, especially her baby sister who she’s already very motherly with. While it is frustrating to [name_f]Sini[/name_f] that she has more restrictions, especially where her health and safety are concerned, she’s becoming more and more fond of painting, something that’s a big source of joy and relief for everyone who loves her.


Warning for aforementioned ableism.

[name_f]Johannah[/name_f] “ [name_f]Joy[/name_f] “ [name_f]Adwen[/name_f] O’Toole (25) is a friend of [name_f]Helmi[/name_f], who finds [name_f]Tuuli[/name_f], [name_f]Sini[/name_f], and the youngest to be so sweet. Joy’s who’s very fierce about how disability shouldn’t be misrepresented. She knows there’s an age difference between [name_f]Giorgi[/name_f], [name_f]Helmi[/name_f], and her, though she doesn’t mind being the “baby” of that group. She’s mainly friends with [name_f]Helmi[/name_f] by association – her older sister [name_f]Annie[/name_f] is a bandmate with Helmi’s younger brother [name_m]Artan[/name_m]. [name_f]Joy[/name_f] feels her bond with [name_f]Annie[/name_f] has grown much more since accepting Annie’s autism diagnosis and feels better not conforming herself. Joy’s an ambivert though she used to always think she was an introvert, til she realised she ironically talked a lot about being an “introvert”. She’s got good bonds with both extroverts and introverts though and genuinely loves people, even when they get on her nerves. Sometimes [name_f]Joy[/name_f] worries this is what makes [name_f]Annie[/name_f] think she would be embarrassed by her, though this would never be the case, though [name_f]Joy[/name_f] was embarrassed by the school’s careers counsellor. She’s glad their mother was such a great supporter for [name_f]Annie[/name_f] and talked her out of the pessimistic advice.

[name_f]Joy[/name_f] currently works as an adaptive physical education teacher for a K-12 school but sometimes before she gets home, she talks a lot with the Dasik sisters. She knows that one day [name_f]Sini[/name_f] will be a student she works for but now she just enjoys the low-key vibes. She can’t imagine the grief in the Dasik family but she’s happy that the Dasiks treat their daughters as “living” instead of “dying”. While [name_f]Joy[/name_f] knows not all disabilities are deadly per sé, she has heard of shams trying to “cure” them and perceive them as worse than they are. She’ll stand up against that, and she’s against charities that try to do this. [name_f]Joy[/name_f] doesn’t need a world of only picture-perfect normal people void of flaws. [name_f]Joy[/name_f] loves Sini’s paintings and while [name_f]Joy[/name_f] likes dark makeup, she never refuses a good face painting from [name_f]Sini[/name_f] no matter what it is. [name_f]Joy[/name_f] is currently in a relationship with a non-binary person who prefers to be called “significant other” or “S.O.” rather than “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”. Both Joy’s S.O. and Helmi’s husband have a classy streak and are super friendly with kids, so [name_f]Joy[/name_f] felt like Mr. Dasik was naturally a great husband and father. She’s not bothered by [name_f]Jenna[/name_f] and [name_f]Giorgi[/name_f] being single mothers though, [name_f]Joy[/name_f] and [name_f]Annie[/name_f] were raised by one!

Annie was created by @cara_murvolio.

Artan was created by me.


[name_m]Erick[/name_m] Taivo Dasik (32) is a proud husband of [name_f]Helmi[/name_f] and grateful father of [name_f]Tuuli[/name_f], [name_f]Sini[/name_f], [name_f]Sunshine[/name_f], and the youngest daughter. He misses [name_f]Sunshine[/name_f] and wishes she had a presence in his and Helmi’s lives among the sisters. He is excited for what [name_f]Joy[/name_f] will bring to the lives of the girls growing up and he is a happy [name_f]Girl[/name_f] Dad.

Marrying [name_f]Helmi[/name_f] was easy and enjoyed despite the sadness of losing his father-in-law. He will never stop appreciating his father-in-law for being there and seeing him like another son and an invited family member. His own grief losing his twin sister and mother felt insurmountable and he’s cherished [name_f]Helmi[/name_f] was such a great wife along the way.

He and [name_f]Helmi[/name_f] are excited every year and live their lives with wonder. They admire each other’s love and dignity and share it wonderfully for the sake of nurture. Their kids are a huge testament of their marriage’s commitment and want this to remain a beautiful longevity.

He’s grateful to live with wonderful people who admire his skills and talent. He is very adaptive and accommodating and nothing makes him happier. He adores seeing his daughters get along so well and avoid conflict beautifully. This motivates him to be more proud and supportive of everything he has.

[name_f]Lumi[/name_f] [name_f]Cornelia[/name_f] Dasik (1) is the baby of the family and a very affectionate sister to [name_f]Sini[/name_f] and [name_f]Tuuli[/name_f], who she obviously looks up to a lot, even though she’s still very young. Whenever she can, [name_f]Lumi[/name_f] toddles after them. She’s also incredibly fond of her Uncle [name_m]Artan[/name_m] and lights up when he visits, the only time she’s hostile towards her sisters, as his attentions are hers first!

Seeing the member of [name_m]Chuma[/name_m] likewise makes her excited and once she’s in that state, it can be a little tricky to calm her down, not that anyone’s really bothered by it as she’s so precious. Lumi’s also really into her mini toolbox right now and loves building little houses out of blocks for not just her stuffed animals but those special to [name_f]Tuuli[/name_f] and [name_f]Sini[/name_f] too.


[name_m]Sergej[/name_m] [name_m]Iliya[/name_m] Rashkov (39) is a “normal person” in the eyes of [name_f]Lumi[/name_f] sometimes, except when she sees the [name_m]Chuma[/name_m] members, where she thinks he’s a little “rocker” himself. [name_f]Lumi[/name_f] hasn’t quite pieced together his relation to the band, but [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] is a fellow [name_m]Chuma[/name_m] member sibling, being the older half-brother of [name_m]Flint[/name_m] Rashkov. Like [name_f]Annie[/name_f], Flint’s also one of Chuma’s original members. [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] is a father himself, though he’s a “boy dad” for now with two sons, a contrast of [name_f]Helmi[/name_f] and [name_m]Erick[/name_m] only having daughters. [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] wouldn’t mind having a baby Rashkova (feminine form of last name Rashkov, also what his wife would take) and would be open no matter what genders and sexualities his sons will have. He knows [name_f]Lumi[/name_f] gets excited around [name_m]Flint[/name_m] but he doesn’t interfere – after all, [name_m]Flint[/name_m] is a mastermind and he’s the man behind the band name [name_m]Chuma[/name_m]. [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] is a fan of Bulgarian mythology too, something [name_m]Flint[/name_m] got him into. He doesn’t quite believe it but he likes to see the culture through it.

[name_m]Sergej[/name_m] works with the older brother of the last [name_m]Chuma[/name_m] member, who like [name_m]Artan[/name_m], is also Scandinavian. [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] is an interviewer and his co-worker is a writer for a music news blog and magazine. They’re into the music scene and its impact and being honest, though they’re always excited when they get to invoke [name_m]Chuma[/name_m]. [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] still focuses a lot on his own family, enjoying his sons’ genuine kindness and open minds. While his sons aren’t into the whole “baby” stuff, they like seeing the Dasik girls and are also open and welcoming no matter their differences. Neither of them care for phones or tablets, though they’re both avid gamers and movie buffs. [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] and his wife are also intrigued by wholesome content, stuff that’s just so sweet and heartwarming. [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] loves dusk, finding it his fave time of day. It’s more relaxed than afternoon, and less stressful than morning, but still early enough to grab dinner and talk to his boys. They’re growing up and while they consider him a cool dad, [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] also respects if they just need their space and doesn’t want to embarrass them.

Flint was created by @kitkatcookie.



[name_f]Britta[/name_f] [name_f]Elin[/name_f] [name_m]Bjornson[/name_m] (28) is the final [name_m]Chuma[/name_m] member, the bandmate of Sergej’s brother [name_m]Flint[/name_m]. She’s known for her warm and welcoming personality. She effortlessly makes friends and is liked by both family and bandmates in her life. Her friendly nature and positive energy make her an ideal friend for [name_m]Flint[/name_m], and she shares valuable bonds with her siblings.

The thrill of joining the band is a lifetime achievement. She is an amazing collaborator and backing vocalist, understanding the importance of founding a sense of belonging. She fosters a warm spirit inside her and desires more additions in her life to make her happy.

Her strong Scandinavian family values are evident in her close relationship with her parents. She often shares stories about family outings and traditions, contributing to the rich tapestry of her friendship with Faroese [name_m]Artan[/name_m]. Her metallic vibe and groove continue to show in her talent.

She holds many skills and dreams, pushing them further to the limit, expecting the next chapter in her life. Her motives go on and her strength is bold and courageous. She is an excellent role model and her skills benefit her community.

[name_f]Anelia[/name_f] [name_f]Clarice[/name_f] [Miller] Rashkova (39) is Sergej’s wife and in some knowledge of [name_f]Britta[/name_f], seeing her through associations with her brother-in-law. Naturally [name_f]Anelia[/name_f] finds [name_m]Flint[/name_m] to be the “glue” of the band, much like she sees [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] as the “glue” of her family despite everyone being important. [name_f]Anelia[/name_f] herself used to see herself as that “glue” when they were babies but Sergej’s “way better” at understanding late childhood more than she was. [name_f]Anelia[/name_f] was a late bloomer in that part of childhood, and age 13 was a huge year for her because not only was she a teen, but her body was going through those changes then. She used to want to be like her friend who was developing at age 10 but looking back, she’s glad she got “a little more time”. Both she and her husband are taller than average, so it was never like they were small, but she’s joked that having a tall stature but a little girl’s face and body structure made her look like “kids in a trench coat”. She and [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] used to dislike being tall ironically but now love it, something their sons almost entirely love. She hated being asked as a kid if she’d consider basketball, since she is quite bad at the sport and she knew quite a lot of short kids who could never make it as a gymnast.

While [name_f]Anelia[/name_f] knows Britta’s brother a little more than her, she thinks [name_f]Britta[/name_f] is a great band member. She didn’t see [name_f]Britta[/name_f] as the metal type but respects dearly that [name_f]Britta[/name_f] shatters stereotypes as a Scandinavian metal artist. She’s heard [name_f]Britta[/name_f] is the newest of the members, as told by her husband and Britta’s older brother. Yet Britta’s never let that new-girl feeling hurt her and she’s been extremely active since joining a couple years ago, especially in Nordic tours. [name_f]Anelia[/name_f] herself is more of the studious type, working as a proofreader for books, though she and her husband get along well for their careers, considering how magazines and blogs need proofreading too. [name_f]Anelia[/name_f] is an avid reader and carries a smart and silent personality, though she never hesitates to support her children, even when they think she’s “boring” and a little “frumpy”. When she and [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] married, it was a quiet low-key ceremony, though it had a rustic-yet-majestic forest setting. [name_f]Anelia[/name_f] feels like nature is always a good vibe for her, but one must be good to nature to understand how nature is good to them. She’s glad they married in a forest, finding it a dream wedding. She wished her sons were into woodland fairies like she was growing up, but they grew up liking elves and ogres, a guilty pleasure she loves even today.


[name_m]Kiril[/name_m] [name_m]Lazar[/name_m] Rashkov (11) is Anelia’s son, a grand entrance to her life. He is proud of [name_f]Britta[/name_f] and adores father [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] too. He loves when his parents let him go to concerts and music is a huge part of his life. His brother prefers video games but it’s all great for both as they love entertainment.
In brotherhood, he fosters a warm spirit inside his love and gets along with his brother as one happy family. He loves to grow up and isn’t afraid of anything in his way, no matter how big or small. He isn’t worried of the perceptions of others, disallowing this from being a barrier in his life.

He’s over his former friend, who he is leaving behind in his past for bigger things. Knowing he’s better than the people who hurt him that he left behind. He feels a renewed appreciation for what he has and lives without regret. Conflicts arise but fall after his problem solving.

It means everything when his parents are there, rooting him on, but letting him live. His new chapter of life is big and strong and he faces forward to bring in the future. Each day is just another small hurdle towards the year and he has several people who care about him and cheer him on.

[name_m]Tolvar[/name_m] [name_m]Magnus[/name_m] [name_m]Bjornson[/name_m] (36) is Sergej’s friend and unofficial uncle for [name_m]Kiril[/name_m] and his brother. He’s close with sister [name_f]Britta[/name_f] though he tries to keep his writing fair with the help of his co-editors. He’s admittedly shy with interviews which is something [name_m]Sergej[/name_m] has been great at, so he’s glad they work well together despite different positions. [name_m]Tolvar[/name_m] sometimes thinks [name_f]Britta[/name_f] hides stuff, though he’s the same way. He’s silent when he doesn’t like someone, something he’s ironically picked up on from Britta’s hilarious trolling. He won’t say it in front of [name_f]Britta[/name_f] because she’d always nag that he either “secretly likes them” (which he definitely doesn’t now, being strongly in love with his girlfriend) or because he’s “jealous of them” (which he’s actually not silent about). [name_m]Tolvar[/name_m] would never stop envying people who get enough sleep or wake up remembering what they needed to remember the night before.

[name_m]Tolvar[/name_m] has a past in magazines and blogs but admittedly the one he’s with is truly the best for him, even if it sounds like family bias. He’s worked for juicy tabloids saying stuff like, “Cancel ____” or “Support ____” for people who already have a toxic fanbase or hatebase as it is. Majority not that great but not bad enough to deserve a cancel. He’s also worked for regular lifestyle magazines in which he’s worked the advice column. Admittedly he and the other advisors were just told to answer whichever look best in the magazine regardless of expertise. He’s glad that his cooking recipe that said “use white powder” when he meant powdered sugar got edited or that would look awkwardly suspicious. Still, it was cringey when an editor advised, “Take up an extreme skill, like skydiving” when asked how to keep a partner into you during a dry relationship. [name_m]Tolvar[/name_m] is glad where he is but he likes to look back, even in ways he didn’t succeed, just to see how far he’s come. But especially when the stories behind it are funny. His girlfriend, who currently lives with him, has quite a few as well and the two are both great at scrapbooking and videographing.


[name_f]Niharika[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Niki[/name_f] ’ Hosain (36) is Tolvars’ girlfriend and confident when it comes to his more secretive musings, a bit ironic as she’s his opposite in several ways. [name_f]Pretty[/name_f] much anyone could tell you [name_f]Niki[/name_f] is as easy to read as a book, always giving away her thoughts and feelings, even when she doesn’t mean to. Exuberant and energised most of the time, [name_f]Niki[/name_f] works in mountain rescue, a job that comes with dangers yet she’s never been discouraged.

Her manner is well suited to encouraging those she helps, having empathy and a non-judgemental manner when it comes to the varying situations she’s aided with. [name_f]Niki[/name_f] has been enamoured with mountaineering since she was in her late teens and appreciates how [name_m]Tolvar[/name_m] never bristles when she goes on trips with friends, given summits aren’t his passion.

She loves videographing her trips and is always exhuberant to share her footage with [name_m]Tolvar[/name_m] upon getting back. [name_f]Niki[/name_f] is from a Bangladeshi family and has climbed Tahjingdong more than once, as it feels especially meaningful for her between visiting extended family. [name_m]Tolvar[/name_m] has accompanied her on trips and she’s very pleased he’s gelled so easily with her family, but she jokes it’s not a surprise given how they clicked so fast upon meeting 6 years ago!


[name_m]Manik[/name_m] ’ [name_m]Mak[/name_m] ’ Hosain (65) is Niki’s father, who loves seeing her adventurous streak and fun-loving personality. [name_m]Mak[/name_m] was born an only child, something both his parents were, but he always wanted more than one child, so he broke that tradition. His wife had such a huge family, though [name_m]Mak[/name_m] is confident in contacting extended relatives of his grandparents. He loves his Bangladeshi culture shared with his wife, but never doubted his children’s love lives regardless of their culture. [name_m]Manik[/name_m] didn’t like being the centre of anyone’s lives, mainly since he grew up smart, but not the best. He was amazing at science…but absolutely struggling at the other subjects. He’s used science to his advantage growing up at least, being an organic biochemist, which his children joke is a very nerdy job title. But he adores nature a lot, shared with [name_f]Niki[/name_f], and the two are exceptionally close. He’s encouraged her career greatly, even with the warning of risks involved, and he’s glad his family has good luck with health. None of them have ever broke a bone, had surgery, have to take daily meds, or have an allergy. Still, Mak’s glad his family doesn’t feel the need to strive for perfection, even if they’re all very high-spirited in Bangladeshi culture.

[name_m]Mak[/name_m] loves his children greatly and his dreams are seeing them be happy. Seeing them love their lives and being great people who don’t judge others on their lives. He’s glad they all get along despite where their lives take them. He remembers especially when they were children and couldn’t imagine living away from each other, something they’re glad they don’t feel so much anymore, but are always welcome with one another. All his children are grown adults but love their family get-togethers, and seeing Niki’s videos always intrigue them. [name_m]Mak[/name_m] actually felt sad when he and his wife had their last child knowing it was the final time, but they were confident they were done. [name_m]Mak[/name_m] likes Bangladeshi movies greatly, though he’s shifted more into liking Bangladeshi non-fiction books and films. He loves his family’s inspirations on him and he’s not afraid to socialise with other families, even if he comes off as quiet. He’s okay with knowing he’s not going to succeed in everything no matter how much time he has in his lifetime. He has a fear of the unknown that constantly causes difficulties, but he manages well by not turning fear into hate. [name_m]Mak[/name_m] is happy and that’s what keeps him moving forward.


Dewan [name_m]Palash[/name_m] Hosain (8) is Mak’s grandson, born to another child of his. He is silly and goofy. He wants to live in a smaller town, though his desires awaken him each day to go forward. He finds Niagara Falls to be a dream and a hope when he visits and he loves natural water. He has a taste in gospel and he is inspired by other’s talents and strengths.
Family times consist of a quick breakfast, perhaps cereal or toast, while chatting with family about plans for the day. After brushing teeth and getting dressed, he grabs his backpack, filled with books, a lunchbox, and maybe a favorite toy or two for show-and-tell. Once school is done, it’s playtime! This could be anything from playing video games, riding a bike, or playing with toys or friends. Overall, it’s a day full of laughter, learning, and growing!

He was born happily, safe and sound, proud of his Bangladeshi origins. He feels comforted and nurtured. He dives into a snack—maybe fruit and yogurt—while sharing stories about his day. He loves to snuggle into bed, ready for dreams filled with adventure. His mind can be filled with a mix of fun, learning, and adventure!

His family loves him and his endeavors, doing the right thing and having a healthy body. Through his soul, he reaches a confident level of smiles and enthusiam. He loves his goldfish and considers getting another, with the dream they’ll be best friends forever and ever.

[name_m]Pradeep[/name_m] " [name_m]Prew[/name_m] " Hosain (34) is Dewan’s single parent, who is non-binary. They prefer they/them as pronouns of choice and was single at the time of Dewan’s birth. However, [name_m]Prew[/name_m] has been in a romantic relationship recently, with another parent who is single, though the two broke up a few months ago. It’s been harder than usual on [name_m]Prew[/name_m] and Dewan, especially since Dewan really got along with the other kid. Prew’s glad Dewan is mostly a happy kid but knows that Dewan doesn’t understand the concept of breaking up. Dewan wishes [name_m]Prew[/name_m] and their ex were together and he could happily play with this other kid. Everyone in the Hosains have been nice to Dewan because of this and Dewan sees the kid in the rec centre sometimes. [name_m]Even[/name_m] Prew’s ex feels bad because the bond was so mutual to both kids. It makes [name_m]Prew[/name_m] feel bad about dating other single parents for this reason because now they worry something like this would make Dewan feel bad again.

[name_m]Prew[/name_m] is a hiking guide, and works well with [name_m]Mak[/name_m] and [name_f]Niki[/name_f]. [name_m]Prew[/name_m] and Dewan are naturally great hikers and like to have lots of energy. They often have a lot of fun outside and relieve stress through exercise, even when their stress wants them to lay on the couch and eat ice cream. [name_m]Prew[/name_m] loves ice cream though, even having an ice cream maker that they were never good at as a kid, but since does great as an adult. They like the taste and making their own flavours. They like to incorporate the tastes of Bangladeshi tea into their ice cream, something [name_m]Dewey[/name_m] isn’t a fan of since he dislikes tea, though [name_m]Prew[/name_m] playfully reassures that Dewan may acquire that taste sometime. [name_m]Prew[/name_m] has gotten closer with family since their break-up and doesn’t mind if family is in relationships or not. They respect [name_f]Niki[/name_f] and Tolvar’s love, no matter how different it feels. [name_m]Prew[/name_m] also enjoys talking to extended family as well, getting happy and lighting up when they call or show up.


[name_f]Maura[/name_f] [name_f]Isabelle[/name_f] McNaulty (35) is Prew’s ex and fellow single parent, whose child bonded with Dewan. The ending of the relationship between [name_m]Prew[/name_m] and [name_f]Maura[/name_f] was something they both felt terrible about, but it really was the right thing. They just found themselves disagreeing more about the future, specifically plans [name_f]Maura[/name_f] had started contemplating. She recently received an invitation to move to [name_m]New[/name_m] Orleans to be closer to her sister, sister-in-law, niece and nephew, something [name_f]Maura[/name_f] knows she can’t turn down, as a better paying job has been highlighted there.

As a part-time accounts manager, finding something that pays decent money while giving her childcare flexibility is essential, and the support her sisters’ wife provides [working from home] means her own child wouldn’t be attending after school clubs but instead could enjoy time with their cousins. However, Prew’s bond with their family meant the move isn’t something they felt comfortable committing to, and really it was for the best to separate rather than go round and round in arguments. [name_m]Even[/name_m] if one person compromised, both [name_m]Prew[/name_m] and [name_f]Maura[/name_f] knew resentment would build, worsening the tensions and gaps between them.

Saying goodbye to Dewan was especially difficult for [name_f]Maura[/name_f], who’d come to be extremely fond of him, most of all for how good he’s been as a pseudo brother. She’s still preparing to make the move closer to her sister and has also been trying to help her child adjust to the differences in their home life right now, such as no longer sharing space with other people. [name_f]Maura[/name_f] deeply wishes things could’ve worked out between her and [name_m]Prew[/name_m], however maintaining no ill will is more important to her ultimately than clinging onto a failing relationship.