
Currently having this one

Used to have these but not anymore since the site was fixed

Forum search isn’t working for me at the moment, I’m getting this error:

Server Error
while trying to load /search
Error code: 502 error

My account area also isn’t working, just indefinitely loading.


I think the search issue may have been due to especially high traffic yesterday; I’ve just tried it now and it worked as normal. Please keep me posted on that.

The account issue should be fixable by clearing cookies + cache. I’ve had this issue a few times myself and we’re trying to come up with a fix. Are you using Chrome?

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Ahh, that makes sense. The search seems to be working fine again today, thanks [name_f]Emma[/name_f].

Yes, when I’m on my laptop I am using Chrome so I’ll give the cache clear a whirl. Cheers!

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Let me know how you get on :slight_smile:

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I just tried to do an advanced search on the main page, and, instead of bringing up related names, it gives me the entire index of names from A-Z.


Same problem as @shells15 here! It disregards whatever keyword you enter for “meaning” and outputs the entire database instead.


Thanks @shells15 and @Vulpix, I’ll look into it!


the main page is pretty … squished at the moment, which is making it hard to reach the advanced search and search bar for me :confused:


Thanks for the catch! I have sent a message about it.

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I have a similar problem to [name_f]Etta[/name_f]. When I look at the similar names section on a name page they are all piled on top of each other.

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Thank you, I’ve added this!

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I remembered we were talking about name links not working, and I just noticed this: [name_f]Elke[/name_f] got linked in one paragraph, but not the other. Hardly a massive thing, but thought I’d mention as it was being discussed previously. Is the fact that it’s in parentheses upsetting the link?

@katinka the latest [name_m]Nissan[/name_m] ad is blocking the reply button on my laptop and covering up text on my phone. [name_m]Can[/name_m] it be blocked?

We all see different ads, so I need the URL of the ad please.

This ad is consistently running over the top of page content for me.

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I’m really struggling with ads blocking content at the moment… here’s another one

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Sorry to hear this! I’ll pass this on as well but have you considered an adblocker if it’s really disruptive?

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[name_m]Just[/name_m] thought I’d let you guys know I’ve been getting this error a lot this morning when trying to click on the “More names like X” links on the database entry pages.

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