Ttc 2023

@Kibby I know! I have a couple married siblings, and since I had my first son in 2018 there’s been at least one new grandbaby every year. We were “in line” for 2023, and now it’s not going to happen. Inconsequential, I know, only a family inside joke, but sad.

@Beort12 thanks. I would not have minded trying again right away, but my husband was reading up on it and most sources said it’s a good idea to wait a couple cycles :woman_shrugging:


Finally some good news!

After a rollercoaster year & a half of trying, we got a definite positive this morning. The irony is, we had just decided last week to take a pause for a bit while we waited for some test results from the doctor to get ready to start some treatments.

Feeling excited and nervous, fingers crossed all goes well!


@handlion Congratulations! How exciting! :tada::tada::tada:




Congrats @handlion !

I’m preparing to do my second maternity leave replacement since we started TTC
A friend who had fertility issues just got a positive naturally while waiting to be approved for IVF so I’m super happy for her.
Still, feels like everyone is getting pregnant.

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Congratulations @handlion! So exciting :heart:

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@handlion congratulations!! That is wonderful news.

@auroradawn interesting! I know that the “wait a few months” advice is still said pretty commonly, but when I did some digging there is also some indication you are actually more likely to conceive in the first 3 cycles after an early loss. That was enough for me to go for it, especially since I had a pretty uneventful loss, physically speaking. However, waiting is also a very valid option! Recovering physically and mentally is important. Plus, for us we didn’t conceive in those 3 months anyways, and the first cycle it didn’t work after the loss was really hard emotionally. I think we were both really hoping we would get lucky and get pregnant again right away and it was pretty crushing when we didn’t.


Congratulations @handlion, great to see some good news on this thread. Hopefully more to follow soon for the rest of you ladies.

Into the TWW again here, keeping things crossed.


Congrats!! That’s amazing news!

Lots of luck! The end of the first week of my TWW is tomorrow, how the days drag!

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Hello! [name_m]Long[/name_m] time no post. I’ve somewhat uwittingly found myself in the TWW again. We’ve been NTNP all year but trying to avoid inconvenient due dates like what our current one would be, Xmas eve… but we always end up throwing caution into the wind when we know I’m ovulating. Anyway, I was barely thinking about it (too busy running around after my 18 month old) when suddenly today I couldn’t drink coffee, boobs hurts and my emotions are all over the place. I’m only 7dpo and I wish I hadn’t noticed anything cause now I’m symptom spotting and stressing a bit especially as we’re getting married next weekend! Symptoms could easily be a result of stress or weaning (which is happening slowly but surely). But yeah, I feel off today and there’s not really anyone I can talk to about it so here I am.


Congrats, @handlion! I cannot wait to see a real life name from you!

And eek @elleplume, waiting to see!

@auroradawn, that grandbaby every year thing would make me sad, too. Timing can be so incredible and meaningful (see Olympias…), even if it is for a silly but memorable pattern. Your loss will forever be that gap to you.

Just popping in. Hi everyone!


Yes about the due date! If we are lucky this month ours will be 12/22. I feel like I am symptom spotting for sure but I had some pretty out of the ordinary cramping on [name_f]Wednesday[/name_f] [name_u]Night[/name_u] (full moon vibes!) and then yesterday afternoon my face got super red and hot. I am enjoying my coffee right now (thankfully!) and am 8dpo today :slight_smile:

Heading out on a girls trip next week and not planning to test until I get home, though AF is due on Wednesday/Thursday so it will be pretty obvious either way by that point.


I distinctly remember this happening to me in my first pregnancy! Right around that time too. I remember having an out of the ordinary hot flash and saying to my partner ooh maybe I’m pregnant? It was my first sign and I was pretty sure from that point until I could test a week or so later.

Anyway I haven’t had anything like that this month… just mild abdominal discomfort and anxiety. Just woke at 2am and am worrying about all the logistics of another child as my very demanding co-sleeping toddler lies next to me… that’s why we’ve been sort of ambivalent about having another, we get so enamoured with our toddler and talk about how much we want another all the time, but every month when I’m not pregnant it’s always a relief. :upside_down_face: any 26 month age gap anecdotes out there?


TWW with AF due Sundayish… :crossed_fingers: I wish you could buy babies from the supermarket. This is exhausting. :weary:

We put in paperwork to commence adoption proceedings, but I got an email saying that adoption is so rare here and they have enough approved families waiting, so thanks, but no thanks, here’s your money back… I just about cried.

Some days I feel like maybe we’re not supposed to have kids because the ducks just never seem to line up. :pensive:


I’m a long time reader of the forum and I’m going to be joining the TTC train for the first time very soon! Really nervous about what this is going to hold for us but excited too.


I had that symptom with my last pregnancy, pretty much the whole last month my 1/2 my face felt like it was sunburnt! Fingers crossed for you!

I havent been super active on here as we have been in the middle of starting a new career/applying to schools and moving. But hopefully here in a few months we can start considering ttc a little more seriously

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Welcome! I hope you can find this a safe place to share your journey. Good luck and baby dust to you! Xx

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In the absence of human babies, here is our furbabies being too cute today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

[name_u]Love[/name_u] them and their sweet faces :heart:


[quote=“her05, post:153, topic:423951, full:true”]
my face got super red and hot [/quote]

Oh gosh, did not realise this was a pregnancy thing but my husband commented that my cheeks looked very red when we woke up this morning.

Some slight weird feelings in my belly but could well be anxiety, a little boob tingling and can’t stop peeing today but I had the latter two last month as well and was a negative so having to wait this one out until I can test, spending the long weekend with family so if there’s no sign on AF by the time we get home it’ll be down to the shops to buy a test.

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