Welcome to Hogwarts - Year 2

Part 1: Welcome to Hogwarts - Year 1
Part 3: Welcome to Hogwarts - Year 3

Dear Mr/Ms/Mx (Surname),

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins September 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Welcome back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.

Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

September 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
September 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
September 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
September 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on Friday, October 20th, at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be:

1: Gryffindor/Slytherin
2: Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff
3: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw
4: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
5: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
6: Ravenclaw/Slytherin

(The two not-used houses) will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on Saturday, October 21st.

Are you accepted onto your house’s Quidditch team? (Roll to see if yes or no, if yes it will list what your position is)

1-4: No
5-6: Seeker
7-8: No
9-10: Keeper
11-14: No
15-16: Chaser
17-18: No
19-20: Beater

Remember: If you are accepted onto the Quidditch team, then you will no longer be taking Flying Lessons! However, if you already have 2 clubs/extracurricular activities, then you need to drop one to play Quidditch.

What date did your house play their first match (Oct 20th or 21st) and who was it against?
Did you win the match?
Evens: No
Odds: Yes

Quidditch Rankings (do this even if you did not play Quidditch! roll for each slot)
Winner of the Yearly Quidditch Cup:
Runner Up:
Runner Up:
Runner Up:

1-2: Slytherin
3-4: Hufflepuff
5-6: Gryffindor
7-8: Ravenclaw

Student Form
(Y1 = Fill out this information with applicable information from Year One)

Student Name: Y1
Homeland: Y1
Year: Second
Blood Status: Y1
Magical Inheritances/Maladies: Y1
Looks: Y1
Pet: Y1
Wand: Y1
Clubs/Extracurriculars: (Y1, with adjustments if they play Quidditch)

-Defense Against the Dark Arts:
-Flying Lessons: (delete this class from your list if you play Quidditch)
-History of Magic:

For class grades: roll 8d20 and add up the total. Do this 7-8 times (depending on if you dropped Flying Lessons or not) and assign the final numbers to your classes.

Grading Scale Reminder:
90% or above: O - Outstanding
80-89%: E - Exceeds Expecations
70-79%: A - Acceptable (this is the last passing grade)
60-69%: P - Poor
50-59%: D - Dreadful
49% or less: T - Troll

An example is below!


Dear Ms. Woodward,

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.
Term begins [name_u]September[/name_u] 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
[name_f]Minerva[/name_f] McGonagall

[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.

Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

[name_u]September[/name_u] 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
[name_u]September[/name_u] 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
[name_u]September[/name_u] 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
[name_u]September[/name_u] 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on [name_m]Friday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 20th, at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be: Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff.

Gryffindor and Slytherin will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on [name_m]Saturday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 21st.

Student Name: [name_f]Bluebell[/name_f] [name_f]Atalanta[/name_f] Woodward
Homeland: [name_u]Ireland[/name_u]
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Year: Second
Blood Status: Half Magical, 1/2 Muggle
Any magical inheritances or maladies: No
Looks: Thick, wavy, Pale blonde hair, hooded dark blue eyes, round happy face, shorter and thick
[name_f]Pet[/name_f]: [name_m]Black[/name_m] and white guinea pig named [name_f]Bessie[/name_f]
Wand: [name_u]Juniper[/name_u], Hippocampus hair, 9 3/4 inches
Clubs/Extracurriculars: Magical [name_m]Art[/name_m] and Quidditch - Beater

First Match of the Year: [name_u]October[/name_u] 21st, against Gryffindor
-Who Won: Gryffindor
-Winner of the Quidditch Cup: Ravenclaw
-Runner Up: Slytherin
-Runner Up: Hufflepuff
-Runner Up: Gryffindor

-Astronomy: 78 - A
-Charms: 105 - O
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: 97 - O
-Herbology: 81 - E
-History of [name_u]Magic[/name_u]: 87 - E
-Potions: 95 - O
-Transfiguration: 95 - O

Dear Ms N. Archer,

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins September 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall


  • chaser
  • Gryffindor played their first match with Slytherin on Oct 20th at 5:30 sharp and won!

Quidditch Rankings (do this even if you did not play Quidditch! roll for each slot)
Winner of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Gryffindor
Runner Up: Hufflepuff
Runner Up: Ravenclaw
Runner Up: Slytherin

Nephele Cerelia Archer

  • from Ireland

  • gryffindor

  • second year

  • ¾ magical, ¼ muggle

  • dark auburn-brown hair, hazel eyes

  • pet: black cat named Luna

  • wand: juniper wood, griffin feather core, 12 inches

  • extracurriculars: magical art club, chaser on gryffindor quidditch team

-Astronomy: E
-Charms: O
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
-Herbology: A
-History of Magic: A
-Potions: O
-Transfiguration: E

Dear Ms O’Donnell

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins September 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Welcome back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.

Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

September 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
September 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
September 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
September 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on Friday, October 20th , at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be: Slytherin/Hufflepuff

Gryffindor/Ravenclaw will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on Saturday, October 21st .

Are you accepted onto your house’s Quidditch team? No

What date did your house play their first match (Oct 20th or 21st) and who was it against? Hufflepuff plays against Slytherin in Oct 20th but loses.

Quidditch Rankings:
Winner of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Gryffindor
Runner Up: Slytherin
Runner Up: Hufflepuff
Runner Up: Ravenclaw

Student Form

Student Name: Eithne Melisande O’Donnell
Homeland: Ireland
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Year: 2
Blood Status: ½ Magical, ½ Muggle
Magical Inheritance/Malady: No
Looks: https://gcm.co.nz/i/uploads/artist/thomasin-mckenzie/34611/5da901d7cf6efaa6c8df0c9c3da43067.jpg
Pet: A male grey cat named Houdini
Wand: Beechwood, Centaur hair and 11 ½ inches
Clubs/Extracurricular: Magical Art & Gobstones Club

-Astronomy: A
-Charms: E
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: P
-Flying Lessons: O
-Herbology: O
-History of Magic: P
-Potions: O
-Transfiguration: E

Dear Ms. Bennett,

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins September 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Year 1

Bluebell Ottoline Bennett

  • Homeland: England
  • House: Hufflepuff
  • Year: First
  • Blood Status: Half Blood
  • Magical Inheritance: Metamorphosis
  • Looks: hair style and length changes often, neutral skin, freckles, and blue eyes
  • Pet: Black and White Holland Lop Bunny (Flora)
  • Wand: Juniper wood, Unicorn tail hair core, 8 1/2 inches
  • Clubs: Dueling Club, Magical Music (dropped dueling club)


Astronomy: O
Defense Against The Dark Arts: O
Flying Lessons: O
Herbology: A
History Of Magic: E
Potions: A
Transfiguration: O


My Tryout Dates: September 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
First March of the Year: Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff —Ravenclaw won
My Position: Chaser
Winner of the Quidditch Cup: Gryffindore
Runner up: Hufflepuff
Runner up: Slytherin
Runner up: Ravenclaw

Year 2

  • Astronomy: O
  • Charms: O
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
  • Herbology: O
  • History of Magic: O
  • Potions: E
  • Transfiguration: O

Olwen Cerelia Forester, seen here, is second year Hufflepuff at Hogwarts. She comes from Pembroke, Wales and is 3/4 magical, 1/4 muggle. She and her friendly cat, Warby have settled into life nicely at Hogwarts. Olwen wields an 8 1/2 inch Juniper wood and unicorn tail hair wand.
Olwen loves Magical Art class and she joined the Hufflepuff Quidditch team this year as a keeper.

Hufflepuff played their first match against Ravenclaw on October 20th and won!

Quidditch Rankings:
Winner: Hufflepuff
Runner up: Ravenclaw
Runne rup: Slytherin
Runner up: Gryffindor

This is Olwen’s first year report card:
• Astronomy: 86
• Charms: 94
• Defense Against the Dark Arts: 90
• Herbology: 90
• History of Magic: 93
• Potions: 85
• Transfiguration: 102

Dear Ms Gould,

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins [name_u]September[/name_u] 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
[name_f]Minerva[/name_f] McGonagall

[name_f]Ottoline[/name_f] “Tolly” [name_f]Lowri[/name_f] Gould

Homeland: [name_m]Wales[/name_m]
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Year: Second
Blood Status: ½ Magical, ½ Muggle
Male [name_f]Cat[/name_f]: [name_u]Salem[/name_u]
Wand: Beechwood, Veela Hair, 9 ¼ inches
Extracurriculars: Wizarding [name_m]Chess[/name_m] Club & Magical [name_f]Music[/name_f]


• [name_m]Astronomy[/name_m]: E - 84%
• Charms: O - 96%
• Defense Against the Dark Arts: E - 83%
• Flying Lessons: O - 95%
• Herbology: O - 95%
• [name_m]History[/name_m] of [name_u]Magic[/name_u]: A - 77%
• Potions: O - 125%
• Transfiguration: O - 102%

Quidditch Rankings
[name_u]Winner[/name_u] of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Slytherin
Runner Up: Gryffindor
Runner Up: Hufflepuff
Runner Up: Ravenclaw

Dear Ms Richards,

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins September 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your common room.

September 15th-16th: Ravenclaw

The first match of the year will be held on Friday, October 20th , at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw.

Slytherin & Gryffindor will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on Saturday, October 21st .

Are you accepted onto your house’s Quidditch team?

What date did your house play their first match (Oct 20th or 21st) and who was it against?
On the 20th against Hufflepuff

Did you win the match?

Quidditch Rankings (do this even if you did not play Quidditch! roll for each slot)
Winner of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Slytherin
Runner Up: Hufflepuff
Runner Up: Ravenclaw
Runner Up: Gryffindor

Student Form

Student Name: Madelief Acantha Richards
Homeland: Scotland
Year: Second
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Magical Inheritances/Maladies: Metamorphmagus
Looks: Dark brown hair and brown eyes, medium height (153 cm)
Pet: Solaris the lizard
Wand: teak wood, griffin feather core, 10 ¾ inches
Clubs/Extracurriculars: Astronomy Club

-Astronomy: 84% (E)
-Charms: 67% (P)
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: 63% (P)
-Flying Lessons: 68% (P)
-Herbology: 77% (A)
-History of Magic: 51% (D)
-Potions: 83 (E)
-Transfiguration: 52% (D)

Retook the class due to three poor and two dreadful grades:

-Astronomy: 78% (A)
-Charms: 62% (P)
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: 77% (A)
-Flying Lessons: 93% (O)
-Herbology: 69% (P)
-History of Magic: 84% (E)
-Potions: 65% (P)
-Transfiguration: 78% (A)

Dear Ms Brennan,

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracurricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activities they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins September 1st. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Welcome back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.

Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

September 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
September 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
September 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
September 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on Friday, October 20th, at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw.

Hufflepuff vs Slytherin will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on Saturday, October 21st.

Quidditch Position: Chaser
Quidditch Match Date: 21st October
Match Results: Hufflepuff won
Quidditch Rankings:

Winner of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Gryffindor
Runner Up: Slytherin
Runner Up: Ravenclaw
Runner Up: Hufflepuff

Student Form

Student Name: Eithne Madelief Brennan
Homeland: England
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Year: First
Blood Status: ¼ Magical, ¾ Muggle
Magical Inheritances/Maladies: None
Looks: Long straight blonde hair, green eyes, slim build, 171cm
Pet: Purple Pygmy Puff named Florence
Wand: Beechwood, Hippocampus hair, 11 ½ inches
Clubs/Extracurriculars: Magical Music/Quidditch


-Astronomy: O - 105
-Charms: O - 118
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: A - 76
-Herbology: O - 90
-History of Magic: E - 89
-Potions: O - 94
-Transfiguration: O - 109

Dear Mx. [name_u]Bell[/name_u],

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracurricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activities they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins [name_u]September[/name_u] 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
[name_f]Minerva[/name_f] McGonagall

Quidditch Tryouts: [name_u]September[/name_u] 15-16th

The first match of the year will be held on [name_m]Friday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 20th, at 5:30 pm sharp, and the match will be Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw.

Slytherin and Hufflepuff will play at 4:00 pm sharp on [name_m]Saturday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 21st.

[name_u]Remy[/name_u] makes the Quidditch team as the seeker. Ravenclaw loses their first match.

[name_u]Winner[/name_u] of the Quidditch Cup: Slytherin
Runner Up: Gryffindor
Third Place: Hufflepuff
Fourth Place: Ravenclaw

[name_u]Remy[/name_u] [name_u]Kiernan[/name_u] [name_u]Bell[/name_u]

Homeland: [name_u]Scotland[/name_u]
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Year: second
Blood Status: 1/4 magical, 3/4 muggle
Looks: average height, pale, short wavy dark hair, grey eyes, freckles
[name_f]Pet[/name_f]: owl named [name_u]Neil[/name_u]
Wand: holly and salamander bone, 8 1/2 in
Clubs: quidditch team and dueling club


  • [name_m]Astronomy[/name_m]: O - 96
  • Charms: O - 102
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts: O - 93
  • Herbology: E - 85
  • [name_m]History[/name_m] of [name_u]Magic[/name_u]: E - 85
  • Potions: O - 103
  • Transfiguration: O - 92

Dear Ms [name_f]Summers[/name_f],

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins [name_u]September[/name_u] 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
[name_f]Minerva[/name_f] McGonagall

[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.

Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

[name_u]September[/name_u] 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
[name_u]September[/name_u] 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
[name_u]September[/name_u] 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
[name_u]September[/name_u] 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on [name_m]Friday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 20th, at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be: Ravenclaw v Slytherin

Hufflepuff and Gryffindor will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on [name_m]Saturday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 21st.

Quidditch Position: Keeper

Ravenclaw played their first match on [name_u]October[/name_u] 20th against Slytherin. Ravenclaw won!

Quidditch Rankings:
[name_u]Winner[/name_u] of the Quidditch Cup: Ravenclaw!
-Runner Up: Gryffindor
-Runner Up: Hufflepuff
-Runner Up: Slytherin

Student Name: [name_f]Leocadia[/name_f] [name_f]Celie[/name_f] [name_f]Summers[/name_f] “Leo”

Homeland: [name_f]England[/name_f]

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Year: First

Blood Status: Muggleborn

Magical Inheritance/Malady: N/A

Looks: [name_m]Long[/name_m], dark hair, straight and kept in a bun. Piercing green eyes with tortoiseshell horn-rimmed glasses, fair skin. Athletic build, tall.

[name_f]Pet[/name_f]: [name_u]Gray[/name_u] tabby cat named [name_f]Callie[/name_f]

Wand: [name_u]Holly[/name_u] wood, unicorn tail hair, 11 ½ inches

Clubs/Extracurricular: Dueling Club & Quidditch - Keeper (dropped Charms Club)

-Astronomy: A, 79%
-Charms: O, 106%
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: O, 91%
-Herbology: E, 86%
-History of [name_u]Magic[/name_u]: E, 81%
-Potions: O, 94%
-Transfiguration: O, 114%

Dear Ms [name_u]Rowe[/name_u],

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins [name_u]September[/name_u] 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
[name_f]Minerva[/name_f] McGonagall

[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.

Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

[name_u]September[/name_u] 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
[name_u]September[/name_u] 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
[name_u]September[/name_u] 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
[name_u]September[/name_u] 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on [name_m]Friday[/name_m] , [name_u]October[/name_u] 20th, at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be: Gryffindor/Slytherin.

Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on [name_m]Saturday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 21st.

Are you accepted onto your house’s Quidditch team? No

What date did your house play their first match (Oct 20th or 21st) and who was it against? [name_u]October[/name_u] 21st, against Ravenclaw
Did you win the match? Yes

Quidditch Rankings

[name_u]Winner[/name_u] of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Slytherin
Runner Up: Ravenclaw
Runner Up: Hufflepuff
Runner Up: Gryffindor

Student Name: [name_f]Delphi[/name_f] [name_f]Alouette[/name_f] [name_u]Rowe[/name_u]

Homeland: [name_u]Ireland[/name_u]

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Year: Second

Blood Status: Pureblood

Magical Inheritance/Malady: None

Looks: [name_m]Chin[/name_m] length wavy light brown hair, hazel eyes, fair skin covered in freckles, slightly shorter than average.

[name_f]Pet[/name_f]: Dumbo Sphynx Rat named [name_f]Hebe[/name_f]

Wand: Poplar, Veela Hair, 8 1/2 inches

Clubs/Extracurriculars: Transfiguration Club and Magical [name_f]Music[/name_f]


  • [name_m]Astronomy[/name_m]: E (82%)
  • Charms: O (92%)
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts: P (66%)
  • Flying Lesson: A (79%)
  • Herbology: O (101%)
  • [name_m]History[/name_m] of [name_u]Magic[/name_u]: O (110%)
  • Potions: E (86%)
  • Transfiguration: E (89%)

[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.

Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

[name_u]September[/name_u] 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
[name_u]September[/name_u] 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
[name_u]September[/name_u] 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
[name_u]September[/name_u] 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on [name_m]Friday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 20th, at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be:

5: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor

Ravenclaw and Slytherin will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on [name_m]Saturday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 21st.

Are you accepted onto your house’s Quidditch team? (Roll to see if yes or no, if yes it will list what your position is)

Yes, 5-6: Seeker

[name_f]Remember[/name_f]: If you are accepted onto the Quidditch team, then you will no longer be taking Flying Lessons! However, if you already have 2 clubs/extracurricular activities, then you need to drop one to play Quidditch.

What date did your house play their first match (Oct 20th or 21st) and who was it against?
Did you win the match?
Evens: No
Odds: Yes

Quidditch Rankings (do this even if you did not play Quidditch! roll for each slot)
[name_u]Winner[/name_u] of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Gryffindor
Runner Up: Ravenclaw
Runner Up: Slytherin
Runner Up: Hufflepuff

Student Form

Student Name: [name_f]Madelief[/name_f] [name_f]Plum[/name_f] [name_u]Clarke[/name_u]
Homeland: [name_u]Ireland[/name_u]
Year: Second
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Magical Inheritances/Maladies: None
Looks: [name_m]Brown[/name_m] hair, brown eyes
[name_f]Pet[/name_f]: [name_u]Owl[/name_u] named [name_m]Bear[/name_m]
Wand: poplar wood, unicorn tail hair core, 11.5"
Clubs/Extracurriculars: Quidditch and Transfiguration Club

-Astronomy: 102, O
-Charms: 98, O
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: 101, O
-Herbology: 98, O
-History of [name_u]Magic[/name_u]: 80, E
-Potions: 61, P
-Transfiguration: 116, O

Dear Ms. [name_m]Roberts[/name_m],

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins [name_u]September[/name_u] 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
[name_f]Minerva[/name_f] McGonagall

Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

[name_u]September[/name_u] 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
[name_u]September[/name_u] 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
[name_u]September[/name_u] 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
[name_u]September[/name_u] 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on [name_m]Friday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 20th, at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuff played their first match against Ravenclaw on [name_u]October[/name_u] 20th. We didn’t win.

[name_u]Winner[/name_u] of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Gryffindor
Runner Up: Ravenclaw
Runner Up: Hufflepuff
Runner Up: Slytherin

Student name: [name_f]Zephyrine[/name_f] [name_f]Lowri[/name_f] “Zeph” [name_m]Roberts[/name_m]

Homeland: [name_m]Wales[/name_m]

Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff

Year: Second

Blood status: 1/2 Magical, 1/2 Muggle. Dad’s a Muggle. Mom’s a Witch.

Magical inheritance: 1/4 Veela (Grandma was full Veela)

Appearance: [name_m]Long[/name_m], straight light brown hair (usually worn down or in pigtails), blue eyes

[name_f]Pet[/name_f]: A Niffler named Mimsy

Wand: Poplar, Centaur hair, 10 3/4 inches

Clubs/Extracurriculars: Dueling Club (D.L.) & Magical [name_m]Art[/name_m]

• [name_m]Astronomy[/name_m]: A (77%)
• Charms: A (74%)
• Defense Against the Dark Arts: E (85%)
• Flying Lessons: O (95%)
• Herbology: O (100%)
• [name_m]History[/name_m] of [name_u]Magic[/name_u]: D (54%)
• Potions: D (55%)
• Transfiguration: D (55%)

Dear Ms Peacock,

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins September 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Welcome back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.

Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

September 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
September 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
September 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
September 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on Friday, October 20th , at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be: Slytherin vs Hufflepuff

Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on Saturday, October 21st .

Student Form
(Y1 = Fill out this information with applicable information from Year One)

Student Name: Eithne Nuray Peacock
Homeland: Ireland
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Year: Second
Blood Status: Pureblood
–Any magical inheritances or maladies? No
Looks: Long red hair, blue eyes, fair skin. Athletic build, average height.
Pet: Snowy owl named Kar
Wand: Beechwood, merfolk hair, 12 inches
Clubs/Extracurriculars: Dueling Club, Astronomy Club

First Quidditch match of the Year: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor
-Who Won: Ravenclaw
Winner of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Ravenclaw
Runner Up: Gryffindor
Runner Up: Hufflepuff
Runner Up: Slytherin

-Astronomy: 79 - A
-Charms: 69 - P
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: 58 - D
-Flying Lessons: 96 - O
-Herbology: 62 - P
-History of Magic: 57 - D
-Potions: 96 - O
-Transfiguration: 92 - O

Retook the year due to 4 fail grades:
-Astronomy: 87 - E
-Charms: 82 - E
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: 81 - E
-Flying Lessons: 76 - A
-Herbology: 88 -E
-History of Magic: 89 - E
-Potions: 96 - O
-Transfiguration: 57 - P

Dear Ms. [name_m]Foster[/name_m],

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins [name_u]September[/name_u] 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
[name_f]Minerva[/name_f] McGonagall

[name_f]Welcome[/name_f] back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.

Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

[name_u]September[/name_u] 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
[name_u]September[/name_u] 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
[name_u]September[/name_u] 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
[name_u]September[/name_u] 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on [name_m]Friday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 20th , at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be: Gryffindor VS. Ravenclaw.

(Slytherin and Hufflepuff) will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on [name_m]Saturday[/name_m], [name_u]October[/name_u] 21st .

[name_f]Remember[/name_f]: If you are accepted onto the Quidditch team, then you will no longer be taking Flying Lessons! However, if you already have 2 clubs/extracurricular activities, then you need to drop one to play Quidditch.

Student Form
Student Name: [name_f]Celie[/name_f] [name_f]Adabella[/name_f] [name_m]Foster[/name_m]
Homeland: [name_u]Ireland[/name_u]
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Year: Second
Blood Status: ¼ Magical, ¾ Muggle
Magical Inheritances/Maladies: Metamorphmagus
Looks: She can transform into whatever she wants, but in human form, she is short with blonde hair and blue eyes, along with pale skin
[name_f]Pet[/name_f]: A black cat named [name_f]Luna[/name_f]
Wand: [name_u]Juniper[/name_u], [name_u]Phoenix[/name_u] [name_f]Feather[/name_f], 12 inches
Clubs/Extracurriculars: Magical [name_m]Art[/name_m] and Keeper on Quidditch Team

Slytherin played their first game in [name_u]October[/name_u] 21st against Hufflepuff. They won!

[name_u]Winner[/name_u] of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Slytherin
Runner Up: Gryffindor
Runner Up: Hufflepuff
Runner Up: Ravenclaw

-Astronomy: 91% (O)
-Charms: 77% (A)
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: 92% (O)
-Herbology: 69% (P)
-History of [name_u]Magic[/name_u]: 91% (O)
-Potions: 86% (E)
-Transfiguration: 56% (D)

Dear Ms. [name_u]Hayes[/name_u],

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracurricular activity, if the student already has two clubs extracurricular activities they are a part of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins [name_u]September[/name_u] 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
[name_f]Minerva[/name_f] McGonagall

student name : [name_f]Bluebell[/name_f] [name_f]Eluned[/name_f] [name_u]Hayes[/name_u] “ [name_f]Belle[/name_f] ”

homeland : [name_m]Wales[/name_m]

hogwarts house : Ravenclaw

year : 2nd

blood status : Muggleborn

magical inheritance / malady : Metamorphmagus

looks : the features she’s born with — long black hair, blue eyes, pale, 5 feet tall, looks nimble
(as a metamorphmagus, she likes changing the length or color of her hair)

pet : [name_u]Twilight[/name_u] the [name_m]Black[/name_m] [name_f]Cat[/name_f]

wand : [name_f]Mahogany[/name_f], Kelpie bone, 12 inches

clubs / extracurricular : Magical [name_f]Music[/name_f] & Quidditch Team (seeker)

quidditch :
— first match of the year : saturday, october 21th 4:00 p.m. sharp, against Hufflepuff
— winner of the yearly quidditch cup : Hufflepuff
— runner up : Gryffindor - Ravenclaw - Slytherin

classes :
— [name_m]Astronomy[/name_m] [ E (88%) ]
— Charms [ O (91%) ]
— DADA [ O (91%) ]
— Herbology [ E (86%) ]
— [name_m]History[/name_m] of [name_u]Magic[/name_u] [ O (105%) ]
— Potions [ O (103%) ]
— Transfiguration [ O (122%) ]

Dear Ms. Bennett,

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins September 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Tryouts are on September 15th-16th
The first match will be between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor on Friday October 20th at 5:30. The second will be between Slytherin and Ravenclaw on Saturday October 21st at 4:00.
I did not try out for the team. Ravenclaw won their match!
Winner of Yearly Cup: Slytherin
Runner up: Gryffindor
Runner up: Hufflepuff
Runner up: Ravenclaw

Student Forum:
Student Name: Celie Winsom Bennett
Homeland: Ireland
Year: Second
Blood Status: 3/4 Magical, 1/4 Muggle
Magical Inheritances: Metamorphmagus
Looks: Yellow hair and silver eyes
Pet: Rat
Wand: 8 1/2 inches Cedar with salamander bone core
Clubs: Wizarding Chess Club and Magical Art
Astronomy: E - 80
Charms: O - 98
Defense Against the Dark Arts: T - 49
Flying Lessons: E - 87
Herbology: O - 93
History of Magic: E - 89
Potions: P - 62
Transfiguration: O - 93

Dear Ms [name_m]Moore[/name_m],

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins [name_u]September[/name_u] 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
[name_f]Minerva[/name_f] McGonagall

Name: [name_f]Clotilde[/name_f] [name_f]Bluebell[/name_f] [name_m]Moore[/name_m]
Homeland: [name_f]England[/name_f]
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Year: Second
Blood Status: 1/2 magical, 1/2 muggle
Any magical inheritances or maladies: No
Looks: long curly, dark blonde hair, hazel eyes, light skin
[name_f]Pet[/name_f]: Snowy owl
Wand: [name_f]Mahogany[/name_f]
Core: Dragon Heartstring
Length: 10 3/4 inches
Clubs/Extracurriculars: Dueling club


  • position: seeker
  • We played our first match on [name_u]October[/name_u] 20 and we won!

[name_u]Winner[/name_u] of the yearly quidditch cup: Hufflepuff :pensive:
Runner up: Gryffindor!
Runner up: Ravenclaw
Runner up: Slytherin

-Astronomy: O - 98
-Charms: E - 81
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: O - 94
-Herbology: T - 45 :grimacing:
-History of [name_u]Magic[/name_u] D - 56
-Potions: O - 105
-Transfiguration: O - 97

Dear Ms Flynn,

Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.

Term begins September 1. I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Welcome back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.

Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:

September 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
September 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
September 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
September 28th-29th: Gryffindor

The first match of the year will be held on Friday, October 20th , at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be Slytherin/Hufflepuff

Ravenclaw/Gryffindor will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on Saturday, October 21st .

Are you accepted onto your house’s Quidditch team? No

What date did your house play their first match on October 21st and who was it against? Ravenclaw/Gryffindor
Did you win the match? Yes

Quidditch Rankings (do this even if you did not play Quidditch! roll for each slot)
Winner of the Yearly Quidditch Cup: Ravenclaw
Runner Up: Slytherin
Runner Up: Gryffindor
Runner Up: Hufflepuff

Student Form
(Y1 = Fill out this information with applicable information from Year One)

Student Name: Cosetta ‘Etta’ Ianthe Flynn
Homeland: Ireland
Year: Second
Blood Status: ½ Magical, ½ Muggle
Magical Inheritances/Maladies: Metamorphmagus
Looks: Long, curly auburn hair, dark brown eyes, fair skin, tall for her age
Pet: Norwegian Forrest cat - Elide
Wand: Juniper wood, Veela hair, 10 ¾ inches
Clubs/Extracurriculars: Magical Art and Dueling Club

-Astronomy: E
-Charms: E
-Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
-Flying Lessons: A
-Herbology: O
-History of Magic: E
-Potions: O
-Transfiguration: O