Ttc 2023

Hmm, bit of bleeding tonight so I’m probably out. [name_f]May[/name_f] be spotting but most likely AF. Curse my body for teasing me.

I’m joining the TTC crew next month - tenative [name_f]April[/name_f] 20th :slight_smile:
Feeling ready, bit nervous after last years loss and still some drama with stepkids biological mother but it may settle in the next month :crossed_fingers:t2:


I’m using ovulation predictor strips (I know they aren’t as accurate as tracking body temperature but I’m not ready to start doing that yet). I got my first clear positive for ovulation hormones at CD26 which is not filling me with confidence.

(No, I still haven’t managed to see the doctor despite many attempts)

FWIW I really enjoy tracking my temps. It only takes a minute first thing in the morning, and the pattern is so clear.

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How long do you have from your temp going up (it is up right?) to do things before you miss the window?

It is up. And it’s a good idea to do things the day your temp shifts up, maybe a day after, but the window is open days before your temp shift. The rise is caused by increased progesterone brought on by ovulation, so the temp shift is an absolutely reliable indicator that you have ovulated (well, unless you’re coming down with a fever.) But to catch the opening of my fertile window, I had to become familiar with my cervical fluid pattern also. It was trickier to get the hang of than temp charting, for sure, but I can see it pretty clearly now.

@Maerad like @auroradawn said your BBT rise confirms ovulation, it doesn’t predict it. I think it is actually even more useful to track before you are actively trying so you know your body’s pattern well. Once you are actually trying, it would be more helpful to be able to predict ovulation you would be watching things like your cervical mucus and taking OPKs if you are so inclined.

I do find when I am tracking all 3 indicators it can get a little muddled, because they don’t always line up perfectly. For instance I find that my temperature actually rises before/at the same time I get a positive OPK, but a positive/peak OPK should come 12-24 hours before ovulation. I also continue having fertile quality cervical mucus for a day or two after my temperature starts to rise. The most important thing to me is absolutely making sure we have gotten in as good of tries as possible, so I don’t trust that I have ovulated until all 3 indicators have passed, but if you don’t have as many fertility concerns as we do you may not need to be nearly as neurotic as I can be about this.

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I second this. Obviously you can start tracking when you start trying, but if you’re already familiar with your body’s patterns it can feel less stressful overall than trying to learn about tracking, learn about your body, and try for a baby all at once.

Once you get a handle on tracking, you wouldn’t need OPK’s as tracking is more reliable over all. Obviously, you could use them if you want, but it would probably be an unnecessary cost and another thing to do for not much additional gain.

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Your general fertile window is understood to be from the time you start to produce semi-fertile cervical fluid until around 24-48 hours after your temp rise (eggs only live for a small period of time). The actual period where you can get pregnant is estimated to be about 7 days per cycle (5 days accounting for sperm life and 2 days to account for egg life - all assuming healthy cells and environment).

Both times I’ve concieved, the BD was two days before temp rise (although three days prior is the technical sweet spot) - see below:

So, from your temp rise onwards, you have very limited time to get to it, as it were. Your best bet is to get regular BD in prior to your rise.

And yes, you are correct. Your bbt goes up during ovulation and then down prior to menstruation.

Just wanted to hop on here with some unfortunate news.

I finally got a chance to get in with my doctor and it looks like I had another chemical pregnancy. I took several tests, several brands, over weeks. I saw a vvvvvvvvery faint line a couple of times and it never got darker. It’s since disappeared. I’m 60-something days into this cycle now and am basically still waiting. I’m just hoping to be able to move forward to the next cycle soon. This is taking longer than I would like but I’m thankful to be healthy otherwise.


Oh hon, I’m sorry. Sending big love. :heart: I’m glad you have a bill of good health otherwise. I hope the process ends soon and you can start a fresh cycle. Xx

I’m sorry :broken_heart:

Sorry to hear that, sending love your way :heart:

I’m excited to be joining the TTC thread for this year! We are planning to start trying at the end of [name_f]Summer[/name_f] as that is when we will be moving to a new state for husbands job (military), so figured now is a great time as we will be settled for a good 4 years so better get it started asap! Very excited but also very nervous (I have an anxious disposition and every time I’ve made a huge decision I go through a lot of inner turmoil lol). I can’t wait to hopefully be posting here again with a positive! Good luck to all those trying :heart:


Update: finally saw my doctor!
Blood tests show I am not anaemic and actually my B12, folate and iron levels are all looking great. Which is good news!

Bad news (hiding for serious health concerns, feel free to skip!) I’ve been to emergency care twice this week and now been diagnosed with hemiplegic migraines - essentially a rare type of migraine that mimics stroke symptoms, thankfully much less serious but a lot to have had going on. The good news is that the doctor thinks this is unlikely to mess with conception, we’ve just had to some discussions about medication in pregnancy etc. (thankfully the main medicine for it is safe for pregnancy).

All that being said, AF due tomorrow and I honestly don’t know - I’ve had a BFN but I also think I tested a little early. So I think I’m out for this cycle, but I don’t want to completely rule it out. I suspect it’ll just be more upsetting once AF comes, but for right now I want to stay hopeful.


[name_m]Hi[/name_m] everyone,

[name_m]Just[/name_m] got a confirmed ovulation (I use Natural Cycles/BBT), we both had really long weeks at work but we might be in the running which is fun, at about 5 days pre-temp rise. I am off on a girls trip/mini vacation toward the end of the TWW. We decided on not testing before hitting CD 30. Fingers crossed but still feel like we are just dipping our feet into TTC. Also, stumbled upon the name [name_f]Runa[/name_f] in the threads yesterday and was in LOVE, I’m constantly searching for names that are easily pronounced in [name_f]English[/name_f] and Spanish.


BBT and cervical fluid indicate I ovulated a few days ago, after our loss at 7 weeks earlier this month. Looks like my body went ahead and interpreted it as a period; it passed naturally.

I’m relieved; I wasn’t enjoying the idea of waiting an indefinite time before trying again. We’re planning to wait through two normal cycles.


AF has shown up. Not surprised, but still disappointed.

[name_f]My[/name_f] thermometer for tracking BBT also turned up today though, so I can start at almost the start of this cycle which is nice.

@her05 [name_f]Runa[/name_f] is lovely!


CD2 here, we didn’t try in [name_u]March[/name_u] as I didn’t want that anxiety of my repeat timeline from my 12w loss. He’s home til the end of [name_f]April[/name_f] so we should be able to try this month. I’ve been supplementing with Vitex (chasteberry) the last two months and my cycle seems a bit more consistent, having gone from 26 days to 28 days again. Vitex is the only supplement I’ve ever notice make a difference in my cycle and I know a few other women with similar anecdotal evidence.

If we conceive this month we are already looking at an early 2024 (!?) due date! How is this life?!

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@maered I am sorry about the health issues you’re dealing with, I hope you get that figured out soon!

@her05 [name_f]Runa[/name_f] is cute! I have heard [name_u]Aruna[/name_u] and [name_f]Yuna[/name_f] (and obviously Luna) but never [name_f]Runa[/name_f]. We also need names that work in [name_f]English[/name_f] and Spanish.

@auroradawn I am glad your body seems to know what to do still. I also ovulated again right away after my early loss. I actually ovulated pretty early that month, CD10 with CD1 being the start of bleeding after my HGC went back to 0. We didn’t wait to try, though. Personally it felt easier to me to keep trying than to wait, although we are now 4 cycles later and still haven’t gotten pregnant again.

@kibby I tried vitex last fall and it didn’t do anything at all for my cycles, but I have heard of lots of people who have success with it! The last few months I have been taking COQ10 in my follicular phase (my husband is taking it for his sperm quality) and it seems to be delaying my ovulation a bit, from what had become my normal on CD10-11 to more like CD14. This has made my cycles a little longer because my follicular phase is consistent at 12-14 days, but it still hasn’t made any difference with my spotting. I am CD11 today and don’t think I will ovulate for another 2 or 3 days at least , even though I stopped taking the COQ10 on CD8. I don’t think I will take it at all next month and see what happens.