July / August / September 2024 Babies

We found out yesterday we’re having a little boy! :herb: this will even us out- 2 girls and 2 boys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congrats! That is just perfect!

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Thank you! How is everyone doing?

I cannot believe how quiet it is in here!!

@WildroseofJuillet I hope you’re going along okay and pregnancy is treating you well! X

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[name_m]Hi[/name_m] @_thelittlefairywren! Thanks for checking in! Everything is going well :blush: we have a first name for baby boy but haven’t settled on a middle name. I’m a little more than halfway along. How are you doing?

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@WildroseofJuillet Halfway is such a great milestone! I know getting to that point made me feel much better - so close to viability! :tada: Yay for settling on a name! I’m sure the perfect middle option will come along soon. How exciting! :blush: I’m doing well. [name_m]Just[/name_m] taking it one day at a time and waiting for baby to make his or her appearance. I’m 37w4d today.

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Ooh you’re so close!!! So excited for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: do you have any names picked out?

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@WildroseofJuillet Yes, we have a couple of favourite combinations for both genders and a longer list of possibilities for if we somehow hate all our options when we get to the day (which I doubt will happen, but best be prepared!)

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Sorry for the radio silence my end; two toddlers going through a big of sleep regression, madness at work, finishing up my dissertation for university, my work plus being pregnant is exhausting.

But I’ve officially finished my degree and I’ve only got four weeks left till the summer holidays and my maternity leave starts at the end of the holidays so hopefully I can have some downtime with the twins and my hubby before baby girl arrives; we have a little staycation booked for [name_f]July[/name_f] for our last holiday as a family of four.

Officially in my third trimester, I’m trying my best to enjoy this as this will likely be my last pregnancy but who knows what the future will bring? We weren’t planning on having another baby till the twins were three but life works in mysterious ways. I feel so tiny compared to last time and I have to keep on reminding myself that I’m only growing one baby and not two.

[name_f]Baby[/name_f] girl is still nameless and we keep on going between a few names, I really love [name_f]Marigold[/name_f] with the nickname [name_f]Goldie[/name_f] but [name_m]Jago[/name_m] goes by GoGo/Go and I think it’s quite similar in turns of nicknames. Other contenders are [name_f]Flora[/name_f], [name_f]Oonagh[/name_f], [name_f]Rosemary[/name_f] “Romy”, [name_f]Willa[/name_f], and [name_f]Daphne[/name_f]. It may be a case of once we meet her we will know.

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] everybody is well and thriving, I’m looking forward to hearing about babies arriving soon!


Wow, you are busy!!! But sounds like you have lots to look forward to this summer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I absolutely LOVE all your name ideas :revolving_hearts: can’t go wrong with any of them.

Looking forward to hearing how everyone else is doing! Do we know when everyone is due? @Mumofgirls

@WildroseofJuillet How are things going for you?

It’s insanely quiet in here!! …:cricket::cricket::cricket:

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Still chugging along :laughing: went to the chiro today to get my hip adjusted! This heat has been throwing me into BH contractions all evening! I’m 32 weeks tomorrow, so baby needs to cook at least another 5 weeks. I’ve finally started to slow down a bit but still have so much left to do before he gets here. I feel so behind on everything!

How are you doing with your new little girl? How are you feeling with PP recovery?

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Urgh. I hated the heat so bad when I was pregnant! I hope the adjustment helped your hips. 32 weeks is getting so close - how exciting! I felt super behind on baby prep then went crazy and did it all in like a week haha. You’ll get a boost of motivation one day and then poof you’ll be all organised!!

We’re doing really well. She’s a very relaxed and happy baby, and has always been a good sleeper. [name_f]My[/name_f] recovery went really well. [name_f]My[/name_f] stitches healed well and I was pretty much back to normal 6 weeks PP. [name_f]My[/name_f] lochia came back for a couple of days, so I took it easy for another week at 7 weeks PP and it settled again. Now I’m just settling into mum life and working out what our new normal is now that she’s out of the newborn phase.

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I feel like a hermit because of the humidity! I just want to stay inside until it feels less sticky out :laughing: thank you, it definitely helped! [name_f]My[/name_f] birth kit came in the mail today and yesterday I did a lot of cleaning in our spare bedroom. Still have more to do, like paint the bathroom ceiling (hopefully tomorrow while it rains) and shampoo the carpet. It feels so much more realistic setting those supplies aside :flushed:

That’s so wonderful to hear! How old is she now? It’s so hard to believe she’s more than a month old. [name_f]May[/name_f] and [name_f]June[/name_f] both seemed to fly by.

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Jumping in from my lurking. I’m 31 weeks and mostly hiding indoors from the summer heat. We’re team green and still narrowing down our name list, but it’s definitely smaller than it was
[name_m]Victor[/name_m] [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] (family name)



[name_m]Welcome[/name_m] @Becbec! So happy to have another berry in the group :blush: we’re only about a week apart in due dates. How exciting!!! Is this your first? I love your name lists :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@WildroseofJuillet Yeah, humidity is gross when your pregnant. It was really humid when I was about 20 weeks and we were on holidays. Some days I just sat in the hotel with the AC pumping because it was so gross!

Painting is a big goal when pregnant! Good luck! I’m sure you’ll feel super accomplished when it’s done.

She’s 10 weeks old today. Time is just flying by. It’s nuts!!

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Welp, didn’t end up painting as we all caught the stomach bug :disappointed: but we’re all better now and expecting more storms. So maybe the painting will happen soon! [name_m]Just[/name_m] ordered a new car seat last night that was on sale for Prime [name_f]Day[/name_f]! I think we have almost everything ready for baby now :grin:

10 weeks already?! It really does fly by!

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Gosh, where has the time gone?!

Got a few weeks left, baby girl tried to make an early appearance two weeks ago but the doctors and midwives managed to stop the labour but I was kept in for a few days for observation, it was so hard being away from the twins and I was so happy to get home with baby girl still in my belly.

I’m just taking it easy or as easy as I can with two year old twins. [name_m]Jago[/name_m] and [name_f]Verity[/name_f] are both starting to understand that baby is coming and I bought them a baby doll and all the accessories like a bottle and nappies so they can start to understand what babies need. They also love feeling baby sister kick and J loves to just sit with his head on my belly waiting for kicks which is so precious but V is preferring to play with the baby doll as she needs the visual of the baby and seems confused that there is a baby in mumma’s tummy. I’m trying to give them lots of love and attention now and have really meaningful moments with them before baby sister gets here.

I keep on getting really teary and emotional and I’m feeling a little emotionally overwhelmed. I just want baby girl to stay cooking a little longer, I’m kind of hoping she makes her appearance once the twins are back at nursery so that I at least have a few hours just me and baby girl (and my hubby when he’s not working) for us to bond and not have two very excitable toddlers around.


Wow, I’m so glad you and baby girl are doing okay! How many weeks are you now? I can imagine it’s got to be hard to take it easy with 2 busy toddlers. I hope you’re doing better :tulip: