Ttc 2023

This month I got diagnosed with a thyroid problem and even though not currently trying yet (hopefully in several months), I’ve been super worried about future pregnancies already.

It’s good to take some time to make sure everything is alright first, hope you get a healthy pregnancy soon after!

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[name_u]Day[/name_u] 29, some very mild discomfort, not really enough to even call it cramping; more frequent bathroom trips; no temp drop. Still going to get my hands on a test here soon, but 99% sure it’ll confirm: 4 weeks pregnant with #4, due [name_u]October[/name_u] 28th 2023!


Oh no. I’m sorry your thyroid is rebelling! I know a couple of people with thyroid troubles that have had happy, healthy babies, so it can be done! (Although, I totally understand your concerns - I would stress so bad!) I hope all goes well for you in the long run. :pray:

I suspect this is the first (and probably last) time I’m ever pleased about this - but AF has turned up! :partying_face: Hopefully no more 11 1/2 week gaps!

I have a base/start line!


Another annoying thing with an autoimmune issue like this is that there are no clear causes. So it’s like pure bad luck I got a thyroid problem. :woman_facepalming:

Thank you for sharing! I’m really glad to hear about those happy, healthy babies! Fingers crossed I can have one like that born next year.

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Curious if it runs in your family? The thyroid condition. I found out about mine during a pre-ttc appointment years ago but my maternal side is absolutely riddled with thyroid issues. Sometimes it seems that’s where it ends up coming from. (And for what it’s worth, my mom had 5 healthy pregnancies despite it…fingers crossed for it to not be a barrier to you either :heart:)
I wanted to wait to post on here again until I either got a positive or my period showed. So far, neither has happened. Well, I almost did get tricked by an evap line but looks like I’m just waiting for AF to show up. Ovia predicts that to be tomorrow. We’ll see. Other than some weight gain, I have no symptoms either way.

I’m debating trying to use ovulation tests next cycle. They aren’t super reliable for people with pcos but I did have some success with them in the past. [name_f]May[/name_f] be worth at least trying to figure out when/if ovulation occurs, for a few months.


I have one aunt from my dad’s side with a thyroid problem. Not sure about the details of her condition but it seems kinda different from mine. [name_f]My[/name_f] extended family is massive though, so who knows someone deals with it and I don’t know. Thank you, I hope I’ll have no issues as well. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Oh, and I wish you’ll have your positive soon, good luck!

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Kreping fingers crossed AF stays away and you get a positive, @namergirl3!


Tested again not long after my last comment and I could’ve sworn that I saw a very, very, very light line. I picked up another test for tomorrow morning, probably… I just want a clear answer either way but I’m very hopeful it isn’t just a case of “line eyes.”


I did take another test after that post and it was negative. It still did see some blurry hint of color where the other line in the plus sign should be but I think by now a positive test would be very clear. [name_m]Just[/name_m] waiting to see now.


Any news Alyssa??

We didn’t try this last month, we hosted 17 people the weekend I was ovulating and things were just too busy and stressful to get to it!
[name_f]My[/name_f] cycle should restart any day now and he’s home til Mid [name_f]April[/name_f] if we are lucky, but this means another [name_u]December[/name_u] due date and I’m not sure how I feel about that, hitting the same timelines as my 12w loss. Ugh.

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] everyone! Our first month of NTNP was a bust, after I got my IUD out I was blessed with a stomach bug, followed by a UTI, followed by a yeast infection. I probably ovulated yesterday or the day before. Onward to next month :crazy_face:

Into the TWW here. We managed to get a couple of tries in despite a stinking cough/cold thing so fingers crossed


I don’t really have an update… I did see the very faintest of lines with multiple brands of tests but they eventually were clearly negative. I can’t get in to see the doctor or to buy more tests for a little while, for various reasons, so I’m just kind of in limbo for now. I feel like this could be another chemical pregnancy. The tests would’ve gotten darker by now… I’m not expecting to get another test and it be positive but no period yet. I have had some cramping lately so it’s probably just a matter of time for that.

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] all, small update for you all because I’m feeling a bit alone in this atm.
Haven’t been able to see my doctor yet, it’s been a big hassle, but I have now changed jobs so that theoretically when I can (finally) get an appointment it should be much much easier to organise/go to. We think I’m currently anaemic, which is just another thing on the list of things.

Multiple people in my choir announced their pregnancies last week, several of them made a big thing about how it happened ‘first try’. I trust you all know what I mean when I say it’s not that I’m not happy for them, I am, I’m just also sad. I saw a friend who I don’t see often, we’d been talking in the week up to meeting for brunch during which the (likely) anaemia was really kicking my ass and I got a bit of a stomach bug - so I was very tired and nauseas. When we met they basically said ‘so, tired and sick… any exciting news’ and man I just wanted to kick them.

Sorry for all the negativity folks, hoping to be back on a more optimistic trend soon.


I’m sorry :heart:

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@Maerad sending lots of hugs your way. I also feel like everyone around me is/is getting pregnant and while I am happy for them, it gets hard seeing so many people having their second/third kid when their first is so much younger than mine.

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@Maerad Sending love. I know what it’s like to genuinely be happy for people and also kinda dying inside. It’s tough and it hurts. Hugs xx


@namergirl3 I am sorry for what you are going through, it is so hard not to know exactly what is going on. For me at least the uncertainty is almost the worst part.

@Maerad that is really hard, take care of yourself. It is so hard to see others get pregnant when you so badly want it. And to be totally frank, the smallest, meanest part of myself isn’t totally “happy for them sad for me”. Sometimes I really am just pretty resentful, at least as my first internal response, and then I can talk myself past it. [name_u]Or[/name_u] at least a “come on” feeling, like yesterday I saw someone posting a pregnancy announcement and saying “we will celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary with a 1 month old!”. I know they weren’t trying before they got married, so it was just frustrating to see how easy it is to get pregnant for some people when it feels pretty impossible for us.


Conflicting signals here - feels like my boobs have been doing things and I’ve been peeing a bit more the last week or so, both of which have been previous pregnancy signs for me. But then I’ve also had unsettled borderline light cramp feelings in my stomach, which hasn’t been an early pregnancy sign before. AF due [name_f]Monday[/name_f] so going to have to wait and see. Cautiously optimistic though.