Common Nameberry Abbreviations!

I see spells of these threads from time to time so I wondered if it would be helpful to make a master list! These are what I could think of off the top of my head but feel free to add on. I know I’ll forget a few!

Girl/Boy Name Forums, Name Advice, and General Name Discussion
DH = dear husband
DW = dear wife
SO = significant other
OH = other half
DD = dear daughter
DS = dear son
LO = little one(s)
MIL = mother-in-law
FIL = father-in-law
SIL = sister-in-law
BIL = brother-in-law
FTM = female-to-male
AFAB = assigned female at birth
MTF = male-to-female
AMAB = assigned male at birth
FTN = female to non-binary
MTN = male to non-binary
NB = nonbinary
FN = first name
MN = middle name
NN = nickname
GP = guilty pleasure
NOTD = name of the day

[name_u]Baby[/name_u] Name Games
CAF = create a family
DF = dear fiancé/fiancée
DSD = dear step-daughter
DSS = dear step-son
DAD = dear adopted daughter
DAS = dear adopted son
NB = newborn
DC = dear child
NBC = non-binary child
NSRN = names searched right now (referring to an old Nameberry feature that showed current name searches on the database on a bar at the top of the screen. Unfortunately, it’s no longer active)
BNG = baby name game
DGM = dear grandmother
DGF = dear grandfather or dear girlfriend
DBF = dear boyfriend
NTB = name the baby(ies)
nee / née = French word for “born”, usually indicating one’s maiden name. Ex. Hailey Bieber (née Baldwin)

Writer’s Forum
MC = main character
OC = original character (often in a fanfic)
WIP = work in progress
NaNo / NaNoWriMo = National [name_u]Novel[/name_u] Writing Month (a challenge set by an organization of the same name that encourages writers to write 50,000 words in a month, [name_u]November[/name_u])

Parentberries Forum
TTC = trying to conceive
TWW = two-week wait
NTNP = not trying, not preventing
BFP = big fat positive
BFN = big fat negative
CD = cycle day
OPK = ovulation predictor kit
AF = Aunt [name_f]Flo[/name_f]/period
DPO = days past ovulation
FTM = first-time mom
SAHM = stay-at-home mom
BD = baby dance
SMC or SMBC = single mother by choice
DFD = dear foster daughter
DFS = dear foster son

In General
NB = Nameberry
PM = private message
DM = direct message (same thing as a PM)
UC = user card
PFP = profile pic
OP = original poster
PP = previous poster(s)
GMV = got my vote
NMS = not my style
NMSAA = not my style at all
ETA = edited to add
PN = pronounced
TIA = thanks in advance
IMO = in my opinion


Thanks for doing this!


So nice of you to make this! I know so many are confused by these (including myself a few years ago) :smile:

Ftm can also mean first time mom on the momberries forum (I’ve seen this used more on other sites tho)


Thank you for putting this together! I find it funny how many things ‘NB’ can stand for :joy:

The only other ones I can think of would be more family acronyms that are sometimes in generational CAFs: DBF (dear boyfriend), DGF (dear girlfriend or dear grandfather), and DGM (dear grandmother). I think if you know the rest these are probably self-explanatory, though.


This is amazing! The one that I thought of was possibly putting UC for User [name_m]Card[/name_m]

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Edited to add!

I’ll create an ETA on my original post :wink:


Thank you for making this! I am constantly confused :sweat_smile:

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I’ve also seen PN for pronounce(d)/pronunciation :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much for creating this, @SparkleNinja18! I have pinned this to the top of the #all-about-nameberry category, hopefully it will help a lot of newcomers (and possibly some seasoned Berries too) make sense of all the abbreviations here.


Thematic to my massive posts: TLDR (too long didn’t read)

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I’m an ignorant teenberry: who is Aunt [name_f]Flo[/name_f]? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Aunt [name_f]Flo[/name_f]/AF = period

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Oh. I realize now I probably could have figured that out if I thought about it more. :joy: :woman_facepalming:t2:

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This is amazing! Thanks for putting this together. How thoughtful and helpful for new members. You’re a star, @SparkleNinja18 :blush:

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Lol! [name_f]My[/name_f] brain defaulted to “expected time of arrival” :joy::joy:


This is awesome, thanks :slight_smile:
I’ve also seen ADD or ADS on [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Name Games recently, I think they mean adoptive children.

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Thanks this is amazing! LOL I have been on since [name_u]Jan[/name_u]. so I FINALLY know most of them but this helped! I also want to add pfp, profile pic :wink:


we always say estimated time of arrival lol but what does it mean other than that :joy:

edited to add: OH IT MEANS EDITED TO ADD OHHHHH :joy:


So helpful, thank you!

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