Ttc 2023

After a long time of mostly being interested in names just for fun, my spouse and I plan to start NTNP next month and then ttc after we move (ideally in [name_u]June[/name_u], but maybe July). I am feeling pretty worried about it - birth control has actually been pretty great for my mental health.

Part of me would really prefer to wait to start until [name_u]August[/name_u], since getting pregnant right away after a big move would be a lot of adjusting at once if it were to happen right away, but I don’t know how likely we are to actually get pregnant right away anyway.


@NameSearchAccount [name_m]Hi[/name_m] and welcome! It sounds to me like maybe you’re not ready to make this transition to NTNP yet. If you’re already worried about it, I think that’s your hearts way of saying you’re not quite there yet. And yes, fertility is tricky and maybe it will take you a year to concieve, but how woul you feel if you got it first go round? Would you be happy? If not, then I think you are telling yourself the time is not right yet. There’s definitely no perfect time for babies, but there’s no point making yourself miserable and stressed if you’re not there yet. That’s okay and waiting longer is okay. Good luck on your journey xx

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Thanks! The worry isn’t as much about the timing as it is about the possible mental health impact of stopping hormonal birth control. That isn’t something that is related to getting pregnant right away. I just have PMDD and the birth control has been way more helpful than anything else had been. I wouldn’t be unhappy if I got pregnant on the first go. I do think delaying a little makes sense, but (the following is maybe TMI) given the nature of our typical sex life, NTNP is pretty unlikely to end up in pregnancy. Officially ttc would change that since it would require changes.

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After a bout of gastro over the weekend I didn’t know what to expect but the nausea didn’t leave so I just took a test now, 10pm at 10dpo and it was positive :sob::sob:


Congrats!! I am still holding out to wait for a missed period before testing :slight_smile:



Two days late here and no sign of AF, if it gets to [name_m]Thursday[/name_m] I’ll be taking a test, fingers crossed.


Woohoo!! Amazing!!! :partying_face::heart:

Just wanted to pop into here and say 27 months is the gap between my #2 & 3; 18 months is the gap between my first two. I actually wanted a smaller then 27 month gap between #3 and this current almost due one but God had other plans!

It can be crazy! My newest has always arrived when my next youngest has also been co-sleeping and nursing but I love how close in age they all are! My first two we intentionally wanted it so that the oldest never had a chance to realize that he was an only child. They are all best friends and get along well for the most part! Congratulations!


We were aiming for a 20 month gap for the same reason! But it look 6 cycles to be successful. Now I’m worried we’ve hit the opposite of the sweet spot, old enough to know what’s going on but not old enough to be rationalised with? In any case, this is a huge blessing.

I’m also still breastfeeding and co sleeping and don’t know what we’ll do. Kind of hoping Flora will wean herself in the next 6 months but if she doesn’t I may have to close shop myself around 24 months.

Congratulations! Sorry for also popping in when not part of this thread, but wanted to say that we had a 28 month gap. Tbh I found it so hard at first for a whole combo of reasons - horrible morning sickness, emergency c-section, pregnancy-related de quervains tenosynovitis, and just having a newborn constantly wanting to breastfeed and be on me while the other still needed me so much too. I felt so bad like my eldest was missing out on more one-on-one time she needed with me, like the gap was too small.

Another thing that was tricky is that my eldest wanted to still be fed to sleep when I got pregnant with my second but I ended up getting feeding aversions that were just too awful, I’d hoped to tandem-feed but I just couldn’t do it anymore and had to force weaning when she was only 20-23 months or so which was very tricky and emotional for both me and her.

BUT they’re 4 and nearly 2 now, and it is the SWEETEST relationship. 4 yr old can remember things from before her little brother was born, but can’t remember him ever not being there. They adore each other and love to play together, despite vastly different personalities. He’s just gone off to daycare in a pink twirly dress because she was wearing similar to kindy. She teaches him how to scooter, puts power point protectors back in if they’ve been left out to keep him safe, etc. They love jumping in puddles together. There’s arguments too: she likes to carefully line up toy trains and build elaborate block castles whereas he’s a bit rougher and his motor skills don’t really allow him to join in so carefully, but on the whole I’m really happy with the gap and so happy they have each other. It’s just the loveliest sibling relationship.


Took a test this afternoon and there’s definitely a line there!

We’d aiming for a roughly 2.5y gap and would have been 2y4m had I not had a loss at 10w. If this pregnancy sticks I’ll have a 2y11m gap.


Congratulations on the postives!! So happy to see some good news on this thread :heart:

Small update over here. After what happened earlier, I ended up starting my period a few days ago. The doctor gave the go ahead to resume TTC, if I want. I had some lab work done, a general CBC and to check my thyroid levels/dosage, and everything looks great. I’m feeling hopeful this time around!


Yay!! :partying_face: Congratulations!!

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Congrats to all the new positives!! Sending you all sticky baby happy vibes :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

CD14 here, we managed to give it a shot this morning, but it’s the only chance we’ve gotten. I’m not sure when I’m ovulating as I’ve not been testing or temping at all, just kinda hoping for the best. I’m so tired of the process in general, not looking forward to the stress of the TWW. It’s definitely harder to ignore time passing when I’m not working :sweat_smile:


Congratulations to all getting positives! Sending sticky and healthy energy in your directions!

CD16 here but I seem to have a roughly 40 day cycle so not even in my fertile period yet. Still attempting to temp but it’s my first month doing it so I’ve got absolutely no idea if I’m doing it right :joy: I’m pretty sure I’m making quite a few mistakes but I’m also doing OPKs alongside so I’m hoping to get some information from it. We’ve got a horrendously busy next few days with guests etc. But should have a relatively free few days that align with when we need more alone time. Here’s hoping.


You should have seen my first few charts - absolute chaos!! :joy: You’ll get the hang of it.

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[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! Dropping in to say we got a bright positive after testing this morning at 17dpo. By the time I tested I was sure it would be positive because my cycle is so consistent. <3 I am so glad I waited though.


@_thelittlefairywren I am amazed you didn’t actually cry at getting that response from the adoption agency…I absolutely would have.

Congrats to all who got positives! Haven’t been on in a bit and it sounds like quite a few people have.

Another tough chapter in our fertility journey. After 3.5 months of waiting finally got in to see a urologist who specializes in fertility issues. First off we never should have had to wait so long - the doctor and PA were shocked. The doctor has instructed scheduling to make sure cases like ours can see him within two weeks of referral, and apologized several times to us. After much discussion we have a few things to do. [name_f]My[/name_f] husband is going to get a repeat analysis, and on the basis of that we will determine if he should do genetic testing. His concentrating in particular was extremely low, which can be a sign of a genetic disorder. We are trying to find out this week if insurance will cover this at all, because it can be a few thousand dollars otherwise. Then we will return to discuss these results and most likely schedule varicocele repair surgery. If he doesn’t have a genetic condition we have about a 66% chance of it improving (but not normalizing) his sperm parameters, if he has a genetic condition it could still help but the chances and magnitude of help would be much lower. The doctor said at this point he doesn’t think IUI is even worth it and that we would need to go directly to IVF.

I am exhausted by all of this. We have been trying for very nearly a year now, not to count the 8 months I was tracking my cycle and preparing before that. I am slowly coming to terms with this, but it has been really tough.


@Beort12 I am so sorry to hear that your journey has taken a hard turn into even more complicated. I’m crossing my fingers that the issue isn’t genetic and that there’s an easier path ahead. I guess the silver lining is that either way, you have a better idea of your path forward. Is it possible for you to take steps forward regarding IVF already, to shorten the time line? Like starting hormones/harvesting eggs etc?