Part 1: Welcome to Hogwarts - Year 1
Part 3: Welcome to Hogwarts - Year 3
Dear Mr/Ms/Mx (Surname),
Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your second year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts are now available to you, please check your common room’s message board for dates of tryouts. Students are advised that if they are accepted onto their house’s Quidditch team, they are no longer required to take Flying Lessons. However, if they are not accepted, they are still required to take the Flying Lessons. Since Quidditch is an extracirricular activity, if the student already has two clubs or extracurricular activites they are apart of, then they will need to choose to either drop a pre-joined activity or forgo playing Quidditch.
Term begins September 1. I hope this letter finds you well.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Welcome back to Hogwarts! I hope that everything you learned in your first year hasn’t all escaped your noggins, and that you are all excited to begin your lessons. Second years will be attending the same courses as they did last year, with the exception of the Quidditch/Flying Lesson exchange that Professor McGonagall wrote to you about in her letter.
Speaking of which! Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in your respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:
September 8th-9th: Hufflepuff
September 15th-16th: Ravenclaw
September 22nd-23rd: Slytherin
September 28th-29th: Gryffindor
The first match of the year will be held on Friday, October 20th, at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be:
1: Gryffindor/Slytherin
2: Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff
3: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw
4: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
5: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
6: Ravenclaw/Slytherin
(The two not-used houses) will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on Saturday, October 21st.
Are you accepted onto your house’s Quidditch team? (Roll to see if yes or no, if yes it will list what your position is)
1-4: No
5-6: Seeker
7-8: No
9-10: Keeper
11-14: No
15-16: Chaser
17-18: No
19-20: Beater
Remember: If you are accepted onto the Quidditch team, then you will no longer be taking Flying Lessons! However, if you already have 2 clubs/extracurricular activities, then you need to drop one to play Quidditch.
What date did your house play their first match (Oct 20th or 21st) and who was it against?
Did you win the match?
Evens: No
Odds: Yes
Quidditch Rankings (do this even if you did not play Quidditch! roll for each slot)
Winner of the Yearly Quidditch Cup:
Runner Up:
Runner Up:
Runner Up:
1-2: Slytherin
3-4: Hufflepuff
5-6: Gryffindor
7-8: Ravenclaw
Student Form
(Y1 = Fill out this information with applicable information from Year One)
Student Name: Y1
Homeland: Y1
Year: Second
Blood Status: Y1
Magical Inheritances/Maladies: Y1
Looks: Y1
Pet: Y1
Wand: Y1
Clubs/Extracurriculars: (Y1, with adjustments if they play Quidditch)
-Defense Against the Dark Arts:
-Flying Lessons: (delete this class from your list if you play Quidditch)
-History of Magic:
For class grades: roll 8d20 and add up the total. Do this 7-8 times (depending on if you dropped Flying Lessons or not) and assign the final numbers to your classes.
Grading Scale Reminder:
90% or above: O - Outstanding
80-89%: E - Exceeds Expecations
70-79%: A - Acceptable (this is the last passing grade)
60-69%: P - Poor
50-59%: D - Dreadful
49% or less: T - Troll
An example is below!