tw: death of a parent, depression, unfit parenting, bullying, body shaming, ableism
[name_f]Zoey[/name_f] [name_f]Bastienne[/name_f] McKelvey (10) is Boaz’s daughter and Saskia’s bully. Zoey’s behavior cannot be excused, though it is acknowledged that she has had a hard nine months. Her 10th birthday was 4 months after the death of her mom, and 2 weeks after she was placed in foster care. While she got to call her father and he sent her a present, it was the worst birthday she has ever had. The bullying started at the school she went to during her time in [name_m]Quebec[/name_m], a few months after her mom’s death. It started with exclusion and rudeness, but quickly escalated to bullying a little boy in a wheelchair and body-shaming. After she moved to [name_u]New[/name_u] Brunswick, she found the new main target of her bullying, [name_f]Saskia[/name_f] VanderHeisen. She was invited into the popular girls’ group, consisting of 4 other girls, and she quickly rose to the unnamed “leader”. [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] has easily taken hold of the whole 5th grade class, a sweetheart in front of the teachers and a bully behind the scenes.
Zoey’s time with her foster family, The Loumons, was not easy, but still comfortable. She was respected and the parents, [name_u]David[/name_u] & [name_f]Laura[/name_f], were kind and provided a loving and warm environment. But for [name_f]Zoey[/name_f], she saw a happy family of four (David and [name_f]Laura[/name_f] had two young sons), and felt very on the outs. She couldn’t stop herself from missing her own father and obviously her mom. And for a little while, the older son, [name_u]Leo[/name_u], who was 7, was very mean and said some disgusting things to [name_f]Zoey[/name_f], which could be blamed for some of her behavior. She was a very kind girl before all this happened, but a lot can change, especially as children grow up, and so it’s hard to tell what exactly caused Zoey’s behavioral issues. [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] did grow closer to the younger Loumon son, [name_m]Gavin[/name_m], who was 4. He was somewhat a little sidekick to her for the 4 months [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] was there. He was attached to her hip and cried almost non-stop for the last week [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] was there, not wanting her to leave. [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] still keeps in touch with [name_m]Gavin[/name_m] and his parents, but doesn’t have any kind regards for [name_u]Leo[/name_u], no matter what. “People can say what they want, but I’m stronger than they will ever be.” Has become Zoey’s catchphrase.
Zoey’s friends are also a bunch of bullies, but they find her bossy nature to be quite annoying, all but Zoey’s new best friend, [name_f]Diana[/name_f]. [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] and [name_f]Diana[/name_f] are taking the school by storm, and while they have “friends” they are really the Queen-Bees of the school. Diana’s mom was born in [name_u]France[/name_u] and her dad was born in [name_m]Quebec[/name_m], so she knows [name_u]French[/name_u], and while [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] isn’t fluent, she has learned a lot from her mom and fraternal grandparents. Unfortunately, she didn’t want to go to her Grand-Maman and Grand-Papa, because she was worried about messing up her speech and it was all too hard for her, especially because, at the time, speaking [name_u]French[/name_u] reminded her too much of her mother. Now though, [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] takes [name_u]French[/name_u] lessons after-school on Wednesdays and Fridays, and [name_f]Diana[/name_f] and her have many conversations in [name_u]French[/name_u], hoping to make the other kids feel left-out.
[name_f]Zoey[/name_f] really likes [name_f]Elisma[/name_f], who she fondly calls “Ellie”. She sees the chemistry between [name_f]Ellie[/name_f] and [name_m]Boaz[/name_m], but isn’t sure if she is ready for her dad to love someone new. They are both still grieving the loss of Zoey’s beautiful mother. She doesn’t know, however, that [name_f]Ellie[/name_f] is a good friend of [name_f]Lotte[/name_f] and Saskias’, and she would probably be ashamed if [name_f]Ellie[/name_f] did. [name_f]Saskia[/name_f] doesn’t know that [name_f]Elisma[/name_f] knows [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] either, and this has all gotten a little complicated. [name_f]Elisma[/name_f] likes both the VanderHeisen girls and [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] (as well as her father), but doesn’t know what to do about this situation. [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] was really mad when her backpack was splattered in red paint, and while [name_f]Ellie[/name_f] would normally find it a fine punishment for being a bully, she understands how hard it is for [name_f]Zoey[/name_f], since that now-ruined backpack used to be Zoey’s mother’s, and she had a special note and necklace in there that have now been ruined. And, considering [name_f]Ellie[/name_f] only just found out that [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] is Saskia’s bully, at the time, she thought someone was bulling [name_f]Zoey[/name_f]. She recently talked with [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] and hinted that she knew about the bullying, and hopes that [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] takes her words to heart and becomes a kinder person. She does truly like the young girl.