This is a 5 part series. Part 1 was years 0-13, Part 2 was years 14-18, Part 3 was years 19-40, Part 4 is beyears 41-60, and Part 5 will be years 61-80. Of course you can discontinue anywhere along the lines but the option to continue will be there.
Here is Part 1: Years of your life dice game: Part 1/5: The first 13 years
Here is Part 2: Years of your life game: Part 2/5: Years 14-18
Here is Part 3: Years of your life game: Part 3/5: Years 19-40
Here’s your dice: https://www.wizards…d/dice/dice.htm
Roll the dice to determine what happens each year. You can choose whether you want one or two life events to happen per year. You don’t have to do the same number of events per year for ever age group. It’s your choice how detailed you want to be. Roll for every year, ages 41-60.
Life Events (roll a 6 sided dice then go to the section you roll)
Work Events
Health Events
Relationship Events
Child Life Events
Travel Events
Misc Events
Work Events (roll a 20 sided dice)
You or your spouse get a promotion.
You achieve something significant at work.
You have an awful boss. What makes them awful? What do you do about it?
You or your spouse get a raise.
You or your spouse get fired from a job.
You begin volunteer work. Where at?
You or your spouse applied for a new job but were rejected.
You or your spouse get let go from your job.
You and/or your spouse open a business. What kind of business?
You or your spouse get a raise at work!
You or your spouse mess up at work! Are you able to resolve what you did? Are there consequences?
You or your spouse get a promotion.
You transfer for another area in your job! Are you happy with the transfer? Are there any benefits to the switch?
You or your spouse decide to discontinue working in favor of being a house spouse. How do you both feel about it?
You or your spouse get let go from your job.
You or your spouse have a work event/function and it turns out to be a wonderful time! What kind of event/function is it?
You or your spouse get your dream job! What is it?
You or your spouse get a raise.
You have an awful coworker. What makes them awful? What do you do about it?
You begin volunteer work. Where at?
Health Events (roll a 12 sided dice)
You are diagnosed with depression.
You have a health scare! Did you discover you potentially had a disease/illness? Did you experience something scary health wise? What was it?
You experience an illness. What kind?
You break a bone! Which one and how did it happen?
You are diagnosed with a neurodiversity! Which one(s)? [neurodiversity includes ADHD, Autism, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Hyperlexia, Synesthesia, etc]
You experience an injury that permanently disables you. What happened? How will life change to accommodate this?
You are diagnosed with anxiety.
Your doctor tells you you are showing possible signs of heart disease. Do you change your diets or any bad habits to help prevent issue?
You experience an injury that disables you for a period of time. What happened? How are things changing for you?
You or your partner is diagnosed with an allergy. What are you/they allergic to? How much does this alter your lives?
You find a lump in your breast and see your doctor to have it checked. Does it end up benign? Or is it cancerous?
You care for someone with an illness/disease. Who? What kind of illness/disease? For how long do you care for them?
Relationship Events (roll a 4 sided dice then an 8 sided dice)
1.1. Your or your partners parents move in with you for 6 months. Why? How does it go?
1.2. You get married! If already married, you renew your vows.
1.3. You and your spouse decide to put more effort into having regular, unique date nights! What kinds of dates do you plan?
1.4. Your younger sibling your spouses sibling has a baby! If no younger siblings or none older than 15, it’s a friends child. [go to baby section to determine baby’s info]
1.5. You decide to reconnect with some old friends. How did it go?
1.6. You attend a family gathering.
1.7. You get in an argument with your in laws. What happened? Were you able to resolve it?
1.8. Your partner is cheating! Did they come forward or were they caught? Do you decide to move forward working through it together or do you separate?
2.1. If unmarried, you get engaged! If already married, you renew your vows.
2.2. If single, you begin dating someone new. If not, you go on a date to a new place with your partner/spouse.
2.3. Something occurs with your sibling, sibling in law, or best friend to where their children stay at your home temporarily. How long are they staying? How old are they? [child info in CAF]
2.4. Your spouse comes out as LGBTQ+. How does that effect your relationship?
2.5. One of you or your partners parents pass away.
2.6. Your younger sibling your spouses sibling has a baby! If no younger siblings or none older than 15, it’s a friends child. [go to baby section to determine baby’s info]
2.7. You and your spouse decide to put more effort into having regular, unique date nights! What kinds of dates do you plan?
2.8. You get divorced. If not married, you separate from a serious relationship.
3.1. You lose a best friend. What happened?
3.2. You and your spouse renew your vows! If not married, you’re getting married.
3.3. You and your spouse decide to put more effort into having regular, unique date nights! What kinds of dates do you plan?
3.4. You or your partners parents are having marital problems. Roll a dice to see whether they remain together or separate, with even being staying together and odd being separated.
3.5. You host a big family gathering!
3.6. Your younger sibling or your spouses sibling has a baby! If no younger siblings or none older than 15, it’s a friends child. [go to baby section to determine baby’s info]
3.7. You or your spouse decide to cut contact from a family member(s). Who? And what happened?
3.8. One of your siblings, spouses siblings, or close friends passes away. Do they have any children in need of a home and if so, will you adopt them? How do you cope with the loss of your loved one?
4.1. You fight with a family member. What happened? Are you able to resolve it?
4.2. You lose a loved one. Who was it?
4.3. You get married! If already married, you renew your vows.
4.4. You meet someone you’re romantically interested in! If you’re in a relationship, do you end it to pursue a new relationship or do you sort your feelings to be faithful to your spouse/partner?
4.5. Your best friend is going through some difficulties and moves in with you temporarily. Does she bring a partner and/or kids with her? How long does she stay?
4.6. You come out as LGBTQ+. How does that effect your relationship?
4.7. You and your spouse have a huge argument. Are you able to resolve it? Will you need marriage counseling? Or will you separate?
4.8. You attend a big family gathering.
Child Life Events (roll a 20 sided dice. Choose event based on appropriate age of child. Use Baby Events and Name’s for relevant areas)
Your child gets in big trouble. What did they do? What are the consequences? OR if your child is an adult, they have a baby!
You join the PTA of your child’s school. How is that experience? OR if your child is an adult, they get married!
Your child earns an award they worked hard for! What is the award for?
You child joins an after school club. What is it? OR if your child is an adult, they get their dream job!
Your child has a baby/ you become a grandparent (if your child is 15+, otherwise reroll)
One of your children are diagnosed with an allergy. What are they allergic to? How much does this alter their life?
Your child learns to ride something with wheels! What did you learn to ride? (Bicycle, skateboard, roller blades, etc).
Your child gets in trouble at school. Was it an understandable mistake? What happened? OR if your child is an adult, they get married!
Your child comes out as LGBTQ+. How do their loved ones respond?
Your child has art being displayed at a local gallery event! What medium of art does your child do?
One of your children are diagnosed with a neurodiversity! Which one(s)? [neurodiversity includes ADHD, Autism, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Hyperlexia, Synesthesia, etc]
Your child begs for a pet. What kind of pet are they asking for? Do you get it for them? If so, what do they name it? OR if they are an adult, they achieve something great at university!
Your child has a sporting event! What kind of sport do they play? OR if your child is an adult, they have a baby!
Your child begins learning a musical instrument! What instrument do they learn? OR if your child is an adult, they achieve something great at work!
Your child is diagnosed with a serious illness/disease. What is it? How long does it take to recover? Or will it take life long management? How do you handle learning this?
Your child takes up an after school activity. What is it? OR if your child is an adult, they are now in a serious relationship.
You have problems with your childs schooling. What’s going on? Are you able to successfully resolve it? Do you make any changes to their current schooling situation? OR if your child is an adult, they have financial struggles. Are you able to help them?
Your child confides in you about something happening in their life. What is it?
Your childs friends family invites your child to go on vacation with them. Where to? And do you let them go? OR if they are an adult, they have a baby!
You and your spouse decide to become foster parents! Go to the Foster Children section to get further info.
Travel Events (roll a 20 sided dice)
You move to another house. Is it local to where you already live or far off?
You take a family vacation within your country. Where to?
You go on a vacation with your friends. Where to?
You move to a new country. Which one/where at?
You and your spouse have a stay-cation! Do you take the time to visit local attractions or do you rest at home the entire time?
You or your spouse take a business trip. Where to? Do you and your spouse get to go together? If you have kids, where are they during this trip?
You move to a new city. Is it close to where you previously lived or far off?
You take a solo vacation! Where do you go?
You move to a new apartment.
You take a family vacation outside your country. Where to?
You take a road trip. Where do you visit?
You go all out on a weekend getaway with your spouse. Where to?
You take a family vacation outside your country.
You or your spouse win an all expenses paid trip! Where do you go? Do you bring your kids (if you have any)?
You and your spouse take a weekend trip away. Where do you go?
You and your spouse have a stay-cation! Do you take the time to visit local attractions or do you rest at home the entire time?
You or your spouse take a business trip. Where to? Do you and your spouse get to go together? If you have kids, where are they during this trip?
You take a family vacation inside your country. Where to?
You take a road trip. Where do you visit?
You take a solo vacation. Where do you go?
Misc Events (roll a 4 sided dice then an 8 sided dice)
1.1. You get a piercing. Where?
1.2. You have tickets to a major sporting event! Do you enjoy sports? Does your spouse/partner/best friend? Do you go and have an amazing time or do you gift it to a loved one? Which sport and what team are you supporting?
1.3. You buy a new/new to you car! What kind of car is it?
1.4. You get involved with a club/organization. Which one is it and why?
1.5. You or your spouse achieve a life long goal! What is it?
1.6. You experience a big failure. What happened?
1.7. You begin writing a blog.
1.8. You decide to take some dancing lessons. What style of dance do you learn?
2.1. You add a pet to the family. What kind of animal? What do you name it?
2.2. You decide to learn a new language! Which language is it? Do you take classes or do you seek out learning on our own? How well does it go?
2.3. You get in a car accident! Are you injured? Is your car totaled?
2.4. You begin taking a photography class. Do you enjoy it?
2.5. You dye your hair a fun color! What color do you choose?
2.6. You met someone who had a big influence on you! Who is it?
2.7. You or your spouse come upon an inheritance (e.g. a house, money). What do you do with it?
2.8. You decide to try and learn an uncommon hobby/trick. What is it?
3.1. You have a new favorite book! Which one is it?
3.2. A minor natural disaster hits your area. How badly are you affected? Did you have to evacuate your home? Was there any big damage?
3.3. You or your spouse play a game show on television. What game show is it? How do you do?
3.4. You start collecting something. What is it?
3.5. You go to a concert. Who do you see?
3.6. You get a tattoo. Where and what of?
3.7. You join a team/club! What kind is it?
3.8. You discover a favorite spot to connect with nature. Where is it and/or what is it like?
4.1. You begin taking a yoga class. Do you like it?
4.2. You learn how to write calligraphy.
4.3. You win a large sum of money! Where from? What do you do with it?
4.4. You begin taking classes for martial arts. What kind?
4.5. You and/or your spouse appear on the local news. What is going on in town?
4.6. You decide to kick a bad habit. What is it?
4.7. You write a book. What about?
4.8. You learn how to play a musical instrument. Which one?
Name (roll a 20 sided dice)
First letter is the same as the first letter of a parent.
A name with a double letter (ie Elliott, Camille, Anne, Reese)
You choose.
The name honors a relative in some manner.
First letter is the same as the first letter of the surname.
Name honors a favorite childhood book or movie.
The name ends with a consonant.
The name is unisex or has a unisex nickname possibility.
A nature name or a name that has a nature related meaning.
6 letter long name.
A top 50 baby name according to the most recent SSA baby names list.
An animal name or a name with an animal meaning.
A word name (includes nature words, inspirational words, etc)
A 2-4 letter name.
Baby name containing the letter O.
A winter related baby name.
A name relating to the space or the sky.
3+ syllable name.
A name related to science or scientists.
Old fashioned name.
Baby/Child Events (Roll a 20 sided dice. If you roll multiples, roll the dice again to determine the sex of each baby. Even will be girl and odd will be boy. It’s your choice whether the baby/child comes to you biologically, via a surrogate, or by adoption. If you adopt, you can choose their age. You can also decide whether a pregnancies are planned, unplanned, surprise, etc.)
Baby boy
Baby girl
Baby boy
Baby girl
Baby boy
Baby girl
Baby boy
Pregnancy loss, condolences.
Baby girl
Baby boy
Baby girl
Baby boy
Baby boy
Baby girl
Baby girl
Foster Children (roll a 20 sided dice. Use the Name section to choose their names).
You take in an elementary school aged boy
You take in a sibling set of a teenage girl, a preteen boy, and an elementary school aged boy.
You take in twin toddler girls.
You take in an elementary aged girl and her toddler brother.
You take in an infant boy.
You take in a teenage boy.
You take in three elementary aged children, you choose the sex.
You take in two preteen girls.
You take in an infant girl.
You take in a toddler boy and an infant boy.
You take in a elementary aged girl and a toddler boy.
You take in a teenage girl, a preteen girl, and an elementary aged boy.
You take in a teenage boy and an elementary aged girl.
You take in an infant boy.
You take in a teenage boy and a toddler boy.
You take in two elementary aged girls and a toddler girl.
You take in two infant girls.
You take in two preteen boys and an elementary aged boy.
You take in an infant girl.
You take in a two toddlers, a boy and a girl.