The All About Nameberry Quick Question Thread

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Where do you see the pronounciations on the name pages now?

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They are right next to the names in grey font. Not every name in the database has a pronunciation attached though.


What is the order based on?

I don’t know, I’m afraid. It’s possible that this isn’t the intended order; many of the lists are displaying in random order at the moment so this could be another example.

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I’m just curious how… um dang it. I forget their username, but [name_u]Charlie[/name_u]’s account says “suspended for inappropriate language”. That’s possible? What counts as inappropriate?

We sent that particular user many warnings about using offensive language that breaks our forum rules, but unfortunately nothing changed so we had to suspend.


Ooh, that looks really cool!

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What does it mean if a user is suspended with the reason “pending”? The particular user I’m thinking of has had that message on her profile for quite a while.

Today there are suddenly a lot more ads on the forums. I use adblock and am on a laptop. I’m just surprised because it’s never been like this where there are ads at the bottom and tops of threads. I’m used to it on my phone but not on my computer. [name_m]Will[/name_m] this be the new normal or is it just something that happened today?


That user was suspended for fakery. Looks like we just never got round to changing the reason on the profile.



Honestly, the ads are not my arena at all.

I know that Nameberry doesn’t choose which ads are displayed — that’s all organised by our ad partner externally.

I also know that we can block specific ads which interfere with functionality, but that this takes a little while. I always pass on any URLs I receive from members.

Sorry I can’t be of more help here!

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My issue right now is the number of ads. For me it wasn’t like that earlier today. Right now, there are:
An ad below the topic
One above your post
One above nvrsobr’s post
One over your previous post, so there are more than there used to be. One ad in every 5 replies.

They take a lot of time to load so they make the whole site slower


Follow question! If there is no pronunciation on a name page, does that mean that pronoucation is obvious or something?

Likely, but not necessarily. It just depends on whether whoever entered the name in the database added a pronunciation. Names have been added (and updated) at different times by different people over the years, including many being brought over direct from [name_f]Pam[/name_f] and [name_f]Linda[/name_f]’s name books when the site was first set up, which is why you might sometimes come across inconsistencies in how they’re entered.

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How to update your profile on mobile?

Click your avatar, then the little person icon, then go to Preferences.

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(reposted because forgot to hide my email address :grimacing:)

Oof. Anyways, that was a lot of help, thanks!