Year 1: Welcome to Hogwarts - Year 1
Year 2: Welcome to Hogwarts - Year 2
Year 3: Welcome to Hogwarts - Year 3
Year 4: Welcome to Hogwarts - Year 4
Dear Mr/Ms/Mx (Surname),
Enclosed is the list of all necessary books and equipment for your fifth year at Hogwarts. Quidditch tryouts will be listed on your common room’s message board, make sure to check there for the dates of tryouts. If you wish to play, you must try out, even if you were on the team last year. As a reminder, fifth years are allowed to have three extracurricular activities (including Quidditch), so if you’re still only a part of two activities, please feel free to join a third.
This year you are eligible to become Quidditch Captain or Prefect. If you meet the criteria, please see the Headmistress before the end of your first week at school to apply. Please note that Prefect does qualify as an extracurricular activity, so if you already have three activities, you will need to drop one (or choose not to become Prefect). If eligible, you are allowed to be both Quidditch Captain and a Prefect, however you must not have more than three extracurricular activities.
Finally, this year you will be taking your Ordinary Wizarding Levels, otherwise known as O.W.L.s. These tests are to test you on your knowledge of all courses you’ve continued to take up through your fifth year. The tests are administered by the Wizarding Examinations Authority department of the Ministry of Magic and will be taken over the course of two weeks at the end of the year, beginning on Monday, June 18th and ending on Friday, June 29th. Enclosed is also the list of what day each O.W.L. test will be on.
Week One
Monday, June 18th – Defense Against the Dark Arts
Tuesday, June 19th – Charms
Wednesday, June 20th – Herbology, Astronomy
Thursday, June 21st – History of Magic
Friday, June 22nd – Care of Magical Creatures
Week Two
Monday, June 25th– Arithmancy
Tuesday, June 26th – Mythology
Wednesday, June 27th – Potions, Muggle Studies
Thursday, June 28th – Transfiguration
Friday, June 29th – Divination, Study of Ancient Runes
Term begins Sept 1. I hope this letter finds you well.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Year five at Hogwarts is upon us and we have a lot to cover this year in preparation for your O.W.L.s! Before we send you off to begin your classes, do you believe you have what it takes to be a Quidditch Captain or a Prefect?
Criteria to roll for Quidditch Captain: you must have played for the previous two years in a row to qualify. If you make Captain you must play the same position you played previously! Please note that just because you do not become Captain doesn’t make you ineligible to play!
- Rolling:
1-4: Not Captain
5: Captain
7-9: Not Captain
10: Captain
Criteria to roll for Prefect: your grades must have been over a 70% (A) for each course last year.
- Rolling:
1-3: Not Prefect
5-6: Prefect
7-9: Not Prefect
10: Prefect
The only other information you need to know concerns Time Turners: if you’ve used one for the past two years for your extra courses, you automatically qualify to use one for this year (you are NOT required to drop a class).
Much like your third year, to be included on your house’s Quidditch team, you must still try out. Fret not, for just like previous years, if you were previously on the team, you do have a higher chance of rejoining!
Quidditch tryout dates are now posted in their respective common rooms. The dates are as follows:
September 8th-9th: Slytherin
September 15th-16th: Gryffindor
September 22nd-23rd: Ravenclaw
September 29th-30th: Hufflepuff
The first match of the year will be held on Friday, October 27th, at 5:30 p.m. sharp and the match will be:
- Gryffindor/Slytherin
- Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw
- Ravenclaw/Slytherin
- Slytherin/Hufflepuff
- Gryffindor/Hufflepuff
- Ravenclaw/Gryffindor
(The two not-used houses) will play at 4:00 p.m. sharp on Saturday, October 28th.
If you were on the team previously, roll here (roll to see if yes or no, if yes then you choose the position you previously played):
- Yes
- No
- No
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
If you weren’t on the team before, roll here (roll to see if yes or no, if yes it will list what position you will play):
- No
- No
- Seeker
- No
- Beater
- Keeper
- Chaser
- No
What date did your house play their first match (Oct 27th or 28th) and who was it against?
Are you Quidditch Captain?
Did you play?
Did you win the match?
Evens: Yes
Odds: No
Quidditch Rankings (do this even if you did not play Quidditch! Roll for each slot)
Winner of the Yearly Quidditch Cup:
Runner Up:
Runner Up:
Runner Up:
1-2: Slytherin
3-4: Ravenclaw
5-6: Gryffindor
7-8: Hufflepuff
Student Form
(Y4 = Fill out this information with applicable information from Year Four)
Student Name: Y4
Homeland: Y4
Year: Fifth
Blood Status: Y4
Magical Inheritances/Maladies: Y4
Looks: Y4
Pet: Y4
Wand: Y4
Clubs/Extracurriculars: Y4 (with adjustments for Captain/Prefect as needed)
Patronus: Y4
Clubs/Extracurriculars List (remember – Quidditch/Quidditch Captain and Prefect each count as one)
- Class Club (you may choose from any class they are currently enrolled in)
- Hagrid’s Haggard Club (where you learn about other magical and mundane species within the wizarding world)
- Muggle Art and Music
- Dueling Club (you may choose from one of the following two clubs: Defense Association, started by Neville Longbottom, or the D.A. for short, OR the Dueling League, started by Draco Malfoy, or the D.L. for short. The two clubs get together at the end of the year to have a dueling tournament)
- Gobstones Club
- The Daily Howler – A Hogwarts-only student-run newspaper with the happenings going on in Hogwarts. Choose from one of the following positions: journalist, reporter, columnist, photographer, illustrator, copy editor, junior editor, assistant editor. (Editor-in-chief is only available to 6th and 7th years)
- Wizarding Chess Club
- Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (aka S.P.E.W., started by Hermione Granger)
- Magical Art
- Magical Music
For this year’s grading system, we are going to be doing things differently (and I’m sorry, it does involve math). For EACH CLASS, you will do the following:
- You will roll 8d20 for both your base class score and your O.W.L. test score.
- You’ll add these numbers together, as well as each score from the previous years (this will either be 2 or 4, depending on if it’s a core class or elective)
- You’ll divide this total number by either 6 or 4, depending on if it’s a core class (taken 5 years) or an elective class (taken 3 years)
- This number will be your final grade for your 5th year
- This number is then to be combined with your O.W.L. score and divided by 2; if this number is less than a 70% (A), then the class needs to be dropped, as the Professors will not accept you into their NEWT-level course (the work would be too hard)
Example 1: Transfiguration (a core class)
- Year 1 score: 79
- Year 2 score: 82
- Year 3 score: 88
- Year 4 score: 91
- Year 5 base score: 94
- OWL test score: 89
- Total: 523
- Divide this number by 6 (4 previous years, base score, and OWL score)
- Real Grade: 87 – E
Example 2: Muggle Studies (an elective class)
- Year 3 score: 92
- Year 4 score: 98
- Year 5 base score: 97
- OWL test score: 89
- Total: 376
- Divide this number by 4 (2 previous years, base score, and OWL score)
- Real Grade: 94 – O
-Defense Against the Dark Arts:
-History of Magic:
-Elective 1 (list the names of your elective classes):
-Elective 2:
-Elective 3:
-Elective 4: (if applicable)
-Elective 5: (if applicable)
O.W.L. Test Scores::
-Defense Against the Dark Arts:
-History of Magic:
-Elective 1 (list the names of your elective classes):
-Elective 2:
-Elective 3:
-Elective 4: (if applicable)
-Elective 5: (if applicable)
Grading Scale Reminder (this applies to OWL scores as well)
90% or above: O – Outstanding
80-80%: E – Exceeds Expectations
70-79%: A – Acceptable (this is the last passing grade)
60-69%: P – Poor
50-59%: D – Dreadful
49% or less: T – Troll