Unique vintage boys names

I had a trawl through the top 1000 names in the US for the year 1912. I listed the ones whose popularity had dramatically dropped off (and often fallen out of the top 1000) by mid century, so I hope that none of these have dad vibes to the US Berries. Let me know!

Here they are, in order of their popularity in 1912.

[name_m]Ellsworth[/name_m] #312
[name_m]Delmar[/name_m] #372
[name_m]Weldon[/name_m] #374
[name_m]Wilford[/name_m] #401
[name_f]Jewell[/name_f] #434 it was at 209 for girls; alt spelling [name_f]Jewel[/name_f] for boys was at 574 this same year, so there really were a lot of AMAB Jewel(l)s about)
[name_f]Winfred[/name_f] #491
[name_m]Olen[/name_m] #502
[name_m]Elwin[/name_m] #521
[name_m]Haskell[/name_m] #584
[name_m]Guido[/name_m] #592
[name_m]Orrin[/name_m] #635
[name_u]Berry[/name_u] #649
[name_m]Sherwood[/name_m] #735
[name_u]Artis[/name_u] #800
[name_m]Nels[/name_m] #800
[name_m]Elgin[/name_m] #892
[name_m]Erling[/name_m] #935

[name_f]Do[/name_f] you like any of these? I have fallen in love with [name_m]Nels[/name_m]!


[name_m]Guido[/name_m] was my grandfather’s name and I would definetly consider it for a son.

I also appreciate [name_m]Delmar[/name_m], [name_u]Artis[/name_u] and [name_m]Olen[/name_m].

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I love [name_m]Ellsworth[/name_m], [name_m]Orrin[/name_m], and [name_m]Sherwood[/name_m]!

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I love [name_m]Nels[/name_m] :heart_eyes:

[name_u]Artis[/name_u] is pretty cool, [name_m]Orrin[/name_m] is pleasing, and I like [name_f]Jewell[/name_f] for a boy (kind of like [name_u]Jem[/name_u] / Gem). [name_m]Ellsworth[/name_m] feels grand and cool too

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I know a [name_m]Haskell[/name_m] and an [name_m]Orrin[/name_m], both in their 20s! [name_f]My[/name_f] 4x grandfather a brother named [name_f]Jewell[/name_f]

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[name_f]My[/name_f] favourites are:

[name_m]Delmar[/name_m]: I like the meaning, and it’s an honour to my Grandma too (she lives in a town with this name!) He feels very rugged in an ocean-like way :ocean:

[name_u]Berry[/name_u]: I actually think this is so adorable! I picture ruddy cheeks, fingers stained with blackberry juice, messy ringlet hair, barefeet, and popsicles! I love his summery, almost Hobbit-like feel! :strawberry:

[name_m]Sherwood[/name_m]- Reminds me of [name_u]Robin[/name_u] Hood, and has a dashing, handsome feel- I also like the forest imagery and pale green colours of this name! :bow_and_arrow:

[name_m]Nels[/name_m]: So sweet…Again, I get forest imagery and a relaxing dark green colour. He feels like pine trees and the scent of tree sap. I like the slightly feminine sound too :evergreen_tree:

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[name_m]Nels[/name_m] and [name_u]Artis[/name_u] are pretty cool!

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I actually had a great uncle called [name_f]Jewell[/name_f]!

His full sibset was [name_f]Laura[/name_f], [name_m]Avon[/name_m] (b), [name_m]Norvel[/name_m], [name_m]Orville[/name_m], [name_u]William[/name_u], [name_f]Jewell[/name_f] and [name_u]Cecil[/name_u]

I actually really like [name_m]Ellsworth[/name_m], it’s a place name bear where I grew up so it feels really rugged and natural.

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[name_m]Ellsworth[/name_m], [name_m]Delmar[/name_m], [name_m]Elwin[/name_m], [name_m]Sherwood[/name_m], and [name_m]Elgin[/name_m] all have such cool vibes to them!

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[name_m]Nels[/name_m] has been on my list before - I love it! Unfortunately I don’t think we can use it for a little one, but I still think it is such a solid name. I especially love it as a way to honor the family name Nelson/Neilson.

I also think [name_m]Weldon[/name_m] has potential (nn Wells) and I kind of like [name_m]Ellsworth[/name_m] too, but probably as a middle. [name_m]Olen[/name_m] and [name_u]Artis[/name_u] could also be cool.

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I enjoy seeing [name_m]Erling[/name_m] and I’m liking [name_m]Wilford[/name_m] too, similar to [name_u]Earl[/name_u] and [name_m]Wilfred[/name_m] on my list.

I can see the appeal of [name_m]Nels[/name_m]. I think I prefer the sound over the more well known [name_m]Nils[/name_m].

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I love [name_m]Haskell[/name_m]. [name_m]Nels[/name_m] is cool too.

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